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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Randy Wahyu Tanaji
Risalah Lelang merupakan akta otentik yang membuktikan telah terjadinya lelang
dan berfungsi sebagai alas hak untuk melakukan balik nama, khususnya dalam hal
objek lelang berupa tanah dan bangunan. Seperti halnya akta notaris, Risalah
Lelang dapat dibuat dalam bentuk minuta, salinan dan grosse. Minuta Risalah
Lelang merupakan arsip negara yang wajib disimpan dan dipelihara secara baik
oleh Juru Lelang/Kantor Lelang. Dalam penelitian ini, permasalahan muncul
sebagai dampak dari diterbitkannya surat keterangan sebagai pengganti salinan
Risalah Lelang oleh Kepala Kantor Lelang Negara, yang tidak memiliki minuta.
Mengenai bidang tanah/bangunan yang telah dijual lelang oleh Kantor Lelang
Negara tersebut, bagaimanapun, telah diterbitkan sertipikat Hak Guna Bangunan
atas nama pihak lain oleh Kantor Pertanahan sebagai tindak lanjut dari adanya
ketentuan konversi tanah berdasarkan UUPA. Selain itu, sertipikat Hak Guna
Bangunan tersebut telah pula ditingkatkan menjadi Hak Milik. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian antara prosedur lelang dan proses
konversi tanah yang telah dilakukan dengan peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku di
bidang hukum lelang dan pertanahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan bentuk yuridis
normatif dengan tipe diagnostik fact-finding. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah
data sekunder yang dianalis secara kualitatif sehingga menghasilkan laporan yang
bersifat diagnostik analisis. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa lelang yang telah
dilakukan mengandung beberapa cacat prosedur dan surat keterangan sebagai
pengganti salinan Risalah Lelang tersebut tidak dapat diterima sebagai alat bukti
yang sah dan sempurna, namun hanya sebagai bukti permulaan.

An Auction Deed is an authentic deed to prove that an auction has occured and it
becomes the legal basis the transfer of title from a vendor to a purchaser,
particularly in relation to land and builidng. Similiar to a notary deed, The
Auction Deed may be drawn as a minute, an exemplified copy, and an
engrossment. As state archives, the minute of Auction Deeds must be kept and
maintained well by auctioneers. In this research, problems arise as a result of the
issuance of letters of evidence by the Head of State Auction Office as a substitute
for an exemplified copy of an auction deed, that do not has the minute. With
regard to the property sold by the aforementioned State Auction Office, however,
the Land Office has granted Building Rights Certificate under the name of other
people based on the conversion policy of land titles in conformity with the Basic
Agrarian Law (UUPA). Besides, The Building Rights has been increased into the
Ownership (Freehold) Rights. This study aims to examine the suitability of the
auction procedure, conversion of land rights procedure with the auction and land
regulations. The research uses normative juridical with fact-finding diagnostic.
The type of data used are secondary data were analyzed qualitatively so as to
produce a diagnostic report analysis. The writer concluded that there were flaws in
auction procedure and the letters of evidence could not be accepted as perfect and
convincing/legitimate evidence, but merely as preliminary evidence.;An Auction Deed is an authentic deed to prove that an auction has occured and it
becomes the legal basis the transfer of title from a vendor to a purchaser,
particularly in relation to land and builidng. Similiar to a notary deed, The
Auction Deed may be drawn as a minute, an exemplified copy, and an
engrossment. As state archives, the minute of Auction Deeds must be kept and
maintained well by auctioneers. In this research, problems arise as a result of the
issuance of letters of evidence by the Head of State Auction Office as a substitute
for an exemplified copy of an auction deed, that do not has the minute. With
regard to the property sold by the aforementioned State Auction Office, however,
the Land Office has granted Building Rights Certificate under the name of other
people based on the conversion policy of land titles in conformity with the Basic
Agrarian Law (UUPA). Besides, The Building Rights has been increased into the
Ownership (Freehold) Rights. This study aims to examine the suitability of the
auction procedure, conversion of land rights procedure with the auction and land
regulations. The research uses normative juridical with fact-finding diagnostic.
