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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lukman Saleh Waluyo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan digital yang pesat di Indonesia beberapa tahun belakangan yang mengubah cara orang mencari jodoh sehingga banyak bermunculan aplikasi dan biro jodoh online. Banyak pengguna online dating yang tidak mendapatkan pasangan sehingga membuat perkembangan pengguna aplikasi online dating atau biro jodoh online menjadi stagnan. Adapun aplikasi kencan online yang dipilih dalam penelitian ini adalah Tinder karena salah satu aplikasi kencan online yang paling banyak digunakan. Tesis ini membahas bagaimana perilaku pengambilan keputusan pengguna Tinder untuk melanjutkan hubungan lebih jauh dengan calon pasangan yang ditemuinya dalam Tinder berdasarkan Teori Pertukaran Sosial dan hal-hal apa saja yang turut mempengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori Pertukaran Sosial dengan konsep keuntungan dan pengorbanan yang kemudian diturunkan lagi berdasarkan fitur-fitur yang ada dalam online dating Tinder. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma pascapositivisme. Peneliti akan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan tujuan untuk menggambarkan peranan pertukaran sosial dalam online dating secara detail dan memperinci informasi yang ada. Temuan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah pengguna online dating mencari keuntungan dari calon pasangannya dalam berbagai tahap, yaitu tahap pertama, tahap pengecekan latar belakang, dan tahap utama.Untuk komponen pengorbanan terdapat pengorbanan yang bernilai sama diantara pria dan wanita dan juga ada yang bernilai berbeda ...... This research is motivated by the rapid digital developments in Indonesia in these recent years that changed the way of people search for a mate that emerges so many applications and online matchmaking. But many online dating users who do not get a pair that makes development of applications users in online dating become stagnant. As for online dating application is selected in this study is Tinder as one of online dating applications that most widely used. This thesis describes how the decisionmaking behavior of the users in Tinder to continue its relationship further with potential mates who met in Tinder by Social Exchange Theory, and whatever things that influence the decision-making process. This study uses the concept of Social Exchange Theory, cost and benefit, then specify it based on the features that exist in Tinder. This study uses post positivism paradigm. Researchers will use descriptive qualitative method with the aim to describe the role of social exchange in online dating. The findings from this research is online dating users seeks benefit from potential partners in various stages, the first stage, the stage background checks, and the main phase. For sacrifice component, there are two types, the first is the cost that worth the same between men and women, and also the cost that are worth different in value between men and women.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Setyorini
Abstrak :
Tesis ini berupaya mengisi research gap terkait employee advocacy pada konteks organisasi pemerintah dengan mencari faktor-faktor yang diduga memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap kesediaan pegawai instansi pemerintah, yakni Kementerian Keuangan, untuk melakukan employee advocacy melalui media sosial pribadinya. Didasarkan pada Social Exchange Theory, employee advocacy dilihat sebagai hubungan pertukaran yang terjadi antara pegawai dengan organisasi pemberi kerja dan juga hubungan antarindividu antara pegawai dengan pimpinannya, dan juga dengan rekan kerjanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, di mana data dikumpulkan melalui survei online (Google Form) kepada pegawai Kementerian Keuangan yang merupakan pengguna media sosial. Sejumlah 240 data bersih berhasil dikumpulkan dan kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan metode SEM-PLS dengan bantuan software SmartPLS3. Hasilnya, variabel yang signifikan mempengaruhi employee advocacy baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dalam hubungan pegawai-organisasi adalah: tiga motivasi intrinsik individu (self enhancement, enjoyment, altruism); Employee-Organization Relationship; Symmetrical Internal Communication, dan Transformational Leadership Style. Adapun hubungan yang terjadi adalah faktor organisasi yaitu Transformational leadership style merupakan prediktor kuat dari symmetrical internal communication dan Employee-Organization Relationship. Kualitas dari Employee-Organization Relationship yang baik akan dapat menghasilkan pertukaran berupa peningkatan motivasi intrinsik individu, yang pada akhirnya mendorong kesediaan pegawai untuk melakukan employee advocacy. Selanjutnya, variabel yang signifikan mempengaruhi employee advocacy baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dalam hubungan antarindividu adalah Organizational Commitment; Co-worker’s Support; dan Supervisor’s Support. Adanya dukungan dari atasan langsung dan rekan kerja dapat mendorong pertukaran dari pegawai berupa peningkatan organizational commitment, yang kemudian dapat meningkatkan kesediaan melakukan employee advocacy. Secara praktis, bukti empiris yang dihasilkan dapat dijadikan landasan dalam pengambilan keputusan selanjutnya terkait penerapan employee advocacy di instansi pemerintah yang saat ini masih dalam tahap awal. ......This thesis seeks to fill the research gap related to employee advocacy in the context of government organizations by looking for factors that are suspected to have a significant relationship to the willingness of government institution employees, namely the Ministry of Finance, to conduct employee advocacy through their personal social media. Based on the Social Exchange Theory, employee advocacy is seen as an exchange relationship that occurs between employees and the employer's organization and the relationship between individuals, which are occur between employees and their leaders, as well as with their co-workers. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach, where data was collected through an online survey (Google Form) to employees of the Ministry of Finance who are social media users. A total of 240 clean data were collected and processed using the SEM-PLS method with the SmartPLS3 software. As a result, the variables that significantly affect employee advocacy both directly and indirectly in employee-organization relationships are: three individual intrinsic motivations (self enhancement, enjoyment, altruism); Employee-Organization Relationship; Symmetrical Internal Communication, and Transformational Leadership Style. The relationship that occurs is described below. Organizational factors, namely Transformational leadership style is a strong predictor of symmetrical internal communication and Employee-Organization Relationship. The quality of a good Employee-Organization Relationship will be able to generate exchanges in the form of increasing individual intrinsic motivation, which in turn will encourage employees' willingness to do employee advocacy. Furthermore, the variables that significantly influence employee advocacy, either directly or indirectly in the relationship between individuals, are Organizational Commitment; Co-worker's Support; and Supervisor's Support. The existence of support from direct superiors and co-workers can encourage exchanges from employees in the form of increased organizational commitment, which can then increase the willingness to do employee advocacy. Practically, the empirical evidence produced can be used as a basis for further decision making regarding the implementation of employee advocacy in government agencies which is currently still in its early stages.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yossi Kalista Dwityaputri
Abstrak :
Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan koefisien korelasi yang cenderung lemah antara leader-member exchange dan kreativitas, yang mengindikasikan adanya variabel lain yang menghubungkan keduanya. Dengan menggunakan teori pertukaran sosial, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran rasa tanggung jawab untuk berubah sebagai mediator pada hubungan antara leader-member exchange dan kreativitas karyawan. Data dikumpulkan dari sampel 239 karyawan dan 24 data dari supervisor yang bekerja di divisi marketing dari berbagai jenis organisasi (perbankan, manufaktur, dan fasilitas layanan) di Indonesia. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan self-report untuk variabel prediktor dan mediator, dan supervisor rating untuk variabel outcome. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik mediasi sederhana dari macro PROCESS milik Hayes pada SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasa tanggung jawab yang untuk berubah secara signifikan memediasi hubungan antara leader-member exchange dan kreativitas karyawan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pentingnya bagi atasan untuk dapat meningkatkan kualitas hubungan dengan karyawan sehingga karyawan memiliki rasa tanggung jawab untuk berubah yang akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kreativitas karyawan. ......Previous research showed relatively small to moderate correlation coefficients between leadermember exchange and employee creativity which indicated an underlying mechanism to occur between the variables. By using social exchange theory, this research aimed to examine the role of responsibility to change as a mediator in the relationship between leader-member exchange and employee creativity. The data is collected from dyads of 239 employees and 24 supervisors working in marketing division from various organizations (banking, manufacture, and service facilities) in Indonesia. The predictor and mediator data were collected using self-resport survey, and the outcome variable was collected using supervisor-rate survey. The data were analyzed using simple mediation model of Hayes' PROCESS macro in SPSS software. The result of the research showed the feeling of responsibility to change significantly mediated the relationship between leader-member exchange and employees creativity. Results of this study indicated the importance of supervisors to improve the quality of relationships with their employees so that employees feel responsible for change in which ultimately improve their creativity.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari perceived investment in employee developmnet terhadap turnover intention, yang dimediasi oleh affective commitment dan job satisfaction. Untuk penelitian ini, data didapatkan dari 90 responden yang bekerja di kantor pusat PT. Asuransi Bangun ASKRIDA. Sedangkan, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Baron & Kenny (1986). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived investment in employee development memberikan pengaruh terhadap turnover intention melalui variabel mediasi, yaitu affective commitment dan job satisfaction.
