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Ditemukan 41 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
London: E & FN Spon, 1997
625.1 CON
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Aldi Parlindungan
Abstrak :
Pemakaian aplikasi komputer sebagai alai pembantu pengambilan keputusan telah berkembang di segala bidang, seperli investasi. Salah satu bidang yang juga menjadi obyek penelitian adalah pengembangan sistem pembantu pengambilan keputusan atau Decision Support System (DSS) untuk masalah investasi infrastruktur kereta api (KA). Masalah investasi infrastruktur KA antara lain keterbatasan anggaran pemerintah serta sulit atau enggannya swasla untuk berinvestasi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tingginya risiko investasi Berta operasional. Hasa studi Pre-TS double track Propinsi Banten menyarankan bahwa perlu keterlibatan swasta untuk mewujudkan proyek double track dan perlunya manajemen yang lebih balk pada tahap operasional. Oleh karena itu DSS dirancang agar mampu melakukan analisis investasi dan risiko. Caton pengguna dart DSS diharapkan adalah badan pengelola khusus yang bertanggung jawab menjalankan proyek double track. Sebagai metode analisis utama digunakan analisis anus kas dan Simulasi Monte Carlo. DSS dirancang untuk tahap perencanaan dan tahap operasional. DSS mempunyai fungsi perencanaan, pengawasan atau monitoring dan pengendalian atau controlling. Sebagai acuan pengawasan dan pengendalian digunakan NPV at risk karena memperhitungkan risiko don metode pembiayaan proyek Hasil simulasi akan menghasilkan distribusi kumulatif normal NPV dan probabilitas NPV>O serta NPVComputer application, as decision support tool, has been using wide spread in many areas, such as investment. Developing Decision Support System (DSS) for railways infrastructure investment problem become an object of this research. The Investment problems is limited budget of government while private participation difficulty to join in. This is because the character of railway investment which is high risk in investment and operation phase. Early study of feasibility in developing double track in Banten Province suggest that involvement of private sector is needed to support financing and better way in management on operation phase. Therefore, DSS is developed and has ability in investment and risk analysis especially on planning and operation phase. The candidate user of DSS is special purpose vehicle which has responsible for operating the double track project. As fundamental methods, the DSS apply discounted cash flow analysis and Monte Carlo simulation. DSS is designed to planning and operation phase. DSS has planning, monitoring and controlling functions. As indicator to plan, monitor and control the investment, NPV at risk is used because it takes financing method and risks into account. The DSS will simulate and produce cumulative distribution function of NPV and Probability of NPVVO and NPVJ0. If, on operation phase, the DSS monitoring function analyze that the output has difference between planning result then the next step should be taken. his the controlling function of DSS. In this function, the user has desire to repair the CDF and Probability of NPV result from monitoring function. Therefore, corrective actions are needed. There are four kinds of corrective actions in DSS. They are currency forward, interest cap rate, operational management and lobbying government to get support in making policy. To operate corrective action analysis, End year of controlling phase must be decided then decide each corrective action start and end yea then DSS start to make a new projection. Output of this operation is new CDF and Probability of NPV. Estimate cost and benefit of corrective actions is, also, become analysis output. Although the DSS had provide information to support decision making, h is fully the right of decision maker in selecting kind and time of corrective actions. In monitoring function, decision maker has the right to go or not go to the next stage whether the result of monitoring is good or bad. Last but not least is validation step of DSS_ In validation step, Respondents try to use the DSS'and give a response via questionnaire. The result shown that respondents rather satisfy with the model as DSS as they need more user friendliness using the DSS. Unfortunately, as NPV at risk can not used as indicator on monitoring and controlling operation phase so the hypothesis and the goal of this research are fail to achieve.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hay, William W.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982
625.1 HAY r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009
625.1 DYN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Searles, William H.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1949
R 625.1 I SEA f
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jong, Tomy
