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Hendro Rahaswanto
Abstrak :
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Masalah olahraga (senam) pada masa nifas masih merupakan sesuatu yang jarang dilaksanakan oleh ibu-ibu. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya kebiasaan dan anjuran yang menyatakan bahwa sebelum 40 hari tidak boleh melakukan kegiatan yang agak berat, termasuk olah raga dan tidak boleh keluar rumah. Kelelahan yang sangat akibat persalinan karena tidak pernah olah raga atau latihan pada masa sebelum, sedang dan sesudah hamil merupakan hal yang perlu diperhatikan.(1)

Beberapa kepustakaan menyatakan bahwa berolah raga adalah suatu kesanggupan dan kemampuan tubuh, untuk melakukan penyesuaian terhadap beban fisik yang diberikan kepadanya, tanpa menimbulkan kelelahan yang berlebihan.(2,3)

Kehamilan, persalinan dan nifas adalah proses normal dalam siklus seorang ibu; tetapi perubahan organ-organ tubuh pada keadaan tertentu, dapat menimbulkan penyulit yang berbahaya untuk ibu atau kehamilan itu sendiri . (1--10 )

Sebagai akibat persalinan terjadi kelemahan-kelemahan ligamen yang tergolong dalam fasia endopelvika dan otot serta fasia dasar panggul, sehingga prolaps genitalis sering terjadi segera sesudah melahirkan atau pada masa nifas. Frekuensi prolaps genitalis lebih sering dijumpai pada wanita-wanita yang telah melahirkan, wanita berusia lanjut dan wanita dengan pekerjaan berat.

Bila tidak ada kontra indikasi, latihan senam panggul pada masa nifas diharapkan dapat membimbing ibu yang telah melahirkan; meningkatkan kekuatan otot-otot perut, punggung dan dasar panggul sehingga lekas kembali kepada keadaan semula. Hal ini merupakan prophilaksis terhadap terjadinya prolaps genitalis, dan upaya perbaikan dalam sistem pernapasan dan peningkatan kerja jantung. (2-5, 9, 11-14,16)

Hipotesa nol :

Senam panggul yang dilakukan secara teratur pada periode masa nifas akan meningkatkan secara cepat kekuatan m.levator ani.

Tujuan Penelitian

Tujuan Umum Meningkatkan kesegaran jasmani dan mengembalikan bentuk tubuh kepada keadaan semula dari post partum.

