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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dwi Reza Budijanto
"Salah satu upaya untuk mendukung program pembangunan nasional adalah dengan cara menghimpun dan mengelola dana masyarakat untuk kepentingan pembangunan, dan salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan melalui Tabungan. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) cabang Jakarta Kuningan sebagai salah satu bank milik pemerintah telah mempunyai jenis tabungan yaitu Tabungan Mandiri.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana sikap nasabah tabungan pada PT Bank Mandiri cabang Jakarta Kuningan atas bauran pemasaran yang dilakukan manajemen PT Bank Mandiri Cabang Jakarta Kuningan dalam upaya untuk peningkatan penghimpunan dana masyarakat.
Untuk itu penulis melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode penelitian survai, jenis penelitian deskriptif analitis, dengan sampel sebanyak 288 responden. Kuesioner diberikan pada nasabah tabungan yang sedang bertransaksi perbankan.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari tujuh elemen bauran pemasaran dapat dilihat bahwa faktor proses, people dan physical evidence menjadi salah satu faktor yang salinq berkait dan harus lebih banvak diperhatikan oleh manaiemen PT Bank Mandiri Cabang Jakarta Kuningan terutama sekali terletak pada proses dan people. Hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya komplain dan keberatan nasabah yang kurang tertangani dengan baik oleh pegawai PT Bank Mandiri Cabang Jakarta Kuningan.
Sedangkan untuk keempat aspek lainnya (Product, Price, Place dan Promotion) masih dianggap standar dan masih cukup memuaskan keinginan nasabah."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizma Magribhi
"Penyediaan beragam service delivery channel seperti layanan kantor cabang (teller), ATM, SMS banking, phone banking, dan internet banking merupakan sebuah tantangan tersendiri bank. Pihak manajemen bank harus menjaga service quality yang diberikan agar nasabah senantiasa merasa puas. Tesis ini menganalisis kepuasan nasabah terhadap layanan teller dan ATM dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap kepuasan layanan bank secara keseluruhan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan layanan teller dan ATM berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kepuasan layanan bank secara keseluruhan dimana kepuasan layanan ATM menunjukkan pengaruh yang lebih besar. Lebih lanjut, kepuasan berbagai service delivery channel antar bank, gender, dan kelompok usia tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan.

Providing multi-service delivery channels such as bank branch (human teller), ATMs, SMS banking, phone banking, and internet banking is a challenging issue for banks. In order to reach customer satisfaction bank managers must maintain the quality of their service offering. This thesis analyzes customer satisfaction on human teller and ATMs and their contribution to overall satisfaction.
The results indicate that satisfaction on the human teller and ATMs have significant effect on overall satisfaction where the satisfaction of ATMs shows superior effect. Moreover, satisfaction on service delivery channels across bank, gender, and age group is indifferent."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Giri Taufik Kurochman
"Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengukur kesenjangan antara jasa yang dialami dengan yang diharapkan. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui variabel mana yang memiliki korelasi yang kuat terhadap mutu pelayanan. Variabelvariabel ini terdiri dari Compliance, Assurance, Reliability, Tangible, Empathy dan Responsiveness disingkat CARTER.
Hasil One sample t-test didapatkan nilai rata-rata harapan semua variabel mutu pelayanan diatas rata-rata 4,5. Nilai yang terkecil 4,6 dan yang terbesar 4,68. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa keseluruhan responden memandang penting terhadap variabel-variabel tersebut. Sedangkan pada nilai kenyataan mutu pelayanan yang diterima berkisar antara 3,84 sampai dengan 4,36. Artinya pelayanan yang diberikan belum memuaskan.
Dari hasil uji korelasi Kendal tau pada CARTER didapati semua variabel bertanda positif yang menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi/meningkat variabel-variabel tersebut maka akan tinggi juga mutu pelayanan di bank umum syariah. Variabel compliance memiliki korelasi paling kuat terhadap mutu pelayanan.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the level of service quality and customer satisfaction in Islamic banks at east Jakarta from the perspectives of customers. Customers' perceptions are very important especially in the service industry such as the Islamic bank since there is high customer involvement in the delivery of the service itself. Overall, customers of Islamic banks and Islamic insurance companies rated compliance of Islamic laws as the most important dimension when assessing service quality. This indicates that customers of both banks and companies emphasize the importance of compliance to Islamic laws. The result of gap 5 analyses showed that the customers' perceptions for Islamic banks were consistently lower than their expectations. These negative gaps indicated that the delivered service level did not meet their expectations of service quality. The larger the gap, the more serious the service quality shortfall is, from the point of view of customers. According to the findings of this study, the biggest gaps for Islamic banks are related to "staff knowledge's to the product demanded." This analysis is critical because it may be used by the management to identify the service problems in Islamic banks and find ways to solve the problems."