Abstrak :
The transportation or railway system constructors usually, wherever possible, build the transportation system on the ground surface and avoid the necessity of underground tunnelling. However, this is not always possible. In many locations, such as mountainous area, hilly area or urban area, the underground tunnelling have to be built. The main problem of underground tunnelling is the soil stability around the tunnel, and the problems continue to mount for long and big tunnel. Therefore in recent years, engineers try to find the method to predict and solve all aspect of ground responses induced by excavating and tunnelling. For the past 30 years, the research for estimating an accurate prediction of ground deformation caused by tunnelling processes, have been a major engineering challenge all around the world. A good prediction of ground deformation due to tunnelling excavation and advancement is highly necessary to ensure that no damage will occur in the existing buildings and services at the surrounding area. In this study, the excavation and advancement of tunnelling excavation in Tunnel TGV of Tartaiguille, France is modeled and analyzed using the numerical program in order to simulate the ground response due to the construction processes. On the other hand, CETU (Centre d'Etudes des Tunnels) had set out an instrumentation in sections of the tunnel in order to analyze the loading of the support of the tunnel and obtained the displacement of surrounding ground responses. The numerical simulation will take into account the visco plastic behavior of the soil. And then the result of numerical simulation will be compared to the field measurement data. The constitutive model used in this study is an elasto-plastic constitutive model called CJS 2EC which has been developed by Ecole Centrale de Lyon. To lake into account the time-dependent behavior of the soil, the visco-plastic constitutive model has been embedded in the CJS 2EC model. Hopefully with this study, we are getting one step ahead in estimating the ground responses in tunneling. The more realistic behavior of the soil around the tunnel, which include the time dependent behavior of the soil will be examined and gives an accurate prediction of ground response due to tunnelling excavation. Observation of the results and comparison with the measurement data demonstrate that the time dependent behavior of soil cannot be neglected in the analysis of the tunnelling excavation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Dani Lestari
Abstrak :
Gangguan otot rangka akibat kerja (gotrak) menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan serius di berbagai industri yang diderita oleh pekerja. Walau tidak fatal gotrak cenderung mengurangi efisiensi kerja dan kualitas hidup. Keluhan gotrak yang dialami pekerja railway maintenance umumnya dirasakan pada bagian leher, punggung dan lutut, dimana keluhan tersebut disebabkan oleh postur janggal, bekerja di tempat yang sempit, berat beban dll. Pekerjaan railway maintenance memiliki faktor risiko yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap keluhan gotrak yaitu faktor risiko individu, fisik, psikososial, lingkungan dan organisasi. PT X merupakan BUMD di bidang perkeretaapian yang diantaranya mencakup pekerjaan railway maintenance. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko dari pekerjaan railway maintenance yang berpengaruh terhadap keluhan gotrak pekerja. Penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif menggunakan desain cross sectional. Jumlah sampel menggunakan total populasi pada pekerja railway maintenance khususnya pada departemen yang menangani rolling stock maintenance (Departemen RSM dan Departemen RSIT) berjumlah 109. Departemen RSM mencakup light maintenance, sedangkan Departemen RSIT mencakup heavy maintenance. Manajemen data menggunakan SPSS 25, analisa data mengunakan analisa deskriptif, bivariat (uji chi square dan uji regresi logistik sederhana) dan multivariat menggunakan metode enter (uji regresi logistik ganda). Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar kuesioner yang sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitas dan lembar Rapid Entire Body Assesment (REBA). Hasil menunjukkan gambaran aktivitas pekerjaan di Departemen RSM terdiri dari pekerjaan di bagian rooftop, carbody, interior, underfloor dan di dalam kantor. Sedang pada Departemen RSIT terdiri dari pekerjaan di bagian carbody, pantograf, valve, brake, air compressor, motor traksi, bogie, elektrikal, AC, dan didalam kantor. Keluhan gotrak dirasakan oleh 62 pekerja railway maintenance di PT X (63.9%), dimana keluhan yang paling banyak dirasakan pada bagian leher, punggung bawah, kedua bahu, pergelangan tangan kanan dan punggung atas. Tingkat risiko ergonomi dari pekerjaan railway maintenance pada 2 departemen tersebut bervariasi mulai dari diabaikan hingga sangat tinggi, dimana penyumbang skor disebabkan oleh adanya postur janggal pada bagian leher, punggung, lengan atas, kedua kaki, dan berat objek. Faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap keluhan gotrak yaitu dukungan sosial (OR 3.39, 95% CI 1,29-8.88). Intervensi yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi tingkat risiko ergonomi dari pekerjaan tersebut menggunakan hierarki pengendalian, sedangkan untuk mencegah keluhan gotrak yang berasal dari faktor risiko psikososial Upaya berfokus pada pengurangan tenaga manusia saat bekerja, peningkatan reward, peningkatan kepuasan kerja dan pengelolaan distres di tempat kerja. ......Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are one of the serious health problems in various industries suffered by workers. Although not fatal, MSDs tends to reduce work efficiency and quality of life. Complaints experienced by railway maintenance workers are generally felt in the neck, back and knees, where the complaints are caused by awkward posture, working in narrow places, heavy loads etc. Railway maintenance work has risk factors that can affect MSDs complaints, namely individual, physical, psychosocial, environmental and organizational risk factors. PT X is a BUMD in the field of railway which includes railway maintenance work. This study aims to determine the risk factors of railway maintenance work that affect MSDs workers complaints. This study was quantitative using a cross sectional design. The number of samples using the total population of railway maintenance workers, especially in departments that handle rolling stock maintenance (RSM Department and RSIT Department) amounted to 109. The RSM Department covers light maintenance, while the RSIT Department covers heavy maintenance. Data management using SPSS 25, data analysis using descriptive analysis, bivariate (chi square test and simple logistic regression test) and multivariate using enter method (multiple logistic regression test). The instruments used in this study were questionnaire sheets that had been tested for validity and reliability and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) sheets. The results show a picture of work activities in the RSM Department consisting of work on the rooftop, carbody, interior, underfloor and inside the office. While in the RSIT Department consists of work in the carbody, pantograph, valve, brake, air compressor, traction motor, bogie, electrical, air conditioning, and in the office. MSDs complaints were felt by 62 railway maintenance workers at PT X (63.9%), where the most complaints were felt in the neck, lower back, both shoulders, right wrist and upper back. The level of ergonomic risk of railway maintenance work in the 2 departments varies from negligible to very high, where the contributor to the score is caused by awkward posture on the neck, back, upper arms, both legs, and the weight of the object. Risk factors that influence gotrak complaints are social support (OR 3.39, 95% CI 1.29-8.88). Interventions carried out to reduce the level of ergonomic risk of the work use a hierarchy of control, while to prevent complaints of fatigue derived from psychosocial risk factors Efforts focus on reducing human labor while working, increasing rewards, increasing job satisfaction and managing stress at work.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Wirapratama
Abstrak :
Tiongkok merupakan salah satu negara yang merupakan Great Power. Tiongkok saat ini sedang mempopulerkan One Belt One Road, yang merupakan sebuah rencana pembangunan ambisius yang melibatkan banyak kawasan. Beberapa ilmuwan menjelaskan bahwa motif dari One Belt One Road ini adalah ekonomi. Akan tetapi, ada beberapa literatur yang menjelaskan bahwa Tiongkok ternyata pernah memiliki motif geopolitik lewat proyek infrastruktur yang pernah mereka canangkan. Apalagi, proyek ini dijalankan di saat sistem dunia semakin mengarah ke kondisi multipolar. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui secara lebih dalam, apakah yang menjadi motif utama Tiongkok dalam mencanangkan One Belt One Road. Dengan menggunakan teori commercial liberalism, offensive realism dan mode kekuasaan kapitalisme serta territorialisme, penelitian ini mencoba untuk menganalisis motif dari proyek OBOR. Salah satu yang menjadi bagian dari OBOR tersebut adalah proyek rel kereta api Kunming-Singapura. Proyek ini adalah proyek ambisius. Penelitian ini menjadikan proyek rel kereta api Kunming-Singapura sebagai studi kasus. Hasil dari penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pembangunan rel kereta api Kunming-Singapura memiliki faktor ekonomi dan geopolitik yang melatarbelakanginya. Faktor ekonomi mendominasi keputusan Tiongkok untuk berinvestasi dalam proyek ini disebabkan karenaperubahan struktur ekonomi domestik dan internasional serta berupaya untuk memaksimalkan kekayaan agar dapat menjadi Great Power.
