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Ditemukan 24 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nguyen, Thi My Hanh
Abstrak :
Based on the generalizations in international researchers views on the relationship between the center and the periphery, the author maps out a theory on the relationship between Vietnam as the periphery and China as the center of East Asia during feudalism. On the basis of the theory of central peripheral relationships and the realities of a diplomatic relationship between Vietnam and China during feudalism, the article proves not only that China considered itself to be the center of East Asia with the role of educating surrounding peripheries, but also that surrounding countries were influenced by Chinese Confucian ideologies. For example, Vietnam also followed the Chinese centric order. Accordingly, acts such as requesting investiture and tribute from Vietnam to the center China were sustained for a long period, although there was no balance in interest between the two countries. In addition to the subordinate tendency of the periphery in relation to the center, there is a centrifugal tendency because of the asymmetry in interest. In the case of the Vietnam China relationship at that time, Vietnams subordinate tendency was relative and superficial, while the centrifugal tendency was mainstream. The author shows that the strong centrifugal tendency led to the transformation of Vietnams position from a Chinese vassal or peripheral state into a center in relationships with smaller countries in Southeast Asia.
050 SEAS 8:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Fahlevi
Abstrak :
Salah satu penyebab tingginya tingkal kematian bayi dan banyaknya balita yang mengalami gizi buruk di Indonesia adalah terkait dengan praktek pemberian ASI yang dilakukan. Scpcrti bclum adanya kesadaran akan pentingnya pemberian ASI secara eksklusifl pemberian kolostrum, pemberian MP-ASI yang tidak tepat, kualitas gizi dari ASI itu sendiri, dan lain-lain. Untuk mengamati permasalahan tersebut, maka tesis ini khusus akan mempelajari tentang risiko penghentian pemberian ASI pada balita berdasarkan faktor-faktor sosial, ekonomi dan demograii pada tiga walayah pengamatan, yaitu Indonesia, DKI Jakarta dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan gambaran tentang pengaruh masing-masing karakteristik pengamatan tcrhadap risiko pcnghcntian pemberian ASI pada balita. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan tabulasi silang untuk analisis desk1iptii§ dan Regresi Cox untuk analisis inferensialnya. Hasilnya secara umum menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat pendidikan ibu maka pengaruhnya semakin besar tcrhadap risiko penghentian pemberian ASI, begitu juga dengan status ekonomi rumahtangga. Sedangkan umur ibu saat melahirkan menunjukkan pola bahwa semakin muda ibu saat melahirkan maka kecenderungan untuk mengalami risiko penghentian pemberian ASI juga semakin besar. Dilihat dari status bekezja ibu, maka ibu yang mempunyai kecenderungan lebih besar untuk mengalami risiko penghcntian pernberian ASI adalah ibu yang bekeqja di luar rumah, teruzama jika dibandingkan dengan ibu yang tidak bekenja. Sedangkan untuk urutan anak, maka bayi yang merupakan anak ttmggal cenderung lebih cepat mengalami penghentian pemberian ASI. Kernudian dari vaxiabel keberadaan famili lain dalam rllmahiangga, temyata ada atau tidak adanya famili Iain dalam rumahtangga tidak rnenunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap risiko penghentian pemberian ASI pada balita. ......One of the causes of high infant mortality rate and high malnutrition rate in Indonesia is breastfeeding (Air Susu lbu) activity. The causes are such as no awareness of the importance of breastfeeding exclusively, colostrums giving activity, inappropriate MP-ASI, the nutrition's quality of breastfeeding, and others. To observe the problems, this thesis will describe and learn risk of termination on breastfeeding. The case is based on social factor, economic factor and demographic factor on three regions; there are Indonesia, DKI Jakarta and West Nusa Tenggara. The aim of this research is to give description about the influence of each characteristic into the risk of termination on breastfeeding. The research's methods are cross-tabulation for descriptive analysis and Cox regression for inference analysis. The research's result is about education level. The higher mother's education and household economic status influences higher risk of breastfeeding termination. Based on the mother's age of birth, the yotmger mother influences higher risk of termination on breastfeeding. Based on mother's working status, compared by housewife, the mother works outside of home affects the higher risk of termination on breastfeeding. Based on order of child, single baby is tendency to higher risk of termination on breastfeeding. Based on relative families in the household variable, there is no significant correlation on the risk of breastfeeding.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Twitter is a social media application, which can give a sign for identifying user emotion. Identification of user emotion can be utilized in commercial domain, health, politic, and security problems. The problem of emotion identification in twit is the unstructured short text messages which lead the difficulty to figure out main features. In this paper, we propose a new framework for identifying the tendency of user emotions using specific features, i.e. hashtag, emoji, emoticon, and adjective term. Preprocessing is applied in the first phase, and then user emotions are identified by means of classification method using kNN. The proposed method can achieve good results, near ground truth, with accuracy of 92%.
