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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Andhika Budiantono Irfan
Abstrak :
Dalam dunia arsitektur, teknologi bangunan saat ini berkembang pesat. Demikian juga banyak ditemukan metode perancangan arsitektur yang membantu, bahkan mempermudah pekerjaan seorang arsitek. Di sisi lain, keragaman budaya dan sumber daya alam Indonesia menambah wawasan arsitek dalam kemampuan merancang. Sementara itu, seorang arsitek juga dituntut untuk dapat memiliki kemampuan dalam menghasilkan karya arsitektur yang berkelanjutan. Self-healing material hadir sebagai salah satu konsep teknologi material yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam perancangan arsitektur sehingga diharapkan dapat memperpanjang usia material pada konstruksi sebuah bangunan. Studi ini akan mempelajari konsep tersebut dan pengaruhnya dalam dunia arsitektur. ......In the world of architecture, building technology is currently developing rapidly. Likewise, many architectural design methods are found that help and even facilitate the work of an architect. On the other hand, the diversity of Indonesia's culture and natural resources adds to the architect's insight in the ability to design. Meanwhile, an architect is also required to have the ability to produce sustainable architectural works. Self-healing material is present as one of the material technology concepts that can be utilized in architectural design so that it is expected to extend the life of the material in the construction of a building. This study will study the concept and its impact in the world of architecture.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Widiyanto
Abstrak :
Penciptaan nilai value creation dari sebuah produk merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting bagi kelangsungan bisnis sebuah UMKM. Beberapa metode peningkatan daya saing yang ada seringkali tidak dapat diimplementasikan pada UMKM di Indonesia dikarenakan skalanya yang sangat kecil, sehingga diperlukan pendekatan lain yang lebih mendasar dan dapat diimplementasikan dengan lebih baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada UMKM Rere rsquo;s Kitchen dengan produk saus Bolognese yang berada di bawah naungan WFW Women for the World yang berada di daerah Jakarta Timur dengan menggunakan metode business coaching, dimana coach akan melakukan serangkaian sesi coaching dan diskusi dengan pemilik dari UMKM untuk menemukan permasalahan yang paling mendesak untuk diselesaikan. Analisis terhadap kondisi UMKM menunjukkan bahwa saus Bolognese Rere rsquo;s Kitchen tidak mampu bersaing secara kompetitif di pasar karena harga yang terlalu tinggi sebagai konsekuensi dari proses produksi yang tidak pernah dioptimasi. Penyebab lain dari tidak kurangnya daya saing ini juga dikarenakan kekeliruan dalam memahami strategi nilai ldquo;kesegaran rdquo; freshness . Proses business coaching yang dilakukan menunjukkan perlunya melakukan product re-development untuk meningkatkan daya saing. Product re-development yang dilakukan menghasilkan penurunan HPP sebesar 18 . Sesi lebih lanjut juga memperlihatkan bahwa Rere rsquo;s Kitchen perlu mengevaluasi kapasitas produksinya untuk mendukung pengelolaan inventori yang berdampak positif terhadap daya saing produk. Kesimpulan dari keseluruhan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa UMKM Indonesia seringkali membutuhkan pendekatan yang berbeda dan lebih spesifik untuk meningkatkan daya saingnya. Penelitian ini hanya dilakukan kepada sebuah UMKM dengan lini bisnis makanan yang terletak di Jakarta Timur. Terlepas dari batasan yang ada, hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat kepada UMKM Rere rsquo;s Kitchen sebagai objek penelitian.