This study aims to determine the impact of perceived investment in employee development toward turnover intention mediated by affective commitment and job satisfaction. The respondents of this study were 90 employees of PT. Asuransi Bangun ASKRIDA head office. This study uses Baron & Kenny (1986) method to process the data. The result of this study shows that perceived investment in employee development negatively affecting turnover intention through mediating variables, which is affective commitment and job satisfaction.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Blau, Peter M.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1964
303.4 BLA e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tati Ariaini
Abstrak :
Artikel ini mengkaji kebutuhan akan sistem manajemen kinerja yang efektif dalam organisasi. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa sistem semacam itu secara signifikan meningkatkan hasil bisnis. Conversation-based performance management system model memperkenalkan model manajemen kinerja berbasis percakapan yang didasarkan pada teori pertukaran sosial (SET), yang menyarankan bahwa diskusi antara supervisor dan bawahan memupuk hubungan timbal balik yang positif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas sistem manajemen kinerja yang diterapkan oleh sebuah perusahaan perdagangan swasta di Indonesia. Studi kualitatif ini melibatkan wawancara semi-terstruktur dengan 3 anggota Dewan Direksi, 3 anggota Bagian HRD, 2 orang Manajer Lini, dan 2 orang Staf, serta diskusi kelompok fokus dengan 4 orang Manajer Senior. Temuan mengungkapkan adanya kesenjangan dalam implementasi sistem ini, terutama ketidakhadiran proses umpan balik yang merupakan inti dari model ini. Faktor-faktor yang diidentifikasi sebagai penyebab kesenjangan ini termasuk keselarasan tujuan, frekuensi umpan balik, pengembangan keterampilan, dan formalitas, serta faktor lingkungan seperti desain, fungsi pengembangan, dukungan, budaya, dan keterkaitan dengan sistem lainnya. Studi ini menekankan pentingnya umpan balik dan mengeksplorasi efektivitas sistem dari berbagai perspektif, menawarkan wawasan yang berkontribusi pada literatur tentang sistem manajemen kinerja, terutama pendekatan berbasis percakapan di perusahaan swasta di Indonesia. ......This study examines the need for an effective performance management system within organizations. Prior research indicates that such systems significantly enhance business outcomes. Conversation-based performance management system model introduced a conversation-based performance management model grounded in social exchange theory (SET), suggesting that discussions between supervisors and subordinates foster positive reciprocal relationships. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the performance management system implemented by a private trading company in Indonesia. The qualitative study involved semi-structured interviews with the 3 members of Board of Directors, 3 HRD Group members, 2 Line Managers, and 2 Staffs, as well as focus group discussions with 4 Senior Managers. Findings reveal gaps in the system's implementation, notably the absence of feedback processes central to this model. Identified factors contributing to these gaps include goal alignment, feedback frequency, skills development, and formality, alongside environmental factors such as design, development function, buy-in, culture, and linkage with other systems. The study underscores the importance of feedback and explores the system's effectiveness from various perspectives, offering insights that contribute to the literature on performance management systems, particularly conversation-based approaches in private companies in Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahra Zahira
Abstrak :
Seiring meningkatnya persaingan bisnis di dalam industri rumah sakit, organisasi rumah sakit dituntut untuk terus meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif di masa depan yang ditentukan oleh sumber-sumber pengetahuan organisasi.Di mengelola pengetahuan yang dimiliki individu di dalam organisasi, dapat dipengaruhi oleh tiga hal, yaitu individual factor, social exchange dan organizational factor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh individual factor, social exchange, organizational factor, knowledge sharing, innovation capability dan performance. Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah, manajer tingkat menengah organisasi Rumah Sakit Kelas C di Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer, melalui pembagian kuesioner dan teknik statistik yangdigunakan adalah SEM dengan metode PLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa organizational factor lebih berpengaruh terhadap knowledge sharing dibanding individual factor dan social exchange pada organisasi Rumah Sakit Kelas C di Depok. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa organisasi rumah sakit telah dapat melakukan pengelolaan pengetahuan di dalam organisasi dengan baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan inovasi organisasi dan meningkatkan kinerja.;
The increasing competition in the hospital industry, hospital organizations are required to continuously improve competitive advantage in the future is determined by the knowledge resources of the organization. In managing the knowledge of the individual in the organization, can be affected by three things, namely individual factors, social exchange and organizational factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors, social exchange, organizational factors, knowledge sharing, innovation capability and performance. The unit of analysis of this research is, middle level managers organizations Hospital Grade C in Depok. This study uses primary data, through the distribution of questionnaires and statistical techniques used are SEM with PLS method. The results of this study indicate that organizational factors affect the knowledge sharing is more than the individual and social factors on organizational exchange Hospital Grade C in Depok. This