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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rita Yuliana
"Recently, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) idiom can be easily found in many accounting literatures. It refers to the idea that the firm could not be separated with its environment. CSR is the responsibility of business organization to involve in protecting environment and social welfare. In fact, many firms in Indonesia have already applied the disclosure of CSR, even just in a simple ways. The objective of this research are: (1) to identify the corporate/ firm characteristics including corporate/ firm size, profitability, size of the board of commissioners, and public ownership influences to the depth of CSR disclosure, (2) to determine the impact of CSR disclosure to investor reaction influences in terms of abnormal return and trading volume activity. The sample of this research are 116 firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Partial Least Square (PLS) is used to test the hypothesis. Based on data analysis, I find that the firm characteristics, including prf:?file and public ownership have a significant positive influence on CSR disclosure. And also, this research shows that the scope of CSR disclosure has a significant influence on investors reactions."
Fakultas Ekonomi UI, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Suripto
"Previous studies indicated that there were two common types? performance explanations
disclosures by Indonesian company?s managers in annual report: (1) performance attribution
and (2) accounting explanation (Suripto 2013). Performance attribution disclosures were more
useful and expensive than accounting explanation (Aerts et al. 2013). This study is conducted
to obtain empirical answers for two research questions: (1) whether firm characteristics affect
performance attribution disclosure extent in the annual report and (2) whether performance
attribution information is useful to evaluate company earnings persistency. Content analysis
was conducted on 594 annual reports to obtain data performance attribution disclosures. The
empirical test results showed that firm?s size and corporate governance have a positive effect on
performances attribution disclosures. In addition, the research results showed that performance
attribution disclosures were useful for evaluating revenue persistence.
Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan terdapat dua jenis informasi penjelasan kinerja yang biasa
diungkap oleh manajer perusahaan Indonesia dalam laporan tahunan: (1) penjelasan atribusi dan
(2) penjelasan akuntansi (Suripto 2013). Pengungkapan informasi penjelasan atribusi lebih berguna
dan lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan penjelasan akuntansi (Aerts et al. 2013). Penelitian ini
dilakukan untuk memperoleh jawaban empiris atas dua pertanyaan riset: (1) apakah karakteristik
perusahaan memengaruhi luas pengungkapan informasi penjelasan atribusi dalam laporan
tahunan dan (2) apakah informasi penjelasan atribusi berguna untuk mengevaluasi persistensi
laba perusahaan. Analisis konten dilakukan terhadap 594 laporan tahunan untuk memperoleh data
mengenai pengungkapan informasi atribusi kinerja. Hasil pengujian empiris menunjukkan ukuran
perusahaan dan tata kelola perusahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap pengungkapan informasi
penjelasan atribusi. Selain itu, hasil riset menunjukkan pengungkapan informasi penjelasan atribusi
berguna untuk mengevaluasi persistensi pendapatan."
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi YKPN Yogyakarta, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanty Marianty
"Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui karakteristik-karakteristik perusahaan dan kondisi pasar yang dapat mempengaruhi financial structure suatu perusahaan selama periode tahun 2000 sampai dengan tahun 2004, dimana karakteristik perusahaan tersebut meliputi investment opportunities, profitability, size, dan tangibility. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melihat apakah investment opportunities, profitability, size, tangibility, dan kondisi pasar pada saat bullish (dan juga bearish) mempengaruhi financial structure.
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda dengan pendekatan dummy. Di dalam model hanya mempunyai satu variabel terikat yaitu debt ratio (DR) dan lima variabel bebas. Sebelum melakukan analisis terhadap hasil regresi, terlebih dahulu hasil tersebut diuji asumsi klasiknya dan signifikansinya, sehingga dapat dipastikan basil tersebut memenuhi standar BLUE (Best Linier Unbiased Estimator).
Hasil penelitian didapati bahwa profitability dan tangibility berpengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap financial structure perusahaan. Sedangkan, investment opportunities, size, dan kondisi pasar tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap financial structure perusahaan.

