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Nora Wardani
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh formula tempe terhadap kadar kolesterol total dan apolipoprotein-B pada laki-laki umur 40-60 tahun, dengan hiperkolesterolemia dalam rangka mengurangi resiko terjadinva aterosklerosis. Tempat : PT National Gobel Jakarta. Bahan dan cara : Penelitian uji klinis tentang pemberian formula tempe 100 gram/hari dibandingkan dengan pemberian formula plasebo 100 gram/hari selama 42 hari, terhadap 34 orang subyek (17 orang kelompok perlakuan dan 17 orang kelompok kontrol) yang telah memenuhi kriteria. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara, meliputi data pendidikan, penghasilan asupan nutrisi dan pola makan, dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan laboratorium yaitu kadar kolesterol total dan apolipoprotein-B plasma, dengan hasil analisis statistik tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara dua kelompok sebelum penelitian. Hasil : Terjadi penurunan kadar kolesterol total yaitu dari 245,64 mg/dL menjadi 207 mg/dL (15,73%) dan penurunan apolipoprotein-B dari 128,52 mg/dL menjadi 108,35 mg/dL (15,69%) pada kelompok perlakuan. Pada kelompok kontrol terjadi penurunan kadar kolesterol total dari 234,4 mg/dL menjadi 198,52 mg/dL (15,3%) dan penurunan apolipoprotein-B dari 125,47 mg/dL menjadi 102,88 mg/dL (18%). Hasil analisis statistik perbandinaan antara dua kelompok tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna. Kesimpulan : Pemberian formula tempe 100 gram/hari selama 42 hari belum jelas manfaatnva untuk menurunkan kadar kolesterol total dan apolipoprotein-B plasma secara signifikan.
Objective: To investigate the effect of tempe formula on plasma level of total cholesterol and apolipoprotein-B in male (40-60 years), with hypercholesterolemia, in respect to minimizing atherosclerosis risk. Place: PT National Gobel Jakarta. Materials and methods: Clinical trial with supplementation of tempe formula 100 gram/day for 42 days given to 17 subjects compared to 17 subjects of placebo group. Both groups have passed some criteria?s. Data were collected through interview, which include education, income, dietary intake and food pattern. Data also collected from physical examination and laboratory measurement. The plasma level of total cholesterol and apolipoprotein-B, between the two groups showed no significant differences prior to experiment. Result : Total cholesterol of the supplementation group were reduced from 245,64 mg/dL to 207 mg/dL (15,73%) and apolipoprotein-B from 128,52 mg/dL to 108,35 mg/dL (15,69%), On control group total cholesterol decreased from 234,4 mg/dL to 198,52 mg/dL (15,3%) and apolipoprotein-B from 124,47 mg/dL to 102,88 mg/dL (18%). There were no significant differences in the result between the two groups. Conclusion: Supplementation of tempe formula 100 gram/day for 42 days was not clear to reduced. plasma level of total cholesterol and apolipoprotein-B.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia,
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Betri Anita
Abstrak :
Sindrom metabolik mempakan sekumpulan gangguan metabolik yang dialami seseorang, meliputi obesitas, dislipidemia (rendahnya kadar I-IDL kolestcrol dan tingginya kadar trigiliserida), gangguan metabolisme glukosa serta hipertensi, yang dapat meningkadcan risiko tcrhadap pényakit kardiovaskuler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan hubungan antam karalcteristik individu, asupan makan dan faktor lainnya terhadap sindrom metabolik pada pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) yang mengikuti pemeriksaau kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Balcd Yudha Kota Depok. Studi potong lintang ini berlangsung pada bulan Mamet-Mei 2009, menggunakan data sekunder terhadap 164 responden dari RS Bakti Yudha, meliputi data kadar kolesterol total, HDL kolesterol, trigliserida diukur dcngan metode enzimatik colorimen-ik, kadar gula darah puasa menggunakan glucose dehydrogenase oxidize phosphate (GO D-PAP). Tekanan darah diukur dengan Nova Presameter air raksa (manual) can IMT mmggumim mocks BB/TB2 Bam badan dan finggi badan cliukur menggunakan alat Weighing Machine Mode? ZT-I20. Untuk data primer meliputi karakteristik responden, kebiasaan merokok, kehiasaan olahraga, dan riwayat penyaldt keluarga, diperoleh melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Asupan makan dan pola konsumsi makanan indeks glikemik tinggi diperoleh melalui wawancara menggunakan food recall lx 24 jam dan food jiequency questionnaire. Analisis data dengan uji kai kuadrat, uji T- independcn Lmtuk analisis bivariat dan regrcsi logistik ganda model prediksi untuk analisis multivariat. Hasil siudi menunjukkan prevalensi sindrom metabolik sebesar 23,8%. Hasil analisis multivariat model prediksi diperoleh ada hubungan antara umur (p value =0,027 95% CI l,l 1-5,55), kadar total kolestcrol (p value =0,o4s 95% Cl 1,01- 2l,48), kebiasaan olahraga (p value =0,010 95% CI 1,50-20,26) dan pola konsumsi makanan indeks glikemik tinggi (p value =0,009 95% CI 1,31-6,59) dengan kejadian sindrom metabolik. Faktor paling dominan berhubungan dengan sindrom metabolik adalah olahraga, dengan nilai OR = 5,5, dapat diartikan rcsponden yang tidak olahraga berisiko sebesar 5,5 kali uniuk rnengalami sindrom metabolik dibandingkan responden yang berolahraga setelah dikontrol oleh umur, kadar kolesterol total dan iiekuensi konsumsi makanan indeks glikemik.