Value creation is very important to ensure SME rsquo s business survival. Some well known competitiveness improvement approach often unsuitable for Indonesian SME because of its small scale, hence there is a need for another approach which more basic and implementable. This study was done in an Indonesian SME named Rere rsquo s Kitchen with its Bolognese sauce under WFW Women for the World located at East Jakarta using business coaching method where coach will perform several coaching session and discuss with the owner to gather the most urgent problem to be solved. Analysis towards SME rsquo s current condition shows that Bolognese Sauce product is unable to compete competitively in the market caused by overpriced condition as a result of un optimized production cost. Other cause of the uncompetitive condition was the false lsquo freshness rsquo strategy employed by the SME. Business coaching sessions performed conclude that there is a need to re develop the product rsquo s details in order to increase product rsquo s competitiveness. The product re development allow Rere rsquo s Kitchen to optimize Bolognese Sauce rsquo s COGS resulted in COGS reduction to 18 . Further sessions also revealed the needs for Rere rsquo s Kitchen to re evaluate production capacity to support product rsquo s inventory management which positively influence product rsquo s competitiveness. The conclusion of the overall study revealed that Indonesian SME often need a different and specific approach to increase their competitiveness. This study was only conducted on a single specific SME food and beverage business located at East Jakarta, Indonesia. Despite the limitation introduced, the findings of this study could be a benefit for SME Rere rsquo s Kitchen.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Nickel slag which is a waste product of nickel mining in Soroako, Kabupaten Luwu Utara, and Province South Sulawesi deposited in allarge amount and is not used optimally. The use of Nickel slag for road construction by mining authority just as base materials. For that reason, this study is aimed to evaluate technically the use of Soraoako?s Nickel slag as coarse aggregate in wearing course asphaltic mixtures focused to evaluate asphaltic durability. The mixture used in this study is a No 11 of SNI gradation type. The nickel slag content is combined with coarse aggregate in variation of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The optimum asphalt content is determined by varied asphalt content in range of 4.5% to 6.5% by 0, 5% increment. The mixture durability test is conducted according to standard Marshall immersion (24 hours immersed at temperature of 600 C) andmodified Marshall Immersion (immersed at temperature of600 C for 4, 7 and 14 days). Performance analysis of the mixture is expressed by Retained Strength Index (1KS), the First Durability Index (IDP) and the Second Durability Index (IDK). As the result, it was known that Nickel slag Streak can be used finely either combined by conventional coarse aggregate or as the coarse aggregate in asphaltic mixture. The mixture that content Nickel slag Soroako is more durable against water infiltration compared the mixture that content conventional course aggregate.
624 CANT 1:2 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Yuliani
Abstrak :
Penyakit hawur daun bakteri (HDB) merupakan salah satu kendala dalam peningkatan produksi padi. Penggunaan varietas tanah merupakan carapengendalian yang efektif dan mudah diterapkan petani. Tulisan ini membahas heritabilitas dan sumber gen ketahanan varietas padi terhadap penyakit HDB dan strategi mempertahankan durabilitas varietas tahan sebagai salah satu upaya pengendalian melalui pemulihan tanaman mendukung upaya peningkatan produksi padi. periaktan dan pengembangan varietas tahan berperan penting mengendalikan penyakit DB, karena memilki mekanisme ketahanan genetik yang dapat diwariskan kepada keturunannya. Varietas dengan ketahanan vartikel mudah dipatahkan oleh patogen, sehingga perlu upaya perakitan varietas dengan ketahanan horizontal. Untuk memperoleh keturunan tanaman padi yang tahan terhadap penyakit HDB dalam perakitan varietas, posisi tetua tahan sebaiknya diperankan sebagai tetua betina yang memilki daya gabung khusus yang tinggi. sifat ketahanan HDB dari populasi tetua yang mengandung gen dari hasil silang ganda memilki heritabilitas lebih tinggi. Populasi turunan dari silang ganda memilki ketahanan multigenik dan berpeluang menghasilkan individu rekombian tahan untuk periode yang lama (durable). Ketersediaan varietas tahan yang durable menjadi syarat utama dalam pengendalian penyakit HDB secara berkelanjutan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan perbaikan ketahanan varietas melalui perakitan varietas dengan berbagai sumber ketahanan, di antaranya padi liar, padi lokal, dan padi intoduksi.
