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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Eco-efficient construction and building materials reviews ways of assessing the environmental impact of construction and building materials. Part one discusses the application of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to building materials as well as eco-labeling. Part two includes case studies showing the application of LCA methodology to different types of building material, from cement and concrete to wood and adhesives used in building. Part three includes case studies applying LCA methodology to particular structures and components."
Cambridge, UK: Woodhead, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kubba, Sam
London: Buth-Helnemn, 2012
720.47 KUB h (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Oktavia Nugroho
"Pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi EPC yang dikelola oleh perusahaan jasa konstruksi tidak hanya mempertimbangkan aspek teknis seperti biaya, waktu, dan ruang lingkup tetapi juga aspek manajemen proyek yang berkaitan dengan kematangan internal perusahaan dalam mengelola proyek. Seiring dengan perkembangan teori dalam bisnis konstruksi, terdapat pertimbangan aspek lainnya yaitu aspek sustainability.
Penerapan praktik sustainability dalam pelaksanaan proyek EPC menjadi tantangan bagi perusahaan mengingat aktivitas proyek dapat mempengaruhi lingkungan dalam kurun waktu jangka panjang dan menghasilkan limbah dalam jumlah besar. Oleh sebab itu, perusahaan berupaya menerapkan praktik ini pada aktivitas proyek yang berfokus pada tiga aspek yaitu aspek ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rekomendasi praktik sustainability pada studi kasus proyek yang dikemukakan yaitu proyek EPC Sumpal Compression.
Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Distance to Ideal Maturity Level (DIML) dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) menunjukkan bahwa proyek ini sudah mencapai level kematangan ketiga dengan lima dari 20 subfaktor penilaian perlu dilakukan perbaikan agar ketercapaian level kematangan proyek meningkat jelang batas akhir kontrak pelaksanaan proyek tersebut.

The execution of EPC construction project which is managed by the construction services company is not only consider technical aspects such as cost, time, and scope but also aspects of project management related to the maturity of corporate internal in managing the project. Along with the development of theory in construction business, there is other consideration aspects in the execution of EPC construction project i.e aspects of sustainability.
The application of sustainability practices in this execution becomes a challenge for the company because the project activities can affect the environment in the long term and produce large amounts of waste. Therefore, the company strived to apply these practices into the project activities focus on three aspects, namely economic aspects, environmental, and social. This paper aims to provide recommendations on sustainability practices in case studies that addressed to EPC Sumpal Compression project.
The results of this paper using the method of Distance to Ideal Maturity Level (DIML) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) shows that the project has achieved the third level of project maturity with five out of the 20 indicators assessment need to improve in order to increase the achievement of project maturity level by the end of this contract.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Building Materials (ICSCBM 2018), and examines a range of durable, energy-efficient, and next-generation construction and building materials produced from industrial wastes and byproducts. The topics covered include alternative, eco-friendly construction and building materials, next-generation concretes, energy efficiency in construction, and sustainability in construction project management. The book also discusses various properties and performance attributes of modern-age concretes including their durability, workability, and carbon footprint. As such, it offers a valuable reference for beginners, researchers, and professionals interested in sustainable construction and allied fields. "
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nara Adhisthana
"Pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi yang dikelola oleh kontraktor swasta dewasa ini tidak hanya mempertimbangkan aspek teknis seperti biaya, waktu, dan ruang lingkup tetapi juga aspek manajemen proyek yang sering berkaitan dengan kematangan internal perusahaan dalam mengelola proyek. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teori dalam bisnis konstruksi, terdapat pertimbangan aspek lainnya yaitu aspek sustainability. Teori sustainable construction lahir sebagai akibat dari kegiatan konstruksi yang diperkirakan berkontribusi terhadap 50 persen limbah padat di dunia. Salah satu bentuk konstruksi adalah konstruksi stasiun instrumen meteorologi yang semakin dibutuhkan di era dengan cuaca tidak menentu ini. Selain waktu pembangunan yang cukup lama, stasiun instrumen meteorologi akan dibangun di antara pemukiman warga dan akan digunakan untuk jangka waktu yang lama. Oleh sebab itu, penting bagi kontraktor untuk menerapkan praktik sustainability yang berfokus pada 3 pilar yaitu ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat praktik su stainability dengan studi kasus proyek konstruksi stasiun instrumen meteorologi di 3 lokasi berbeda di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Distance to Ideal Maturity Level (DIML) dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) menunjukan proyek di satu lokasi memiliki nilai terendah dengan nilai terendah yaitu 3 dari 5 tingkat sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan agar kematangan proyek meningkat.
