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Ditemukan 30 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Khan, Irshad
New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Pub. Co, 1987
634.956 KHA w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Faura Sari
Abstrak :
Lately, many industry used fuel has shifted to coal. Based on prediction, the production of oil estimated only last until 2040. Hence, there has been increased consumption of coal as one of the potential and cheaper alternative resources of energy. In 2002-2006, production of coal has been dominated by the contractor company that used Coal Contract of Work (CCoW). The mining industry has multiple effects directly or indirectly for economic. One of the influencing negative effect is activities of mining was damaging environment. In order to secure conservation of environment, mining company ought to reclamation print mining area. These reclamation emerging cost which bear by mining company allowed to be treated as deductible expense. Reclamation cost might be to reserve then for later adjust to realization cost. When the realization cost less than reserve, can be income but when realization cost more than reserve can be deductible expense. Under this condition, its importance to control the burden of reclamation cost because reclamation cost have high amount. However, reclamation cost is not mentioned at article 6 Income Tax Law (deductible expense) but in article 9 Income Tax Law (non-deductible expense). Problems of this research is why reclamation cost can be deducted from taxable income and how does the implementation of controlling has been done by government of Indonesia related to the burden of reclamation cost The type of the research used qualitative approach. This research analyzed reclamation cost by circumstantial interview with professional coal mining, bibliography study through literatures, and data collecting which is relevant to this research, taxation rules, rules of reclamation, government regulations, other supporting regulations, and also various supporting materials which are related to fundamental problems in the form of cyber media. Reclamation cost is the cost that allocated by mining company based on work plan of mining, which reclamation cost consists not only the rehabilitation cost itself but also consists of miscellaneous cost related with rehabilitation. Reclamation cost is treated as the deduction of taxable income because activity of reclamation have been realized and later adjusted with realization cost. In addition, the other reason are to increase investment and for stated interest. The form of controlling is done by Department of Energy and Mineral Resources by deciding reclamation guarantee, which consist of time deposit, guarantee of third party and accounting reserve. By using the guarantee, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources could control implementation of reclamation and also the burden of reclamation cost implemented by mining company. Guarantee of reclamation is fund provided by mining company as guarantee for implementing reclamation in public mining sector. Beside that, the burden of reclamation cost in company finance report will be audited by public accountant. Although, from Directorate General of Taxes there is no significant controlling, the controlling will be done only when there is tax audit for the company itself even it is not regularly done. When there is no tax audit, reclamation cost can be deductible expenses according to public accountant audit.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siegrist, Robert L.
Abstrak :
Decentralized Water Reclamation Engineering—A Curriculum Workbook was developed to present technical information and materials concerning the engineering of decentralized infrastructure for wastewater treatment and water reclamation in a form suitable for classroom lectures or self-study. The approaches, technologies, and systems are targeted for sustainable infrastructure across the United States and similar industrialized nations, but they are also applicable in developing regions around the world.
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The development of reclamation land of Mutiara coast for setlement could impact to environment especially soil, groundwater and organism.....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Setya Putra
Abstrak :
Mangroves in Indonesia have a large enough area, but in the last 3 decades the area has been reduced to 40%. Besides having a function as a coastal protector, mangroves are also able to maintain the quality of the waters around it. Currently, the construction of a reclamation island in Jakarta Bay is being carried out which will have an impact on the surroundingmangrove forests. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the impact of island reclamation in Jakarta Bay onsedimentation and mangrove growth in surrounding area. This research was conducted with literature studies, vegetation analysis, water quality analysis and also spatial analysis with WorldView-2 satellite imagery. The results showed that the mangrove forests on the coast of North Jakarta, especially in the Muara Angke area tend to increase, especially in the reclaimed island area. The mangrove stands increase by approximately 1.32 ha / year. The density and stem diameters vary in 5 locations. Oxygen levels at the study site are very low but the existing mangrove forests can absorb dissolved heavy metals. The results of the study also show that the area that has the potential to be planted with mangroves is 30 ha. Overall, the sedimentation process helps expand mangrove forests naturally while the bad quality of water does not significantly affect the development of mangroves. On the contrary, the existing mangrove is able to keep the stability of the water quality in surrounding area.