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2017
630 JPPP 30:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kumar, Arun
Abstrak :
This work investigates the fresh, mechanical and durability properties of normal, Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) and Smart Dynamic Concrete (SDC), which are a new generation of concrete with a lower amount of cementitious content. SDC is a low-fine, self-compacting concrete, that combines the benefits of normal concrete (stability) and self-compacting concrete (fresh properties). Fresh properties such as slump flow, L-box and V-funnel tests were investigated to evaluate its self-compacting properties. Mechanical properties such as compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strengths were also examined to compare its effectiveness with normal concrete. In addition to the fresh and hardened properties, the rapid chloride permeability test was also conducted to check the durability of normal, SCC and SDC concrete mixtures. The test results of the fresh properties clearly showed that SDC exhibited superior flowability in the slump flow, L-box and V-funnel tests within the limits of EFNARC (The European Federation of Specialist Construction Chemical and Concrete Systems) guidelines. The mechanical properties of SDC attained higher compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength compared with the normal and SCC concrete mixtures. The rapid chloride permeability tests result of SDC clearly showed that SDC exhibited similar and better results than that of normal and SCC concrete mixtures.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:4 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mustapha Mohammed Alhaji
Abstrak :
Black Cotton Soil (BCS) collected from Guyuk, Adamawa State- North-eastern Nigeria, was treated with 0 to 100% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in 10% steps to evaluate the microstructure and strength of the compacted mixtures. The index property results show that the BCS and RAP are classified under clay of high plasticity (CH) and poorly graded sand (SP) respectively, according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). An extraction test gave a RAP bitumen content of 5.99%, which is within the value of 5–6% recommended in the literature. An x-ray diffraction test carried out on both the BCS and RAP showed that the BCS predominantly consisted of quartz, microcline, albite and kaolinite, which is similar to the results obtained in the literature, while the RAP, however, consisted of quartz, albite, orthoclase, phylogopite and actinolite, which is slightly different to what is reported in the literature, probably due to the source of the bitumen. The results of compaction, at a modified energy level, conducted on the mixtures, show that the Maximum Dry Density (MDD) increased from 1.890 to 2.034 mg/m3 at 30% RAP content, after which the value fell to1.925 mg/m3 at 100% RAP content. The Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) however, decreased from 13.7% at 0% RAP, to 8.8% at between 40-60% RAP content, after which the value increased marginally to 9.5% at 90% RAP. Similar to the MDD, the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) increased from 11% at 0% RAP to a maximum of 35% at 30% RAP content, after which the value fell to 5% at 100% RAP content. 30% RAP is therefore the optimal mixture giving the highest strength and can be used as a sub-base material for roads with light traffic use, according to the Nigerian General Specification for Road and Bridge Works. Hence the 3.07% bitumen obtained for this mixture can be adopted as the fixation point for BCS-RAP mixtures. Durability was found to be far lower than the resistance to loss in strength of 80% suggested in the literature.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:4 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arifin Djakasaputra
Abstrak :
Dunia usaha sekarang ini mengalami lingkungan persaingan yang kompleks dan dinamis. Di situasi seperti ini, pelanggan sangat berkuasa untuk menuntut. Mereka berharap memperoleh tingkat kualitas produk yang tinggi dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Perusahaan yang ingin maju harus mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif untuk produknya, dan mereka harus melakukan inovasi secara kontinyu. Situasi pasar otomotif dunia pun sudah sedemikian dinamis dan kritis, hal ini mendorong produsen untuk terus menciptakan produk unggulan. Pasar menginginkan kualitas terbaik dengan harga yang terjangkau. Otomatis persaingan bisnis kian ketat, variabel harga dan merek pun menjadi parameter kritis konsumen. Bagi produsen, hal ini berarti efisiensi produksi. Dalam penelitian ini, diduga konsumen mengevaluasi kualitas berdasarkan dimensi-dimensi kualitas yang penting bagi mereka, bukannya kualitas secara keseluruhan. Evaluasi konsumen yang seperti ini seringkali disebut sebagai pandangan multi dimensi terhadap kualitas. Menghantarkan produk berkualitas ke dunia konsumen membutuhkan semacam pemahaman terhadap dimensi-dimensi kritis yang dipakai oleh konsumen dalam menilai kualitas. Konsumen sering menilai kualitas suatu produk berdasarkan petunjuk yang bersifat informatif yang berhubungan dengan produk tersebut. Petunjuk yang informatif tersebut kadangkala berasal dari intrinsik produk itu sandhi dan dapat