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Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh kecocokan gaya belajar dan gaya mengajar terhadap pencapaian akademik siswa kelas 8 di dua SMP negeri di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara. Kuesioner diberikan kepada 10 kelas dan kepada 2 orang guru Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 di dua SMP negeri di Kecamatan tersebut. Hasil wawancara dan observasi kelas digunakan untuk mentriangulasi data yang didapat dari kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gaya belajar yang dominan pada siswa di dua SMP negeri di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara adalah Dependent dan gaya mengajar yang dominan pada guru adalah Facilitator. Dependent dan Facilitator adalah pasangan gaya belajar dan gaya mengajar yang tidak cocok berdasarkan Gabungan Gaya Mengajar dan Gaya Belajar yang dikemukakan oleh Grasha (1995). Ketidakcocokan tersebut tidak mempengaruhi pencapaian akademik siswa kelas 8, ditunjukkan dengan 70% siswa yang diteliti mendapatkan nilai di atas atau sama dengan KKM (Kriteria Kelulusan Minimal). Pencapaian ini dimungkinkan karena gaya mengajar lain yang melengkapi gaya mengajar dominan guru cocok dengan gaya belajar dominan siswa, dan gaya belajar lain yang dimiliki siswa selain gaya belajar dominan mereka cocok dengan gaya mengajar dominan yang dimiliki guru mereka. Kecocokan tersebut menjadi faktor penentu yang membuat perolehan nilai siswa baik. Oleh karena itu, faktor gaya belajar dan gaya mengajar lain perlu diikutsertakan dalam analisis tentang kecocokan gaya belajar dan gaya mengajar yang dihubungkan dengan pencapaian akademik siswa.
The research aimed at investigating the influence of a match between learning and teaching styles on eighth graders? achievement in two state junior high schools in Bekasi Utara Sub District. Questionnaires were given to students in 10 classes and 2 English teachers of eighth grade in two state junior high schools in Bekasi Utara Sub District. Interview and class observation were other instruments used in this research, and the results were used to triangulate the data obtained from the questionnaires. The result of the research shows that the dominant learning style in those schools is Dependent, and the dominant teaching style is Facilitator. According to Grasha?s Clusters of Teaching and Learning Style (1995), Dependent learning style and Facilitator teaching style do not match. The mismatch found does not influence students? achievement proven by the fact in which 70% students who participated in this study has a higher or the same score as KKM (Kriteria Kelulusan Minimal). The satisfying achievement reached by eighth grader students in two state junior high schools is possibly caused by the fact that the teachers? other teaching styles which accompany their dominant teaching style matched with the students? dominant learning style, and the students? other learning styles besides their dominant learning style matched with their teachers? dominant teaching style. This finding shows that the other teaching and learning styles that matched to one another played an important role in helping the students perform well in their study. Therefore, they should be taken into account in analyzing the influence of a match between learning and teaching styles on students? achievement in class, The research aimed at investigating the influence of a match between learning and teaching styles on eighth graders’ achievement in two state junior high schools in Bekasi Utara Sub District. Questionnaires were given to students in 10 classes and 2 English teachers of eighth grade in two state junior high schools in Bekasi Utara Sub District. Interview and class observation were other instruments used in this research, and the results were used to triangulate the data obtained from the questionnaires. The result of the research shows that the dominant learning style in those schools is Dependent, and the dominant teaching style is Facilitator. According to Grasha’s Clusters of Teaching and Learning Style (1995), Dependent learning style and Facilitator teaching style do not match. The mismatch found does not influence students’ achievement proven by the fact in which 70% students who participated in this study has a higher or the same score as KKM (Kriteria Kelulusan Minimal). The satisfying achievement reached by eighth grader students in two state junior high schools is possibly caused by the fact that the teachers’ other teaching styles which accompany their dominant teaching style matched with the students’ dominant learning style, and the students’ other learning styles besides their dominant learning style matched with their teachers’ dominant teaching style. This finding shows that the other teaching and learning styles that matched to one another played an important role in helping the students perform well in their study. Therefore, they should be taken into account in analyzing the influence of a match between learning and teaching styles on students’ achievement in class]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haykal Hafizul Arifin
Abstrak :
Studi ini memiliki tujuan untuk memahami bagaimana hubungan swakaji sebagai perkembangan epistemologis mahasiswa dan pendekatan belajar serta pencapaian akademik (IPK). Swakaji (perkembangan epistemologis self-authorship) adalah kapasitas internal mahasiswa dalam mengkonstruksi dan mengevaluasi klaim pengetahuan, memahami hakikat kontekstual dari pengetahuan, dan menjadi mandiri dalam pemerolehan pengetahuan. Studi ini juga mengeksplorasi atribut epistemologis mahasiswa sebagai validasi konvergen konstruk Swakaji. Analisis structural equation modelling (confirmatory factor analysis dan path analysis) digunakan untuk menguji hubungan antar konstruk. Hasil studi ini menyatakan bahwa dari 220 mahasiswa indonesia, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara swakaji dan pencapaian akademik (IPK) (r = .051, p > .05). Terdapat pengaruh positif pendekatan belajar mendalam terhadap swakaji (β= .595, p < .05). Kedua pendekatan belajar (mendalam dan dangkal) tidak memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan pencapaian akademik (IPK). Swakaji dapat menjelaskan 28% varians sedangkan pencapaian akademik (IPK) dapat menjelaskan 7% varians seluruh atribut epistemologis (rasa keingintahuan epistemis, kebutuhan akan kognisi, pendekatan belajar, kepercayaan epistemologis, dan skeptisisme). Implikasi studi ini didiskusikan lebih lanjut.
This study aim to understand the relations of Swakaji as student?s epistemological development with learning approaches and academic achievement (GPA). Swakaji (self-authorship epistemological development) is student's intermal capacity to construct and evaluate knowledge claims, understand the nature of contextual knowledge, and became autonomous in knowledge acquisition. This study is also aim to explore student?s epistemological attributes as a convergent validation of Swakaji. Structural equation modelling analysis used to test the relations among constructs. Results of this study find that from 220 Indonesian college students, there is no significant correlation of Swakaji and academic achievement (GPA) (r=.051, p>.05). There is positive effect of deep learning approaches towards Swakaji (β=.595, p<.05). Both of learning approaches (deep and surface) are uncorrelated with academic achievement (GPA). Approximately 28% of the variance in Swakaji and approximately 7% of the variance in the academic achievement (GPA) could be explained by all epistemological attributes (epistemic curiosity, need for cognition, learning approaches, epistemological beliefs, an skepticism). The implications of the results were discussed.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library