"[Pengalaman estetis akan musik tidak selalu mengenai musik yang indah. Luigi Russolo sebagai seorang komposer Futuris abad ke 19 telah membuktikannya dengan berbagai karya noise music dan manifesto berjudul The Art of Noise. Noise music pada abad Kontemporer tumbuh menjadi aliran musik tersendiri yang banyak menuai polemik mengenai status estetisnya. Metafor di sini kemudian dijadikan wahana mensiasati pengalaman estetis intersubjektif dari noise music tersebut. Mengapa metafor dan pengalaman estetis seperti apa yang dimaksudkan? Analisis konseptual terhadap noise serta refleksi filosofis dari pengalaman estetis itu sendiri yang dilakukan dalam penulisan ini, berusaha membuka pemahaman baru mengenai musik serta estetika secara keseluruhan.;Aesthetic experience of music is not only about beautiful music. Luigi
Russolo as a Futurist composer in 19th century has proved it with many pieces of
noise music and manifesto titled The Art of Noise. In this postmodern era, noise
music then grows become a polemic genre on its aesthetic status. Here then,
metaphor being mode of inter subjective aesthetic experience from that noise
music. Why metaphor and which aesthetic experience means? The conceptual
analysis to noise with philosophical reflection from that aesthetic experience
itself, due in this writing to try to open a new perception about music also
aesthetic as a whole., Aesthetic experience of music is not only about beautiful music. Luigi
Russolo as a Futurist composer in 19th century has proved it with many pieces of
noise music and manifesto titled The Art of Noise. In this postmodern era, noise
music then grows become a polemic genre on its aesthetic status. Here then,
metaphor being mode of inter subjective aesthetic experience from that noise
music. Why metaphor and which aesthetic experience means? The conceptual
analysis to noise with philosophical reflection from that aesthetic experience
itself, due in this writing to try to open a new perception about music also
aesthetic as a whole.]"
[, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia], 2015