Sebuah tweet dapat mengandung dan menggambarkan kecenderungan emosi seseorang. Penelitian me-ngenai identifikasi emosi dapat diterapkan pada domain komersial, kesehatan, politik, dan keamanan. Teks pendek yang tidak terstruktur dalam data tweet menyebabkan sulit menemukan fitur-fitur penting. Pada pe-nelitian ini diusulkan sebuah model baru untuk mengidentifikasi kecenderungan emosi pengguna Twitter menggunakan fitur khusus yaitu hashtag, emoji, emoticon, dan kata sifat. Tahap awal dilakukan prepro-cessing, kemudian identifikasi emosi pengguna dengan metode klasifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini mempunyai kecenderungan emosi yang mendekati ground truth dengan akurasi 92% menggunakan kNN.
Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Faculty of Information and Technology, Department of Informatics, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismira Hapsari,author
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas hubungan faktor personal (perilaku diet, distorsi citra tubuh, rasa percaya diri) dan faktor lingkungan (kritik orang tua dan teman sebaya mengenai bentuk tubuh dan berat badan, pengaruh tuntutan pekerjaan, pengaruh kompetisi dalam pekerjaan, kekerasan fisik, pelecehan seksual, ejekan seputar bentuk tubuh dan berat badan dan keterpaparan dengan media massa) dengan kecenderungan perilaku makan menyimpang yang diukur dengan kuesioner perilaku makan yang diadopsi dari Stice, et al (2000) dan kuesioner percaya diri yang diadopsi dari Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian observasional dengan desain cross sectional dan dilakukan pada 65 orang model remaja perempuan di OQ Modelling School Jakarta Selatan pada tahun 2009. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 58,5% model perempuan di OQ Modelling School memiliki kecenderungan perilaku makan menyimpang. Variabel yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kecenderungan perilaku makan menyimpang pada penelitian ini adalah distorsi citra tubuh, kritik teman sebaya mengenai bentuk tubuh dan berat badan, pengaruh tuntutan pekerjaan, pengaruh kompetisi dalam pekerjaan, ejekan seputar berat badan dan bentuk tubuh dan keterpaparan dengan acara tv yang bertemakan mode/tren/gaya hidup perempuan. Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar diadakan penetapan standar indeks massa tubuh dan adanya kerja sama dengan institusi kesehatan dalam hal penyebarluasan informasi tentang bahaya perilaku makan menyimpang serta cara mengatur pola makan yang baik agar para model tetap dapat menjaga bentuk tubuh mereka.
The focus of this study is the personal factors (dieting behavior, body image distortion, self esteem) and environmental factors (parents and peer criticism about weight and body shape, influence of job pressure, influence of jobcompetition, physical abuse, sexual harassment, weight and body shape teasing and being exposed by mass media) in relation to the tendency of eating disorders which measured by eating behavior questionnaires adopted from Stice, et al (2000) and self esteem questionnaires adopted from Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale. This study is an observational study using cross sectional design and the data were collected from 65 adolescent girl fashion models at OQ Modelling School South Jakarta 2009. The result shows that 58,5% of female fashion models have the tendency of eating disorders. Variables that show significance relationship are body image distortion, peer criticism about weight and body shape, influence of job pressure, influence of job competition, weight and body shape teasing, and being exposed by female lifestyle tv shows. The result of this study suggests that there should be a restricted rule about ideal range for body mass index among the models, furthermore by cooperating with health institutions, the dangers of eating disorders must be socialized and in order of helping the models to stay in good shape, a safe and healthy diet strategy should be promoted.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
An analysis done on the extreme ranfall characteristics for rainfall stations in the mud ponds area of Sidoarjo - East Java showed that stations between east and west area have different rain characteristics...
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendrikus Kota Njuma
Abstrak :
In Thomas Aquinas’ view, every human being by nature is directed towards goodness. The goodness as the form of being (ens) is inside the human self. According to Thomas, human goodness is a participation in the highest goodness, namely, God, and thus every human being desires the perfection of the goodness by directing his or herself towards God. This natural tendency (appetitus naturalis) proves that human is directed towards an ‘end’. This goodness appears externally in the human action, and as an external action it is named actus humanus, which manifests the moral aspect of a human being. A person who actualises the goodness in his or her external action affirms his or her essence to the highest goodness. Goodness in morality depends on God as the supreme criterion of morality. It is good if it nears God and is evil if it moves away.