The metabolic syndrome is a constellation of metabolic disturbances in persons, it typically includes obesity, dyslipidemia (characterized by reduced HDL cholesterol and elevated triglyceride concentration), elevated fasting glucose and raised blood pressure which increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The objective of this study was to assess prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the associations between individual characteristic, dietary intake and the other related factors to metabolic syndrome among civil servant who attended health examination at Balcti Yudha Hospital Depok City. Cross sectional study conducted in March - May 2009. This study used secondary data fiom 164 subject at Bakti Yudha Hospital which included information of cholesterol total, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride concentration using the enzymatic colorimetric method, fasting glucose using glucose dehydrogenase oxidize phosphate (GO D-PAP). Blood pressure were measured with a standard mercmy sphygmomanometer and BMI expressed in weight/height (kg/mz). Weight and height was measured use Weighing Machine Model ZT-120. Primary data such as characteristic of study participants, smoking habits, physical exercise dan family history of disease, was obtained from interview by using questiormaire guidelines. Dietary intake and high glicemic index dietary habits data 'dom 24-h recall and food frequency questionnaire. Statistical analysis used were chi-square, independent T-test for bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression prediction model for multivariat analysis. The results of study shows prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 23,8%. From multivariat analysis results, age (p value =0,027; 95%CI 1,11-5,55), total cholesterol (p value =0,048; 95%CI 1,01-2I,48), physical exercise (p value =0,0l0; 95%CI l,50~20,26) and high glicemic index dietary habits (p value =0,009; 95%CI 1,31-6,59) was assocciated with syndrome metabolic. Dominant factor was assocciated with syndrome metabolic is physical exercise and largest OR = S,5, means that the respondents who do not physical exercise have risk of 5,5 times for the metabolic syndrome than respondents do physical exercise, after controlling age, total cholesterol and high glicemic index dietary habits.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukman Hakim
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai hubungan profil lipid dengan perilaku gizi, pola makan, asupan nutrisi, gaya hidup, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), Rasio Lpe-Lpa, penggunaan obat, dan faktor diabetes mellitus. Studi kros-seksional, ini melibatkan populasi pilot perusahaan penerbangan PT X Jakarta, yang sedang menjalani Uji Kesehtan Periodik antara tgl. 21 Mai, 2001 sampai dengan 21 Juni, 2001. Data yang berhasil dikumpuikan meliputi, fraksi lipid serum, asupan nutrisi, perilaku gizi, pola makan, gaya hidup, IMT, Rasio Lpe-Lpa, penggunaan beta blocker, diuretika thiazide, dan faktor diabetes mellitus. Hasil : Rata-rata kadar kolesterol total 232.83 + 35.7 mg/dL, kolesterol HDL 39.7 + 2.2. kolesterol LDL 177.4 + 33.8, dan kadar trigliserida 162.8 + 68.3 mg/dL. Prevalensi hiperkolesterolemia 39.6 %, hiperkolesterolemia LDL 67.7 %, prevalensi dislipidemia 71,9 %. Rata-rata asupan energi total 1752.5 k.kal (614.5-3575.5), asupan protein 66.1 (9.90-132.8) gr, asupan lemak 632 (7.40-115.3) gr, sedangkan rata-rata asupan karbohidrat, SAFA, MUFA, PUFA, kolesterol dan serat, masing-masing: 2463 (853-545.3) gr, 30.7 (2.6-61,9) gr, 13.5 (1.40-28.6)gr, 7.2 (1-30.3) gr, 245 (0-1594.0) mg, dan 13 (3-66) gr. Subjek memiliki rata-rata IMT 25.5 + 2.7, rasio Lpe-Lpa 0.95 + 0.03. Prevalensi kegemukan 56.3 %, obesitas sentral 38.5 %. Sebagian besar subjek penelitian yaitu sebesar 59.4%, tidak teratur melakukan kegiatan olah-raga, perilaku gizi baik 5.2 % sedangkan perilaku gizi kurang sebesar 41.7%, dan pola makan baik hanya 3.1 %. Dijumpai hubungan bermakna antara rasio Lpe-Lpa dengan kolesterol total dengan p=0.0003, Berdasarkan analisis regresi logistik rasio Lpe-Lpa mempunyai hubungan paling kuat dengan kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL, dan dislipidemia. Kesimpulan : Asupan energi masih dibawah RDA, asupan SAFA tergolong kriteria lebih sebesar 55.2%, asupan serat tergolong rendah 83.3%, aktivitas kurang 63.6%. Terjadi keseimbangan energi positive, terlihat dari persentase kegemukan 56.3%, dan obesitas central 38.5%.
