ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi larutan elektrolit dan non-elektrolit. Pengembangan modul menggunakan model 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Namun, dalam penelitian ini hanya dibatasi pada tahap Develop saja. Data diperoleh dari proses pengembangan modul berbasis inkuiri terbimbing dan hasil angket respon siswa. Validasi isi modul dilakukan oleh dua orang dosen ahli dan satu orang guru kimia dan uji coba modul dilakukan terhadap 36 siswa kelas X MIA 2 di SMAN 66 Jakarta. Berdasarkan data hasil uji coba dari angket respon siswa diperoleh persentase rata-rata tiap aspek komponen, yaitu komponen karakteristik modul sebesar 80,12%, komponen elemen mutu modul sebesar 77,24%, komponen pembelajaran inkuiri sebesar 75,96%, komponen konsistensi sebesar 75,53% dan komponen kebahasaan sebesar 74,25%. Secara keseluruhan, persentase rata-rata modul sebesar 76,62% dengan kriteria baik.
ABSTRACTThis research aims to develop a guided inquiry-based modules in the material of the electrolyte and nonelectrolytes solution. Module development using 4-D models (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate). In this study, the development of modules is limited at the stage of develop. Data obtained from the development of guided inquiry-based modules and the results of questionnaire responses by student. Validation of the contents of the module is done by two expert lecturers and one chemistry teacher. The trial of the module is conducted by 36 students of X MIA 2 class in SMAN 66 Jakarta. Based on data from the test results of questionnaire responses by students, obtained a percentage of each component. Module characteristics component at 80.12%, The quality element of the module component at 77.24%, inquiry learning component at 75.96%, consistency component at 75.53% and 74.25% of the linguistic component. Overall, the average percentage of modules is at76.62% with good criteria."
Jakarta: Pusat Pendidikan Sains, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2015