ABSTRAKPada umumnya mahasiswa menunjukkan optimisme yang tinggi, dimana
mereka meyakini bahwa hasil yang baik akan diperoleh setelah menjalani
kehidupan perkuliahan yang penuh dinamika. Namun, tak jarang ditemukan
mahasiswa yang bermasalah atau bahkan gagal selama masa studi mereka. Dan
uniknya, setiap mahasiswa memiliki cara tersendiri dalam menilai penyebab-penyebab
dari setiap kejadian yang dialami (explanatory style) yang nantinya dapat mengarahkan usaha terhadap kejadian-kejadian di masa mendatang.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara
explanatory style dan optimisme pada mahasiswa Indonesia. Partisipan
penelitian ini merupakan 669 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia yang tersebar
dari 13 fakultas. Explanatory style diukur dengan menggunakan Attributional
Style Questionnaire yang dikembangkan Peterson, Semmel, von Baeyer,
Abramson, Metalsky & Seligman pada tahun 1982. Sedangkan optimisme
diukur menggunakan Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) yang
dikembangkan Scheier, Carver, & Bridge pada tahun 1994. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara explanatory
style dan optimisme. Hubungan yang signifikan juga ditemukan antara tiga
dimensi explanatory style dan optimisme, terkecuali dimensi externality vs
internality situasi hipotetikal negatif dan optimisme. Terdapat perbedaan total
optimisme antara mahasiswa dari Jabodetabek dan non-Jabodetabek.
Sedangkan perbedaan jenis kelamin hanya terlihat pada total skor optimisme.
Agama menjadi faktor yang membedakan explanatory style dan optimisme
yang dimiliki individu, dimana pemeluk agama Hindu cenderung memiliki
optimistic explanatory style dan pemeluk agama Katholik lebih optimis
dibandingkan yang lainnya.;Generally, students showed high optimism, which they believe that good results
will be obtained after a life full of dynamic lectures. However, it is not rare to
find students who are troubled or even fail during their studies. Uniquely, each
student has its own way of assessing the causes of any events experienced
(explanatory style) that can later be directing efforts towards events in the
future. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a
relationship between explanatory style and optimism on Indonesian students.
Participants of this study is 669 students of the University of Indonesia, which
is spread from 13 faculties. Explanatory style is measured using Attributional
Style Questionnaire developed by Peterson, Semmel, von Baeyer, Abramson,
Metalsky & Seligman in 1982. Meanwhile, optimism was measured using the
Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) developed Scheier, Carver, & Bridge in
1994. Results of this study indicate that there is a significant correlation
between explanatory style and optimism. Significant correlation was also found
between the three dimensions of explanatory style and optimism, with the
exception of the dimensions externality vs internality of negative hypothetical
situation and optimism. Difference of total score has been found for optimism
among students from Jabodetabek and non-Jabodetabek. While the difference
between the sexes is only visible in the total score of optimism. Religion
became a factor that distinguishes explanatory style and optimism of the
individual, where Hindus are likely to have optimistic explanatory style and
followers of the Catholic religion is more optimistic than others.;Generally, students showed high optimism, which they believe that good results
will be obtained after a life full of dynamic lectures. However, it is not rare to
find students who are troubled or even fail during their studies. Uniquely, each
student has its own way of assessing the causes of any events experienced
(explanatory style) that can later be directing efforts towards events in the
future. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a
relationship between explanatory style and optimism on Indonesian students.
Participants of this study is 669 students of the University of Indonesia, which
is spread from 13 faculties. Explanatory style is measured using Attributional
Style Questionnaire developed by Peterson, Semmel, von Baeyer, Abramson,
Metalsky & Seligman in 1982. Meanwhile, optimism was measured using the
Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) developed Scheier, Carver, & Bridge in
1994. Results of this study indicate that there is a significant correlation
between explanatory style and optimism. Significant correlation was also found
between the three dimensions of explanatory style and optimism, with the
exception of the dimensions externality vs internality of negative hypothetical
situation and optimism. Difference of total score has been found for optimism
among students from Jabodetabek and non-Jabodetabek. While the difference
between the sexes is only visible in the total score of optimism. Religion
became a factor that distinguishes explanatory style and optimism of the
individual, where Hindus are likely to have optimistic explanatory style and
followers of the Catholic religion is more optimistic than others., Generally, students showed high optimism, which they believe that good results
will be obtained after a life full of dynamic lectures. However, it is not rare to
find students who are troubled or even fail during their studies. Uniquely, each
student has its own way of assessing the causes of any events experienced
(explanatory style) that can later be directing efforts towards events in the
future. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a
relationship between explanatory style and optimism on Indonesian students.
Participants of this study is 669 students of the University of Indonesia, which
is spread from 13 faculties. Explanatory style is measured using Attributional
Style Questionnaire developed by Peterson, Semmel, von Baeyer, Abramson,
Metalsky & Seligman in 1982. Meanwhile, optimism was measured using the
Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) developed Scheier, Carver, & Bridge in
1994. Results of this study indicate that there is a significant correlation
between explanatory style and optimism. Significant correlation was also found
between the three dimensions of explanatory style and optimism, with the
exception of the dimensions externality vs internality of negative hypothetical
situation and optimism. Difference of total score has been found for optimism
among students from Jabodetabek and non-Jabodetabek. While the difference
between the sexes is only visible in the total score of optimism. Religion
became a factor that distinguishes explanatory style and optimism of the
individual, where Hindus are likely to have optimistic explanatory style and
followers of the Catholic religion is more optimistic than others.]"