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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hani Irianti Pahlevi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi alat ukur baru untuk Perfeksionisme. Alat ukur baru dikembangkan melalu studi percontohan yang berfokus pada dua aspek perfeksionisme yang adaptif i.e., high standard dan maladaptif i.e., discrepancy perfeksionisme. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini menjadi 12-item skala perfeksionisme dengan dua sub-skala yaitu high standard dan discrepancy. Alat ukur ini diberikan kepada 167 mahasiswa University of Queensland yang terdaftar dalam kelas Measurement of Psychology PSYC3020 . Perhitungan Alpha Cronbach dan analisis korelasi pada tiga hipotesis validasi dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi reliabilitas dan validitas dari skala ini. Hasil analisa tersebut menunjukan konsistensi internal menyeluruh yang sangat baik dan dua dari tiga hipotesis validasi didukung. Alat ukur ini selanjutnya diadministrasikan pada 30 mahasiswa Indonesia yang menempuh studi University of Queensland sebagai sampel perdana alat ukur ini untuk mendapatkan data mengenai derajat perfeksionisme yang mereka miliki.
The present study is conducted to develop and evaluate a new scale on Perfectionism. The new scale was developed through pilot study which focus on two aspects of perfectionism which is adaptive i.e., high standards and maladaptive i.e., discrepancy perfectionism. A final 12-item Perfectionism Scale with two subscales; high standard and discrepancy, were tested. The scale was administered to a total of 167 University of Queensland students who enrolled in Measurement in Psychology PSYC3020 course. Cronbach rsquo; Alpha calculation and correlation analysis on three validation hypotheses was performed to evaluate the reliability and validation of the scale. An excellent overall internal consistency was reported, and two of the three validation hypotheses were supported. The scale was also administered to a total of 30 Indonesian international students at University of Queensland to further evaluate the current measure. High score of Perfectionism was found amongst them. The present scale can be applied in consultation session to measure one rsquo;s perfectionism scale which might appeared as a contributing information during the case formulation process.
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lepi Tanadjaja Tarmidi
Abstrak :
Agriculture in Indonesia is still an important sector in the economy, while for several outer provinces it constitutes the most important economic activity. However, there exists a wide discrepant in agricultural development between in particular Java/Ball and the eastern part of Indonesia. This is the very central issue which the author intents to capture the attention of policy makers in the field of agricultural development. The most advanced region for agricultural cultivation is highly concentrated on the island of Java, while in many parts of eastern Indonesia agricultural cultivation is still underdeveloped in terms of number of plant varieties, product quality and productivity. And these backward farmers belong to the poor group in the population. This wide discrepant in agricultural development is being demonstrated through a number of tables and personal observations by the author. Soil condition, climate and inputs do of course determine the volume, quality and kind of output, but know-how about agricultural technologies is no less important, and this is lacking in the Eastern regions. Unfortunately, thus far the central as well as the local governments do not put much attention to regional agricultural development. Therefore the government should change this attitude or rather its negligence about the problem, because through education in agricultural technologies and extension services the farmers in the outer regions could improve their agricultural technical know-how, contribute to regional development and hence their income.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naura Cintantya Khairunnisa
Abstrak :
In adult patients if the jaw discrepancy is too great to compensate for, and camouflage by tooth movement alone, surgery is the only way to obtain a resonable result. Before surgery, the orthodontist must establish not only anteropostrior and transverse position, but also the vertical position of the teeth. Inadequate orthodontic preparation can jeopardize the quality of the surgical result. Occlusion is important but satisfactory facial esthetic must accompany it. A good team work between orthodontist and oral surgeon is the key of succes of the treatment, which will be shown in case reports of 3 patients.
