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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Savransky, Semyon D.
Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2000
620.002 8 SAV e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Juwita
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai perancangan desain teknis EDC ATM dengan metode Stage Gate Model dan TRIZ bertujuan untuk membuat suatu tools atau alat yang bisa mendukung aktifitas Unit Perantara Layanan Keuangan UPLK dalam melakukan ujicoba Aktifitas Jasa Sistem Pembayaran dan Perbankan Terbatas di 8 provinsi di Indonesia Melalui pendekatan Stage Gate Model dapat diidentifikasi kebutuhan user yakni Bank dan Telco terhadap produk EDC Sedangkan pendekatan TRIZ memberikan output berupa spesifikasi teknis apa saja yang perlu ada di dalam sebuah EDC ATM Meskipun inventive principle nya sangat general perlu dilakukan verifikasi dan validasi kepada expert bidang telekomunikasi untuk menginterpretasikan solusi tersebut ke dalam spesifikasi teknis EDC-ATM ......Research on the design of EDC-ATM using Stage Gate Model and TRIZ method aims to create a tool to support the activities of Unit Perantara Layanan Keuangan UPLK in Limited Payment System and Banking Services tryout activies in 8 provinces in Indonesia Through the Stage Gate Model it will be able to identify user needs the Bank and Telco againts EDC product TRIZ method will provide an output in the form of technical specifications that is needed in an EDC ATM Although this inventive principle is very general there will be verification and validation to the telecommunications expert to interpret the solutions to the technical specifications of EDC ATM
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marjanu Priambodo
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mendiskusikan sinergi six sigma, axiomatic design ( AD ), TRIZ, dan DOE untuk perbaikan desain sistem manufaktur. Six sigma-axiomatic design- TRIZ digunakan untuk mendesain sistem. DOE digunakan untuk optimasi parameter desain. AD digunakan untuk men dekomposisi masalah dan TRIZ untuk menemukan solusinya. TRIZ digunakan untuk membangkitkan solusi dan men decouple matrik desain dalam kerangka AD. Sinergi six sigma-AD-TRIZDOE digunakan untuk menyelesaikan studi kasus perbaikan tingkat keberhasilan proses ( TKP ) cam boring di lini cylinder head machining untuk sepeda motor 110 cc. Hasilnya TKP proses camboring meningkat dari 95,5 menjadi 97,5% dan TKP lini cylinder head machining meningkat dari 93,6% menjadi 95,8. ......This paper discuss about sinergetic use of six sigma - axiomatic design ( AD ) - TRIZ - DOE for manufacturing system design improvement. Six sigma axiomatic design - TRIZ used in system design phase. DOE used in design parameter optimization phase. AD powerfull in problem decomposition and TRIZ for problem solution. TRIZ used for generate solution and decoupled design matrix in AD framework. Sinergetic use of six sigma - axiomatic design ( AD ) - TRIZ - DOE aplicated for case study increase of of camboring process productivity in cylinder head machining production line for 110 cc motor cycle. Final result camboring process productivity increase from 95,5% to 97,5% and productivity of cylinder head machining production line increase from 93,6 % to 95,8.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mhd. Faiq Pradhila
Abstrak :
Universitas Indonesia terlibat dalam program mobil listrik nasional. Salah satu fokus riset dari tim Molina UI adalah pengembangan Molina EV Bus yang rencananya akan digunakan untuk mengganti bus kuning UI sehingga bisa lebih ramah lingkungan. Dengan pengembangan fasilitas UI untuk pengguna difabel, Tim Molina UI berencana membuat prototipe EV bus baru untuk mendukung pengembangan fasilitas tersebut. Pengembangan prototype ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas fitur yang ada pada Molina EV Bus, termasuk bagian dashboard yang belum dikaji secara mendalam. Demi mendukung pengembangan prototipe tersebut, penelitian ini mencoba mengkaji mengenai perancangan desain dashboard untuk Molina EV Bus. Penelitian ini menggunakan integrasi metode ECQFD Environmentaly Concious Quality Function Deployment dan TRIZ Theory of Inventive Problem Solving . ECQFD mencoba mentranslasikan kebutuhan user menjadi karakteristik kualitas berdasarkan aspek lingkungan. TRIZ digunakan untuk menterjemahkan karakteristik kualitas menjadi spesifikasi teknis. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 3 rekomendasi desain dashboard bus yang sustainable, inovatif, dan sesuai dengan preferensi user. ......Universitas Indonesia is involved in the national electric car development program. One of the focus by the research team is to develop the Molina EV Bus which is planned to replace the current operational bus at UI so that it can be more environmental friendly. With UI developing facilities for the disabled, the Molina research team planned to make a new prototype of the Molina EV Bus to contribute to the facilities developed for the disabled. The new prototype is expected to increase the quality of the previous features of the EV Bus, including the dashboard that had been ignored. To support the development of the new prototype, this research was conducted to design a suitable dashboard for the new prototype. This research used the integration of ECQFD Environmentaly Concious Quality Function Deployment and TRIZ Theory of Inventive Problem Solving method. ECQFD was used to translate user needs into quality characteristics based on environmental aspects. TRIZ was used to translate the quality characteristics into technical specifications. This research has generated 3 sustainable, innovative, and user prefered dashboard design recommendation for the new prototype.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Almer Hafiz Yusuf
Abstrak :
Botol minuman harus memenuhi fungsi dasar kemasan untuk makanan dan minuman. PT. Mustika Ratu baru-baru ini mengembangkan divisi baru yang memproduksi jamu modern dalam kemasan yang disebut Jejamu by Mustika Ratu. Sebuah survei pada produk Jejamu dan kemasan menjadi salah satu kunci untuk diperbaiki. Salah satu metode yang digunakan adalah Kansei Engineering yang menggunakan penerjemahan psikologis konsumen dengan menggunakan kata-kata Kansei. Metode ini akan menghasilkan interpretasi desain berdasarkan kebutuhan konsumen. Selain itu, perbaikan juga dapat dilakukan pada tingkat teknis. Perbaikan pada skala ini menggunakan metode TRIZ sebagai alat pemecahan masalah. Dengan menggunakan TRIZ, seseorang dapat secara spesifik dan kreatif menghasilkan solusi umum yang dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam perbaikan spesifik. Hasilnya adalah kombinasi Kansei Engineering-TRIZ yang akan kokoh dalam estetika berbasis konsumen dan peningkatan teknis. ......A beverage bottle must fulfil the food and beverage functions. PT. Mustika Ratu has recently developed a new division producing a bottled modern Jamu called Jejamu by Mustika Ratu. A survey was done with packaging as key to be improved upon. One of the methods to use is Kansei Engineering which uses the psychological translation of the human psyche by using words. These would result in the production of a design based on the consumer’s need. Additionally, improvements could also be made on the technical level. To solve this one can, use TRIZ as a problem-solving tool. By using TRIZ, one can specifically and creatively produce general solutions which could be translated into specific improvements. The result of which would be a Kansei Engineering-TRIZ combination which would be robust in consumer-based aesthetic and improved technicalities.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berupaya untuk memberi rekomendasi rancangan inovasi layanan dari kantor penjualan Garuda Indonesia yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen, sehingga akan menciptakan kepuasan konsumen yang lebih baik di masa yang akan datang. Pada penelitian ini, akan dilakukan analisis faktor untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi kebutuhan konsumen saat ini. Hasil dari analisis faktor tersebut didapatkan durasi pelayanan, fasilitas tempat tunggu serta kompetensi frontliner sebagai titik gagal dari layanan kantor penjualan. Kemudian, analisis kontradiksi TRIZ akan dilakukan dan menghasilkan dua belas prinsip inovatif. Akhirnya, rancangan layanan baru dari kantor penjualan Garuda Indonesia diajukan berdasarkan prinsip dari hasil analisis TRIZ melalui service blueprint. ......This research is trying to suggest recommendations of service redesign on Garuda Indonesia’s sales and service office (SSO) in order to create better customer satisfaction. This research uses factor analysis to analyse the factors that contribute to the customer needs. The result shows the duration of service delivery, facilities in waiting area and frontliner’s competences are the major factors that contribute to the failure points in SSO. In the next stage, the TRIZ contradiction analysis is used resulting twelve inventive principles. Furthermore, new service design of Garuda Indonesia’s SSO is proposed following the principles generated in TRIZ through service blueprint
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latifa Ayu Lestari
Abstrak :