The type of data used are secondary data were analyzed qualitatively so as to
produce a diagnostic report analysis. The writer concluded that there were flaws in
auction procedure and the letters of evidence could not be accepted as perfect and
convincing/legitimate evidence, but merely as preliminary evidence.;An Auction Deed is an authentic deed to prove that an auction has occured and it
becomes the legal basis the transfer of title from a vendor to a purchaser,
particularly in relation to land and builidng. Similiar to a notary deed, The
Auction Deed may be drawn as a minute, an exemplified copy, and an
engrossment. As state archives, the minute of Auction Deeds must be kept and
maintained well by auctioneers. In this research, problems arise as a result of the
issuance of letters of evidence by the Head of State Auction Office as a substitute
for an exemplified copy of an auction deed, that do not has the minute. With
regard to the property sold by the aforementioned State Auction Office, however,
the Land Office has granted Building Rights Certificate under the name of other
people based on the conversion policy of land titles in conformity with the Basic
Agrarian Law (UUPA). Besides, The Building Rights has been increased into the
Ownership (Freehold) Rights. This study aims to examine the suitability of the
auction procedure, conversion of land rights procedure with the auction and land
regulations. The research uses normative juridical with fact-finding diagnostic.
The type of data used are secondary data were analyzed qualitatively so as to
produce a diagnostic report analysis. The writer concluded that there were flaws in
auction procedure and the letters of evidence could not be accepted as perfect and
convincing/legitimate evidence, but merely as preliminary evidence., An Auction Deed is an authentic deed to prove that an auction has occured and it
becomes the legal basis the transfer of title from a vendor to a purchaser,
particularly in relation to land and builidng. Similiar to a notary deed, The
Auction Deed may be drawn as a minute, an exemplified copy, and an
engrossment. As state archives, the minute of Auction Deeds must be kept and
maintained well by auctioneers. In this research, problems arise as a result of the
issuance of letters of evidence by the Head of State Auction Office as a substitute
for an exemplified copy of an auction deed, that do not has the minute. With
regard to the property sold by the aforementioned State Auction Office, however,
the Land Office has granted Building Rights Certificate under the name of other
people based on the conversion policy of land titles in conformity with the Basic
Agrarian Law (UUPA). Besides, The Building Rights has been increased into the
Ownership (Freehold) Rights. This study aims to examine the suitability of the
auction procedure, conversion of land rights procedure with the auction and land
regulations. The research uses normative juridical with fact-finding diagnostic.
The type of data used are secondary data were analyzed qualitatively so as to
produce a diagnostic report analysis. The writer concluded that there were flaws in
auction procedure and the letters of evidence could not be accepted as perfect and
convincing/legitimate evidence, but merely as preliminary evidence.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Rafika Ilhami
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai keabsahan akta risalah lelang terhadap objek lelangyang tidak berada dalam wilayah jabatan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II Studi KasusPT. M Finance Pekanbaru dan Pejabat Lelang Kelas II Bekasi . Objek lelangdalam tesis ini berada di wilayah Pekanbaru, sedangkan akta risalah lelang dibuatoleh Pejabat Lelang Kelas II Bekasi. Dalam praktiknya, terdapat Pejabat Lelangyang membuat akta risalah lelang yang objeknya tidak berada dalam wilayahjabatannya. Praktik ini tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang diberikan dalamPeraturan Menteri Keuangan tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang yangmenetapkan bahwa seorang pejabat lelang hanya bisa mengeluarkan akta risalahlelang yang objeknya berada dalam wilayah jabatannya. Oleh karena itu, masalahpenelitian yang dibahas dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana keabsahan akta risalahlelang terhadap objek lelang yang tidak berada dalam wilayah jabatan PejabatLelang Kelas II dan bagaimana akibat hukum bagi Pejabat Lelang Kelas II yangmembuat akta risalah lelang terkait objek lelang yang tidak berada dalam wilayahjabatannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Teknikpengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menemukanbahwa akta risalah lelang yang objeknya tidak berada dalam wilayah jabatanPejabat Lelang Kelas II adalah tidak sah. Risalah Lelang tidak dapatdiklasifikasikan sebagai akta otentik, namun menjadi akta biasa dan akibat hukumdari kasus ini adalah Pejabat Lelang dapat diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat. Kata Kunci : Lelang, Risalah Lelang, Pejabat Lelang
