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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Danuta Putri
Abstrak :
Dalam masyarakat hukum yang berkembang dari waktu ke waktu, perlu adanya suatu kepastian tentang perjanjian yang dibuat oleh para pihak. Notaris adalah pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat akta otentik mengenai semua perbuatan, perjanjian dan penetapan yang diharuskan oleh suatu peraturan umum atau oleh yang berkepentingan dikehendaki untuk dinyatakan dalam suatu akta otentik. Akta jual beli dibuat oleh Notaris dalam kedudukannya sebagai PPAT. Penulisan tesis ini membahas suatu kasus pembatalan akta jual beli atas harta bersama berdasarkan putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No.334 PK/Pdt/2003. Dalam kasus ini telah dilaksanakan jual beli atas harta bersama yang dilakukan tanpa persetujuan dari istri/pasangan hidupnya. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan jual beli yang dinyatakan dalam akta No.320/09.03/JG.II/1996 tidak sah dan batal demi hukum karena tidak memenuhi salah satu syarat sahnya perjanjian dalam Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata yaitu suatu sebab yang halal dan mengandung unsur perbuatan melawan hukum. Pokok permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah akibat hukum bagi Notaris selaku PPAT yang membuat akta tidak sesuai dengan Undang-Undang dan pertimbangan hukum putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 334 PK/Pdt/2003. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Notaris/PPAT yang melakukan pelanggaran dalam pembuatan akta dapat dikenakan sanksi ganti rugi dan dapat dituntut ke muka pengad.lan Jual bel. atas harta bersama tanpa persetujuan dari pasangan hidup adalah tidak sah dan batal dem. hukum.
In the legal community that is developed from time to time, it is necessary to have the certainty about the agreement made by the parties. The notary is the general official having the authority to prepare the authentic deed on all acts, agreements and stipulation that are required by the general regulation or by the interested party intented to be declared in an authentic deed. The deed of sale and purchase is prepared by Notary in his capacity as the Conveyancer. This thesis is prepared to discuss a case of cancellation of deed of sale and purchase on the joint assets based on the judgement of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 334 PK/Pdt/2003. In this case, a sale and purchase have been conducted on the joint assets without the approval from the wife/spouse. It caused the sale and purchase stated in deed No. 320/09.03/JG.II/1996 invalid and become null and void because it did not fulfill one of the requirements of the valid agreement in article 1320 of Civil Code namely a valid reason containing the unlawful act. The subject matter in this thesis legal consequence for the Notary/Conveyancer preparing the deed not in accordande with the law and legal consideration of judgment of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 334 PK/Pdt/2003. The research methodology used is the juridical normative. The Notary/Conveyancer that to the colhcion in the preparing authentic deed can owing a fine doubt and can to lay before the court Sale and purchase on the joint assets without the approval from the spouse is invalid and become null.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Jeremia Sintong Parsaulian
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang jual beli hak atas tanah bersama yang dilakukan setelah perceraian oleh salah satu pihak didasarkan pada hukum pertanahan.Oleh karena merupakan harta bersama, analisa dalam tesis ini juga menggunakan berbagai sumber hukum lain seperti hokum perkawinan dan hokum perdata untuk menganalisa keabsahan transaksi jual beli tanah hak atastanahbersamatersebut. Jual beli hak atas tanah bersama oleh salah satu pihak setelahperceraian dalam prakteknya merupakan hal yang umum dilakukan oleh masyarakat dan sangat mudah dijumpa dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari. Akan tetapi masyarakat tidak mengetahui aturan-aturanhukum yang mengaturhal tersebut, sehingga banyak terjadi penyimpangan hukum yang tidak disengaja akibat kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat awamakanhukum. Oleh karena itu kasus ini dapat memberikan penyuluhan hokum secara sederhana kepada masyarakat yang tidak mengerti atau tidak mengetahui adanya aturanhukum yang mengatur mengenai jual beli hak atas tanah bersama setelah perceraian tersebut.Tesis ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normative karena menitikberatkan pada penelitian kepustakaan yang meneliti asas-asas hukum, sistematika hokum dan sinkronisasi hukum dengan cara menganalisanya.Tipe penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah tipe penelitian preskriptif yang memberikan saran atau opini hukumdalammenyelesaikans uatupermasalahan hukum.Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam Tesis ini adalah mengenai akibat hokum terhadap hak atas tanah bersamasetelah perceraian menurut hukum yang berlaku dan keabsahan transaksi jualbeli tanah sebagai hartabersama yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak setelah perceraian diputuskan.
