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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dodi Siswanto
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang tokoh dan penokohan yang terdapat dalam cerita Lara Lapane Kaum Republik karya Suparto Brata. Lara Lapane Kaum Republik terdapat pada buku trilogi Kelangan Satang. Novel Kelangan Satang terdiri dari tiga cerita yaitu Lara Lapane Kaum Republik, Kaduk Wani, dan Ketanggor. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deksriptif analisis. Untuk mengungkapkan tokoh dan penokohan terlebih dahulu menganalisis alur dalam novel tersebut, berdasarkan buku Memahami Cerita Rekaan oleh Panuti Sudjiman. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat keterkaitan antara alur dengan tokoh dan penokohan yang terdapat dalam cerita.

This research conducts an assessment on the characters and characterisations in the story of Lara Lapane Kaum Republik, written by Suparto Brata. Lara Lapane Kaum Republik is a part of the Kelangan Satang trilogy. The said trilogy consists of three stories; Kaum Republok, Kaduk Wani, and Ketanggor. The methods applicated in this research is descriptive analytic method. To expose the characters and their characterisations, there has to be a prior research performed on analysing the novel s plot, based on the book Memahami Cerita Rekaan by Panuti Sudjiman. This research finds and accoradance between the plot and characters written in the story"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengatahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
ATA 15(1-2) 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angga Mulyana
"Skripsi ini membahas tokoh dan penokohan dalam novel Naib Izrail karya Yusuf al-Siba’i. Novel ini telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan judul Izrail. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang unsur intrinsik novel tersebut, serta menjelaskan mengenai tokoh dan penokohan yang terdapat di dalamnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan struktural melalui analisis unsur intrinsik untuk menunjang penganalisisan tokoh dan penokohan. Kesimpulan yang didapat menunjukkan adanya saling keterkaitan antara unsur yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Kekuatan tokoh dan penokohan didukung dengan keberadaan latar, tema, sudut pandang, amanat,dan alur cerita.
......This paper discusses about character and characterization in the Novel Naib Izrail by Yusuf al-Siba’i which has been translated into Bahasa Indonesia as Izrail. The purpose of this research is to describe the intrinsic elements and to explain about its character and characterization. This research was conducted by using a structural approach through the analysis of the intrinsic elements for supporting in analyzing its character and characterization. The conclusion of this paper show the correlation of its elements to one another, and the strength of character and characterization is supported by the presence of setting, theme, point of view, moral, and plot."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Kusmariah Rahayu
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang tokoh utama Cheng Dieyi dalam film dan novel 霸王别姬 Bawang Bie Ji (Farewell My Concubine). Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah untuk memaparkan lebih lanjut persamaan dan perbedaan penokohanCheng Dieyi dari masing-masing media. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa penokohan Cheng Dieyi di dalam novel lebih menonjol dibandingkandalam film karena penyesuaian yang dibutuhkan akibat perbedaan darikarakteristik masing-masing media. Sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah film Farewell My Concubine dan novel 霸王别姬 Bawang Bie Ji (Farewell MyConcubine) terbitan kedua. Selain itu, penulis juga menggunakan literatur-literaturyang relevan untuk menunjang penelitian.
This undergraduate thesis analyzes the main character Cheng Dieyi in the film and novel 霸王别姬 Bawang Bie Ji (Farewell My Concubine). The purpose of this study is to explain both the similarities and differences of Cheng Dieyi's characterization between the film and novel. The conclusion of this study indicates that the characterization of Cheng Dieyi in the novel is more prominent than in the film due to the characteristics of both mediums. The sources of this study are the film Farewell My Concubine and the second edition of novel 霸王别姬 Bawang Bie Ji (Farewell My Concubine). Moreover, the author also uses otherrelevant sources to support the study."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firdanisa Ayu Ferdyadhani
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang inferioritas yang dialami tokoh utama pada cerpen /Damskij Master/Penata Rambut Wanita dan cerpen ldquo;rdquo;/ ldquo;Skripka Rot il rsquo;da rdquo;/ ldquo;Biola Rothschild rdquo; karya Irina Grekova. Tokohnya adalah Vitaliy Plavnikov dan Nikolay Ivanovich. Irina Grekova, melalui karyanya, memperlihatkan bahwa pria juga dapat mengalami inferioritas. Penulis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan pendekatan intrinsik-ekstrinsik. Inferioritas pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Psikolog dari Austria bernama Alfred Adler. Adler memberi gagasan, agar manusia tidak merasakan inferioritas, perlu melakukan kompensasi. Hasil penelitian ini merepresentasikan inferioritas yang dialami kedua tokoh tersebut dan bagaimana cara mereka melakukan kompensasi agar tidak merasakan inferioritas. Selain itu, latar kisah yang digambarkan pengarang tidak berbeda jauh dari masanya yakni pada masa Soviet.
......This study discussing about inferiority experienced by main character in short story Damskij Master Ladies Hairdresser and short story ldquo rdquo ldquo Skripka Rot il rsquo da rdquo ldquo Rothschild rsquo s Violin rdquo by Irina Grekova. The characters are Vitaliy Plavnikov and Nikolay Ivanovich. Irina Grekova, through her story, shows that men can feel inferiority. The writer is using analytic descriptive and intrinsic extrinsic approach. Inferiority, for the first time, introduced by Austrian psychologist named Alfred Adler. Adler gave advice, in order to not feeling inferiority, human need to do compensation. This research represented inferiority felt by those two characters and how they do compensation so they don rsquo t feel inferiority. Besides, the story background that portrayed by author wasn rsquo t that far from her era, which is Soviet era. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gita Anisa Nurfitri
"Skripsi ini membahas unsur intrinsik novel Najib Kailani "عذراء جاكرتا". Fokus penelitian adalah pada karakter dan penokohan, terutama pada tokoh utama, Fatimah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode struktural. Pendekatan metode ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif dan analitis.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis unsur-unsur intrinsik baru dan untuk menganalisis karakter dan penokohan, terutama karakter utama dalam novel. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Najib Kailani menggambarkan sisi lain dari karakter wanita melalui setiap karakter wanita dalam novel.