This thesis discusses the validity of an auction deed of auction objects which arenot in the jurisdiction of the Class II Auctioneer A Case Study of PT M FinancePekanbaru and the Class II Auctioneer of Bekasi . The auction objects in thisthesis were in Pekanbaru territory while the legal document of the auction, namelyRisalah Lelang, was made by a Class II Auctioneer in Bekasi. In practice, therewas an Auctioneer making a Risalah Lelang of several auction objects which werenot in his her legal territory. This practice was not in conformity with the rulesgiven in the Minister of Finance Regulation concerning the Auction Directivewhich stipulates that an Auctioneer can only issue auction deeds of auction objectwithin his her jurisdiction. Therefore, the research issues discussed in this thesisare the validity of the auction deed of auction objects which are not within theClass II Auctioneer rsquo s jurisdiction and its legal consequences for the Class IIAuctioneer who conducts the auction. The research method used in this theseswas normative juridical. Data collection technique used was the study ofdocuments. The research found that the auction deed of auction objects which areoutside the jurisdiction of the competent Auctioneer are not valid. The RisalahLelang can not be classified as an authentic deed, but becomes an ordinary deedand the legal effect of this case is the Auctioneer can be dishonorably discharged. Keywords Auction, Auction Deed, Auctioneer."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Atas lelang yang telah dilaksanakan, tidak dapat dibatalkan oleh Kantor Lelang, hal ini ditegaskan dalam Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No. 304/KMK 01/2002 jo. No. 450/KMK 01/2002 yang berbunyi ?Pelelangan yang telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku tidak dapat dibatalkan?. Permasalahan pokok adalah bagaimana kompetensi Badan Peradilan Umum dan Badan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara dalam pembatalan Risalah Lelang dan bagaimana kepastian hukum Risalah Lelang bilamana terdapat putusan badan Peradilan Umum dan Badan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara yang saling bertentangan.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan tipe penelitian eksploratoris serta rancangan penelitian case study desain untuk memperoleh informasi secara menyeluruh dan terintegrasi yang terkait dengan kasus dalam putusan pengadilan yang diteliti dan didukung dengan bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Data dihimpun melalui studi dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kasus tersebut ternyata Risalah Lelang bukan merupakan penetapan pejabat Tata Usaha Negara melainkan Berita Acara hasil penjualan barang tereksekusi. Oleh karenanya Risalah Lelang bukan keputusan Badan/Pejabat Tata Usaha Negara dan bukan objek gugatan Tata Usaha Negara melainkan masuk dalam lingkup kewenangan Badan Peradilan Umum. Apabila terdapat putusan badan Peradilan Umum dan Badan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara yang saling bertentangan mengenai pembatalan Risalah Lelang maka demi terwujudnya kepastian hukum para pihak dapat memohon fatwa kepada Mahkamah Agung.

Upon the auction that has been executed, it shall not be cancelled by The Auction Office, this is firmly stated ini the Gecree of Finance Minister Number 304/KMK 01/2002 in connection with Number 450/KMK 01/2002, sound that ?Any Auction has been executed in compliance with the prevailing provision could not be canceled?. The primary issue is how the competency of Public Judicial Board and State Administration Judicial Board in canceling the Minutes of Auction, and how the law conviction of the minutes of auction whenever there is adjudication of the Public Judicial Board and State Administration Judicial Board in which they are contrary each other.
The research method adopted herein shall be library research with the research type of exploratory using the design research of case study design in order to obtain the information entirely, integrated in connection with the researched court adjudication, and supported by the primary, secondary and tertiary law materials. The data are collected by documentation study.
The research outcome transpires that in fact on such case the Minutes of Auction is not a determination of the an Official of the State Administration but as a Minutes of Sales outcome of executed property. Therefore the Minutes of Auction is not the adjudication of the Board/Officials of the State Administration and not an accusation object of the State administration but rather than include in the authority of Public Judicial Board. In the event of occurring any adjudication of Public Judicial Board and State Administration Judicial Board concerning canceling the Minutes of Auction, in which they are contrary each other, therefore in the interest of law conviction the parties could request a binding ruling to The Supreme Court."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini mengemukakan tinjauan terhadap perubahan format, bentuk dan konten dari Kutipan Risalah Lelang berdasarkan Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 KN 2017 Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017. Dokumen yang diterbitkan oleh Pejabat Lelang dan hanya ditujukan kepada pihak Pembeli ini pada mulanya diatur melalui Undang-Undang Lelang Vendu Reglement dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan RI Nomor 27 PMK.06 2016 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Lelang. Terobosan dalam Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017 menciptakan jumlah halaman pada dokumen Kutipan yang lebih ringkas hanya berjumlah tiga hingga empat halaman. Oleh sebab itu, Penulis melakukan analisis terhadap sifat autentisitas dari dokumen Kutipan Risalah Lelang tersebut dan melihat harmonisasi terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang lelang yang mengatur masalah Risalah Lelang maupun Kutipan itu sendiri. Penelitian yang menggunakan metode Yuridis Normatif ini menyimpulkan bahwa dokumen Kutipan tersebut tetap autentis dikarenakan Kutipan Risalah Lelang merupakan turunan dari Risalah Lelang walaupun adanya disharmonisasi peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang lelang. Di samping itu, Penulis menyarankan agar pihak Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Negara dapat melakukan penyempurnaan terhadap dokumen Kutipan melalui amandemen Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017.