Indonesia merupakan negara kedua paling dermawan menurut World Giving Index 2017 di dunia dan negara dengan penduduk mayoritas beragama Islam dengan presentase 87.1. Islam mengajarkan umatnya untuk melakukan kegiatan berbagi pada orang yang membutuhkan, yaitu; Zakat, Infaq dan juga Sedekah ZIS. Realitanya, penghimpunan zakat pada tahun 2015 baru mencapai 1,3 dari potensi nasional Indonesia. Dewasa ini, saluran pemasaran produk-produk ZIS yang digunakan bermacam-macam termasuk menggunakan media internet sebagai upaya proses digitalisasi zakat. Digitalisasi zakat diharapkan menjadi saluran komunikasi dalam pengumpulan serta peningkatan layanan untuk terwujudnya efisiensi. Digitalisasi zakat menyediakan akses yang lebih luas untuk para donor, menghindari kecurangan, pengurangan biaya operasional, dan konsolidasi laporan zakat nasional yang lebih baik. Salah satu upaya untuk mendorong digitalisasi zakat adalah mengeluarkan media aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat. Namun, sampai saat ini aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat masih dianggap belum ramah pengguna, terdapat keraguan di masyarakat dalam menggunakannta dan pengembangannya masih menemui permasalahan seperti kurangnya sumber daya dan kurangya sosialisasi dengan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengalaman pengguna aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat dari dimensi user experience UX yang berkaitan dengan user interface UI, sehingga dapat menjembatani keraguan masyarakat dalam menggunakan mobile smartphone zakat. Metode yang digunakan, yaitu: performance metrics, kuesioner Single Ease Question SEQ, kuesioner System Usability Scale SUS, kuesioner Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction QUIS, dan Retrospective Think Aloud RTA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat memiliki penilaian UX yang rendah sehingga diperlukan perancangan ulang dengan menggunakan metode Hubrid Cardsorting dan TRIZ. Hasil penelitian ini adalah prototype aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat yang menjembatani keraguan dalam masyarakat. ......Indonesia is the second most generous country in the world according to World Giving Index 2017 and a majority Muslim country with a percentage 87.1 of the population. Islam teaches its people to carry out activities that aim to share with the needy Zakat, Infaq and also Shadaqoh ZIS. However, zakat collection in 2015 is only 1.3 of its potential. Today, the marketing channels of ZIS products is starting to use the internet as the process of digitizing zakat for communication channel and service channelto achieve the realization of efficiency. The most widely used device for internet browsing is smartphone devices. Growth of smartphone users in Indonesia occur along with the increase of mobile application users. Digitalization of zakat provides wider access to donors, fraud avoidance, reduced operational costs and better consolidation of national zakat reports. One of the effort is developing zakat mobile smartphone application which currently still encounters some problems in the development process. This study aims to re design the User Interface of zakat mobile smartphone applications with the user experience approach for zakat mobile application in order to obtained the best recommended combination of user experience elements that aims to improve user experience of the application. The methods used are performance metrics, Single Ease Question SEQ questionnaires, System Usability Scale SUS questionnaires, Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction QUIS questionnaires, and Retrospective Think Aloud RTA. Based on the results of this research, zakat mobile smartphone applications have low usability rating so ther is a need to do re design by using the TRIZ method. The results of this study is a prototype that meets the perceptions and user preferences of zakat mobile smartphone applications through the user experience approach.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Muhammad Fuad Basya
Abstrak :
Pasar home delivery food service Indonesia diproyeksikan akan terus bertumbuh hingga tahun 2020. Pertumbuhan tersebut dipicu oleh perubahan pola konsumsi pangan masyarakat, perkembangan teknologi digital, serta munculnya third-party delivery. Melihat tren tersebut, kemasan makanan memainkan peran yang penting bagi berjalannya sistem. Namun, hingga saat ini kemasan pada delivery order masih serupa dengan kemasan pada pemesanan take-out. Melihat hal tersebut, beberapa permasalahan mungkin terjadi di antaranya seperti berubahnya suhu makanan selama transportasi, presentasi makanan menjadi buruk, berubahnya rasa makanan, dan penyebab lainnya yang berimbas pada menurunnya kepuasan konsumen terhadap kualitas food delivery services dan restoran. Menanggapi persoalan tersebut, penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengkaji rancangan food delivery packaging yang tepat sehingga kualitas makanan tetap dapat dipertahankan dengan menerapkan metode Quality Function Deployment for Environment (QFDE) dan Teorija Rezhenija Izobretatelskih Zadach (TRIZ). Metode QFDE difungsikan sebagai alat bantu menganalisis permasalahan, dengan