Lipid Profile Among P.T. X Civil Aviation Pilots and The Related Behavioral FactorsThe objective of study to assets the relationship between lipid profile and the nutrition behavior, nutrition intake, body mass index (BM), Waist-Hip circumference Ratio (WHR), life style, dietary pattern, flying stress, beta blacker and thiazide diuretic medication, and diabetes mellitus. This cross sectional study concerning population of PT X air line pilot's were being performed the periodically medical examination, between May 21, 2001 until June 21, 2001. The data had been collected from the level of lipid cerurn, nutrition intake, nutrition behavior, dietary pattern, BMI, WHR, beta blacker and thiazide diuretic medication, diabetes mellitus, flying stress, and life style including of physical activity, smocking and alcohol consumption habits. Results : The mean total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and tryglycerides were 232.8 + 35.7 mg/dL, 177.4 + 33.8 mg/dL, 39.7 + 2.2 mg/dL, and 162.8 + 68.3 mg/dL. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia 39.6%, LDL hypercholesterolemia 67.7 %, and dislipidemia 71.9 %. The median of total energy 1752 kcal, (614.3-575.5), protein intake 66.1 gr (9.90-132.8), the mean carbohydrate intake, fat, SAFA, MUFA, PUFA, cholesterol were 246.7gr (85.7-545.3), 63.2 gr (7.4-115.3), 30.7gr (2.6-61.9), 13.5 gr (1.40-28.6), 7.2gr (1-30.3), and 245 mg (0-1594.0), the mean fiber intake 13 gr (3-66). The mean of BMI and AHR are: 25.5 + 2.7 and 0.95 + 0.03, the prevalence of overweight and obesity 56.3 %, central obesity 38.5 %. Most of the subject had low activity (59.4 %), good nutrition behavior 5.2 % while the less nutrition behavior as many 41.7 %, and good dietary pattern is just 3.1 %. There was significant relationship between WHR and the level of total cholesterol (p O.0003), and based on logistic regression analysis, WHR had strong relationship to total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and dislipidemia. Conclusion : Energy intake were lower compared to RDA, the high SAFA intake 55.2 %, low fiber intake 83.3 %, low activity 63.6 %, and there were positive energy balance exess, and contribute 56.3% obesity and overweight, and 38.5 % central obesity.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irsalina Nurul Putri
Abstrak :
Hiperlipidemia adalah peningkatan salah satu atau lebih dari kolesterol, kolesterol ester, fosfolipid, atau trigliserida. Allium schenoprasum L. merupakan tanaman satu genus dari Allium sativum yang sudah teruji efek hiperlipidemianya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek antihiperlipidemia ekstrak etanol 80% kucai (Allium schoenoprasum L.) pada tikus jantan yang diberi diit tinggi kolesterol dan lemak. Sebanyak 36 tikus putih jantan galur Sparague dawley dibagi secara acak ke dalam 6 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok normal, induksi, simvastatin, dan 3 kelompok dosis. Semua kelompok diberi diit tinggi kolesterol dan lemak kecuali kelompok normal. Kelompok normal hanya diberikan CMC 0,5%. Setelah 1 jam pemberian diit tinggi kolesterol dan lemak, kelompok induksi, simvastatin, dosis 1, dosis 2, dan dosis 3 secara berturut-turut diberikan larutan CMC 0,5%, simvastatin 1,8 mg/200 g bb, ekstrak kucai 4,79 mg, 9,58 mg, dan 19,16 mg/200 g bb. Setelah 56 hari perlakuan, sampel darah tikus diambil melalui sinus orbital dan dilakukan penetapan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, HDL, dan LDL pada plasma darah tikus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol 80% umbi kucai memiliki efek antihiperlipidemia pada dosis 9,58 mg/200 g bb dilihat dari penurunan kadar kolesterol total, trigliserida, dan LDL dan memberikan hasil berbeda bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok induksi (p <0,05).