This Thesis reveals a review of the changes in format, form and content of Auction Deed Excerpts based on the Regulation of Director General of State Assets Management Number 5 KN 2017 on Auction Deed Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017. The document issued by Auctioneers and awarded to the Buyer only is originally regulated by Laws of Auction Vendu Reglement and Minister of Finance Regulation Number 27 PMK.06 2016 concerning Implementation of Auction Guidance. The breakthrough in Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017 creates the document is more concise, only consists of three to four pages. Therefore, the Author analyzes the authenticity and harmonization among prevailing regulations of the Auction. The research, using Normative Juridical method concludes that the Excerpt is still authentic because the document is derived from Auction Deed itself, even though there is a disharmony among the prevailing regulations in Auction. Moreover, the Author suggests that General Director of State Assets Management can refine the Excerpt by amending Perdirjen KN No. 5 2017.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihotang, Jeeferson
Tesis ini membahas kewenangan notaris dan kepastian hukum dari akta risalah
lelang notaris. Pasal 15 ayat 2 huruf g UU Notaris menetapkan bahwa notaris
berwenang membuat akta risalah lelang sementara Vendu Reglement (Peraturan Lelang) menyatakan bahwa kewenangan untuk menyusun suatu akta lelang dilakukan oleh pejabat lelang. Oleh karena itu, pokok permasalahan dari tesis ini adalah kewenangan hukum dari notaris dalam membuat akta risalah lelang berdasarkan Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris dan bagaimana kepastian hukum dari akta risalah lelang yang dibuat oleh notaris. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dan dilengkapi dengan wawancara. Berdasarkan prinsip hukum lex specialis derogat legi generalis, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa notaris tidak secara otomatis berwenang untuk membuat akta risalah lelang. Hanya notaris yang ditunjuk sebagai pejabat lelang oleh pemerintah yang memiliki kewenangan untuk membuat akta risalah lelang. Oleh karena itu, akta risalah lelang yang dibuat oleh notaris yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai juru lelang akan membuat akta risalah lelang menjadi tidak otentik dan tidak memberikan kepastian hukum bagi para pihak

This thesis discussed the authority of a notary and the legal certainty of notary's auction deed. Article 15 paragraph 2 point g of the Notary Act stipulates that a public notary is authorized to draw up an auction deed while vendu reglement (the Auction Act) states that the authority to draw up an auction deed is held by an auctioneer. Therefore, the main issues of this thesis are the legal authority of notary in drawing up an auction deed based on the Notary Act and how the legal certainty of an auction deed drew up by a notary. The method used in this research is juridical normative and equipped by interviews. Based on the legal principle of lex specialis derogat legi generalis, the writer concluded that a notary is not automatically authorized to draw up an auction deed. Only a notary who is also appointed as an auctioneer by the government has the authority to draw up an auction deed. Therefore, an auction deed drew up by a notary who does not qualify as an auctioneer will make the deed not authentic and does not provide legal certainty for the parties."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sita Adelia Jatu Wijayanti
"Tulisan ini menganalisis pelindungan hukum terhadap risiko pengalihan hak tagih (piutang) melalui lelang sebagai alternatif penyelesaian kredit perbankan. Tulisan ini disusun menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko hukum pengalihan hak tagih (piutang) melalui lelang ditentukan oleh dua faktor yaitu terkait keberadaan jaminan yang melekat pada hak tagih (piutang) yang dialihkan dan terkait pemberitahuan (betekening) terjadinya pengalihan hak tagih (piutang) melalui lelang kepada debitur. Bentuk pelindungan hukum terhadap risiko pengalihan hak tagih (piutang) melalui lelang direpresentasikan dalam dokumen Risalah Lelang yang merupakan Berita Acara Pelaksanaan Lelang sebagai bukti peralihan hak. Risalah Lelang dapat memberikan kepastian hukum kepada para pihak dalam lelang hak tagih (piutang) sepanjang di dalam Risalah Lelang tersebut memuat klausul pengalihan dan penyerahan hak tagih (piutang) serta terdapat klausul yang mensyaratkan adanya tanggunjawab penyerah piutang atau penerima piutang untuk melakukan pemberitahuan, memperoleh persetujuan tertulis atau pengakuan dari debitur atas beralihnya hak tagih (piutang) tersebut atau di dalam Risalah Lelang terdapat dokumen yang merepresentasikan adanya pemberitahuan, bukti persetujuan tertulis, atau pengakuan debitur. Penyerah piutang selaku pemohon lelang juga harus menjamin kebenaran piutang, dan penyerah piutang berwenang melakukan pengalihan tersebut, serta menjamin hak tagih (piutang) bebas dari tuntutan hukum apapun dan dari pihak manapun.