This thesis discusses the intrinsic element of Najib Kailani's novel "عذراء جاكرتا". The focus of the research is on character and characterization, especially on the main character, Fatimah. This research is a qualitative research using structural method. The approach of this method is descriptive and analytical approach.
The purpose of this study was to analyze new intrinsic elements and to analyze characters and characterizations, especially the main characters in the novel. The result of this study is Najib Kailani describes the other side of the female character through every female character in the novel.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Haliyati
Tulisan ini membahas mengenai tokoh dan penokohan dalam novel remaja Belanda, Achtste-Groeper Hulien Niet 1999 karya Jacques Vriens. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memaparkan penokohan pada tokoh utama dan dianalisis berdasarkan keterlibatan, peran, dan perkembangannya dalam menghadapi konflik di dalam cerita. Dalam menganalisis tokoh, metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan studi pustaka, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan merujuk pada sumber kepustakaan. Teori yang digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menganalisis adalah teori tokoh dan penokohan. Akkie tidak mengalami perubahan watak terkait dengan masalah yang dihadapi. Ketegaran Akkie dapat dijadikan teladan yang baik bagi pembaca.

This journal discusses the character and characterization in Dutch adolescent novel, Achtste Groeper Huilen Niet 1990 by Jacques Vriens. The aim of this study is to describe the characteristic of the main character and analyzed based on her involvement, role and development to face the conflict in the story. The method used to analyze the character is descriptive qualitative. In addition, this journal is also used literature study, a research method that is done by referring literature sources. The theory which is use as a reference was the theory of character and characterization. Akkie did not changed her character in related to the problem at hand. Akkie rsquo s effectiveness can be a good example for the reader."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benita Annisa Ayu
"[Manga sebagai salah satu produk kebudayaan populer Jepang tidak hanya bertujuan sebagai media hiburan tetapi juga dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai gambaran watak tokoh utama yang dianalisis melalui penokohannya. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengungkapkan perubahan-perubahan watak yang dialami oleh tokoh utamanya, Shouya. Melalui hubungan Shouya dengan tokoh-tokoh yang memiliki pengaruh penting tersebut,
penulis juga akan mengungkapkan pesan-pesan moral yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarangnya secara tersirat. Dalam meneliti Koe no Katachi, penulis menggunakan metode pengumpulan data berupa studi dokumen. Hasil analisis
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan-perubahan watak tokoh Shouya dan pesan-pesan moral yang berfungsi sebagai media pembelajaran.

