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Lowell: Springer, 2006
364.4 PRE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lesmana Rian Andhika
Abstrak :
The performance of a bad bureaucracy indicates a bureaucracy is riddled with problems; a pathology which arose not always coming from outside the bureaucratic body but pathology that has been flourishing and will be exerting in¬fluence when the bureaucracy is unhealthy. This research article would like to give an overview of the incidence of the pathological bureaucracy which argumentation pathology can prevent. The phenomenon occurs that the bureaucracy could not deliver good public services and bureaucracy is a den of disease. The specific purpose of this research is fo¬cused on finding ways of preventing the pathology of the bureaucracy that comes from a variety of scientific literature. The method in this research article is systematic reviews technique that tries to identify all the written evidence exists regarding research themes. The results of this study reveal that the pathology of the bureaucracy is something to be prevented if we want the bureaucracy to run the task properly one of the ways that can be done is to do a bureaucratic innovation (an innovation on structure, systems, culture]. The innovation of bureaucracy will not only make changes to the organization to prevent the pathology of the bureaucracy but also as an ingredient to do discretion for a government policy especially regional government.
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuni Astuti
Abstrak :
Infeksi nosokomial adalah infeksi yang terjadi selama penderita dirawat di rumah sakit dan sebelumnya tidak ada atau tidak dalam mass inkubasi penyakit infeksi tersebut. Akibat dari infeksi ini selain dapat meningkatkan mordibitas dan mortalitas serta lama perawatan dan biaya perawatan pasien, berpotensi pula menimbulkan tuntutan pengadilan. Ruang rawat intensif merupakan ruang perawatan dengan risiko yang tinggi untuk terjadinya infeksi nosokomial sehingga pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi nosokomial di ruang ini perlu dilakukan, diantaranya melalui peningkatan perilaku kepatuhan petugas kesehatan dalam menjalankan prosedur tindakan medik/keperawatan dengan berprinsip pada teknik aseptik antiseptik dan kewaspadaan standar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mernperoleh informasi tentang faktor - faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku pencegahan infeksi nosokomial pada tindakan medik dan keperawatan yang dilakukan oleh petugas kesehatan di ruang rawat intensif RS Medistra tahun 2004. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain observasional non eksperimental dengan rancangan survei cross sectional. Besar sampel sebanyak 65 orang yang terdiri dari Dokter Spesialis, Dokter Umum dan Perawat yang melakukan tindakan medikl keperawatan di ruang rawat intensif RS Medistra dari tanggal 15 Maret - 15 Mei 2004. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa perilaku pencegahan infeksi nosokomial responden di ruang rawat intensif RS Medistra berada pada kategori baik sebanyak 32 (49,2%) orang dan kurang baik sebanyak 33 (50,8%) orang. Selanjutnya dari uji Chi - square, independent t test, uji ANOVA dan korelasi terbukti bahwa : I. Variabel faktor predisposisi : pengetahuan berhubungan secara signifikan dengan perilaku pencegahan infeksi nosokomial, sementara variabel tingkat pendidikan dan sikap tidak berhubungan. II. Variabel faktor pemungkin : ketersediaan fasilitas berhubungan secara signifikan dengan perilaku pencegahan infeksi nosokomial, sementara variabel lama bekerja tidak berhubungan. III. Variabel faktor penguat : pelatihan dan pengawasan tidak berhubungan dengan perilaku pencegahan infeksi nosokomial. Dari hasil analisis multivariat didapatkan bahwa variabel pengetahuan dan fasilitas merupakan variabel yang berhubungan secara signifikan, namun dari kedua variabel ini ketersediaan fasilitas merupakan faktor yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan perilaku pencegahan infeksi nosokomial pada tindakan medik/ keperawatan di ruang rawat intensif RS Medistra tahun 2004 dengan OR 3,23 (CI: 1,09 - 9,57). Untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi nosokomial di ruang rawat intensif RS Medistra disarankan agar Manajemen RS Medistra meningkatkan pengetahuan petugas kesehatan khususnya Dokter dan Perawat, melalui sosialisasi Standard Operating Procedure ruang rawat intensif secara terus-menerus dan berkelanjutan terutama tentang pentingnya kesehatan dan kebersihan tangan, langkah mencuci tangan dan menggosok tangan dengan benar serta pembenahan fasilitas cuci tangan yang ada.