Hyperlipidemia is defined as an elevation of one or more of cholesterol, cholesterol esters, phospholipids, or triglycerides. Allium schoenoprasum L. is a plant of the same genus with Allium sativum which had been proven to have effect as antihyperlipidemia. This study aimed to evaluate antihyperlipidemic effects of 80% ethanolic extract of chives (Allium schoenoprasum L.) in male rats induced by high cholesterol and fat diet. Thirty-six male rats of Sprague dawley strain were divided randomly into 6 groups, those were normal group, induction group, simvastatin group, and three dose groups. All groups except the normal group were given high dietary cholesterol and fat. The normal group was given only 0,5 % CMC solution. After one hour of high dietary cholesterol and fat administration, the induction group, simvastatin group, dose I group, dose II group, and dose III group were given 0,5% CMC solution, 1,8 mg/200 g bw simvastatin, 4,79 mg/200 g bw, 9,58 mg/200 g bw, and 19,16 mg/200 g bw chives extract as follows. Blood samples were collected by the orbital sinus after 56 days of treatment to be analysed for total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL. The results showed that 80% ethanolic extract of bulbs chives have antihyperlipidemic effects at dose of 9,58 mg/200 g bw proven by significant (p < 0,05) decreases in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL compared to induction group.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Tia Efitasari
Abstrak :
Kondisi hiperglikemia pada pasien DM berhubungan dengan kelainan pada profil lipid. HBA1c sebagai salah satu kontrol glikemik diharapkan mampu menjadi prediktor profil lipid sebagai salah satu faktor risiko kelainan kardiovaskular. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kadar HbA1c dengan profil lipid pada pasien prediabetes. Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 69 orang pasien prediabetes berdasarkan kadar HbA1c antara 5,7 - 6,4 yang melakukan pemeriksaan pada Laboratorium Patologi Klinik RSCM data sekunder . Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman rsquo;s. Hasil penelitian ini, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar HbA1c dengan kadar trigliserida p: 0,045; r: -0,242 dan kadar HbA1c dengan kadar kolesterol total p: 0,027; r: -0,266 . Kesimpulannya, terdapat korelasi lemah negatif antara kadar HbA1c dengan profil lipid trigliserida dan kolesterol total pada pasien prediabetes. Kondisi ini kemungkinan dapat terjadi karena adanya faktor-faktor lain yang lebih berkontribusi terhadap kelainan profil lipid dibandingkan dengan kadar HBA1c dan belum munculnya efek dari resistensi insulin terhadap kelainan profil lipid.
Hyperglycemia in Diabetes mellitus patients associated with abnormalities in the lipid profile. HbA1c as one of glycemic control is expected to be a predictor of lipid profile as one of a risk factor for cardiovascular disorders. The aim of this research is to investigate the correlation between HbA1c levels with lipid profile in prediabetes individuals. The research used cross sectional design in 69 patients with prediabetes based on their HbA1c levels between 5.7 6.4 in RSCM Clinical Pathology Laboratory secondary data . Data analysis was performed using Spearman 39 s correlation test. The results of this study, showed a significant relationship between HbA1C with triglyceride levels p 0.045 r 0.242 and HbA1c levels with total cholesterol levels p 0.027 r 0.266 . In conclusion, there were a weak negative correlation between HbA1c level and lipid profile tryglyceride and total cholesterol in prediabetes individuals. This conditions might occur because of the other factors that further contributes to abnormalities in lipid profile compared with the HbA1c levels and yet the appearance of the effect of insulin resistance on lipid profile abnormalities.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renti Mahkota
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran penggunaan obat antihiperlipidemia terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol total. Penelitian analitik dengan rancangan Nested Case Control ini memanfaatkan data sekunder dari studi prospektif CARES (Cardiovascular Risk Estimation and Screening) tahun 2000 pada kelompok Crystal Club dan data primer untuk melengkapi kekurangan pada data. Dengan menggunakan total error laboratorium Prodia sebesar 10% maka kasus adalah mereka yang mengalami penurunan kadar kolesterol total 10% atau lebih selama kurang lebih satu bulan sedangkan kontrol adalah yang mengalami penurunan kadar kolesterol total kurang dari 10% atau mengalami peningkatan selama kurang lebih satu bulan juga.

