Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis faktor penentu pemilihan perlengkapan keselamatan bersepeda (safety equipment), menganalisis prioritas pemilihan perlengkapan keselamatan bersepeda (safety equipment) saat bersepeda di jalan raya, dan mengevaluasi faktor pengaruh perilaku (behavior) menyimpang pengendara sepeda terhadap tingkat keselamatan bersepeda di jalan raya. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner dengan dua metode, yaitu cycling experiment dan menggunakan Bicycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (BRBQ). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, prioritas pemilihan penggunaan perlengkapan keselamatan bersepeda (safety equipment) adalah Lampu Sepeda, Helm, Pakaian Reflektif, Sepatu, dan Sarung Tangan. Faktor penentu pemilihan perlengkapan keselamatan bersepeda yang utama adalah Compliance (Kesesuaian dengan standar keamanan), Protection (Keamanan), dan Comfort (Kenyamanan). Selain itu, Terdapat sembilan pengelompokkan dimensi baru pada BRBQ, yaitu Notice Failures, Cycling Aggressive Action, Intention of Violation, Stunts, Distractions, Signaling Violation, Cycling Rage, Infrastructural Problem, dan Action of Violation. ......This study was conducted to analyze the determining factors in the selection of cycling safety equipment, assess the prioritization of cycling safety equipment when cycling on the road, and evaluate the influence of cyclist’s behavior on the level of cycling safety on the road. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire with two methods, cycling experiment and the Bicycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (BRBQ). Based on the research findings, the prioritization of cycling safety equipment usage are Bicycle Lights, Helmets, Reflective Clothing, Shoes, and Gloves. The main determining factors in the selection of cycling safety equipment are Compliance, Protection, and Comfort. Additionally, there are nine new dimensions in the BRBQ, namely Notice Failures, Cycling Aggressive Action, Intention of Violation, Stunts, Distractions, Signaling Violation, Cycling Rage, Infrastructural Problem, and Action of Violation.