This paper analyzes legal protection against the risk of claim rights (receivable) transfer through auctions as an alternative for bank credit settlement. This article was prepared using doctrinal research methods. The research results show that the legal risk of claim rights (receivable) transfer through auction is determined by two factors, namely related to the existence of collateral attached to the transferred claim rights (receivables) and related to notification (betekening) of the transfer of claim rights (receivables) through auction to debtors. A form of legal protection against the risk of claim rights (receivable) transfer through auction is represented in the Auction Minutes document which is the Minutes of Auction Implementation as proof of the transfer of rights. The Auction Minutes can provide legal certainty to the parties in the auction of claim rights (receivables) as long as the Auction Minutes contain a clause on the transfer and assignment of claim rights (receivables) and there is a clause that requires the responsibility of the person giving the receivables or the recipient of the receivables to provide notification, proof of written agreement, or acknowledgment from the debtor regarding the transfer of claim rights (receivables) or in the Auction Minutes there is a document that represents notification, proof of written agreement, or acknowledgment of the debtor. The handover of the receivables as the auction applicant must also guarantee the veracity of the receivables, and the handover of the receivables has the authority to carry out the transfer, as well as guaranteeing the right (receivables) free from any legal claims and from any party."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melani Ananta
Perhutani sebagai perusahaan umum milik Negara yang memproduksi berbagai macam hasil kayu termasuk kayu jati telah memasuki fase baru dalam penjualan kayu dengan cara lelang, yang semula dilakukan secara konvensional menjadi secara online melalui internet yang dibantu oleh iPASAR sebagai Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam jasa pelelangan online, dimana hal ini dilakukan sebagai perwujudan dari majunya perkembangan akses jual beli dengan cara lelang. Pelelangan kayu jati Perum Perhutani melalui internet yang dilakukan iPASAR ini sesuai dengan asas lelang yang berlaku di Indonesia yaitu asas transparansi, asas kepastian hukum, asas kompetisi, dan asas efisiensi, yang merupakan cerminan dari Vendu Reglement Staatsblad tahun 1908 nomor 189, dan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia No. 93/PMK.06/2010. Tetapi tidak sesuai dengan asas akuntabilitas yang mewajibkan adanya Pejabat Lelang dan Risalah Lelang dalam suatu pelelangan. Dalam asas akuntabilitas dinyatakan bahwa lelang tidak dapat dilakukan tanpa kehadiran Pejabat Lelang, dan dapat dinyatakan cacat hukum atau tidak sah apabila tidak terdapat Risalah Lelang. Dalam aturan tentang lelang, Pejabat Lelang dinyatakan wajib hadir dalam pelaksanaan lelang sebagai pihak yang mempunyai wewenang untuk menjalankan proses pelelangan dari tahap awal sampai akhir, dan juga Risalah Lelang yang merupakan suatu alat bukti mengenai jalannya pelelangan yang mempunyai kekuatan seperti akta yang autentik . Hal tersebut sulit ditemukan dalam lelang yang dilakukan secara online, dimana aturan mengenainya belum diatur secara konkrit dalam undang-undang maupun peraturan yang lainnya. Proses lelang online yang dilakukan oleh PASAR ini tidak diatur oleh Pejabat Lelang melainkan dilakukan oleh sistem yang telah terprogram untuk menjalankan proses lelang, dan dalam iPASAR tidak dibuat Risalah Lelang, tetapi menggunakan Surat Konfirmasi Pemenang Lelang sebagai alat bukti yang sah dan paling kuat bagi Pemenang Lelang sebagai tanda kepemilikan barang lelang. Akan adanya hal ini, pemerintah perlu memperhatikan prosedur lelang secara online dan menciptakan aturan baru yang khusus membahas mengenai lelang secara online ini agar setiap perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang yang sama seperti iPASAR dapat tunduk kepada 1 (satu) hukum yang konkrit.