China is one of the Great Powers. Now, China is promoting One Belt One Road, which is a huge development initiative that spawns across many regional areas. In academic discourse, there is a debate of whether One Belt One Road, initiated by China, is mainly driven by economic motives or geopolitical motives. Moreover, the infrastructure project is being realized in the world system which is moving toward multipolar condition. This research will try to figure out the main motive of China`s One Belt One Road using commercial liberalism, offensive realism, and capitalism territoralism power mode as analytical tools. Kunming Singapore railway is an ambitious infrastructure development. It is part of OBOR`s project and it will be used as a study case for this paper. The result of this research is that both economic and geopolitical motive are the main causes of China`s decision to invest for the construction of Singapore Kunming railway. However, economic factor is the dominant cause of China`s decision citing her adaptation toward structural change in international and domestic economy and her aspiration to maximize her wealth for becoming Great Power.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daniel Siswanto
Abstrak :
Machinists have a big responsibility in controlling trains and maintaining the safety of trips. When a machinist has an irregular work schedule, monotonous and long schedules, he may experience fatigue while on duty. Fatigue can cause a decrease in performance and lead the machinist to make mistakes that can later be the cause of railway accidents. Fatigue assessments, then, become an important program that can be used by management to improve railway safety. In this study, a fatigue evaluation was conducted among 30 machinists working at the Indonesian Railway Company (PT. Kereta Api Indonesia or PT. KAI). The evaluation consists of assessing the quality of sleep with The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the measurement of subjective sleepiness with Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), the measurement of secondary work performance with Psychomotor Vigilance Test (PVT), and heart rate measurements employing a heart rate monitor (Beurer PM-18). Results of this study showed that most of the machinists experienced sleep quality problems. Also, the sleepiness level of the machinists continued to increase at work and the reaction time was worse at the end of his shift, although levels of physical fatigue were not substantial. Suggestions were proposed to the management, including new work schedules using shift rotations in order to reduce fatigue.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Moh. Armand R.
Abstrak :
Kereta api merupakan salah satu bagian dari infrastruktur di Indonesia dan merupakan sistem transportasi yang sudah mengakar sejak lama. Keberadaan jaringan infrastruktur transportasi dalam hal ini kereta api dipandang sebagai pemicu/penggerak perkembangan ekonomi di daerah tersebut. Sebagai alat transportasi kereta api telah banyak membantu kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan pendapatan dan pembangunan (Infrastructure driven economic growth). Di sisi lain pengelolaan dan pengembangan jaringan kereta api memerlukan biaya yang sangat besar sedangkan dana yang tersedia dari pemerintah terbatas dan penyelenggaraan kereta api cenderung dimonopoli sehingga terjadi penurunan aset dan pelayanan. Oleh karena itulah untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dan kinerja perekeretaapian serta memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi (PAD dan APBD) dalam konteks otonomi daerah perlu dilakukan suatu terobosan dengan mengelola kereta api secara terbuka baik dari sistem pengelolaan termasuk kelembagaan maupun sumber pendanannya. Dalam rangka memacu perkembangan perkeretaapian dan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah, peningkatan profit merupakan bagian dari kinerja dan hasil akhir yang ingin dicapai dari pengelolaan kereta api secara keseluruhan. Untuk mencapai peningkatan tersebut diperlukan pola pendanaan yang diperkuat dengan bentuk kelembagaan yang optimal dimana di dalam pola kelembagaan ini akan dilakukan kerjasama antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan kereta api. Untuk itu maka dilakukanlah penelitian ini dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi pola kelembagaan dan pendanaan yang mampu meningkatkan profit perusahaan pengelola kereta api. Dalam penelitian ini, untuk mendapatkan bentuk pola kelembagaan yang optimal maka digunakan 3 (tiga) macam metode analisis yaitu analisis AHP (untuk melihat peringkat faktor yang berpengaruh pada pola kelembagaan dan pendanaan), analisis deskriptif (untuk mencari tingkat pengaruh variabel penelitian terhadap profit), dan yang terakhir adalah analisis sensitivitas (mensimulasi Net Present Value/NPV dengan simulasi Monte Carlo yang bertujuan mencari NPV yang paling tinggi). Setelah ketiga metode tersebut dilaksanakan, maka diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa bentuk pola kelembagaan yang paling optimum adalah Joint Venture dengan masa konsesi 54 tahun (dilihat dari NPV dan profit yang paling tinggi) serta pihak yang terlibat adalah Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah, PT. KA, Developer dan Kalangan Industri.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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