......Construction project run by private contractor has many aspects to consider other than cost, time, and scope but also other aspect such as project management which usually associates with maturity of a company in managing a project. As the theory in construction business developed, another aspect to consider is sustainability. Sustainability in construction usually known as sustainable construction theory, emerge as a result of waste generated by construction project which responsible for an estimated 50 percent of solid waste. Construction of a meteorological instrument station also takes part in contribution of solid waste. Due to weather uncertainty, more meteorological instrument stations are being construct progressively. Aside from the time consuming construction, it is also located among residential area which will be used for a long period of time. The sustainability theory itself has 3 pillars that is economy, environment, and social. Therefore, it is important for contractor to implement sustainability practices. The purpose of this article is to assess sustainability practices in case studies addressed to construction of meteorological instrument stations in 3 different locations in Indonesia. The result, which processed using Distance to Ideal Maturity Level (DIML) and Important Performance Analysis (IPA), shows one location with lowest maturity level (3 out of 5). Furthermore, recommendations on sustainability pra ctices are provided in order to improve the maturity level of the project."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syauqi Auni Aufar
"Sektor industri konstruksi merupakan salah satu sektor industri yang paling berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan perekonomian di Indonesia, di mana tercatat kontribusi PDB sektor industri tahun 2022 sebesar 9,14%. Namun, aktivitas konstruksi juga menghasilkan 35% emisi gas CO2 yang mencemari bumi. Hal ini terjadi karena mayoritas industri konstruksi masih menggunakan sistem konstruksi tradisional yang mengabaikan dampak terhadap lingkungan. Sustainable construction merupakan suatu inovasi sistem konstruksi yang mencakup 3 aspek yaitu aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan ekologi. Walaupun demikian, penerapan sistem ini belum sempurna. Salah satu faktornya adalah faktor individu atau manusia yang terlibat dalam aktivitas konstruksi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mencari faktor yang memengaruhi KAP (knowledge, attitude, dan practice) beserta hubungan antara KAP dengan penerapan sustainable construction, serta peluang dan hambatan dalam menerapkan sistem tersebut sehingga dapat disusun suatu upaya dan solusi agar penerapan sustainable construction di Indonesia dilakukan secara optimal dan menyeluruh.
......The construction industry sector is one of the industrial sectors that contributes most to economic development in Indonesia, where the GDP contribution of the industrial sector in 2022 is recorded at 9.14%. However, construction activities also produce 35% of CO2 gas emissions which pollute the earth. This happens because the majority of the construction industry still uses traditional construction systems that ignore the impact on the environment. Sustainable construction is an innovative construction system that covers 3 aspects, namely economic, social and ecological aspects. However, the implementation of this system is not perfect. One of the factors is the individual or human factor involved in construction activities. Therefore, research was conducted which aims to look for indicators that influence KAP (knowledge, attitude and practice) along with the relationship between KAP and the implementation of sustainable construction, as well as opportunities and barriers in implementing the system so that efforts and solutions can be developed to implement sustainable construction. in Indonesia it is carried out optimally and comprehensively."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rundle, Peter G.
"This volume outlines a progressively staged process focused on fostering a more effective, more efficient, and greener global construction industry. The research-based book commences with an evaluation of eight methodologies identified after a worldwide literature and compliance review. It is followed by a more detailed report on four of these options, with the ultimate objective of independent selection within the construction engineering community of a single most appropriate methodology as the approach for further, more-detailed investigation. The eight methodologies were selected against six key performance indicators developed as assessment criteria and include knowledge management, lean construction, construction contract procurement practices, optimal work duration on site, construction site waste, rationalization of construction safety regulations, sustainable construction labor force, and portfolio project development. A primary outcome of the selected methodology being a triple bottom-line benefit to key stakeholders, commercially and also to the ecology, along with the community at large.
Front-end construction waste strategies to serve as best practices to minimize waste generated by construction projects was the methodology selected for detailed research. The text also covers the primary sources of construction waste. The book is ideal for civil and construction engineers as well as project developers; managers and public sector waste management specialists."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nizam Khadid
"Pada era globalisasi seperti saat ini, perkembangan konstruksi semakin pesat. Sehingga mendorong para pelaku konstruksi mempertimbangkan aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi konstruksi seperti manajemen proyek. Manajemen proyek yang baik mencerminkan keadaan internal yang baik dari suatu perusahaan konstruksi . Selain itu, perkembangan konstruksi saat ini juga berakibat pada dampak terhadap lingkungan yang ditimbulkan dari aktivitas proyek. Sehingga saat ini penerapan praktik sustainability dalam perusahaan konstruksi menjadi sebuah tanggung jawab bagi setiap perusahaan konstruksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur level kematangan dari proyek dengan pendekatan Sustainable Construction pada proyek konstruksi pembangunan Gedung Training Center Camp Al-Azhar dengan tujuan memberikan rekomendasi praktik sustainability dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan level performa proyek. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Distance to Ideal Maturity Level (DIML) untuk mengetahui level kematangan berbasis sustainable construction proyek dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel berdasarkan tingkat performa dan juga tingkat kepentingan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan tingkat kematangan pada proyek pembangunan Gedung Training Center Camp Al-Azhar yang Dilakukan PT. Berkah Gemilang berada di level 4 (Sustainable). Dan dari 20 faktor terdapat 3 faktor yang memiliki tingkat kepentingan tinggi dengan performa yang rendah.
