Hasil dan temuan dari penelitian ini adalah Implementasi Penetapan dan Penagihan SPPT PBB yang dilaksanakan antara lain dengan penetapan SPPT PBB dan target penerimaan PBB dan pelaksanaan penagihan SPPT PBB untuk merealisasikan target penerimaan PBB, beserta kendala dan upaya mengenai Penetapan serta Penagihan PBB di Kelurahan Pasar Minggu Kecamatan Pasar Minggu Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan pemungutan PBB yang akan dilaksanakan sepenuhnya oleh Pemda DKI disarankan untuk melakukan pemutakhiran data secara langsung dan berkesinambungan serta koordinasi dan pendampingan pemungutan PBB oleh Dirjen Pajak kepada Dinas Pelayanan Pajak Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta
......This study discusses the analysis of tax property collection, specifically in the Kelurahan pasar minggu District South Jakarta caused by the principal provisions of the property tax established by the government revenue target set by the city administration is not the same, the existence of such problematic SPPT, not known SPPT, and unknown SPPT, as well as the percentage of actual revenues haven’t reached the property tax target. The question in this research is how the establishment and implementation of billing SPPT and what constraints and how the efforts in setting and billing SPPT. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach to data collection techniques based on literature studies and field studies.The results and findings of this study is SPPT determination and Billing Implementation established such as by setting SPPT of property tax and its goals, and the implementation of SPPT billing to realize its goals, along with the constraints and the efforts of the establishment and Billing of property tax in kelurahan pasar minggu district South Jakarta . Suggestions from this study is the implementation of the tax property collection to be carried out entirely by the Government of DKI recommended for updating the data directly and continuously and polling coordination and assistance to the tax service office by the Government."