Manga as one of the product of Japanese popular culture not only to purpose on entertainment but also for education. This thesis discusses about the image of
characterization of main character which analyzed through characterization. The purpose is to reveal transformation of characterization of main character, Shouya. Through interaction between Shouya with characters who have important impact to him, writer also reveal implicit moral value which convey by author. In research of Koe no Katachi, the method of collecting data which using by writer is study of document. The result of analysis shows that the characterization of Shouya was transformed and moral values which aim for education. Manga as one of the product of Japanese popular culture not only to purpose on entertainment but also for education. This thesis discusses about the image of characterization of main character which analyzed through characterization. The
purpose is to reveal transformation of characterization of main character, Shouya. Through interaction between Shouya with characters who have important impact to him, writer also reveal implicit moral value which convey by author. In research of Koe no Katachi, the method of collecting data which using by writer is study of document. The result of analysis shows that the characterization of Shouya was transformed and moral values which aim for education;Manga as one of the product of Japanese popular culture not only to purpose on entertainment but also for education. This thesis discusses about the image of characterization of main character which analyzed through characterization. The
purpose is to reveal transformation of characterization of main character, Shouya. Through interaction between Shouya with characters who have important impact
to him, writer also reveal implicit moral value which convey by author. In research of Koe no Katachi, the method of collecting data which using by writer
is study of document. The result of analysis shows that the characterization of Shouya was transformed and moral values which aim for education;Manga as one of the product of Japanese popular culture not only to purpose on entertainment but also for education. This thesis discusses about the image of characterization of main character which analyzed through characterization. The
purpose is to reveal transformation of characterization of main character, Shouya. Through interaction between Shouya with characters who have important impact
to him, writer also reveal implicit moral value which convey by author. In research of Koe no Katachi, the method of collecting data which using by writer
is study of document. The result of analysis shows that the characterization of Shouya was transformed and moral values which aim for education.;Manga as one of the product of Japanese popular culture not only to purpose on
entertainment but also for education. This thesis discusses about the image of
characterization of main character which analyzed through characterization. The
purpose is to reveal transformation of characterization of main character, Shouya.
Through interaction between Shouya with characters who have important impact
to him, writer also reveal implicit moral value which convey by author. In
research of Koe no Katachi, the method of collecting data which using by writer
is study of document. The result of analysis shows that the characterization of
Shouya was transformed and moral values which aim for education, Manga as one of the product of Japanese popular culture not only to purpose on
entertainment but also for education. This thesis discusses about the image of
characterization of main character which analyzed through characterization. The
purpose is to reveal transformation of characterization of main character, Shouya.
Through interaction between Shouya with characters who have important impact
to him, writer also reveal implicit moral value which convey by author. In
research of Koe no Katachi, the method of collecting data which using by writer
is study of document. The result of analysis shows that the characterization of
Shouya was transformed and moral values which aim for education]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Oktarina
"Skripsi ini membahas makna simbolis dari tokoh-tokoh pemberi teka-teki untuk mencari makna simbolis di balik teka-teki yang mereka gunakan sebagai pengetahuan dari setiap tokoh dalam menjalani laku atau jalan menuju kesempurnaan. Nama-nama tokoh pemberi teka-teki terdiri dari Gatholotjo, Dewi Mlenukgembuk, Dewi Dudulmendut, Dewi Rara Bawuk, Dewi Bleweh, dan Dewi Lumpitwati. Penelitian ini mengunakan teori tokoh dan penokohan yang di dukung oleh teori-teori lainya seperti teori simbol, dan teori cangkriman. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa dari setiap teka-teki yang disampaikan oleh setiap tokoh merupakan permasalahan dari pembentukan alam semesta dan siklus kehidupan yang ada di dalamnya atau permasalahan kosmologi dan kosmogoni dari pemahaman kejawen sebagai sarana untuk mengetahui dari mana manusia berasal dan akan kemana manusia akan kembali atau dalam ungkapan Jawa disebut sangkan paraning dumadi. Sedangkan simbol-simbol dari nama-nama tokoh pemberi teka-teki merupakan simbol dari proses hubungan seksual yang dilakukan oleh dari pria dan wanita. Simbolis proses tersebut merupakan proses menuju manunggaling kaula Gusti yang dilakukan Gatholotjo hingga bisa sampai bertemu dengan Dewi Lumpitwati sebagai analogi dari seorang kaula yang bertemu dengan Gusti-nya

This Thesis discusses the symbolic meaning behind the riddles which are used as the used as the knowledge by the main character, Gatholojo, in going through laku or the pathway to perfection. The characters of riddle bestower are Gatholojo, Dewi Mlenukgembuk, Dewi Dudulmendut, Dewi Rarabawuk, Dewi Bleweh, and Dewi Lumpitwati. This research is using theory character and characterization which are supported by others theories, such as theory of symbol and theory of riddle. The result of this research is each riddle that had been told by the character is a problem of the creation of universe and the cycle of life inside it. Beside it, this research also explain the cosmology and cosmogony problem of the understanding of Kejawen as the means to understand where the human comes from and where the human will be return to, or in Jawa, it_s called Sangkan Paraning dumadi. Meanwhile, the symbols behind the names of riddle bestower is the symbol of sexual activity which is done by man and woman. The symbols are a process to be manunggaling kaula gusti which is done by Gatolojo until he meet Dewi Lumpitwati as an analogy of a kaula person meeting his gusti"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library