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M Farid Nuranshory
Tingkat persaingan perbankan di Indonesia dalam meningkatkan service delivery
terlihat sangat ketat, setiap bank berupaya untuk menjadi nomor satu dalam
memberikan layanan prima (service excellence) kepada nasabahnya. Disisi lain
saat ini nasabah semakin canggih (sophisticated) dan sangat menuntut
(demanding), sehingga mereka tidak hanya mencari harga yang kompetitif dan
layanan yang baik saja, namun mereka menginginkan experience yang
mengesankan ketika berinteraksi dengan produk maupun layanan yang diberikan.
Hal ini menyebabkan bank harus berpikir ulang mengenai dirinya agar dapat
berkompetisi secara efektif dan mendiferensiasi dirinya di pasar dengan
mengetahui bagaimana nasabah mereka mengalami layanan yang mereka berikan.
Disamping itu bank harus dapat memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
customer experience dalam ber-bank (bank customer experience), komitmen serta
loyalitas mereka terhadap bank yang digunakan. Penelitian ini merujuk pada
konseptual model customer experience dibangun oleh Vehoef et al (2009), model
ini terdiri dari beberapa elemen yang membentuk customer experience, yaitu
social environment, service interface, atmosphere, price, brand, electronic
channel dan past experience. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap nasabah empat bank
besar di Jabodetabek dimana dalam 1 bulan terakhir melakukan interaksi/transaksi
perbankan baik melalui walk-in channel atau e-channel, dari hasil penelitian ini
didapat bahwa faktor service quality menjadi faktor yang berkorelasi paling kuat,
baik terhadap customer experience satisfaction maupun customer emotion
satisfaction, namun demikian tidak hanya service quality saja yang berkorelasi
terhadap customer experience, terdapat faktor-faktor lain yang juga berkorelasi
yaitu brand, bank atmosphere, environment influence dan e-channel serta past
experience. Penelitian ini memberikan hasil bahwa customer experience memiliki
pengaruh kepada customer experience satisfaction demikian halnya dengan
customer emotion satisfaction. Dalam kaitannya dengan customer loyalty,
keduanya memiliki pengaruh yang tidak jauh berbeda, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
customer emotion satisfaction juga menjadi hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan
dalam menciptakan customer loyalty.

Banking competition in improving service delivery in Indonesia looks very tight,
each bank strives to be number one in providing excellent service (service
excellence) to its customers. On the other hand, currently customers become more
sophisticated and demanding, so they are not just looking for the competitive
price and good service, but they want a memorable experience when interacting
with the product or services provided. This led the bank to think again about
themselves in order to compete effectively and differentiate themselves in the
marketplace by knowing how their customers experience to the service that they
provide. In addition, the bank must be able to understand the factors that affect the
customer experience when interacting with the bank (the bank customer
experience), their commitment and loyalty to the bank.
This study refers to the conceptual model of customer experience from Vehoef et
al (2009), the model is composed of several elements of the customer experience,
the social environment, service interface, atmosphere, price, brand, electronic
channel and past experience. Research conducted on the four major bank
customers in Greater Jakarta, where in the last one month interaction / transaction
with the bank either through walk-in channels or e-channel, the results of this
study found that the factor of service quality is the most strongly correlated to
both the customer experience satisfaction and customer emotion satisfaction,
however, not only the service quality are correlated to the customer experience,
there are other factors that also correlate i.e. the brand, the bank atmosphere,
environment influence and e-channel as well as past experience. This study
provides results that the customer experience has impact on customer experience
satisfaction and customer emotion satisfaction. In terms of customer loyalty, both
customer experience satisfaction and customer emotion satisfaction have the
effect is not much different, it indicates that customer satisfaction emotion also be
important to consider in creating customer loyalty., Banking competition in improving service delivery in Indonesia looks very tight,
each bank strives to be number one in providing excellent service (service
excellence) to its customers. On the other hand, currently customers become more
sophisticated and demanding, so they are not just looking for the competitive
price and good service, but they want a memorable experience when interacting
with the product or services provided. This led the bank to think again about
themselves in order to compete effectively and differentiate themselves in the
marketplace by knowing how their customers experience to the service that they
provide. In addition, the bank must be able to understand the factors that affect the
customer experience when interacting with the bank (the bank customer
experience), their commitment and loyalty to the bank.