Bandung : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2019
551 JSDA 15:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mada Sutapa
Abstrak :
Kebijakan reklamasi pantai utara Jakarta yang telah dan sedang dilaksanakan oleh Pemda Jakarta merupakan upaya mengembangkan dan menata ulang kawasan pantai utara, dan menjadikan kota Jakarta sebagai kota pantai (waterfront city), yang telah dimulai dengan reklamasi Pantai Ancol untuk pariwisata, reklamasi Pantai Mutiara untuk permukiman mewah di tepian laut, dan reklamasi Pantai Indah Kapuk yang masih berjalan untuk permukiman menengah ke atas berskala besar. Analisis implementasi kebijakan reklamasi pantura menjelaskan bahwa performansi implementasi dipengaruhi oleh faktor isi kebijakan reklamasi, birokrasi di DKI Jakarta, karakteristik lembaga, sumberdaya, dan kondisi lingkungan. Penelitian tersebut mendasarkan pada pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi kasus yang menggambarkan permasalahan secara sistematis dan faktual dengan memanfaatkan segenap unsur pelaku pembangunan kota pantai Jakarta sebagai unit analisis. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan reklamasi belum effektif, karena: kebijakan reklamasi dalam Perda Nomor 8/1995 belum menjelaskan secara menyeluruh; birokrasi belum menggambarkan kesatuan mekanisme perijinan dan masih tumpang tindih; karakteristik lembaga yang beragam berjalan tanpa koordinasi, rriengakibatkan penyimpangan peruntukan karena pelaksanaan reklamasi tidak terpadu; sumberdaya dalam implementasi menunjukkan kurang memadai, berupa kemampuan pelaksana dan dana yang kurang; kondisi lingkungan berupa kondisi ekonomi dengan kurangnya infrastruktur fisik, sumber daya manusia dan dana. Kondisi sosial menunjukkan kurang kondusif, karena sikap masyarakat yang kurang menerima dengan dampak reklamasi. Kondisi politik berjalan baik, namun, krisis dan cepatnya pergantian pemerintahan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan. Penyimpangan peruntukan kawasan dalam implementasi dipengaruhi oleh: kebijakan reklamasi yang belum terpadu, karena rencana tata ruang belum digunakan sebagai acuan; tidak ada koordinasi dan komunikasi pada birokrasi sebagai akibat pelaksanaan reklamasi yang tidak terpadu; beragamnya lembaga dalam implementasi menyebabkan tidak sinkronnya rencana tata ruang olph lembaga atas pantura; tuntutan lebih pada kepentingan ekonomi dan politis daripada aspek sosial dan lingkungan; dan kemauan penegakan hukum tidak berjalan karena beragam kepentingan.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elok Faiqotul Mutia
Abstrak :
Kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta adalah isu yang saat ini menjadi perdebatan publik. Perdebatan ini diperkuat oleh isu-isu lingkungan, marginalisasi kelompok-kelompok tertentu, pengaturan otoritas dan juga korupsi dalam proyek Reklamasi Teluk Jakarta. Beberapa lembaga pemerintah pusat dan provinsi mengambil sikap berbeda tentang masalah ini. Tujuan pertama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kebijakan lingkungan dalam reklamasi Teluk Jakarta dengan pendekatan ekologi politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dengan para pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam pembuatan kebijakan lingkungan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta dan studi literatur. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta menciptakan konflik antara pemerintah pusat dan provinsi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tumpang tindih peraturan otoritas reklamasi Teluk Jakarta serta perbedaan dalam sikap dan kepentingan di antara para pemangku kepentingan. Dalam pendekatan ekologi politik, kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta telah gagal mengakomodasi ketiga kepentingan tersebut, yaitu kepentingan sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Konflik yang terjadi juga menyebabkan kelalaian yang tidak hanya merugikan ekonomi, tetapi juga memperburuk dampak sosial dan ekonomi.
The Jakarta Bay reclamation policy is an issue that is currently a public debate. This debate is strengthened by environmental issues, the marginalization of certain groups, the regulation of authority and also corruption in the Jakarta Bay Reclamation project. Some central and provincial government institutions take different stances on the issue. The first objective of this research is to analyse environmental policy in reclamation of Jakarta Bay with the approach of political ecology. This research uses a qualitative approach. The data were obtained from in depth interviews with stakeholders involved in the policy making of the Jakarta Bay reclamation environment and the literature study. This study concludes that the Jakarta Bay reclamation policy creates a conflict between the central and provincial governments. This is due to the overlapping regulation of Jakarta Bay reclamation authority as well as differences in attitude and interests among stakeholders. In the approach of political ecology, the Jakarta Bay reclamation policy has failed to accommodate the three interests, are social, economic and environmental interests. The conflicts that occur also cause an omission that not only harms the economy but worsens the social and economic impact.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zainul Abidin
Abstrak :