......In current globalization era, the development of construction is growing rapidly. Thus encouraging construction actors to consider the aspects of influence construction such as project management. Good project management reflected the good internal condition of a construction company. In addition, the current development of construction has also an impact on the environment caused by project activities. So the implementation of sustainability practices in construction companies to be a responsibility for every construction company. This research was conducted to measure the level maturity of a project with the Sustainable Construction approach in the Al-Azhar Training Center Camp Building construction project with the aim of providing recommendations on sustainability practices in the hope of increasing the level of project performance. The method used in this study are Distance to Ideal Maturity Level (DIML) to determine the level of maturity based on sustainable construction projects and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) to identify variables based on performance levels and the level of importance. The results of this study indicate the level of maturity in the Al-Azhar Training Center Camp Building construction project conducted by PT. Berkah Gemilang is at level 4 (Sustainable). And from 20 factors, there are 3 factors that have a high level of importance with low performance."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book is a collection of select papers presented at the Tenth Structural Engineering Convention 2016 (SEC-2016). It comprises plenary, invited, and contributory papers covering numerous applications from a wide spectrum of areas related to structural engineering. It presents contributions by academics, researchers, and practicing structural engineers addressing analysis and design of concrete and steel structures, computational structural mechanics, new building materials for sustainable construction, mitigation of structures against natural hazards, structural health monitoring, wind and earthquake engineering, vibration control and smart structures, condition assessment and performance evaluation, repair, rehabilitation and retrofit of structures. Also covering advances in construction techniques/ practices, behavior of structures under blast/impact loading, fatigue and fracture, composite materials and structures, and structures for non-conventional energy (wind and solar), it will serve as a valuable resource for researchers, students and practicing engineers alike."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cakraningrat Kencana Murti
"Terus meningkatnya masalah keberlanjutan yang terjadi telah mendorong sektor konstruksi untuk mengadopsi strategi konstruksi hijau dan berkelanjutan. Di Indonesia sendiri, telah diterbitkan regulasi terkait pedoman penyelenggaraaan konstruksi berkelanjutan, yang tertuang pada Permen PUPR No. 9 Tahun 2021. Di satu sisi, kemajuan teknologi mendorong kita untuk terus berinovasi, dan terdapat salah satu teknologi di bidang konstruksi, yaitu building information modeling (BIM). pengaplikasian BIM memungkinkan adanya peningkatan performa di dalam penerapan konsep keberlanjutan di dalam suatu proyek. Untuk bisa mengimplementasikan suatu hal baru ke dalam alur kerja yang ada, perlu untuk mengukur terkait tingkat kesadaran, pengetahuan, dan kesiapannya. Survei kuesioner dilakukan kepada 63 responden dan diketahui pelaku jasa konstruksi di Indonesia sudah memiliki tingkat kesadaran yang tinggi akan konstruksi berkelanjutan, teknologi BIM, dan regulasinya. Berdasarkan pengetahuan dari pelaku jasa konstruksi juga diketahui faktor-faktor di dalam penerapan konstruksi berkelanjutan dan teknologi BIM. Faktor manfaat paling penting untuk pelaksanaan konstruksi berkelanjutan dan BIM adalah kesejahteraan pekerja dan peningkatan keselamatan kerja. Sementara untuk hambatan dari konstruksi berkelanjutan dan BIM adalah penolakkan untuk beradaptasi. Diketahui juga untuk penerapan BIM pada indikator konstruksi berkelanjutan berdasarkan Permen PUPR No. 9 Tahun 2021, fungsi BIM yang paling banyak dibutuhkan adalah 3D modeling dan environmental analysis. Penulis menghubungkan kedua faktor tersebut (kesadaran dan pengetahuan) ke dalam kesiapan penerapan BIM pada konstruksi berkelanjutan, dan ditemukan bahwa kedua faktor tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan di dalam penerapannya berdasarkan pendekatan metode structural equation modeling (SEM).
......In Indonesia, regulations related to the implementation of sustainable construction guidelines have been issued, which are contained in the PUPR Ministerial Regulation No. 9 of 2021. On the one hand, technological advances encourage us to continue to innovate, and there is one technology in the construction sector, namely building information modeling (BIM). the application of BIM allows an increase in performance in the application of the concept of sustainability in a project. To be able to implement something new into the existing workflow, it is necessary to measure the level of awareness, knowledge, and readiness. The questionnaire survey was conducted to 63 respondents and it is known that construction service actors in Indonesia already have a high level of awareness of sustainable construction, BIM technology, and regulations. Based on the knowledge of construction service actors, it is also known the factors in the application of sustainable construction and BIM technology. The most important benefit factors for implementing sustainable construction and BIM are worker welfare and increased safety at work. Meanwhile, the barriers to sustainable construction and BIM are the refusal to adapt. It is also known that the implementation of BIM on sustainable construction indicators based on the PUPR Ministerial Regulation No. 9 In 2021, the most needed BIM functions are 3D modeling and environmental analysis. The author connects these two factors (awareness and knowledge) into the readiness to implement BIM in sustainable construction, and it is found that these two factors have a significant influence in its application based on the structural equation modeling (SEM) method approach."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library