mendengarkan suara konsumen dalam perancangan solusi yang memperhatikan aspek lingkungan. Metode TRIZ digunakan sebagai alat bantu creativity technique, untuk menghadirkan solusi inventif bagi rancangan solusi penelitian. Penelitian ini berhasil menjawab tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui atribut kebutuhan konsumen serta pembobotan kepentingannya terhadap kualitas kemasan makanan, serta berhasil memberikan rekomendasi rancangan kemasan makanan dengan fokusan fungsi untuk menjaga higienitas makanan selama proses pengiriman. ......The Indonesian food delivery service market is projected to continue to grow until 2020. This growth is triggered by changes in societal food consumption patterns, the development of digital technology, and the emergence of third-party delivery. Looking at these trends, food packaging plays an important role for the running of the system. However, until now the packaging on the delivery order is still similar to the package on take-out orders. Seeing this, several problems might occur such as changes in food temperature during transportation, poor presentation of food, changing food tastes, and other causes that impact on decreasing consumer satisfaction with the quality of food delivery services and restaurants. Responding to the problem, this study attempts to examine the proper food delivery packaging design so that food quality can still be maintained by applying the Quality Function Deployment for Environment (QFDE) method and Teorija Rezhenija Izobretatelskih Zadach (TRIZ). The QFDE method is used as a tool to analyze problems, by listening to consumers voices in designing environmental conscious solutions. The TRIZ method is used as creativity techniques, to present inventive solutions for the design of research solutions. This study succeeded in answering the research objectives, namely to find out the attributes of consumer needs and weighting their importance to the quality of food packaging, as well as succeed in providing food packaging design recommendations with a function focus to maintain food hygiene during the delivery process.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frizziero, Leonardo
Abstrak :
The planning activity relative to physical items, environment, and services that adapts to optimize social, economic, and ecological impact is the target of sustainable design. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) achieves product design by choosing and defining factors that can be qualitatively argued. The aim of design is to match needs in new and innovative ways. In this perspective, the QFD aims to evaluate the quality of a design process. TRIZ is a design methodology that aims at defining and overcoming some critical issues that can affect the development of a product, by means of potential innovative solutions. In this paper, QFD and TRIZ analysis were adopted in order to validate a design method for direct open molds by means of a new strategy: hybrid manufacturing can reduce production time, use of material, and energy and waste consumption, employing subtractive and additive techniques efficiently combined.
Taylor and Francis, 2018
658 JIPE 35:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Khawarita
Abstrak :
Means of public health is a component in accelerating the improvement of public health degree. Hospitals as health facilities have a very strategic role in providing quality services in accordance with established standards and can reach the whole community. One installation that needs improvement is the quality of instalasai Hemodialysis. The number of patients is increasing every year must be accompanied by improvement of quality of service installation. Based on observations, there were some complaints of patients on hemodialysis installation services. This study intends to improve the quality of care in hemodialysis installations by crafting needs hemodialysis machine design using Kansei Engineering, as well as the application of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and TRIZ. Kansei Engineering is used to ensure that a service fulfills the desired emotional response. Subsequently used QFD to improve customer satisfaction by improving the quality of services installation hemodialysis. Results of QFD point to contradictions, namely repair and maintenance service of the machine with the alert medics and repair and maintenance of the machine with the cleanliness and comfort of installation. The results showed that the installation of Hemodialysis ABSTRAK
Patients in fact want a friendly atmosphere of doctors, nurses, and the reception clerk and the condition of hemodialysis machines and devices work properly.
Yogyakarta: Media Teknika, 2017
620 MT 12:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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