Jakarta: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heppi Yana Syateri
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui dan mengukur tingkat kesenjangan antardaerah kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Banten dan mengetahui hubungan faktor-faktor mempengaruhi tingkat kesenjangan di Provinsi Bengkulu serta dampak faktor-faktor tersebut terhadap tingkat kesenjangan. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dengan runtun waktu (Time Series) periode 1983-2003. Untuk perhitungan tingkat kesenjangan digunakan Indeks Williamson. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kesenjangan dan tingkat kesenjangan di Provinsi Bengkulu digunakan model persamaan regresi berganda dengan bantuan software Eviews 3.00. Model regresi yang digunakan adalah model double log linear dengan variabel bebas yaitu Investasi (digunakan pendekatan dengan nilai PMTDB), jumlah tenaga kerja, jumlah sumbangan dari pemerintah pusat yang diterima oleh daerah dan pengeluaran konsumsi rumah tangga. Dari hasil perhitungan Tingkat Kesenjangan antar daerah didapatkan hasil bahwa tingkat kesenjangan selama periode 1983-2003 berfluktuatif dan semakin menurun. Nilai terendah terjadi pada tahun 1999 sebesar 0,16 dan tertinggi pada tahun 1984 sebesar 0,49. Hasil estimasi didapatkan bahwa variabel PMTDB dan Tenaga Kerja memiliki hubungan yang negatif yang berarti apabila jumlah PMTDB dan Tenaga Kerja meningkat maka akan menurunkan tingkat kesenjangan. sedangkan variabel sumbangan memiliki hubungan yang positif artinya apabila jumlah sumbangan meningkat maka akan meningkatkan tingkat kesenjangan. Dari besarnya koefisien, maka variabel sumbangan lebih elastis dibandingkan dengan tenaga kerja dan PMTDB. Hasil penelitian tersebut memiliki implikasi kebijakan yang diarahkan pada peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi antara lain kebijakan peningkatan investasi dan kebijakan tenaga kerja.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhiajeng Cinthya Prativi
Abstrak :
Angka residivis tahun 2020 menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki 24.000 residivis dengan tingkat residivis global 18.12%. Tidak dipungkiri bahwa Klien Balai Pemasyarakatan (Bapas) juga turut andil dalam angka tersebut. Penting untuk melakukan studi tentang bagaimana jajaran internal Bapas mempersepsikan kinerja mereka sendiri karena kinerja yang sesuai dengan harapan atau ideal dinilai dapat memberikan hasil kerja yang efektif, efisien, dan adaptif, namun apabila kinerja tidak mencapai standar atau harapan maka diskrepansi akan terjadi dan akan memberikan efek domino pada hal yang lain. Penelitian ini terkhusus akan membahas kinerja atas tugas pokok dan fungsi dalam program pendampingan, pembimbingan, dan pengawasan Klien oleh PK. Terdapat dugaan bahwa pada 4 kantor Bapas wilayah DKI Jakarta telah memunculkan diskrepansi atau kesenjangan antara persepsi harapan dengan persepsi realita perihal pelaksanaan tupoksi PK yang didasari oleh persepsi kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan total 197 responden yang kemudian dilakukan Crosstab Chi-Square dan Uji F pada item atau indikator yang didasari oleh teori Masa Percobaan, teori Rehabilitasi, dan Teori Intervensi Sosial, serta konsep Penilaian Dimensi Kinerja SDM. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pada 4 kantor Bapas wilayah DKI Jakarta, kinerja SDM Bapas tidak mampu mencapai persepsi harapan sehingga diskrepansi terjadi. Konsep yang dapat melengkapi teori pada penelitian ini dan sekaligus sebagai aspek yang tidak ditemukan pada tiap – tiap Bapas di wilayah DKI Jakarta yakni: (1) Work-Performance Aspect; (2) Self-Motivation Aspect; (3) Five Competency Aspect; dan (4) Climate Organization. ......The 2020 recidivism rate shows that Indonesia has 24,000 recidivists with a global recidivism rate of 18.12%. It is undeniable that Correctional Center Clients (Bapas) also contributed to this figure. It is important to conduct a study of how the internal ranks of Bapas perceive their own performance because performance that is in accordance with expectations or ideal is considered to be able to provide effective, efficient and adaptive work results, but if performance does not reach standards or expectations then discrepancies will occur and will have an effect dominoes on other things. This research will specifically discuss the performance of the main tasks and functions in the assistance program, mentoring, and supervision of Clients by PK. There is an allegation that in the 4 Bapas offices in Jakarta there has been a discrepancy or gap between perceptions of expectations and perceptions of reality regarding the implementation of the duties and functions of PK based on work perceptions. This study used a descriptive quantitative method with a total of 197 respondents who then carried out the Chi-Square Crosstab and F test on items or indicators based on the theory of Trial Period, Rehabilitation theory, and Social Intervention Theory, as well as the concept of HR Performance Dimensional Assessment. The results show that in the 4 offices of Bapas DKI Jakarta, the performance of Bapas' human resources is not able to achieve the perception of expectations so that discrepancies occur. Concepts that can complement the theory in this research and at the same time serve as aspects that are not found in each of the Bapas in the DKI Jakarta area, namely: (1) Work-Performance Aspect; (2) Self-Motivation Aspect; (3) Five Competency Aspects; and (4) Climate Organization.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Desiany