Perhutani as a state owned enterprise producing various types of wood products including teak wood has entered a new phase in their selling process by using auctions. A new type of auction is now available in addition to conventional auction through the internet with the support of iPasar, a company providing online auction services. These steps have been implemented as an answer to the fast growing demand of transactions through auctions. Perum Perhutani teak wood auctions conducted by iPasar through the internet is in accordance with several auction principles applied in Indonesia, these are : the principle of transparancy, the principle of legal certainty, the principle of competition and the principle of efficiency. These principles are all a reflection of the Vendu Reglement Staatsblad year 1908 number 189 and also Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia No.93/PMK.06/2010. However, online auctions through companies like iPasar are not in accordance with the principle of accountability which states that auctions can not be conducted without the presence of an Auctioneer and may be deemed defect by law or invalid if no auction report exists. Under the rules of auctions,the Auctioneer must be present and is the person in charge during an auction from its beginning until its end, and the auction report is considered authentic proof of the auction and is valid by law as an authentic certificate. These elements are difficult to find in online auctions due to the fact that there are no clear guidelines governing online auctions. Online auctions conducted by companies like iPasar do not include an auction officer,this function is replaced by a system programmed to run the auction.Online auctions also do not require an auction report,it is replaced instead by an auction winner confirmation letter which is used a valid proof by law for the winner of the auction as a sign of ownership of the auctioned good/product. Due to this matter, it is the utmost importance for the government to give attention to online auction procedures and create new rules and guidelines which specifically discusses online auctions so in the future companies such as iPasar can obey to a single concrete law.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas bahwa terdapat dualisme mengenai pengadilan yang berwenang mengadili gugatan tentang Risalah Lelang. Dari beberapa putusan Mahkamah Agung, terlihat ketidak-konsistenan hakim dalam memutus apakah suatu gugatan yang menyangkut Risalah Lelang tersebut memang merupakan kompetensi dari Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara atau Pengadilan Negeri. Disatu sisi ada yang menyatakan bahwa Risalah Lelang merupakan Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara karena merupakan produk dari Pejabat Lelang yang merupakan Pejabat Tata Usaha Negara sehingga seharusnya diperiksa di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara. Disisi lain, ada yang menyatakan bahwa Risalah Lelang bukan merupakan Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara karena hanya berisi berita acara tentang perbuatan hukum jual beli melalui lelang, jadi hanya perbuatan perdata semata yang seharusnya diperiksa di Pengadilan Negeri. Oleh karena latar belakang tersebut di atas, maka pokok permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah apakah Risalah Lelang merupakan Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara dan pengadilan mana yang berwenang dalam memeriksa dan mengadili gugatan mengenai Risalah Lelang. Permasalahan tersebut dibahas menggunakan tipologi penelitian deskriptif dan preskriptif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan sehingga menghasilkan kesimpulan yaitu Risalah Lelang bukan Keputusan Tata Usaha Negara dan Pengadilan Negeri-lah yang berwenang memeriksa dan mengadili gugatan tentang Risalah Lelang.