Factors Related to Behavior of Health Workers in Preventing the Nosocomial Infection in Medistra Hospital Intensive Ward, 2004 Nosocomial infection occurs when the patient is hospitalized and having no previous infection or incubation period. This nosocomial infection causes the increasing level of morbidity as well as mortality, hospitalization cost. length of stay and potentially create lawsuit. Intensive ward is a high-risk potential area for the nosocomial infection to take place, so that prevention and control strategies are extremely required in this area_ One of the strategies is to constantly improve the behavior of health workers. the obedience following the standard medical/nursing procedure in aseptic-antiseptic technique and applying the universal precaution. The objective of this research is to gain information about factors that are related to the health workers' behavior in their effort to prevent this nosocomial infection, and their submission in following the standard medical/nursing done in Medistra Hospital intensive ward, 2004. This research used a non-experimental observation, with the cross sectional survey design. The research samples involves 65 participants : Specialist Doctors, General Doctors and Nurses who are in charge in the intensive ward during the period of March 15 until May 15, 2004. From this research, we could get a conclusion based on the health workers' conduct in preventing the nosocomial infection done in Medistra Hospital intensive ward. It was concluded into two performance categories : 32 (49,2%) health workers with good performance and 33 (50,8%) health workers with less performance. The Chi-square test, independent t test, ANOVA test and correlation regression test have proven : I. Predisposing factors variable : knowledge is significantly related to anticipation behavior of the nosocomial infection, while there is no significant relation with education level and attitudes. II. Enabling factors variable : supporting facilities are significantly related to anticipation behavior of the nosocomial infection, while there is no significant relation with the length of work. III. Reinforcing factors variable : training and supervision have no significant relation with the anticipation behavior of the nosocomial infection, Multivariate analysis has shown that both knowledge and facilities were variables that significantly related to anticipation behavior of the nosocomial infection, but the most dominant factor related to anticipation behavior of this nosocomial infection in Medistra Hospital intensive is supporting facilities with OR 3,23 (CI : 1,09 - 9,57). In conclusion, to prevent the nosocomial infection in Medistra Hospital intensive ward, we recommend the hospital management to run serious efforts by continually increasing the knowledge of doctors and nurses, with intensive information of the standard operating procedure. The important of sanitary hand, how to clean and wash their hands regularly in correct ways are also necessary. We also suggest the improvement of hand washing facilities in Medistra hospital intensive ward.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budy Mulyawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang upaya yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi untuk mencegah dan mengatasi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) ilegal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik wawancam mendalam dari beberapa unsur yang tekait dengan masalah TKI yaitu TKI llegal TKI Legal, PPTKIS, BNP2TKI dan pejabat Direktorat Jenderal lmigrasi. Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasl sebagai instansi yang berwenang untuk mengeluarkan paspor, memberangkatkan dan memherikan ijin masuk terhadap orang untuk keluar dan masuk wiiayah Indonesia memiliki peran dan tanggung jawab dalam menceguh dan mengatasi TKI ilegal. Upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan olen Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi belum mampu untuk mencegah dan mengatasi banyaknya Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Ilegal yang bekerja diluar negeri. Upaya yang disarankan untuk Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi dalam menceguh TKI ilegal berupa: 1) Upaya dalam hal pemberian dokumen perjalanan (Paspor Rl); 2) Upaya dalam hal pengawasan dan keberangkatan WNI di TPI; 3) Pencegahan TKI masuk ke negara tujuan secara tidak resmi, atau keluar wilayah Indonesia tanpa melalui Tempat Pemeriksaan Imigrasi. Upaya yang disarankan untuk Direktorat Jenderal