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi selisih tarif INACBGs dan tarif rumah sakit pada kasus rawat inap pneumonia di rumah sakit X tahun 2014 dengan tujuan mengurangi defisit rumah sakit. Disain penelitian adalah kuantitatif korelasional menggunakan data sekunder dan catatan rekam medis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama rawat maximal 9 hari, penggunaan maximal 11 jenis obat dengan maximal 4 jenis obat paten tidak menimbulkan selisih negatif tarif INACBGS dan tarif rumah sakit. Defisit dapat dikurangi dengan memperpendek lama rawat, meningkatkan peresepan obat generik, mengatur penggunaan obat, dan meningkatkan kualitas resume medis
This study concerns about factors that affect discrepancy between INACBGs and Hospital Rates in pneumonia cases treated at X hospital in 2014 with the aim of reducing hospital deficit. This study is a correlational quantitative research using secondary data and medical records. The results showed that maximum length of stay of 9 days, maximum use of 11 kinds of pharmaceutical drugs with maximum 4 kinds of brand name drugs do not cause hospital deficit due to discrepancy in rates. The deficit can then be reduced by shortening the length of stay, improving generic drug use, regulating the use of pharmaceutical drugs, and improving the quality of medical resumes
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sutrasno Kartohardjono
Abstrak :
Salah satu tugas BPH Migas (Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi) meliputi pengaturan, penetapan dan pengawasan pengusahaan transmisi dan distribusi Gas Bumi melalui pipa. Dalam melakukan pengawasan kegiatan usaha pengangkutan dan niaga gas bumi, BPH Migas melakukan pengawasan on desk melalui verifikasi volume atas kesesuaian data dukung, dan pengawasan on site (lapangan) dengan melakukan pengecekan lapangan berdasarkan data dukung yang dilaporkan oleh Badan Usaha. Permasalahan yang terjadi di lapangan diantaranya terdapat temuan di mana selisih pada Neraca Gas Badan Usaha yang disebabkan oleh beberapa perbedaan seperti jenis alat ukur gas bumi, atau losses. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pedoman teknis pengukuran volume gas bumi, Mendapatkan metode untuk menentukan kandungan energi gas bumi yang terdapat di dalam pipa gas, dan mendapatkan pedoman teknis verifikasi volume gas bumi. Hasil studi telah berhasil mendapatkan Pedoman teknis pengukuran volume gas bumi di titik terima dan di titik serah dan dapat digunakan untuk verifikasi penyaluran gas bumi di lapangan. Selain itu telah juga dibuat kalkulator untuk perhitungan energi linepack dapat digunakan dilapangan dan telah divalidasi oleh simulator proses kimia dengan perbedaan hanya sekitar 1,1%. ......One of the tasks of BPH Migas (Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Agency) includes regulating, determining, and supervising natural gas transmission and distribution operations through pipelines. In handling natural gas transportation and trading business activities, BPH Migas conducts on-desk supervision through volume verification of the suitability of the supporting data and on-site (field) supervision by conducting field checks based on the supporting data reported by the Business Entity. Problems in the field include findings where several factors, such as the type of natural gas measuring instrument or losses, cause the difference in the Gas Balance of Business Entities. This study aims to obtain technical guidelines for measuring the volume of natural gas, obtaining methods for determining the energy content of natural gas contained in gas pipes, and obtaining technical procedures for verifying natural gas volume. The results of the study have succeeded in getting technical guidelines for measuring the volume of natural gas at the receiving point and the delivery point and can be used to verify the distribution of natural gas in the field. Apart from that, a calculator for linepack energy calculations has also been made, which can be used in the field and has been validated by a chemical process simulator with a difference of only about 1.1%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrian Dede Handika
Abstrak :
Banyak peneliti telah menyelidiki log file linac untuk Quality Assurance (QA) teknik Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) dan Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT). Dibandingkan antara QA konvensional berdasarkan pengukuran, QA menggunakan log file menawarkan berbagai keuntungan termasuk spasial dan resolusi temporal yang lebih tinggi. Ini berarti QA menggunakan log file tidak memerlukan detektor dan fantom dalam pengukurannya, dan dapat diperoleh secara otomatis serta memberikan informasi untuk pengiriman fraksional setiap pasien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan dan merekonstruksi distribusi dosis 3D untuk QA khusus pasien IMRT berdasarkan log file linac menggunakan metode Modified Clarkson Integration (MCI). Log file dari linac Varian Unique diekstraksi dan dihitung untuk memperoleh distribusi dosis 3D menggunakan MATLAB versi 2016a. Kemudian, distribusi dosis dari log file dibandingkan dengan DICOM RT Dose dari Treatment Planning System (TPS) Eclipse. Kalkulasi dosis menggunakan metode MCI untuk lapangan sederhana dengan berbagai variasi (teknik, luas lapangan, dan kedalaman) memiliki dikrepansi kurang dari ± 2% pada isocenter. Di sisi lain, kalkulasi evaluasi gamma indeks dengan berbagai kriteria Dose Difference (DD) dan Distance to Agreement (DTA) 3%/3 mm, passing rate di atas 95%, sedangkan kriteria untuk 2%/2 mm dan 1%/1 mm di atas 90%. Kalkulasi evaluasi gamma indeks 2D untuk pasien IMRT dengan kriteria 4%/4 mm dan 3%/3 mm, passing rate masing-masing di atas 90% dan 85%. Evaluasi 3D gamma indeks lebih baik daripada 2D untuk kriteria 4%/4 mm dan 3%/3 mm. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa metode MCI dan log file dapat digunakan untuk kalkulasi dosis dan alternatif patient-specific QA IMRT. ......Many researchers have investigated the linac log file for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Quality Assurance (QA). In comparison between the conventional QA based on measurements, QA using log files offers various advantages including spatial sampling and higher temporal resolution. It does mean not require tools and phantoms in its measurements, but the QA based log file can be automatically generated and provide information for patient fractional delivery. The aim of this study was to develop and reconstruct 3D dose distribution for IMRT patient-specific QA based on linac log file using Modified Clarkson Integration (MCI) method. Linac log file from Varian Unique was extracted and calculated to 3D dose distribution using MATLAB version 2016a. Then, dose distribution from the log file was compared with DICOM RT Dose from Eclipse Treatment Planning System (TPS). Dose calculations using the MCI method for simple open fields of various variations (techniques, field size, and the depth) had discrepancy less than ±2% at isocenter. On the other hand, the calculation of gamma index evaluation with various criteria Dose Difference (DD) and Distance to Agreement (DTA) of 3%/3 mm, the passing rate is above 95%, while the criteria for 2%/2 mm and 1%/1 mm above 90%. Calculation of gamma index evaluation 2D for IMRT patient with various criteria of 4%/4 mm and 3%/3 mm, the passing rate is above 90% and 85%, respectively. Evaluation Gamma Index 3D is better than 2D for criteria 4%/4 mm and 3%/3 mm. This result showed that MCI method and the log file can be used for dose calculation and alternative IMRT patient-specific QA.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darayu Calvert Wilson
Abstrak :
Perbedaan antara tes untuk infeksi tuberkulosis (TB) yang resistan terhadap obat menjadi lebih umum karena alat diagnostik menjadi lebih bervariasi. Hal tersebut membingungkan dokter karena belum ada tes TB diagnostik cepat dengan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang baik. Kasus suspek-TB di RSUPP, pusat primer dan tersier untuk kasus TB paru Indonesia, disaring dengan GeneXpert MTB / RIF dan dikonfirmasikan dengan uji kepekaan obat anti-tuberkulosis. Discrepancies between tests for drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) infections are becoming more common as diagnostic tools become more varied. These discrepancies confuse clinicians because there is not yet a rapid diagnostic TB test with good sensitivity and specificity. Suspected-TB cases at Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Perhasabatan (RSUPP), a primary and tertiary center for Indonesia’s pulmonary TB cases, are screened with GeneXpert MTB/RIF and confirmed with conventional drug- susceptibility testing (DST).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Corbin, Charles B.
Abstrak :
Agriculture in Indonesia is still an important sector in the economy, while for several outer provinces it constitutes the most important economic activity. However, there exists a wide discrepant in agricultural development between in particular Java/Ball and the eastern part of Indonesia. This is the very central issue which the author intents to capture the attention of policy makers in the field of agricultural development. The most advanced region for agricultural cultivation is highly concentrated on the island of Java, while in many parts of eastern Indonesia agricultural cultivation is still underdeveloped in terms of number of plant varieties, product quality and productivity. And these backward farmers belong to the poor group in the population. This wide discrepant in agricultural development is being demonstrated through a number of tables and personal observations by the author. Soil condition, climate and inputs do of course determine the volume, quality and kind of output, but know-how about agricultural technologies is no less important, and this is lacking in the Eastern regions. Unfortunately, thus far the central as well as the local governments do not put much attention to regional agricultural development. Therefore the government should change this attitude or rather its negligence about the problem, because through education in agricultural technologies and extension services the farmers in the outer regions could improve their agricultural technical know-how, contribute to regional development and hence their income.
Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000
613.7 COR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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