pula dari ekstrinsik yang berasal dari luar produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model 6 dimensi kualitas untuk produk mobil sedan berdasarkan model konseptual mengenai Perceived Quality yang dikembangkan oleh Bruck. Keenam dimensi kualitas tersebut adalah versatility, ease of use,durability, serviceability, performance dan prestige, yang digunakan untuk mencari tahu dimensi-dimensi kualitas apa saja yang berperan penting di persepsi konsumen dalam menilai produk mobil sedan di Jakarta, untuk itu dilakukan 4 macam treatmen terhadap variabel harga dan merek juga variabel pemasaran lainnya seperti jenis mobil. Dengan menggunakan metoda MANOVA GLM Repeated Measures, hasil akhir analisa dengan software SPSS ver 10.01 didapat dimensi kualitas durability, serviceability dan performance yang signifikan. Durability mencerminkan daya tahan suatu produk dalam beroperasi, serviceability meliputi aspek perbaikan dan kemudahan akses untuk melakukan perbaikan serta tanggung jawab dan keramahan petugas dalam menanggulangi masalah yang dihadapi konsumen. Dan performance adalah kinerja produk yang keandalannya dapat dipercaya konsumen. Ketiga dimensi kualitas ini juga secara tidak langsung mencerminkan betapa rasionalnya persepsi konsumen dalam menilai kualitas produk mobil sedan. Kesimpulan yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa pemasar harus mampu memberi porsi yang lebih pada dimensi-dimensi kualitas yang dianggap signifikan dimata konsumen agar program-program pemasaran yang dilakukannya dapat berjalan sesuai dengan apa diharapkan oleh konsumen.
Recently business world have experienced complex and dynamic competitive environment. In this situation, customers are very powerful to demand. They wish got high grade quality product with the reached cost. The company which want to be better must get competitive advantage for their product, and they must do innovation in a continue manner. In automotive world market also had dynamic and critical situation, this matter pushed producent always to create superior product. Market wants to the best quality product with the reached price. Automatically, the business competition is stricter, price and brand name variables become a critical parameter to consumer. For producent, this meant efficiency of production. In this study, consumer was estimated to evaluation quality depend on which important dimension of quality for them, not an overall of quality. This evaluation often called as a multidimensional perspective of quality. Delivering quality products to consumer world requires an understanding of the critical dimensions and cues that consumer use to judge quality. Consumer often judges quality of product based on informative cues that relation with the product. The informative cues mentioned occasionally came from the product itself and also could from the outside of the product. This study did with using six dimensions of quality model for car product, based on conceptual model about perceived quality that developed by Bruck. Six dimensions of quality are versatility, ease of use, durability, serviceability, performance and prestige, that used to know what dimension is more important on consumer perception when judge product of car in Jakarta. For that, four treatment did to price and brand name variables and also others marketing variables such as type of car, with using Manova GLM Repeated Measures that included in software SPSS ver 10.0I.The results shows that durability, serviceability and performance are dimensions of quality that significant for consumer. Durability reflects how well the product is in operation and the length of time the product works properly. Serviceability involves aspect maintenance of product and reliability of service and also the responsiveness of service personnel. And Performance refers to how well the product does what it is supposed to do. This three dimensions also reflect how rational consumer perception in judge quality product of car. This conclusion shows that marketer must determine the relevant quality dimensions for a product and the cues that are salient for judging those dimensions.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulina Reza Putri
Abstrak :
Pemanfaatan bahan ramah lingkungan dalam stabilisasi tanah telah berkembang dalam satu dekade terakhir. Studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa menambahkan enzim urease dalam larutan kalsium klorida dan urea mampu meningkatkan parameter kuat geser pasir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperkenalkan pemanfaatan tanah lempung untuk meringankan kinerja kalsit yang dihasilkan dalam campuran enzim urease dan larutan kalsium klorida-urea. Campuran ini kemudian dicampur secara manual pada campuran pasir-lempung dan diperam selama 4 minggu, dan selanjutnya diuji dengan uji direct shear dan permeabilitas setiap dua minggu pemeraman untuk menentukan perubahan nilai permeabilitas dan parameter kuat geser dari pasir yang telah distabilisasi. Selain itu, juga dilakukan pengujian durabilitas untuk melihat ketahanan lekatan antar butiran hasil biosementasi. Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan adanya kenaikan nilai kohesi dari 0 kPa menjadi 73 kPa dan penurunan nilai permeabilitas pasir dari 2,4 x 10-4 menjadi 1,62 x 10-6 m/s, yang disebabkan oleh bioclogging dan penambahan tanah lempung.