lmigrasi dalam mencegah TKI ilegal berupa: 1) Mengantisipasi rencana pemulangan TKI bermasalah dengan menerbitkan Prosedur Tetap dalam penanganan pemulangan TKI bermasalah; 2) Untuk pemulangan TKI bermasalah. koordinasi dengan negara tempat TKI bekerja dan instansi terkait; 3) Menghapus pungutan liar yang dilakukan oleh oknum petugas imigrasi yang terjadi dalam pelayanan kapada TKI 4) serta penggantian dokumen pejalanan secara mudah, murah, cepat dan cermat bagi TKI yang akan kembali bekerja diluar negeri secara legal. ......This research is focused to give information concerning the efforts of Directorate General of Immigration in preventing and exceeding the Illegal unskilled worker. The research method which is used is qualitative method by using the interview technique from some elements which is related to the illegal worker problems namely illegal worker, legal worker, PPTKIS, BNP2TKI and the authorized officer of the Directorate General of Immigration. Directorate General of Immigration as the authorized institution in issuing Passport, departing and giving the immigration permit to the people who enter and leave the Indonesian territory has a role and responsibility in preventing and exceeding the Illegal unskilled worker. The efforts whieh is done by Directorate General of Immigration is not capab!e in preventing and exceeding the number of illegal unskilled worker who work abroad. The suggested efforts for the Directorate General of Immigration in preventing the illegal Indonesian unskilled worker consist of: 1) The effort in issuing Travel Document (Passport of Republic Indonesia); 2) The effort in controlling and departure of the Indonesian citizen at the immigration check point; 3) The prevention of illegal Indonesian unskilled worker to enter the destination country illegally, or exit from the Indonesian territory without being checked at the immigration check point. The suggested efforts for the Directorate General of Irrunigration in preventing the illegal Indonesian unskilled worker eo mist of: 1) Anticipating the deportation plan of the trouble illegal WlskiUed worker by issuing permanent procedure in handling the deportation of the trouble illegal unskilled worker; 2) The deportation for the trouble illegal unskilled worker, there is coordination with the country where the illegal unskilled worker work, related institution, such as the Department of Man Power, the bureau of registry office, etc; 3) Erasing the illegal rate which is done by some of the immigration officer in giving service to the illegal unskilled worker; 4) and also renewal of the travel document easily, cheap, last, and accurate for the illegal unskilled worker who want to rework abroad legally.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2008
T 25351
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tietjen, Linda
Durant: Essential medical information systems, 1992
616.9 TIE i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Riewanto
Abstrak :
This article examines the strategy of constitutional law from a progressive perspective in preventing money politics in simultaneous elections. The practice of money politics in every election always occurs in Indonesia, but all conventional constitutional law efforts have not been able to nullify it. So a progressive constitutional governance strategy is needed, which is to find new ways (role breaking) and innovative breakthroughs if the normative and normative legal methods are not able to immediately realize the goal of elections with integrity. This progressive prevention is carried out from upstream to downstream. A number of progressive strategic ideas from constitutional law aspects that can be done to prevent money politics include: First, the progressive arrangement changes the model of the electoral system from liberal to competitive; Secondly, progressive regulation of restrictions on candidate campaign resources and political parties; Third, the progressive arrangement of campaign money electronic transactions; Fourth, the progressive regulation on the prohibition of corruptor candidates; Fifth, the progressive arrangement of political parties' coalitions and the selection of democratic candidates; Sixth, the progressive arrangement for the cancellation of election-winning political parties that conduct money politics by the Constitutional Court; Seventh, the progressive regulation of the obligations of political parties to educate anti-money politic to their constituents; Eighth, progressive regulation of election organizers with integrity.