Bandung: Department of Philosophy, 2021
105 MEL 37:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Halim
Abstrak :
Latar belakang Dispepsia fungsional merupakan kumpulan gejala GIT dengan berbagai faktor penyebab. Depresi merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan panting pada penderita dispepsia fungsional. Depresi sering dijumpai pada penderita dispepsia fungsional dalam menghadapi kehidupannya dan sering terabaikan dalam penatalaksanaannya. Anggota TNI AD merupakan populasi pilihan dan diharapkan mempunyai ketahanan mental dan frsik yang lebih baik. Dalam menghadapi tugas dan kehidupannya, bagaimana peranan depresi pada anggota TNI AD yang menderita dispepsia fungsional Metodologi Sampel didapatkan secara konsekutif sebanyak 95 anggota TNI AD yang menderita dispepsia fungsional di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, periode Oktober 2005 sampai Juli 2006 dan dilakukan wawancara terstruktur dengan instrumen SLID I untuk diagnosis gangguan depresi berdasarkan DSM IV. Hasil Prevalensi depresi pada anggota TNI AD yang menderita dispepsia fungsional adalah sebesar 54,7 %. Faktor-faktor seperti umur (diatas 40 tahun), pangkat (Perwira), tempat tugas (di Staf, di daerah operasi militer, waktu tugas di daerah operasi militer), tempat tinggal (rumah sendiri) dan pemikahan menunjukkan kecenderungan mengalami depresi. Simpulan Kejadian depresi pada anggota TNI AD yang menderita dispepsia fungsional tidak jauh berbeda dengan populasi umum.
Background Functional dyspepsia is a syndrome of GIT symptoms with multifactor etiologies. Depression is one of the important factors that influence on functional dyspepsia patient Depression is often found on functional Dyspepsia patient in facing their life event and is often ignored in the treatment. The Indonesian army forces were selected population and are expected to have better mental and physical endurance. In facing the military duty and life event, how is the relation of depression in the army patient with functional dyspepsia. Method 95 Samples were obtained consecutively from the army patient with functional dyspepsia in RSPAD Gatot Soebroto between October 2005 and July 2006 by using structured interview with SCID-1 instrument for the diagnosis of depression disorders according to DSM IV Result The prevalence of depression of Indonesian army with functional dyspepsia was 54.7%. Factor such as age (above 40 years), official rank, staff assignment, military operation and point of military operation time, living in own residence and the marriage are shown to have depression tendency. Conclusion The prevalence of depression of Indonesian army with functional dyspepsia was found to be almost equally comparable with general population.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fenesha Flourencia Effraim Mirah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecemasan karir terhadap commitment to career choice melalui peran moderasi kelekatan orang tua pada remaja. Commitment to career choice merupakan keadaan seseorang dalam perkembangan karirnya yang meliputi adanya kepastian pada suatu pilihan karir, bersikap optimis pada masa depan dan menyadari akan adanya hambatan pada karirnya Blustein, Ellis, Devenis, 1989 . Penelitian ini akan memfokuskan pada salah satu dimensi commitment to career choice yaitu tendency to foreclose yang merupakan keinginan untuk secepat mungkin berkomitmen pada suatu pilihan karir tanpa periode eksplorasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan partisipan siswa remaja sebanyak 315 orang. Commitment to career choice diukur dengan menggunakan Commitment to Career Choice Scale skala tendency to foreclose Blustein, Ellis, Devenis, 1989 . Kecemasan karir diukur menggunakan Career Anxiety Scale Thai, 2014 dan kelekatan orang tua diukur dengan Inventory of Parent Attachment Armsden Greenberg, 1987 . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecemasan karir memiliki pengaruh terhadap commitment to career choice dimensi tendency to foreclose melalui peran moderasi kelekatan orang tua. Penelitian ini menyertakan implikasi dan saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya.