Dari 227 responden pada awal pemeriksaan terdapat 83,7% yang memiliki kadar kolesterol total > 200 mg/dl. Pada pemeriksaan yang kedua jumlah responden berkurang menjadi 191 responden. Untuk mengetahui peran penggunaan obat antihiperlipidemia dilakukan wawancara kembali. Dari 82 responden berhasil diwawancarai. Dari 82 responden 44 responden tidak menggunakan obat dan 38 responden menggunakan obat anttbiperlipidemia. Rata-rata penurunan terbesar diperoleh pada mereka yang menggunakan obat jenis atorvastatin yaitu sebesar 23,19%.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan kadar kolesterol total > 10% berhubungan dengan menggunakan obat antihiperlipidemia (OR = 5,91, 95% Cl 2,07 ; 16,88) dan pendidikan tinggi (OR = 5,28, 95% CI 1,59 ; 17,54) . Probabilitas penurunan kadar kolesterol total tertinggi pada mereka yang menggunakan obat antihiperlipidemia dan berpendidikan tinggi (75%). Bila dilihat dari jenis obat yang dikonsumsi maka penurunan kadar kolesterol total > 10% berhubungan dengan penggunaan obat jenis lain (OR = 1,35, 95% CI 0,28 ; 6,54), obat jenis statin lain (OR = 4,58, 95% CI 0,80 ; 26,04) dan obat jenis atorvastatin (OR = 19,93, 95% CI 4,21 ; 94,43) serta pendidikan tinggi (OR = 5,31, 95% Cl 1,40 ; 20,25). Probabilitas penurunan kadar kolesterol total tertinggi pada mereka yang menggunakan obat jenis atorvastatin dan berpendidikan tinggi (91%). Dan bila dilihat dari jumlah obat yang digunakan maka penurunan kadar kolesterol total berhubungan dengan penggunaan obat kurang dari 30 butir (OR = 3,36, 95% CI 0,75 ; 15,01) dan penggunaan obat sebanyak 30 butir selama satu bulan (OR = 7,47, 95% CI 2,33 ; 23,91) serta pendidikan tinggi (OR = 5,15, 95% CI 1,53 ; 17,30). Probabilitas penurunan kadar kolesterol total tertinggi pads mereka yang menggunakan obat antihiperlipidemia sebanyak 30 butir dan berpendidikan tinggi (80%).

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka perlu dilakukan penelitian leblh lanjut untuk melihat efek dari penggunaan obat antihiperlipidemia terhadap penurunan risiko penyakit jantung koroner maupun risiko penyakit kardiovaskular lainnya.
Daftar Pustaka : 64 (I982-2002)
The Role of Using Antihyperlipidernic on The Lowering of Total Cholesterol Level. The objective of this study is to examine the role of using antlhyperlipidemic on the lowering of total cholesterol level. This study is an analytical study with nested case control designed by using secondary data from prospective CARES (Cardiovascular Risk Estimation and Screening) study in 2000 and by using primary data to complete it. By using 10% total error from Prodia laboratory, the cases is people who get >10% decrease of total cholesterol level in one month, and control is people who get <10% decrease or increase of total cholesterol level as the same time.

From 227 respondents in the early examination there are 83.7% who have X200 mg/dl total cholesterol level. In the second examination the number of respondents were decreased to 191 respondents. In order to examine the role of antihyperlipidemic, re-interview was conducted to 82 respondents. In which 38 respondents used the drugs whereas 44 didn't. Respondents who used atorvastatin had highest decrease of cholesterol level (23.19% on average).

The result indicates that X10% decrease of total cholesterol level was related to the using of antihyperlipidemic (OR = 5.91, 95% CI 2.07 ; 16.88) and high educational level (OR - 5.28, 95% CI L59 ; 17.54). The highest probability of the decrease of total cholesterol level is people who take antihyperlipidemic and have high educational level (75%). According to the variety of drugs that being consumed, ?l0% decrease of total cholesterol level related to other drugs (OR = 1.35, 95% CI 0.28 ; 6.54), other statin drugs (OR = 4.58, 95% CI 0.80 ; 26.04), atorvastatin (OR = 19.93, 95% CI 4.21 ; 94.43), and people with high educational level (OR = 5.31, 95% CI 1.40 ; 20.25). The highest probability of decrease of total cholesterol level is people who take atorvastatin and high educational level (91%). According to the number of drug that being consumed, ?10% decrease of total cholesterol level was related to the use of < 30 pills antihyperlipidemic in one month (OR = 3.36, 95% CI 0.75 ; 15.01), the use of 30 pills in one month (OR = 7.47, 95% CI 2.33 ; 23.91), and who have high educational level (OR = 5,15, 95% CI 1,53 ; 17,30). The highest probability of the decrease of total cholesterol level is people who take 30 pills antihyperlipidemic in one month and high educational level (80%).

Based on these results, it is very important to conduct several follow-up studies to confirm the effect of antihyperlipidemic on the decrease of coronary heart disease's risk or other cardiovascular diseases.