Jakarta: Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, 2019
364 INTG 5:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Chelsea Amelia
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjeasakan bagaimana penerapan program pencegahan terorisme yang melibatkan perempuan dimana program ini dilaksanakan oleh BNPT dan FKPT DKI Jakarta. Adapun peran perempuan menjadi agen perubahan dalam pencegahan terorisme ini dapat bebrbentuk sosialisasi kembali ke dalam kelompok yang ada dilingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penellitian ini berasal dari hasil observasi secara langsung pada kegiatan “Perempuan TOP ( Teladan, Optimis dan Produktif) Viralkan Perdamaian melalui FKPT DKI Jakarta”, dan melakukan wawancara kepada peserta yang hadir, narasumber atau pemateri, Kabid Perempuan FKPT DKI Jakarta dan juga BNPT sebagai penanggung jawab kegiatan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukannya hasil bahwa perempuan memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam pencegahan terorisme, perempuan dapat menjadi agen perubahan dengan cara berperan aktif dalam komunitasnya, pentingnya pemilihan narasumber untuk membuat para perempuan tidak merasa digurui oleh pemateri, dan ditemukannya tantangan yang dihadapi pemerintah dalam program pencegahan terorisme melalui perempuan. ......This study aims to explain how the implementation of the terrorism prevention program involving women is carried out by the BNPT and FKPT DKI Jakarta. The role of women as agents of change in preventing terrorism can take the form of socialization back into groups in their surroundings. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data collected in this research came from the results of direct observation of the "Perempuan TOP (Teladan, Optimisis and Produktif) Viral Peace through FKPT DKI Jakarta" activities, and conducted interviews with participants who were present, resource persons or presenters, Kabid Women's FKPT DKI Jakarta and also BNPT as the person in charge of the activity. The results of this study are the findings that women have a very important role in preventing terrorism, women can become agents of change by playing an active role in their communities, the importance of choosing sources to make women not feel patronized by presenters, and the challenges faced by the government in terrorism prevention program through women.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Mount Vernon, 1966
613.943 CON f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahlia Suryani
Abstrak :
Influence of Fire Safety Management (FSM) to Building Reliability in Preventing Fire Damage at Hotel Buildings in JakartaJakarta is the center of economic, politic, cultural activities and also the center of the state defense. Along with development in many sectors, numbers of building development grows accordingly with numerous functions: hotel, office, apartment, shop, amusement center, restaurant or a mix at the aforementioned functions. A commercially managed hotel should meet certain standards; one of them is fire prevention through a system that called Fire Safety Manage, rent. The existence of Fire Safety Management is important as most hotel guests have no or little knowledge at how to respond in case of fire. This research on hotel Fire Safety Management is used to observe the correlation between application of Fire Safety Management and reliability of building in preventing and controling the damages caused by fire at hotels in Jakarta. This research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data is gathered by distributing questioners to hotel building managers, data gathered is then analyzed by using statistic program SPSS 10.0 to obtain measurable and relevant indicators to improve reliability at a hotel building. Data analysis shows same parameters in Fire Safety Management, Which are: Pre-estinguishment at fire : 50,0 %, Response to alarm and signal : 33,6 % , other variable from dummy analysis is : Identification potential at fire : 12, 3 %. The result at this research can be used to improve role of Fire Safety Management in building reliability in general and hotel building in specific.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The Relationship between Knowledge, Atitude with the Practice of in Preventing HIV/AIDS Infection among Prostitute Women in Sebangkau Localization and Bengkayang Station, Singkawang, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province in 1996Many efforts have been done by the government of Indonesia to over come the transmission of infections Disease especially venereal disease such as prevention HIV/AIDS in high Risk group with prostitute women as a target. This research uses cross sectional approach which the goal is to explore many factors that Influence the practical relationship (using condom) in preventing HIVIAIDS transmission in prostitute women groups. The interview and observation result towards 108 samples in Sebangkau Localization and Bengkayang Station Singkawang Sambas District West, Kalimantan Province in 1996. Shows that low education 71,2 %, low knowledge of HIV/AIDS 66,6 %, negative attitude 64,8 %, never get health education 62 %, can not get condom 47,2 %, customer 1 visitor negative attitude 74,1 %, less practice (never use condom 52,8 %). The result of Bivarian analysis / only three variables have significant correlation, there are the relation between knowledge and attitude odds ratio 3,75 ( 95%, CI p-0,00) ,the relation between the supply of condom with the practice 8,56 (95%, Cl p=0,00), health education with the practice odds ratio 7,29 (95%,CI ps0,U0 ). Multivarian analysts about 6 variables models, indicates that the supply of condom and the visitors / customers atitude have significant correlation with odds ratio 1,77 (95 %, CI p=0,01) and 2,15 (95%, CI p0,01). This result can also more explain 85 % some the variation. This study proves that the stock of condom and visitors attitude are the main factor that can influence the using of condom among the prostitute woman on Singkawang localization Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province. In the short time, as a suggestion to anticipate and prevent AIDS transmission by emproving the supply of condom directly to the prostitute woman and mucikari (the mother care of prostitute women) and also by supplying condom ti the shop which is dosly at the localization. By this effort the customers can get and use easily. Health education intervention towards prostitute women and the customers is needed to Improve the knowledge about AIDS disease murder to get positive attitude and good behavior. In the long term, cooperation between program and sectors must be improved to praise the prostitute women as an Indonesian human resources. Literature : 83 (1973 - 1996). ix + 118 pages, 17 tables, 4 chart, 10 appendix.