suggests that the organization of the hospital has been able to manage knowledge in the organization so well that can improve organizational innovation capability and improve performance.;The increasing competition in the hospital industry, hospital organizations are required to continuously improve competitive advantage in the future is determined by the knowledge resources of the organization. In managing the knowledge of the individual in the organization, can be affected by three things, namely individual factors, social exchange and organizational factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors, social exchange, organizational factors, knowledge sharing, innovation capability and performance. The unit of analysis of this research is, middle level managers organizations Hospital Grade C in Depok. This study uses primary data, through the distribution of questionnaires and statistical techniques used are SEM with PLS method. The results of this study indicate that organizational factors affect the knowledge sharing is more than the individual and social factors on organizational exchange Hospital Grade C in Depok. This suggests that the organization of the hospital has been able to manage knowledge in the organization so well that can improve organizational innovation capability and improve performance.;The increasing competition in the hospital industry, hospital organizations are required to continuously improve competitive advantage in the future is determined by the knowledge resources of the organization. In managing the knowledge of the individual in the organization, can be affected by three things, namely individual factors, social exchange and organizational factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors, social exchange, organizational factors, knowledge sharing, innovation capability and performance. The unit of analysis of this research is, middle level managers organizations Hospital Grade C in Depok. This study uses primary data, through the distribution of questionnaires and statistical techniques used are SEM with PLS method. The results of this study indicate that organizational factors affect the knowledge sharing is more than the individual and social factors on organizational exchange Hospital Grade C in Depok. This suggests that the organization of the hospital has been able to manage knowledge in the organization so well that can improve organizational innovation capability and improve performance., The increasing competition in the hospital industry, hospital organizations are required to continuously improve competitive advantage in the future is determined by the knowledge resources of the organization. In managing the knowledge of the individual in the organization, can be affected by three things, namely individual factors, social exchange and organizational factors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of individual factors, social exchange, organizational factors, knowledge sharing, innovation capability and performance. The unit of analysis of this research is, middle level managers organizations Hospital Grade C in Depok. This study uses primary data, through the distribution of questionnaires and statistical techniques used are SEM with PLS method. The results of this study indicate that organizational factors affect the knowledge sharing is more than the individual and social factors on organizational exchange Hospital Grade C in Depok. This suggests that the organization of the hospital has been able to manage knowledge in the organization so well that can improve organizational innovation capability and improve performance.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puji Gufron Rhodes
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi peran moderasi managerial openness (keterbukaan atasan) terhadap hubungan power distance orientation (orientasi individu terhadap jarak kekuasaan atasan terhadap bawahan) dengan voice behavior (perilaku bersuara). Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei kepada 102 orang bawahan di Bank XYZ Jakarta. Hasil moderated multiple regression menunjukkan bahwa power distance orientation berhubungan negatif dengan voice behavior (β = -0,16, p < 0,05), tetapi managerial openness memperlemah hubungan negatif tersebut. Artinya, managerial openness berperan sebagai moderator antara power distance orientation dengan voice behavior (β = 0,14, p < 0,05). Efek negatif power distance orientation terhadap voice behavior adalah sebesar 0,3 pada responden dengan managerial openness rendah, dan dapat berkurang menjadi 0 pada responden dengan managerial openness tinggi. Model yang dibangun menjelaskan 54% terjadinya voice behavior. Hasil ini sejalan dengan social exchange theory yang menjelaskan bahwa individu mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi hubungan dengan individu lain mempertimbangkan konsekuensi dan upaya yang telah dilakukannya dan yang didapat dari organisasinya. Riset ini berkontribusi dalam menjelaskan interaksi managerial openness dan power distance orientation terhadap voice behavior. ......This study aims to investigate the moderating role of managerial openness in the relation between power distance orientation (individual orientation towards superior power distance from subordinate) and voice behavior. The participants are 102 employees in the XYZ Bank Jakarta. Data is collected through online survey with scales reliability ranging from 0,72-0,87. Moderated multiple regression analysis shows that power distance orientation is negatively related to voice behavior (β=-0,16, p<0,05), however managerial openness dampens the negative relation between power distance orientation and voice behavior. Thus, managerial openness is a significant moderator of the relationship between power distance orientation and voice behavior (β=0,14, p<0,05). The negative power orientation effect of distance to voice behavior is 0,3 in respondents with low managerial openness, and can be reduced to 0 in respondents with high managerial openness. This model explains 54% of the construction of voice behavior. This result supports the social exchange theory which explains the tendency of individuals to respond or behave in accordance to their relationship with other people and to their evaluation of the consequences of their behaviors. This study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between power distance orientation and managerial openness in constructing voice behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brianita Riga Pratiwi