References : 64 (1982-2002)
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imron Khazim
Abstrak :
Ruang lingkup dan metodologi: Dislipidemia merupakan faktor risiko utama penyakit jantung koroner, sebagai penyebab kematian utama di Indonesia. Penelitian bertujuan menilai hubungan profil lipid dengan umur. tingkat kerja fisik, asupan nutrisi, kebiasaan olahraga dan merokok, indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan Rasio lingkar perut - lingkar panggul (LPe-LPa). Studi kros-seksional ini mengikutsertakan seluruh tenaga kerja PTE Plumpang. Jakarta Utara sebagai subyek. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi sosiodemografi, tingkat kerja fisik, tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap tentang pola makan gizi seimbang, kebiasaan makan, kebiasaan olahraga dan merokok, kualitas pola makan, asupan nutrisi metode tanya ulang 3 X 24 jam, IMT, Rasio LPe-LPa, dan kadar fraksi lipid serum. Hasil: Rata-rata kadar kolesterol total, kolesterol LDL, kolesterol HDL, trigliserida, dan rasio kolesterol total/HDL serum masing-masing adalah 148.3+23.8 mg/dl, 77.2+24.2 mg/dl, 43.2+9.0 mg/dl, 143.3+97.8 mg/dl dan 3.6+0.96. Dijumpai prevalensi hipertrigliseridemia (>200 mg/dl) 12.6 % dan hipokolesteroleinia HDL (<35 mg/dl) 17.7 %. Rata-rata asupan energi dan protein perhari subyek adalah 1841 (1092.3-4060.0) kkal dan 60.9 (30.4-109.0) g. Sedangkan rata-rata proporsi energi yang berasal dari karbohidrat, protein, lemak, asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal (ALTJM), asam lemak tak jenuh majemuk (ALTJM), dan asam lemak jenuh (AU) serta PS ratio masing-masing adalah 63.3+4.9 %, 13.31.9 %. 23.8+4 2 %. 5.2+1.6 % 3.4+0.8 %, 13.6+2.7 %, dan 0.25+0.06. Subyek memiliki rata-rata IMT dan Rasio LPe-LPa 23.97+2.7 dan 0.89+0.05. Dijumpai prevalensi kegemukan (IMT 25.1-27.0) dan obes (IMT > 27) masing-masing 16.5 % dan Rasio LPe-LPa > 0.90 sebesar 51.9 %. Dijumpai korelasi positif bermakna antara IMT dan Rasio LPe-LPa (p<0.01 dan r = 0.632) dan korelasi negatif bennakna antara Rasio LPe-LPa dengan kadar kolesterol HDL (p<0.01 dan r = - 0.336). Berdasarkan analisis regresi logistik berganda binary, Rasio LPe-LPa dan kebiasaan inerokok mempunyai kontribusi sebagai prediktor kadar kolesterol HDL berdasarkan persamaan regresi kadar kolesterol HDL = 0.775 (kebiasaan merokok) + 1.348 (Rasio LPe-LPa) - 4.263. Kesimpulan: Asupan energi subyek masih di bawah AKG. Proporsi energi yang berasal dari karbohidrat dan ALJ melebihi proporsi yang dianjurkan diet tahap 1 dan 2 NCEP. Terdapat korelasi positif bermakna antara IMT dengan Rasio LPe-LPa dan korelasi negatif bermakna antara Rasio LPe-LPa dengan kadar kolesterol HDL serum. Rasio LPe-LPa dan kebiasaan merokok mempunyai kontribusi sebagai prediktor kadar kolesterol HDL serum.
Scope and method: Dislipidemia is the main risk factors of coronary heart disease that major cause of death in Indonesia. The objective of study to detennaine the relationships between lipid profiles and age, physical work nutrient intakes, sports and smoking habits, body mass index (BMI), and abdominal to hip circumference ratio (AHR). The subject of this cross-sectional study was all PTE Plumpang workers, North Jakarta. Data collected were socio-demography, physical work, knowledges and attitudes of balance nutrition, sports dan smoking habits, nutrient intakes with 3 X 24 hour daily recalls method, BM1, AHR, and the concentration of serum lipid. Results: The Mean concentration of serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol,. triglycerides, and total cholesterolWHDL cholesterol ratio were : 148.3+23.8 mg/dl, 77.2+24.2 mg/dl, 43.2+9.0 mg/dl, 143.33+97.8 mg/dl dan 3.6. +0.96, respectively. The prevalence of hipertriglyceridemia (>200 mg/dl) and hipo-HDL-cholesterolemia (<35 mg/di) were 17.7 and 12.6 %. The median of energy and protein intakes of the subjects werel 841 (1092.3-4060.0) kcal and 60.9 (30.4-109.0) g. The composition of intakes were : 63.3+4.9 %, 13.3+1.9 %, 23.8+4.2 %, 5.2+1.6 %, 3.4+0.8 %, 13.6+2.7 %, and 0.25+0.06 for carbohydrate, protein, fat, MUFA, PUPA, SFA, and PS ratio, respectively. The Mean of BMI and AHR were 23.97+2.7 and 0.89+0.05. The prevalence of overweight (BMI 25.0-27.0) and obesity (BMI > 27.0) were 16.5 % respectively. The prevalence of AHR > 0.90 was 51.9 %. There were significant positive correlations between BM1 and AHR (p<0.01 and r = 0.632) and significant negative correlations between AHR and serum HDL cholesterol concentration (p<0.01 and r = -0.336). Using binary multiple regression model analysis, the prediction formula for serum HDL cholesterol concentration was : 0,775 (smoking habits) + 1.348 (AHR) - 4.263. Conclution: Energy intakes of subjects were low compared to the RDA. The composition of carbohydrate and SFA of intake were high compared to stage I and II of the NCEP diet recommendation. There were significant positive correlations between BMI and AHR and siginficant negative correlation between AHR and serum HDL cholesterol concentration. AHR and smoking habit were predictor factor of serum HDL cholesterol concentration.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bororing, Sheella R.