Utilization of environmentally friendly materials in soil stabilization has grown in the last decade. Recent studies have shown that adding urease enzyme in calcium chloride and urea solution would lower the permeability and improve the shear strength properties of sand. The purpose of this research is to introduce the usage of clay to lighten the performance of calcite produced in the mixture of urease enzyme and calcium chloride urea solution. This mixture is then mixed manually with the sand clay mixture, cured for 4 weeks, and further tested its effect with permeability test and direct shear test conducted every two weeks of curing. The test is done in order to determine the change in permeability and development of the shear strength properties of the stabilized sand. Moreover, a durability test was also conducted to test bond strength between soil particles. The results of the tests showed an increase in cohesion from 0 kPa to 73 kPa and a decrease in sand permeability from 2,4 x 10 4 to 1.62 x 10 6 m s due to bioclogging and the addition of the clay mixture.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zaskia Hana Ayesha
Abstrak :
Dengan sektor konstruksi mengalami kebangkitan pertumbuhan, pasti memiliki dampak lingkungan yang merugikan. Permintaan energi selama umur bangunan sangat penting, karena dampaknya berlangsung sepanjang umur bangunan. Ada dua jenis dampak yang perlu diperhatikan selama tahap penggunaan; diwujudkan dan dampak operasional. Cladding memainkan peran penting dalam mengurangi dampak lingkungan bangunan. Jadi, memilih bahan kelongsong dengan dampak lingkungan yang rendah sangat penting. Di Indonesia, material komposit daur ulang kayu-plastik mulai tumbuh menanggapi permintaan material yang berdampak rendah dan masalah limbah. Studi ini menyelidiki dampak lingkungan dari kelongsong komposit plastik daur ulang kayu selama tahap penggunaan, dari perspektif daya tahan material dan konduktivitas termal dalam konteks tropis. Tinjauan daya tahan dan kinerja termal pertama kali dilakukan untuk memahami sifat material. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menganalisis dampak lingkungan dari komposit daur ulang kayu-plastik selama tahap penggunaan dengan menggunakan teori-teori sebelumnya pada bab dua dan hasil review durabilitas dan konduktivitas termal pada bab 3 sebagai acuan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa komposit daur ulang kayu-plastik memiliki dampak lingkungan yang rendah. Hal ini disebabkan daya tahan material yang tinggi terhadap faktor degradasi tropis dan konduktivitas termal yang rendah. Ketahanan yang tinggi dan konduktivitas termal yang rendah berkontribusi pada perawatan & penggantian material yang minimal dan mendorong pengurangan beban pendinginan, sehingga menurunkan kebutuhan energi yang menghasilkan emisi dan limbah. ......With the construction sector experiencing a resurgence in growth, it is bound to have a detrimental environmental impact. The energy demand during the building service life is crucial, as the impact lasts throughout the building’s life. There are two types of impact that needs to considered during the use stage; the embodied and the operational impact. Cladding plays an important role in reducing the environmental impact of buildings. Thus, choosing a cladding material with a low environmental impact is essential. In Indonesia, Wood-plastic recycled composite material is starting to grow responding to the low-impact material demand and waste problem. This study investigates the environmental impact of wood-recycled plastic composite cladding during the use stage, from the perspective of material durability and thermal conductivity within a tropical context. A review of the durability and thermal performance is first conducted to understand the material's properties. Then, it is followed by analyzing the environmental impact of the wood-plastic recycled composite during the use stage using the former theories in chapter two and the result of the durability and thermal conductivity review in chapter 3 as a reference. The result shows that wood-plastic recycled composite has a low environmental impact generation. This is due to the material's high durability to tropical degradation factors and low thermal conductivity. High durability and low thermal conductivity contribute to minimal maintenance & replacement of the material and encourages the reduction of cooling load, thus lowering the energy demand that results in emission and waste.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresia Fajar Purbosari