The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating role of parental attachment towards the effect of career anxiety on commitment to career choice. Commitment to career choice is a position in individual career development that includes certainty about one rsquo s career choice, a positive sense of vocational future and awareness of potential obstacles Blustein, Ellis, Devenis, 1989 . This study focus on one dimension of commitment to career choice, tendency to foreclose. Tendency to foreclose is the desire to commit to one career decision as soon as possible without any period of exploration. This study used quantitative approach, involving 315 high school student as participants. Commitment to career choice was measured using tendency to foreclose scale in Commitment to Career Choice Scale Blustein, Ellis, Devenis, 1989 . Career Anxiety was measured using Career Anxiety Scale Thai, 2014 and parental attachment was measured using Inventory of Parent Attachment Armsden Greenberg, 1987 . The results indicated that there is significant effect of career anxiety on commitment to career choice with parental attachment as a moderating variable. This study concludes with implication and suggestions for future research.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amalia Adhandayani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peranan konformitas dan trait impulsif sebagai mediator dalam hubungan trait ekstraversi terhadap kecenderungan pembelian impulsif secara daring dalam populasi dewasa muda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional, retrospektif dan non-eksperimental. Karakteristik partisipan penelitian ini adalah orang berusia 20-40 tahun, sudah berpenghasilan, memiliki gawai, dan pernah melakukan pembelian daring minimal 1 kali. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur keempat variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah International Personality Item Pool (IPIP-NEO) short version 120 item (Goldberg, 1999); Momentary Impulsive Scale (Tomko, Carpenter, Brown, Solhan, Jahng, Wood dan Trull, 2014); Conformity Scale (Mehrabian dan Stefl, 1995) yang telah diadaptasi oleh Saidah (2016) dan skala kecenderungan pembelian impulsif yang disusun Sulistiowati (2015). Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 670 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi melalui program PROCESS model 4, yaitu mediasi paralel. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditemukan bahwa baik konformitas maupun trait impulsif berperan secara signifikan (p < 0.01) sebagai mediator antara trait ekstraversi dan kecenderungan pembelian impulsif secara daring. Meskipun terjadi mediasi sempurna pada model yang diajukan, namun nilai koefisien jalur a dan a1 yang negatif mengakibatkan hipotesis tidak diterima karena jalur mediasi yang tidak searah. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa semakin tinggi trait ekstraversi seseorang, maka semakin rendah konformitas dan trait impulsif yang ia miliki, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap tingginya tingkat kecenderungan pembelian impulsif secara daring pada seseorang. ......This study aims to find the role of impulsive conformity and trait as a mediator in the relationship of extraversion and online impulsive buying tendency in early adulthood. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional, retrospective and nonexperimental design. Characteristics of the participants of this study were people aged 20-40 years, had income, had a device like smartphone or laptop, and had made purchase at online stores at least once. The instrument used to measure the four variables in this study are 120 items-short version of the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP-NEO) (Goldberg, 1999); Momentary Impulsivity Scale (Tomko, Carpenter, Brown, Solhan, Jahng, Wood and Trull, 2014); Conformity Scale (Mehrabian and Stefl, 1995) which has been adapted by Saidah (2016) and the Impulsive Buying Tendency Scale compiled by Sulistiowati (2015). Participants in this study amounted to 670 people. This study using PROCESS as a regression analysis in model template 4 to analyze simple mediation or parallel mediation model. Based on the results, it was found that both conformity and impulsivity trait had a significant role (p < 0.01) as mediators between extraversion trait and the online impulsive buying tendency. Despite of model is perfect mediation, the model is not supported by hypothesis. It caused by negative score in coefficient value on proposed model. Accordingly, this model can be interpreted as the higher the extraversion in people, the lower the conformity and impulsivity trait they had, so it influences the high level of online impulsive buying tendency on them.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Fitriana Subroto
Abstrak :
Marketing manager sering kali menggunakan gender cues dalam kemasan maupun iklan produk sebagai salah satu cara untuk memposisikan brandmereka sesuai gender dari target konsumen mereka. Hal ini menyebabkan saat ini semakin banyak produk yang dibedakan menjadi dua versi, yaitu versi maskulin dan versi feminin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan asosiasi gender seperti warna merah muda dan biru pada brand perception dan purchase intention konsumen berdasarkan tingkat gender stereotyping tendency konsumen. Analisis varians dilakukan untuk menguji 2 (gender cue: masculine vs feminine) x 2 (competence cue: high vs low) dengan menggunakan desain eksperimen between-subject(n=204). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan gender cues mengaktifkan persepsi yang berbeda pada konsumen, dimana masculine cues meningkatkan persepsi competence, dan feminine cues meningkatkan persepsi warmth. Maka bagi brand dengan tingkat competence yang tinggi, menggunakan feminine cues dapat membantu meningkatkan purchase intention melalui persepsi warmth. Sebaliknya, bagi brand dengan tingkat competence yang rendah, penggunaan masculine cues lebih dapat membantu meningkatkan purchase intention melalui persepsi competence. Temuan dari penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa efek penggunaan gender cues terhadap brand perception dipengaruhi oleh tingkat gender stereotyping tendency dari masing-masing individu. ...... Marketing managers often use gender cues in product packaging and advertising as a way to position their brands according to the gender of their target consumers. This has caused more and more products to be divided into two versions, which are masculine version and feminine version. This study aims to determine the effects of using gender cues such as pink and blue on consumer’s brand perception and purchase intention based on the level of their gender stereotyping tendency. Analysis of variance was conducted to test 2 (gender cues: masculine vs feminine) x 2 (competence cues: high vs low) using a between-subject experimental design (n=204). The results of this study indicate that using gender cues activates different perceptions in consumers, where masculine cues increase the perception of competence, while feminine cues increase the perception of warmth. Hence, for brands with a high level of competence, using feminine cues might help to increase purchase intention through the perception of warmth. On the other hand, for brands with low level of competence, using masculine cues might help increasing purchase intention through the perception of competence. The findings of this study also show that the effects of using gender cues on brand perception depends on individual’s gender stereotyping tendency.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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