Abstrak :
LATAR BELAKANG: Olahraga memainkan peran penting pada pencegahan penyakit jantung koroner (PJK). Latihan aerobik senam jantung sehat (SJS) adalah senam yang khusus dibuat oleh Yayasan Jantung Indonesia, ditujukan untuk peserta sehat maupun penderita jantung. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisa pengaruh latihan SJS terhadap parameter fibrinolisis (t-PA dan PAI-1), viskositas (viskositas darah dan plasma) dan profil lipid (kolesterol total, trigliserida, kolesterol HDL, koletserol LDL) BAHAN DAN METODE: 30 subyek terdiri dan 28 wanita dan 2 pria yang berusia 40-80 tahun. Subyek penelitian mengikuti latihan SJS dengan frekuensi 3 kali seminggu, intensitas sedang dan durasi 40-45 menit, selama 9-12 minggu. Pengambilan darah sebanyak 13,5 mL dilakukan sebelum program dimulai dan setelah program selesai. Darah dimasukkan ke dalam tabung berisi sitrat, K3EDTA dan tanpa antikoagulan. Plasma sitrat untuk pemeriksaan kadar t-PA dan PAI-1, darah K3EDTA untuk viskositas darah dan plasma, serta serum untuk pemeriksaan profil lipid. Penetapan kadar t-PA dan PAI-1 berdasarkan prinsip double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immuno assay (ELISA), pemeriksaan viskositas menggunakan alat viskometer Brookfield LVDV-III dengan prinsip metode rotasional, kolesterol total dan trigliserida memakai prinsip enzimatik, serta kolesterol HDL dan kolesterol LDL diukur secara langsung dengan prinsip enzimatik homogen. HASIL: Peneltian ini memberikan hasil peningkatan berrnakna t-PA (18,25%, p=0,040) dan penurunan bermakna PAI-1 (29,14%, p=0,03). Didapatkan penurunan bermakna viskositas darah (2,94%, p=0,030). Didapatkan penurunan yang tidak bermakna viskositas plasma, kolesterol total, trigliserida, dan kolesterol LDL, dan didapatkan peningkatan yang tidak bermakna kolesterol HDL. KESIMPULAN: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dibuktikan bahwa latihan aerobik SJS dapat menyebabkan peningkatan fibrinolisis dan penurunan viskositas darah. SARAN : Dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pengaruh latihan SJS terhadap fibrinolisis, viskositas dan profil lipid dengan frekuensi latihan ditingkatkan menjadi 4-5 kali. Penelitian lanjutan juga dapat dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan aerobik terhadap faktor risiko PJK yang lain, seperti obesitas, fibrinogen dan Lp (a).
BACKGROUND: Exercise plays an important role in the prevention of coronary heart disease. Senam Jantung Sehat (SJS) programmed is an aerobic training originally created by Yayasan Jantung Indonesia, the Indonesia heart foundation. This training is suitable for healthy people and heart patients. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of SJS training on fibrinolysis (t-PA and PAl-1), blood viscosity and plasma viscosity, and also lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol) in the member of Kiub Jantung Sehat (KJS). MATERIAL AND METHODS: 30 subjects consisted of 28 women and 2 men aged 40-60 years_ Subjects had performed a regular SJS training 3 times weekly, with moderate intensity, 40-45 minutes a day for 9-12 weeks. A fasting 13.5 mL arm vein blood sample was taken twice, before and after training. Blood sample was divided into citrate, K3EDTA, and without anticoagulan. Plasma citrate is fort-PA and PAM, blood and plasma in K3EDTA is for viscosity, and serum for lipid profile_ t-PA and PAI-1 was measured using the enzyme linked immuno assay (ELISA) double antibody sandwich. Blood viscosity and plasma viscosity were measured using a rotational method of Brookfield viscometer LVDV-III, lipid profile were measured using the enzymatic method (total cholesterol and triglyceride) and direct enzymatic homogenous method (HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol). RESULTS: There were significant increase in t-PA (18.25%, p=0.040) and significant decrease in PAI-1(29.14%, p=0.003). The blood viscosity was decreased significantly (2.94%, p=0.030). The plasma viscosity, total cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL cholesterol were decreased but not significantly. The HDL cholesterol was increased not significantly. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrated that SJS training increased fibrinolysis, and decreased the blood viscosity. SUGGESTIONS: Further study is needed to know the influence of SJS on fibrinolysis, viscosity, and lipid profile if the training performs 4 or 5 times weekly. The further investigations is also suggested to know the influence of SJS on the other risk factors like obesity, fibrinogen, or Lp(a).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Eka Putra
Abstrak :
