Hoyi Siantoresmi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan yang dihadapi PT Erha Dennato Center dalam menerapkan sistem waralaba sebagai upaya menambah saluran distribusinya. Sistem waralaba dipilih karena dinilai paling sesuai dengan situasi, kondisi dan kebutuhan perusahaan. PT Erha Dermato Center adalah sebuah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak di bidang dermataceurical, mempunyai produk perawatan kulit erha2l medicated skin care dan klinik perawatan kulit erha2l Skin Clinic.
Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh PT Erha Dermato Center disebabkan karena minimnya referensi mengenai aplikasi sistem waralaba di bidang pelayanan kesehatan. Karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh deskripsi atau gambaran tentang upaya penerapan sistem waralaba di PT Erha Dermato Center.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data-data dan informasi diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan informan, studi dokumen dan observasi secara langsung.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel-variabel yang berpengaruh dalam penerapan sistem waralaba di PT Erha Dermato Center adalah Merek Dagang; Keuangan; Standar; Marketing; Pelatihan, Bantuan dan Bimbingan; serta Hukum.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan diambil kesimpulan bahwa pengembangan jaringan distribusi yang dilakukan oleh PT.EDC belum dapat dikatakan sebagai sistem waralaba, melainkan Peluang Bisnis, yang merupakan embrio waralaba. Kesimpulan berikutnya adalah, tiap variabel mempunyai beberapa sub-variabel yang terpenting. Sub-variabel merupakan satu atau dua hal yang terpenting dalam setiap variabel. Variabel Merek Dagang mempunyai sub-variabel registrasi merek dagang dan hak paten. Variabel Keuangan memiliki sub-variabel investasi dan biaya waralaba. Variabel Standar sub-variabelnya yaitu mutu dan kepuasan pelanggan. Variabel Marketing mempunyai sub-variabel jaringan distribusi. Variabel Pelatihan, Bantuan dan Bimbingan mengandung sub-variabel hubungan jangka panjang antara pemilik waralaba dengan pembeli waralaba. Sedangkan sub-variabel untuk variabel Hukum adalah perjanjian kerjasama. Diantara variabel-variabel tersebut, yang terpenting adalah variabel Merek Dagang dan Standar.
Sebagai saran dikemukakan agar merek dagang erha2l dipelihara sebagai aset, aspek keuangan dalam sistem waralaba di PT Erha Dermato Center dikaji secara berkala dan dibakukan, standar perlu dievaluasi supaya lebih lengkap namun mudah dimengerti, proses seleksi pembeli waralaba disempurnakan. Perlu dibentuk tim khusus untuk memberikan pelatihan, bantuan dan bimbingan secara terus menerus, dan perjanjian kerjasama perlu disempurnakan dan dibakukan. Untuk aplikasi sistem waralaba di rumah sakit, disarankan hanya untuk jenis pelayanan tertentu saja yang sifatnya perawatan dengan tetap mempertahankan adanya ketergantungan pembeli waralaba kepada rurnah sakit pemilik waralaba.
Analysis of the Application of Franchising System of PT Erha Dermato Center Year of 2002This study was derived from the problem facing by PT Erha Dennato Center in its effort to apply a franchising system in order to increase its distribution channels. The franchising system was chosen because it was considered to be in line with the situation, condition and the needs of the company. PT Erha Dermato Center is a private company in the field of dermatoceutical. Its products are the erha2l medicated skin care line and the skin care clinic ; erha2l Skin Clinic.
The problem facing PT Erha Dermato Center was due to the minimal number of references specific for the application of franchising in the health services industry. Therefore this study is targeted to dig up the relevant variables which will effect the application of the franchising system for PT Erha Dermato Center and the dynamics of said variables.
This is a case study utilizing a qualitative approach. The data and information collected through in-depth interview with informants, documents study and direct observations.
The result of the study shows that the variables effecting the application of a franchising system for PT Erha Dermato Center are; Trade Mark, Finance, Standard, Marketing, Training, Operational Assistance and Consultation, and Law.
Based on the study and analysis, it was concluded that every variable had several important sub-variables. The said variables manifested itself as one or two main importance within each variable. The "Trade Mark" variable has the sub-variables Trade Mark Registration and Patent Right. The "Finance" variable has the sub-variables Investment and Franchising Fee. The "Standard" variable has the sub-variables quality and customer satisfaction. The "Marketing" variable has the sub-variable distribution channels. The "Training, Operational Assistance and Consultation" variable has the sub variable long range relationship between the franchisee and its franchisor. And the "Law" variable has the sub-variable Co operational Contract. Concerning the variables above the most important ones are Trade Mark and Standard.
It is recommended that the trade mark erha2l be treated as an asset, the financial aspect of the franchise should be evaluated from time to lime, the standards should be routinely evaluated and revamped to make it even more complete but easier to comprehend, the process of franchisee selection needs to be improved, there is a need for a specific team to handle the training, assistance and consultation on an on-going basis, and the legal cooperation contract needs to be perfected and standardized. For the application of franchising for general hospital, it is recommended to be applied for certain specific service only in the field of health care while still maintaining the dependency of the franchisee to its franchisor.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 7829
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library