Tujuan Khusus : Menguji kebenaran bahwa senam panggul ('pelvic fitness program') akan meningkatkan kekuatan otot dasar panggul (m.levator ani).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Sukisno
Abstrak :
Salah satu tujuan Ante Natal Care (ANC) ialah mempersiapkan ibu hamil (bumil) sebaik baiknya dengan menanamkan kepercayaan kepada diri sendiri dalam menyongsong kelahiran anaknya secara fisiologis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku ibu hamil tentang senam hamil dan diperolehnya masukan dan saran untuk meningkatkan minat ibu hamil ikut senam hamil. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, pengumpulkan data 38 orang bumil menggunakan cara diskusi kelompok terarah dan wawancara mendalam, pengumpulan data 3 orang bidan pelatih senam hamil menggunakan cara wawancara mendalam. Analisa data menggunakan Content Analysis, dibantu dengan matrik data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan bumil tentang senam hamil yang ikut senam hamil sudah baik dan memadai yang dibuktikan dengan menjawab pertanyaan tentang senam hamil dengan benar, lancar dan penuh keyakinan, pengetahuan ini diperoleh dan berbagai sumber misalnya buku, TV, majalah, dokter, bidan, orang tua, saudara, teman. Pengetahuan ibu tentang senam hamil yang tidak ikut senam hamil juga cukup baik dan memadai bahwa manfaat senam hamil untuk melancarkan kelahiran. Sikap bumil terhadap senam hamil untuk menghadapi persalinan yang fisiologis sudah cukup baik dan positif dimana bumil mempunyai kecenderungan merawat kehamilannya yaitu mempersiapkan mental dan fisik dengan baik dengan praktek dan perilakunya yang positif yaitu mengikuti senam hamil, sedangkan yang tidak ikut senam hamil mereka juga cenderung merawat kehamilannya dengan baik dengan mempersiapkan berdasarkan anjuran dan pengalaman dari orang tua dengan melakukan aktifitas kegiatan sehari-hari antara lain dengan jalan pagi, membersihkan lantai dengan posisi jongkok ( ngepel ) dan sujud yang lama dengan posisi nungging dan lain sebagainya. Saran untuk meningkatkan minat bumil ikut senam hamil yaitu tempat pelayanan kesehatan dan tempat praktek dokter untuk dipasang informasi tentang senam hamil, dokter berperan aktif mendorong senam hamil, tempat untuk senam hamil tidak jauh dari pemukiman atau di Puskesmas, ruangan senam hamil harus khusus dan senam hamil berkelompok. Hendaknya diperbanyak adanya pendidikan kursus senam hamil karena tenaga terampil guru senam hamil sangat sedikit sekali di Jakarta.
Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior of Pregnant Mothers On Pregnancy Gymnastics In 3 Hospital in Jakarta 1998This research is purposed to know about knowledge, attitude and behaviour of pregnant mother on pregnancy gymnastics and to obtain inputs and suggestion in enhancing pregnant mother's interest to practice pregnancy gymnasium. This research uses qualitative method, data gathering of 38 pregnant mothers through directed group discussions and through interview, data gathering of 3 pregnancy gymnastic instructor midwives by using thorough interview method. Data analyzed by using content analysis, supported with qualitative data matrices. Research results show that pregnant mother's knowledge on pregnancy gymnastic is good and adequate in case of those who participate in a gymnasium, proven from their ability to answer questions regarding pregnancy gymnastic correctly, smoothly and confidently. This knowledge is obtained from various sources, such as books, TV, magazines, doctors, nurses, parents, family and friends. Knowledge of pregnant mothers on pregnancy gymnastic who do not participate in gymnasium is also sufficiently good and adequate with regard to advantages of pregnancy gymnastic to facilitate in giving birth smoothly. Attitudes of pregnant mothers to pregnancy gymnastic for facing physiological delivery is sufficiently good and positive where pregnant mothers tend to care their pregnancy better, i.e.,to prepare well their mental and physic through their positive attitude and behavior, namely by participating in pregnancy gymnastic, whereas those who do not participate in a pregnancy gymnastic also tend to care their pregnancy appropriately by preparing them selves based on advices and experiences of their parents by carrying out daily activities including walking - around in morning, cleaning floor up in squat down position (to mop) and prolonged sujud ( kneel and bow the head) in upside down position, etc. As a suggestion in order to enhance interest of pregnant mothers to participate in a pregnancy gymnastic is placement information on pregnancy gymnastic in health care centers and physician?s practicing places, where physicians ( doctors ) play actively roles in encouraging pregnancy gym, pregnancy gymnasium location shall be near by settlement or in puskesmas, pregnancy gym room must be specialized, and pregnancy gymnastic shall be in group. Training and education in pregnancy gymnastic shall be increased in number, due to the fact that skilled pregnancy gymnastic instructors are very lack in number in Jakarta. References 30 (1957 -1997)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibnu Abas
Abstrak :
Prevalensi lansia penyandang demensia terus bertambah, sehingga lansia dengan risiko demensia harus dicegah agar tidak menjadi demensia. Senam GLO 30 menit tiga kali seminggu, aktifitas hobi, interaksi sosial dan dukungan keluarga mampu memelihara fungsi kognitif lansia. Tujuan inovasi CERDIK ASIK adalah untuk melihat pengaruh Aktifitas hobi, Senam GLO, Interaksi sosial dan dukungan Keluarga terhadap fungsi kognitif lansia. Metode yang dipilih adalah eksperimen semu tanpa kontrol dengan intervensi senam GLO, asuhan keperawatan komunitas dan keluarga selama 3 bulan. Sampel 20 lansia dari populasi 59 lansia dengan risiko, 10 keluarga lansia, kader kesehatan dan penanggungjawab program lansia di Puskesmas. Uji statistik menggunakan paired t test. Hasil uji menunjukan ada peningkatan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan kader, keluarga dan tenaga kesehatan tentang demensia, serta pengaruh intervensi terhadap fungsi kognitif. Rerata MMSE pre intervensi = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) dan pot intervensi menjadi 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0,000 < α = 5%). Perbedaan mean MMSE pre dan pos 4.8, SD=1.28 (p value = 0,000 < α = 5%). Implikasi; Program CERDIK ASIK menjadi pilihan intervensi untuk lansia risiko demensia di masyarakat dan dasar penelitian selanjutnya. Kesimpulannya, implementasi program CERDIK ASIK meningkatkan fungsi kognitif secara signifikan. ABSTRACT
The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week, combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3 months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function. Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.;The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week, combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3 months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function. Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.;The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week, combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3 months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function. Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.;The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week, combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3 months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function. Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.;The prevalence of older people with dementia continues to grow , so seniors with the risk of dementia must be prevented so not become dementia. GLO Gymnastics for 30 minutes three times a week, combined with hobby activities, social interaction and support of family is able to maintain cognitive functions of the elderly. The purpose of the innovation project was to see the influence of CERDIK ASIK Activities, GLO gymnastics , social interaction and support of Families on elderlies? cognitive function. The method selected was quasi experiments without control by intervention of gymnastic GLO, nursing care of the community and the family for 3 months. A sample of 20 elderly population from 59 at risk elderly, 10 families, elderly cadres responsible for the health and elderly program at the clinic. Statistical tests using the paired t test showed there was is an increase in knowledge, attitudes and skills cadres, family and paramedics about dementia , as well as the influence interventions affecting cognitive function. Pre intervention average MMSE = 22.30 (SD = 1.34) to 27.10, SD = 1.83 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). The difference in MMSE mean pre and post 3.0, SD = 1.28 (p value = 0.000 < α = 5%). Implication; program cerdikasik be an option intervention to elderly risk dementia in the community and the base of the next research.In conclusion, the implementation of CERDIK ASIK program improved cognitive function significantly.
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Kadek Happy Kardiawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh penerapan pelatihan olahraga tradisional Bali terhadap kebugaran jasmani siswa sekolah dasar kelas Iv SD Laboratorium Undiksha, Singaraja Bali. Adanya pengaruh dilihat dari perbedaan kebugaran jasmani antara siswa yang diberikan olahraga tradisional Bali. Adanya pengaruh dilihat dari perbedaan kebugaran jasmani antara siswa yang diberikan olahraga tradisional Bali, model senam aktivitas, dan pembelajaran olahraga yang biasa dilakukan di SD Laboratorium Undiksha sebagai kontrol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan Randomized Control Group Pretest-Postest Design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa putra kelas IV SD Laboratorium Undiksha yang berjumlah 36 orang yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 12 orang yang ditentukan secara random. Data kebugaran jasmani siswa dianalisis dengan menggunakan ANAVA satu jalur dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kebugaran jasmani antara siswa yang diberikan perlakuan pelatihan olahraga tradisional Bali, senam aktivitas, dan kontrol. Pelatihan olahraga tradisional Bali memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik daripada model senam aktivitas dan kontrol.
Singaraja: Lembaga pendidikan tenaga kependidikan Universitas pendidikan Ganesha, 2013
370 JPP 46:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library