Latar belakang : Meningkatnya faktor-faktor penyebab dan kasus penyakit degeneratif dan kardiovaskular dari hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala selama 3 tahun (2009-2011) dan kurangnya respon pekerja terhadap program promosi kesehatan yang dilakukan sebelumnya di suatu perusahaan kimia di Cilegon mendorong dilakukannya suatu program wellness melibatkan keluarga selama 6 bulan yang diharapkan dapat menurunkan dan mengendalikan gula darah puasa, kolesterol total dan tekanan darah pada pekerja dengan obesitas sentral.Metode Penelitian : Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional (potong lintang) komparatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder untuk membandingkan nilai beberapa parameter sindroma metabolik yaitu gula darah puasa, tekanan darah serta kolesterol total pada sebelum dan sesudah program wellness melibatkan keluarga selama 6 bulan terhadap pekerja dengan obesitas sentral.Hasil penelitian : Empat puluh pekerja dengan obesitas sentral mengikuti program wellness melibatkan keluarga selama 6 bulan. Terdapat perubahan signifikan gula darah puasa dan kolesterol total antara sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti program. Hal tersebut sudah dapat ditunjukkan setelah satu bulan mengikuti program.Sementara tekanan darah tetap berkisar normal.Kesimpulan : Ada perubahan bermakna gula darah puasa dan kolesterol total sebelum dan sesudah program wellness melibatkan keluarga selama 6 bulan terhadap pekerja dengan obesitas sentral. Kata Kunci : Obesitas Sentral, gula darah puasa, kolesterol total, tekanan darah ,Program Wellness melibatkan keluarga, 6 bulan. ......Background : Numbers of degenerative and cardiovascular causal factors and cases from 3 years periodic medical examination (2009-2011) increased and workers showed lack of interest to site health promotion programs which have been done previously at a chemical manufacture in Cilegon. This leads to initiate a 6 month wellness program plus family interactions with the intention to decrease and control fasting blood sugar level, total cholesterol and blood pressure to workers with central obesity.Methods : The research design is a comparative cross sectional to determine whether the changes of several metabolic syndrome parameter values prior to and after 6 months wellness program plus family interactions to workers with central obesity. It used secondary data.Result : Forty workers with central obesity participated in the six months wellness program plus family interactions. There were significant changes of fasting blood sugar and total cholesterol, even after one month participation in the program. However, blood pressure did not significantly changed.Conclusion : There were changes on fasting blood sugar and total cholesterol significantly by partcipatin on pre and post 6 months wellness program plus family interactions to workers with central Key Word : Central obesity, fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, blood pressure , wellness program with family interactions and 6 months
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Dwi Fathinasari
Abstrak :
Sirosis hati SH merupakan tahap akhir dari penyakit hari kronik yang ditandai dengan fibrosis hati dan mikro maupun makronodul. Penyakit hati kronik mempengaruhi metabolisme lipid sehinga menggangu profil lipid pasien. Adanya kerusakan hati dideteksi dengan penilaian fungsi hati di mana salah satu penilainnya adalah analisis kadar albumin serum. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kadar profil lipid dan apakah terdapat korelasi antara profil lipid dengan fungsi hati albumin pada pasien SH. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional pada 73 penderita SH 56 laki-laki dan 17 perempuan didapatkan dari rekam medis Laboratorium Patologi Klinik RSCM. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan uji Kolmogorov Smirnov menunjukkan kadar kolesterol total, kolesterol HDL, kolesterol LDL, dan trigliserida rata-rata 158.07, 39.05, 94.07, dan median 92 dan dengan uji Pearson menunjukkan korelasi antara kolesterol total, kolesterol HDL, kolesterol LDL dan albumin semua. ......Cirrhosis is an end stage of chronic inflammatory liver disease with fibrosis and micro or macro nodule. Chronic liver disease affects lipid metabolism and disrupts patient rsquo s lipid profile. Cirrhosis can be detected by assessing liver function, one of which is analyzing serum albumin. The aim is to study the lipid profile in patients with cirrhosis and to determine the correlation between serum lipid profile and serum albumin in patients with cirrhosis. Design of the study is cross sectional, 73 patients with cirrhosis 56 men and 17 women were obtained from the medical records of the Laboratory Clinical Pathology RSCM. The results of the study were analyzed with Kolmogorov Smirnov test showed serum total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride mean of 158.07, 39.05, 94.07 and median of 92 , Pearson test showed a correlation between total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and albumin all.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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