Abstrak :
Daya saing dan kelangsungan hidup yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan bergantung pada bagaimana mereka mampu untuk mengelola inovasinya (Afsar & Umrani, 2019). Oleh karena itu, untuk dapat bersaing di era teknologi saat ini, setiap perusahaan membutuhkan inovasi untuk terus melahirkan ide-ide baru (Slatten et al, 2020). Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan inovasi organisasi adalah dengan memanfaatkan kemampuan karyawan untuk berinovasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran moderasi openness to experience dan harmonious passion terhadap hubungan antara leader-member exchange dengan innovative work Behaviour. Penelitian ini mengambil data dengan menggunakan survey secara online terhadap karyawan yang pernah/sedang menjalankan work from home/WFH dan telah bekerja minimal satu tahun di berbagai bidang pekerjaan di Indonesia. Melalui teknik non probability dengan snowball sampling, didapatkan jumlah sampel sebanyak 327 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisa data moderation model (PROCESS Hayes, 2013) dengan bantuan program SPSS. Bersasarkan hasil penelitian, kepribadian openness to experience dan harmonious passion berperan memoderasi hubungan antara leader-member exchange dengan innovative work behavior. Dengan demikian, untuk memunculkan perilaku kerja inovatif pada karyawan, kualitas hubungan dengan atasan, kepribadian, dan juga passion memiliki peran yang penting. ......The competitiveness and survival of companies depend on how they are able to manage their innovations (Afsar & Umrani, 2019). Therefore, to be able to compete in the current technological era, every company needs innovation to continue to produce new ideas (Slatten et al, 2020). To increase organizational innovation is to utilize the ability of employees to innovate. This study aims to determine the moderating role of openness to experience and harmonious passion for the relationship between leader-member exchange and innovative work behavior. This study collects data using an online survey of employees who have worked from home/WFH and have worked for at least one year in various fields of work in Indonesia. Through non-probability techniques with snowball sampling, the number of samples obtained is 327 people. This study uses a moderation model data analysis technique (PROCESS Hayes, 2013) with the help of the SPSS program. Based on the research results, the personality of openness to experience and harmonious passion plays a role in moderating the relationship between leader-member exchange with innovative work behavior. Thus, to bring up innovative work behavior in employees, the quality of relationships with superiors, personality, and passion have an important role.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Septiandari
Abstrak :
Salah satu cara mencapai efektivitas kerja yang maksimal adalah memastikan karyawan memiliki akuntabilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana proses terbentuknya akuntabilitas melalui peran pemimpin dan organisasi berdasarkan teori social exchange. Peneliti berhipotesis bahwa leader humility akan memunculkan persepsi karyawan terhadap perceived organizational support yang pada akhirnya akan memengaruhi pembentukan akuntabilitas karyawan. Penelitian dilakukan di sebuah perusahaan BUMN di wilayah Jabodebek dengan menggunakan survey secara daring dan convenience sampling untuk mengumpulkan responden. Penelitian ini melibatkan 145 karyawan yang bekerja secara work from home. Hasil analisa regresi Hayes simple mediation menunjukkan bahwa: (1) leader humility berhubungan positif dengan akuntabilitas karyawan; (2) leader humility berhubungan positif dengan perceived organizational support; (3) perceived organizational support berhubungan positif dengan akuntabilitas karyawan; dan (4) perceived organizational support secara signifikan memediasi hubungan positif leader humility dan akuntabilitas karyawan. Model tersebut mampu memprediksi sebesar 27% varians dari akuntabilitas. Hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap pengembangan ilmu terkait akuntabilitas bahwa proses pembentukan akuntabilitas karyawan dapat tercipta dari aspek pemimpin yang mendukung. ......One way of achieving work effectivity is by making sure employee have felt accountability. This study aims to identify the process of how felt accountability can be shaped from leader and organizational aspects. Researcher argue that humility showed by leader will elicit employee’s perceived organizational support which will eventually shaped employee’s felt accountability. This study is conducted in a BUMN company within Jabodebek area using online survey and convenience sampling to gather respondents. As result, 145 employees who works from home are involved. Result from Hayes’s regression analyses find (1) leader humility positively affect employee’s felt accountability; (2) leader humility positively affect perceived organizational support; (3) perceived organizational support positively affect employee’s felt accountability; (4) perceived organizational support significantly mediated the relationship between leader humility and felt accountability. This model predicts 27% of felt accountability’s variance and able to provide contribution to felt accountability’s studies that leader and organizational aspects are essentials in affecting felt accountability.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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