Abstrak :
Karya ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari fisika-kimia fenomena yang terjadi selama proses karbonasi pasta semen dengan tingkat semen substitusi yang tinggi dengan penambahan mineral dan perlawanan mereka terhadap jenis serangan dilakukan sesuai dengan peraturan Perancis. Kita mempelajari kinetika karbonasi di awal-awal tes. Menggunakan termogravimetri, kita kemudian mempelajari pengaruh pra-kondisi pada kinetika difusi CO2. Sebuah kajian eksperimental dilakukan pada referensi campuran beton dengan konsistensi perbandingan E / C = 0,3, E / C = 0,4 dan pasta semen Portland dengan diganti sebagian dengan semen terak dapur tinggi. Penelitian difokuskan pada daya tahan pasta semen portlandite, terutama perlawanan mereka terhadap karbonasi yang dinilai di laboratorium menggunakan tes dipercepat, pada kesetaraan pasta semen normal dengan substitusi semen terak dapur tinggi (75%) dan pada parameter komposisi dan mikrostruktur mengontrol kinetika dari karbonasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa campuran pasta semen dengan tingkat substitusi semen terak dapur tinggi yang tinggi (75%) dapat diterapkan. Selain studi eksperimental tersebut, kami juga menentukan pengaruh pengeringan pada sifat pengendalian kinetika karbonasi dipercepat dari campuran pasta semen (porositas, portlandite konten dan derajat saturasi air). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinetika pengeringan meningkat dengan derajat substitusi semen dengan penambahan mineral. Mereka juga mempertimbangkan kembali relevansi dari pra-kondisi sampel selama tes percepatan karbonasi dilakukan sesuai dengan standar XP Perancis P 18-458. ......The present work aims to study the physic-chemical phenomena occurring during the process of carbonation of cement paste with high substitution rates of cement by mineral additions and their resistance against this type of attack according to the French standard. We study the kinetics of carbonation in the early days of the test. Using thermogravimetric, we then study the influence of preconditioning on the kinetics of CO2 diffusion. An experimental campaign was conducted on reference concrete mixtures prepared with common cements with E/C=0,3, E/C=0,4 and Portland cement pastes prepared by substituting part of cement by blast-furnace slag. The study focused on the cements portlandite durability, especially their resistance against carbonation is commonly assessed in laboratory using accelerated tests, on the equivalence of ordinary cement pastes with substitution of cement by slag (75%) and on the composition and microstructure parameters controlling the kinetics of carbonation. The results show that cement paste mixtures with high substitution rates of cement by blast-furnace slag (75%) could be replaced. In addition to the experimental study, we determined the effect of drying on the properties controlling of the accelerated carbonation kinetics of the studied concrete mixtures (porosity, portlandite content and water saturation degree). The results show that the kinetics of drying increases with the degree of substitution of cement by mineral additions. They also reconsider the relevance of the preconditioning of the samples during accelerated carbonation test conducted according to the French standard XP P 18-458.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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