This thesis discusses that there is a dualism of the court's authority to examine a claim in connection with Minutes of Auction. Several of the Supreme Court decisions, we found inconsistencies of judges in deciding whether a claim should be examine by the Administrative Court or District Court. On one side, there is an opinion that claim regarding Minutes of Auction should be examine in Administrative court because it is an Administrative Decision made by the Auction Officials. On the other hand, there is an opinion stated that claims regarding Minutes of the auction is not an Administrative Decision because it only contains the Minutes of Trading, so only a mere civil actions that should be examined in the District Court. From the above background, the main issues in this thesis are whether a Minutes of Auction is an Administrative Decision or not and which court have the right to examine a claim regarding Minutes of Auction. These problems are discussed using a typology of descriptive and prescriptive research using library research methods so as to produce a conclusion that Minutes of Auction is not an Administrative Decision and the District Court have the competence in examining a claim regarding Minutes of Auction."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadya Novany
"Lelang atau penjualan yang merupakan bentuk jual-beli memberikan beberapa manfaat berbeda dibandingkan jual-beli pada umumnya. Dalam kasus yang diteliti terdapat dua pihak yang mengklaim sebagai pemenang lelang. Hal ini terjadi karena pemenang pertama tidak hadir dan diwakili tanpa surat kuasa, oleh karenanya diajukan lelang kembali dan terpilihlah pemenang lelang kedua. Kondisi ini menimbulkan permasalahan hukum antara lain perihal kepemilikan terhadap objek lelang tersebut. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai keabsahan pemenang lelang eksekusi dan perlindungan hukum pemenang lelang eksekusi dalam hal terdapat dua pihak yang mengklaim sebagai pemenang lelang sah. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian doktrinal, dengan tipologi bersifat eksplanatoris. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini bahwa pemenang lelang yang sah adalah pemenang lelang yang kedua sebab pemenang lelang pertama tidak hadir dan orang yang mewakilinya di pelelangan tidak diberi surat kuasa untuk mewakilinya sehingga syarat subjektif tidak terpenuhi berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 122 Tahun 2023 Tentang Petunjuk pelaksanaan lelang. Perlindungan hukum bagi pemenang lelang eksekusi dilakukan dengan menerbitkan Risalah Lelang, karena Risalah Lelang merupakan produk dari pejabat yang berwenang sesuai dengan peraturan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 122 Tahun 2023 yang diakui secara hukum sebagai alat bukti yuridis atas pelaksanaan lelang termasuk pemenang lelang.

Auctions or sales, which are a form of buying and selling, provide several different benefits compared to buying and selling in general. In the case studied there were two parties who claimed to be the winner of the auction. This happened because the first winner was not present and was represented without a power of attorney, therefore another auction was submitted and the winner of the second auction was selected. This condition raises legal issues, including regarding ownership of the auction object. The issues raised in this research are regarding the validity of the execution auction winner and the legal protection of the execution auction winner in the event that there are two parties who claim to be the valid auction winner. To answer this problem, doctrinal research methods are used, with an explanatory typology. The results of the analysis from this research show that the valid auction winner is the second auction winner because the first auction winner was not present and the person who represented him at the auction was not given a power of attorney to represent him so the subjective requirements were not fulfilled based on Minister of Finance Regulation Number 122 of 2023 concerning Instructions for conducting auctions. Legal protection for the winner of the execution auction is carried out by publishing the Auction Minutes, because the Auction Minutes are the product of an authorized official following the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 122 of 2023 which is legally recognized as juridical evidence of the implementation of the auction, including the auction winner."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Josepha Jasin
Keluhan kantor-kantor lelang di daerah mengenai tidak meratanya pendapatan dari penjualan lelang, serta kekhawatiran akan timbulnya gugatan terhadap tempat pelaksanaan lelang lintas wilayah sehubungan dengan otentisitas risalah lelang merupakan alasan dihapuskannya dispensasi tempat lelang oleh Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 106/PMK.06/2013. Tesis ini akan menganalisis mengenai otentisitas risalah lelang yang dibuat berdasarkan dispensasi tempat lelang, dan dampak penghapusan dispensasi tempat lelang terhadap kinerja balai lelang dan notaris sebagai pejabat lelang kelas II. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif atau penelitian hukum kepustakaan. Sedangkan hasil penelitian ialah bahwa pemberian dispensasi tempat lelang tidak mengurangi otentisitas risalah lelang dan dampak penghapusan dispensasi tempat lelang adalah penurunan kinerja balai lelang serta notaris sebagai pejabat lelang kelas II.

Due to complaints from several state auction offices concerning the declining of state revenues derived from auctions, as well as concerns about the emergence of lawsuits against the dispensation of auction location in relation to the authenticity of the auction deed, cause the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia issued Ministerial Regulation No. 106/PMK.06/2013. This thesis analyzes two things. First, it analyzes the relation between the dispensation of the auction location and the authenticity of the auction deed. Second, it analyzes the impact of the abolition of provisions concering the dispensation of the auction location on the performance of the auction house and the notary's performance as a class II officer auctions. Methodology used in this research is juridis normative, combined with interviews to several prominent persons. The result of this research is that the provisions on the dispensation of the auction location does not reduce the authenticity of the auction deed, and that the removal of the aforementioned provisions has an adverse impact on the declining of the performance of private auction houses and notaries as the class II auctioneers.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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