This research aims to find out firm's characteristics and market conditions that have ability to influence a firm's financial structure for the period of 2000 until 2004, wherein those characteristics cover investment opportunities, profitability, size, and tangibility. The purpose of this research is testing whether cover investment opportunities, profitability, size, tangibility, and market conditions when bullish and bearish influence financial structure.
In this research, writer uses the ordinary least square regression method with dummy approach. In model has only one dependent variable that is debt ratio and free independent variables. Before starting the analyzing of the result of regression we need to examine the result to prove its significance by mean of statistic and classic assumption test, therefore we can ascertain the result already has a BLUE (Best Linier Unbiased Estimator).
The conclusion of this research is that profitability and tangibility have negative significant influence for firm's financial structure. On other side, investment opportunities, size, and market conditions are no significant influence to firm's financial structure.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilang Nurul Diniyah
"Penelitian ini menunjukan pengaruh antara dividen payout ratio dan key firm characteristics terhadap nilai dari perusahaan-perusahaan non-financial dan non-public utility yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2012-2016 dengan menggunakan fixed effect model dalam menguji model yang digunakan. Nilai perusahaan dijelaskan dengan market-to-book value of assets dan equity.
Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa dividend payout ratio berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap nilai perusahaan dari sisi aset sebesar 30 dan dari sisi ekuitas sebesar 50. Dari key firm characteristic pun menjukan beberapa variabel seperti net income ratio, cash ratio dan capital expenditure ratio berpengaruh positif dengan nilai perusahaan sedangkan ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh negatif terhadap nilai perusahaan.
......This study shows the effect of dividend payout ratio and key firm characteristics on the firm value of non financial and non public utility firm that was listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in period 2012 2016 using fixed effect model in testing the model used. Firm value is explained by market to book value of assets and equity.
The results show that the dividend payout ratio has a significant positive effect on the firm 39 s value from the asset side by 30 and from the equity side by 50. By looking at the key firm characteristic, variables such as net income ratio, cash ratio and capital expenditure ratio has a positive effect to firm value, meanwhile the size of the company negatively affect the firm value."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Debby Mulditania
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji seberapa cepat penyesuaian (speed of adjustment) perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia terhadap leverage dan pengaruh dari karakteristik perusahaan dan kondisi makroekonomi terhadap leverage dengan menggunakan metode multiple regression. Periode penelitian dari Januari 2003 ? Desember 2010. Hasil pengujian hipotesis dengan uji t-test menyimpulkan hanya variabel growth opportunity berpengaruh signifikan terhadap leverage. Variabel tangibility, profitability, firm size, risk, inflasi, dan growth gross domestic product tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap leverage. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur di Indonesia mempunyai speed of adjustment yang cepat untuk mencapai target leverage-nya yaitu selama 1.6045 triwulan.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the speed of adjustment on manufacturing companies in Indonesia towards the leverage and influence of firm characteristics and macroeconomic conditions to the leverage, using multiple regression. The period of this study from January, 2003 to December, 2010. Result of the t-test hypothesis testing, that only growth opportunity has significant effect to leverage. Tangibility, profitability, firm size, risk, inflation, and the growth of Gross Domestic Product are not effect significantly to leverage. The results also showed that the manufacturing company in Indonesia has high levels of the speed of adjustmentis 1.6045 period."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hazil Kaharutman
Studi yang mempelajari faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi performa ekspor di
sektor manufaktur telah berkembang selama beberapa decade. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menganalisi hubungan antara karateristik-karateristik industry
dengan performa ekspor pada industry pengolahan hasil perikanan di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini mengembangkan karateristik yang spesifik pada level perusahaab dan
mencoba untuk menetukan karateristik yang mempengaruhi perilaku ekspor suatu
perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data industry pengolahan hasil perikanan
yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia (BPS), dari tahun 2007 hingga
2011. Data karateristik perusahaan yang dugunakan adalah ukuran perusahaan,
umur, produktivitas, stok kapital, status kepemilikan, teknologi dan lokasi
perusahaan. Model yang digunakan untuk mengolah data tersebut adalah Logit dan
Tobit. Hasil analisis kami menemukan bahwa dalam model Logit, produktivitas,
stok kapital, ukuran perusahaan, status kepemilikan dan teknologi secara signifikan
mempengaruhi performa ekspor industry pengolahan hasil perikanan. Sementara
itu, di model Tobit, produktivitas menjadi tidak signifikan. Umur perusahaan tidak
mempengaruhi performa ekspor dalam kedua model tersebut. Pada analisis lokasi
perusahaan, perusahaan yang berlokasi di Pulau Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi,
dan Maluku memiliki kecenderungan yang besar untuk melakukan ekspor
dibandingkan dengan industri yang berlokasi di Pulau Jawa dan Nusa Tenggara.

The study to find out the determinants of export performance at firm level in
manufacturing sectors has developed for decades. This paper aims to analyse the
relation between firm characteristics and export performance of fish processing
industries in Indonesia. The study explores the specific characteristics at firm level
and determines which characteristics may influence export behaviour. For the
purpose of the study, we employ the firm level data from BPS-Statistics Indonesia
covering the period 2007-2011. Firm specific characteristics like firm size, firm
age, productivity, capital stock, foreign ownership, technology, and firm location
are identified and employed in the Logit and Tobit models that we use. Our analysis
points that in the Logit model productivity, capital stock, firm size, foreign
affiliation and technology significantly affect the export performance, while in the
other model, productivity becomes not significant. Firm age is never significant in
the both models. In terms of location effects, firms, which are located in Sumatera,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua and Maluku have greater propensities to export rather
than those in Jawa, Bali and Nusa Tenggara.
The paper also tries to analyse the relation between firm characteristics and export
performance using fixed effect model. Nevertheless, the study has had the problem
when it has tried to examine the relation. Some observations are dropped from the
estimation, and this leads to the problem that lies in generalizing from a small
number of observations to the larger set"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Khaerunnisa
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik perusahaan terhadap struktur dewan komisaris dan direksi pada perusahaan non keuangan dan non utilitas yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2008-2012, menggunakan pendekatan ordinary least square (OLS). Penelitian ini menggunakan data panel perusahaan Indonesia tahun 2008-2012, dipilih 101 perusahaan sebagai sampel. Karakteristik perusahaan terdiri dari kompleksitas perusahaan, biaya monitoring dan advising serta insentif kepemilikan saham. Penulis menemukan bahwa kompleksitas perusahaan memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap board size. Biaya monitoring dan advising tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap board independence dan insentif kepemilikan juga tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap board independence.

This study investigates the effect of firm characteristics on board structure of Indonesian Listed Companies 2008-2012 employing ordinary least square (OLS) approach. This study is used a panel of Indnesian firms between 2008-2012, 101 firms were selected as a sample. Firm characteristics consists of its complexity, the costs of monitoring and advising, and ownership incentives. This empirical results show that firm complexity on board size is positive. The costs of monitoring and advising is not significant on board independence and ownership incentives is not significant too on board independence."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library