Berbagai upaya penanggulangan penyakit menular khususnya pemberantasan penyakit kelamin yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia, antara lain pencegahan penyakit AIDS dikalangan kelompok resiko tinggi dengan sasaran Wanita Tuna Susila (WTS). Penelitian dengan pendekatan Cross sectional ini bertujuan untuk menggali berbagai laktor yang mempengaruhi hubungan praktek (penggunaan kondom) dalam mencegah penularan HIV/AIDS di kalangan WTS. Hasil wawancara dan observasi terhadap 108 responder di lokalisasi Sebangkau dan Stasion Bengkayang Singkawang Kabupaten Sambas Propinsi Kalimantan Barat tahun 1996, menun jukkan pendidikan rendah 71,2 %, pengetahuan HIV/AIDS kurang 66,6 %, Sikap negatip 64,8 %, tidak pernah mendapat penyuluhan 62 %, tidak pernah mendapat kondom 47,2 %, Sikap pelanggan negatip 74,1 %, Praktek kurang (tidak pernah menggunakan kondom 52,8 %). Hasil analisa bivariat , hanya 3 variabel hubungan bermakna yaitu, hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan sikap, Odds rasio 3,75 (95 % CI p=0,00), hubungan tersedianya kondom dengan praktek Odds rasio 8,56( 95% CI p =0,00), hubungan penyuluhan dengan praktek Odds rasio 7,29(95 % CI p = 0,00). Analisa multivariat diantara 6 variabel yang menjadi model, ternyata tersedianya kondom dan sikap pelanggan menunjukkan keeratan hubungan yang bermakna dengan Odds rasio 1,77 ( 95 % CI p= 0,01) dan 2,15 (95 % CI p=0,O1), ternyata dari hasil ini dapat menerangkan lebih besar 85 % dari variasi yang ada. Studi ini membuktikan bahwa ketersediaan kondom dan sikap pelanggan (tamu) merupakan faktor utama yang dapat mempengaruhi penggunaan kondom dikalangan para WTS pada lokalisasi Singkawang Kabupaten Sambas Propinsi Kalimantan Barat. Sebagai saran untuk mengantipasi dan mencegah penularan penyakit AIDS , jangka pendek meningkatkan pengadaan kondom kepada WTS maupun melalui mucikari serta toko disekitar lokasi sehingga memudahkan pelanggan untuk mendapatkannya jika akan digunakan. Intervensi penyuluhan terhadap WTS dan pelanggan sangat diperlukan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai penyakit AIDS sehingga menimbulkan sikap dan perilaku positip. Jangka panjang perlu ditingkatkan lagi kerja sama lintas program dan lintas sektoral dalam mengentaskan WTS sebagai salah satu sumber daya manusia Indonesia. Daftar Pustaka : 83 (1973 - 1996). ix + 118 halaman, 17 tabel, 4 began, 10 lampiran
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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