This study refers to the conceptual model of customer experience from Vehoef et
al (2009), the model is composed of several elements of the customer experience,
the social environment, service interface, atmosphere, price, brand, electronic
channel and past experience. Research conducted on the four major bank
customers in Greater Jakarta, where in the last one month interaction / transaction
with the bank either through walk-in channels or e-channel, the results of this
study found that the factor of service quality is the most strongly correlated to
both the customer experience satisfaction and customer emotion satisfaction,
however, not only the service quality are correlated to the customer experience,
there are other factors that also correlate i.e. the brand, the bank atmosphere,
environment influence and e-channel as well as past experience. This study
provides results that the customer experience has impact on customer experience
satisfaction and customer emotion satisfaction. In terms of customer loyalty, both
customer experience satisfaction and customer emotion satisfaction have the
effect is not much different, it indicates that customer satisfaction emotion also be
important to consider in creating customer loyalty.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisaa Primadini
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kompetensi Customer Service (CS) dari Bank Umum Konvensional (BUK) yang bertugas pada kegiatan Layanan Syariah Bank (LSB). Utamanya kompetensi CS terkait pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang produk dan jasa bank syariah, pemahaman tentang operasional bank syariah, dan pengetahuan tentang prinsip syariah. Penelitian secara survei terhadap 333 responden CS BUK pada tahun 2014 dilakukan dengan metode indeksasi pembobotan (scoring) dengan nilai maksimum 100 poin kepada sejumlah indikator yang dapat mencerminkan tingkat kompetensi CS dari BUK pada kegiatan LSB. Nilai indeks secara industri diperoleh dengan menggabungkan indeks dari masing- masing individu CS BUK melalui perhitungan rata-rata tertimbang. Berdasarkan analisis, indeks kompetensi CS BUK yang melaksanakan kegiatan LSB beserta indeks aspek-aspek kompetensi CS pada kegiatan LSB masuk dalam kriteria memadai (good). Peningkatan kompetensi CS BUK pada kegiatan LSB dapat dilakukan oleh koordinator kegiatan LSB baik di BUK maupun BUS dengan memperbaiki pedoman kerja/standard operating procedure (SOP), dan panduan produk dan jasa yang dinilai belum memadai. Pelatihan tentang perbankan syariah berkala kepada setiap CS BUK pada Kegiatan LSB juga diharapkan meningkatkan kompetensi tentang perbankan syariah. Otoritas Jasa Keuangan selaku otoritas pengawas perbankan syariah dapat melakukan penetapan regulasi untuk meningkatkan komitmen BUK dalam mengembangkan pelayanan kegiatan LSB dengan menetapkan key performance index (KPI) bagi BUK.

This study aims to analyze the competence of Customer Service (CS) of the Commercial Bank (BUK) who served in the Islamic Bank service activities (LSB). The main competence of CS is considered to associate with knowledge and understanding of the products and services of Islamic banks, understanding of Islamic banks operational, and knowledge of Islamic principles. The thesis conduct a survey and give weight to the number of indicators that can reflect the level of competency of BUK CS on the LSB activities.The final results of the thesis are index of competence of BUK CS on the LSB activities and indices of aspects competence of BUK CS on the LSB activities. The Index is counted by scoring with amaximum score of 100 points and the competence index is obtained by combining of each CS index through the calculation of weighted average of individual bank. Based on the analysis of primary datataken from 333 respondents, the index of BUK CS competence on the LSB activities and index aspects of CS competence on the LSB activities, the index of the Indonesia Islamic banking industry come up witha good criteria.Improving the competence of BUK CS for LSB activities can be carried out by coordination both BUK and BUS in the LSB activities byrepairing the standard operating procedure (SOP), and the products and services guidelines. Periodical training on Islamic banking to each CS BUK on the LSB activities are also expected to improving the competence of Islamic banking. Financial Services Authority as an Islamic banking supervisory authorities can improve the regulatory concerning BUK commitment to developing services LSB activities by establishing Key Performance Index (KPI) for BUK."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library