Kebijakan pengembangan daerah reklamasi adalah bagian penting dari tata ruang kota Jakarta. Kebijakan reklamasi pantai utara Jakarta dalam rezim perkotaan hampir tidak ada yang diteliti oleh para scholar, termasuk dinamika rezim perkotaan dalam tata ruang kota pada kebijakan pembangunan reklamasi pantura Jakarta. Dalam teori urban rezim, ada tiga tipologi rezim kota. Pertama, rezim instrumental. Tujuannya adalah mewujudkan program dan motifnya ialah hasil. Kedua, rezim simbolik. Tipologi rezim yang memiliki motivasi untuk mengekspresikan politik rezim. Ketiga, rezim organik. Tujuannya yaitu mengabadikan status quo. Dalam rezim perkotaan, efektivitas kebijakan rezim dipengaruhi oleh tindakan kekuasaan aktor pada rezim perkotaan. Agar efektif, pemerintah harus memadukan kapasitas mereka dengan berbagai aktor non-pemerintah. Akan tetapi dalam kebijakan reklamasi pantura Jakarta, aktor non-pemerintah lebih khusus pengembang sangat dominan dalam mengambil kebijakan politik penyelenggaraan pembangunan kawasan reklamasi. Dominasi dalam perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan reklamasi oleh pengembang menciptakan konflik politik dan ekonomi yang luas, antara masyarakat, aktor, dan negara. Dampak dari dinamika tersebut menyebabkan kebijakan tata ruang kota di Jakarta tidak efektif. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini menguatkan teori urban regime Clerence Stone. Bahwa dominasi politik merupakan bagian masalah yang utama setelah menyatukan kapasitas kekuasaan antar aktor pada rezim perkotaan. ......The policy of developing reclamation areas is an important part of the spatial layout of Jakarta. The policy of reclamation of Jakarta in urban regimes is almost nothing that is researched by scholars, including the dynamics of urban regimes in urban spatial city on the development of reclamation in Jakarta. In the urban regime theory, there are three typologies of the city regime. First, the instrumental regime. The aim is to realize the program and the motive is the result. Second, symbolic regime. The typology of the regime which has the motivation to express the regime's politics. Third, the organic regime. The goal is to perpetuate the status quo. In urban regimes, the effectiveness of regime policies is influenced by acts of actor power in urban regimes. To be effective, the government must integrate their capacity with various non-government actors. However, in the Jakarta reclamation policy, non-government actors, especially developers, are very dominant in taking political policies in the implementation of the construction of reclamation areas. Domination in the planning and implementation of the construction of reclamation by the developer creates a broad political and economic conflict between the community, actors and the state. The impact of these dynamics has led to ineffective urban spatial planning policies in Jakarta. The conclusions in this study reinforce the urban theory of the Clerence Stone. That political domination is a major part of the problem after uniting power capacity between actors in urban regimes.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faraby Advisda Ilmi
Abstrak :
Pencabutan izin usaha pertambangan sebagai bentuk sanksi administratif terhadap pemegang izin usaha pertambangan batubara menimbulkan permasalahan terkait pelaksaan kewajiban reklamasi dan pascatambang. Ditemukan kasus yaitu perusahaan pemegang izin usaha pertambangan batubara pada Provinsi Bengkulu dan Provinsi Riau setelah izinnya dicabut, kewajiban reklamasi dan pascatambangnya tidak dilaksanakan. Padahal sudah dinyatakan secara tegas dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 78 Tahun 2010 tentang reklamasi dan pasatambang bawa sanksi administratif berupa penabutan izin usaha pertambangan batubara tidak mengilangkan kewajibannya untuk melakukan reklamasi dan pasatambang. Reklamasi dan Pascatambang wajib dilaksanakan untuk memulihkan fungsi lingkungan hidup yang terganggu akibat pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha pertambangan batubara. Penelitian ini akan mencoba menguraikan permasalahan tersebut dan menguraikan kekurangan yang ada dalam pengaturan mengenai reklamasi dan pascatambang. Metode penulisan dalam skripsi ini adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemegang izin usaha pertambangan batubara yang telah dicabut tidak melaksanakan kewajiban reklamasi dan pascatambang. ...... Revocation of coal mining business licences as a form of administrative sanction toward holders of coal mining business licenses raises problems related to the implementation of reclamation and postmining obligations. It was found that the holder of coal mining business licenses in Bengkulu Province and Riau Province after its licenses are revoked, its reclamation and postmining obligations are not implemented. Whereas it has been stated explicitly in Government Regulation Number 78 Year 2010 about reclamation and postmining that administrative sanction in the form of revocation of coal mining business licences does not eliminate its obligation to do reclamation and postmining. Reclamation and postmining must be implemented to restore environmental functions that are disrupted by the activity of coal mining. This research will attempt to elaborate on the issue and elaborate in the lack of government regulation related to reclamation and postmining. The method in writing this thesis is normative juridical method. The results of this research indicate that the holder of coal mining business licence that has been revoked does not carry out the reclamation and postmining obligations.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Kusuma Wardhani
Abstrak :
It has been more than ten years since The Jakarta Bay reclamation project displaced fishermen from the sea where they were normally fishing. The direct impact of reclamation on fisherwomen was income decrease, because it has damaged the marine ecosystems due to the effects of sucking and backhlling of the sea sand. In addition, there will be at least 16,998 of fishermen households will be evicted from the coastal areas of Jakarta, Banten and Bekasi due to this reclamation.The findings of this study are: the reclamation made the hsherwomen become poorer, their burden is higher and they have experienced double marginalization. The research methodology is a qualitative study with feminist perspective. Data collection are by in depth interview with ten fisherwomen, document study, and fields observation. Selection of research sites is purposive, namely Kampung Akuarium dan Kampung Kamal Muara, District of Penjaringan, North Jakarta Municipality. In particular, this study wants to bring up the voices of poor fisherwomen as marginalized group of people, who have not been heard. It is hoped they will be brave and voiced their rights and aspirations openly which they have not dared to do so.
Jakarta: Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan, 2017
305 JP 22:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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