"Di industri modern, kelelahan kerja adalah fenomena kompleks yang disebabkan berbagai faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi kelelahan pada pekerja mebel. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Februari ? Maret 2013 di suatu perusahaan mebel di Kabupaten Jepara. Penelitian ini adalah dengan desain potong lintang melibatkan 70 orang responden. Kelelahan kerja diukur menggunakan reaction timer, stres kerja diukur menggunakan General Health Questionnaire-12. Monoton kerja, kerja lembur, motivasi, konflik kerja diukur dengan wawancara. Status gizi diukur dengan indeks massa tubuh (IMT). Rata-rata intensitas kebisingan atau Level Equivalent diukur dengan sound level meter, penerangan lokal diukur dengan lux meter, iklim kerja dengan questemp, dan beban kerja diukur dengan denyut nadi. Data diuji dengan kai kuadrat dan multivariat dianalisis dengan visual partial least square. Kelelahan kerja dipengaruhi oleh umur (nilai p = 0,018), monoton kerja (nilai p = 0,053), dan konflik kerja (nilai p = 0,019). Menurut analisis multivariat, kelelahan kerja dipengaruhi langsung oleh konflik kerja, stres kerja, lingkungan fisik, dan kapasitas kerja. Secara tidak langsung, kelelahan kerja dipengaruhi motivasi melalui stres kerja dan melalui beban kerja dan stres kerja, beban kerja melalui stres kerja dan melalui kapasitas kerja. Faktor yang memengaruhi kelelahan kerja adalah konflik kerja, lingkungan fisik tempat kerja, kapasitas kerja, dan stres kerja.
......In modern industries, fatigue is complex phenomenon caused by various factors. This study aimed to find out the factors related to fatigue case of furniture workers. This study was conducted in February - March 2013 at a furniture company in Jepara. Desaign of this study was cross-sectional method with 70 respondents. Fatigue was measured using reaction timer, General Health Questionnaire-12 was used to measure psychological distress. Monotony, overtime work, motivation and conflict was measured using Penyebab Kelelahan Kerja pada Pekerja Mebel Factors Caused Fatigue among Furniture Workers Dina Lusiana Setyowati* Zahroh Shaluhiyah** Baju Widjasena** questionnaire. BMI was used to measure nutrition status. A daily noise Level equivalent was estimated using sound level meter; illumination was estimated using lux meter; heat stress was estimated using questemp and workload was estimated using heart rate. Data was analyzed using chi-square and multivariate was analyzed using visual partial least square program. Results of the research indicated that there was a relationship between age (p value = 0.018), monotonous (p value = 0.053), conflict at work (p value = 0.019) and fatigue. Multivariate analysis, which were conflict at work, stress of work, physical work environment and work capacity had a direct effect to the fatigue. Motivation had an indirect effect through stress at work and it had an indirect effect through the workload and stress at work. Physical workload had an indirect effect through stress at work to the fatigue and had an indirect effect through work capacity to the fatigue. The dominant factor related to fatigue is conflict at work, physical work environmental, work capacity and stress at work."
Universitas Mulawarman, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2014