This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce., This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulia Faradhyta Dewi
Abstrak :
Persetujuan dari salah satu pihak dalam melakukan pengalihan harta bersama merupakan hal yang wajib dilakukan. Hal ini sudah diatur dalam Pasal 36 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan. Jika ditafsirkan secara a contrario Pasal 36 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Perkawinan, melarang pengalihan harta bersama tanpa persetujuan dari pasangan suami/istri. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 463 PK/Pdt/2017. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah keabsahan peralihan hak dan peran PPAT terhadap harta bersama perkawinan dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 463 PK/Pdt/2017 dan kedudukan para pihak dalam memberikan persetujuan pengalihan harta bersama dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 463 PK/Pdt/2017. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis-normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah keabsahan peralihan hak milik terhadap harta bersama milik Tuan GOS dan Nyonya S yang dilakukan tanpa adanya persetujuan dari Nyonya S adalah tidak sah. Hal ini telah melanggar ketentuan dari Pasal 36 ayat 1 Undang-Undang Perkawinan serta melanggar pula syarat sah perjanjian yaitu sepakat dan sebab yang halal yang diatur dalam Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata. Akibatnya perjanjian tersebut dapat dibatalkan atau batal demi hukum. Peran PPAT terhadap harta bersama adalah membuat alas hak terkait harta yang dialihkan yaitu membuat akta jual beli. Kedudukan para pihak dalam memberikan persetujuan pengalihan harta bersama dalam putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 463 Pk/Pdt/2017 sangat penting sebagaimana telah diatur dalam pasal 36 Undang-Undang Perkawinan.
The consent of one party to the transfer of community property is obligatory. This has been regulated in Article 36 Paragraph 1 Law number 1 of 1974 on marriage. If interpreted in a contrario Article 36 Marriage Act, transfer community property without the consent of the husband wife are prohibits. This research takes a case study of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 463 PK Pdt 2017. The formulation of the problem of this study is the validity of the transfer of rights and the role of PPAT on the property of the marriage in the Supreme Court Decision No. 463 PK Pdt 2017 and the position of the parties in granting the transfer of community property in the Supreme Court Decision No. 463 PK Pdt 2017. Research method used in this research is juridical normative by using secondary data. The conclusions in this research is the validity of the transfer of property right against join property of Mr. GOS and Mrs. S is invalid. This has violated Article 36 Paragraph 1 of the Marriage Act and also violates the validity of an agreement which is the concent and lawful cause who has been regulated in Article 1320 of The Civil Code. As a result, the agreement can be canceled or void by law. The role of PPAT on community property is to make a right of ownership related to the transfer of the property. The position of the parties in giving the consent of the transfer against community property in the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 463 Pk Pdt 2017 is very important as has been regulated in Article 36 Paragraph 1 of The Marriage Act.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryani Try Juniarti
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai harta bersama perkawinan suami isteri yang tidak dilakukan pembagian setelah putusnya perkawinan karena kematian suami, yang mengakibatkan timbulnya kerancuan terhadap status harta kekayaan pada harta pribadi milik isteri dan harta bersama milik para ahli waris atas harta peninggalan/ warisan bagian suami. Oleh karena hal tersebut, timbul sengketa waris yang diajukan oleh beberapa ahli waris terkait jual beli tanah dan bangunan antara orang tua dan anak setelah salah satu orang tua meninggal dunia. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai status harta perkawinan setelah putusnya perkawinan karena kematian, pertimbangan hukum Majelis Hakim dalam memutus perkara pada Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Bandung Nomor 265/PDT.G/2017/PN.Bdg, dan tanggung jawab Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah pada proses pengalihan hak milik atas tanah dan bangunan melalui jual beli. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan dengan tipe penelitian deskriptif analisis, jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder, dengan alat pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan dan selanjutnya dianalisis melalui pendekatan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa terhadap harta perkawinan yang belum dibagi disebabkan meninggalnya suami maka menjadi harta bersama para ahli waris, oleh karenanya untuk pengalihan harta bersama tersebut memerlukan persetujuan seluruh para ahli waris, serta PPAT bertanggung jawab terhadap kelalaian-nya yang mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap para ahli waris.
This thesis discusses joint husband and wife property which is not distributed after the marriage is terminated due to the death of the husband, which results in confusion about the status of assets in the wifes personal assets and the joint property of the beneficiary of the husbands inheritance. Because of this, inheritance disputes were raised by several beneficiary related to the sale and purchase of land and buildings between parents and children after one parent died. The issues raised in this study are regarding the status of marital property after the marriage is terminated due to death, the legal considerations of the Panel of Judges in deciding cases in the Bandung District Court Decision Number 265 / PDT.G / 2017 / PN.Bdg, and the responsibility of the Land Deed Makers Officer in the process of transferring ownership rights to land and buildings through the sale and purchase. The research method used in this thesis is normative juridical research with descriptive analysis type of research, the type of data used is secondary data, with data collection tools through literature study which then analyzed through a qualitative approach. The results of the study stated that the marital assets that have not been divided due to the death of the husband will become joint property of the heirs, therefore the transfer of shared assets requires the approval of all heirs, and the PPAT is responsible for his negligence resulting in losses to the heirs.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library