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Ditemukan 40 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dwita Oktaria
Latar Belakang: Umpan balik memiliki peran penting pada proses pembelajaran
seseorang. Konsep mengenai perilaku mencari umpan balik telah banyak diteliti
tetapi masih terdapat gambaran yang belum lengkap mengenai berbagai aspek
terkait perilaku mencari umpan balik tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengeksplorasi perilaku mencari umpan balik mahasiswa kedokteran di Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Lampung (FK Unila) secara mendalam.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan
fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui FGD (focus group
discussion) dengan mahasiswa FK Unila Angkatan 2012, 2013 dan 2014.
Triangulasi data dilakukan melalui FGD dengan staf pengajar, wawancara dengan
ketua tim Medical Education Unit dan studi dokumen yang dilakukan selama
bulan April sampai dengan Mei 2015. Hasil FGD dan wawancara dituliskan
dalam bentuk transkrip verbatim lalu dilakukan analisis tematik dan koding.
Selanjutnya dilakukan reduksi dan penyajian data.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman mahasiswa dan staf
pengajar mengenai umpan balik masih belum tepat. Motivasi mahasiswa untuk
mencari umpan balik disebabkan oleh keinginan untuk mendapatkan informasi
yang berguna bagi dirinya dan mengontrol kesan orang lain. Faktor penghambat
tersering mahasiswa dalam mencari umpan balik kepada staf pengajar adalah rasa
segan dan takut untuk mendapatkan komentar negatif mengenai dirinya.
Mahasiswa akan mencari umpan balik kepada orang yang memiliki hubungan
kedekatan dan kredibilitas yang baik dalam konteks lingkungan yang privat.
Kesimpulan: Belum adanya pemahaman yang sama mengenai pengertian umpan
balik menyebabkan proses pencarian dan pemberian umpan balik di FK Unila
belum berjalan secara efektif. Sistem pendidikan kedokteran yang hirarkis, faktor
budaya dan kesibukan staf pengajar merupakan beberapa faktor penghambat.
Institusi perlu membuat suatu kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan
kesadaran dan menciptakan atmosfer bagi mahasiswa dan staf pengajar akan arti
penting umpan balik.

Background: Feedback has many important roles in an individual learning
process. The concept of feedback-seeking behaviour has been widely studied but
there is still lack of information on the aspects related to it. This study is aimed to
explore feedback-seeking behaviour of undergraduate medical students at Faculty
of Medicine University of Lampung.
Method: This study used qualitative research methods with phenomenological
approach. Data was collected through focus group discussion (FGD) with students
in Faculty of Medicine University of Lampung class of 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Similar method was used with faculty members to triangulate the data, and also an
in-depth interview with the head of Medical Education Unit and document
analysis. The result of FGD and interview were transcribed verbatim, analysed
thematically and coded, to reduce and present the data.
Result: The results obtained in this study indicate that the understanding of
students and lecturers of feedback is still incorrect. Students are motivated to seek
feedback because they want useful information and have the desire to control the
impressions of others. One of the biggest factors that inhibit students to seek
feedback from the lecturer is their fear in getting negative comments. Students
will look for feedback from people who have close relationships with them and
good credibility in the context of a private environment.
Conclusion: The absence of a common understanding of the meaning of feedback
causes the feedback-seeking and feedback-giving process on FK Unila not run
effectively. Hierarchical system of medical education, cultural factors and
lecturers? busy schedule are some factors that hinder feedback-seeking process.
Institutions need to make a policy to raise awareness and create an atmosphere for
students and faculty members on the importance of feedback, Background: Feedback has many important roles in an individual learning
process. The concept of feedback-seeking behaviour has been widely studied but
there is still lack of information on the aspects related to it. This study is aimed to
explore feedback-seeking behaviour of undergraduate medical students at Faculty
of Medicine University of Lampung.
Method: This study used qualitative research methods with phenomenological
approach. Data was collected through focus group discussion (FGD) with students
in Faculty of Medicine University of Lampung class of 2012, 2013 and 2014.
Similar method was used with faculty members to triangulate the data, and also an
in-depth interview with the head of Medical Education Unit and document
analysis. The result of FGD and interview were transcribed verbatim, analysed
thematically and coded, to reduce and present the data.
Result: The results obtained in this study indicate that the understanding of
students and lecturers of feedback is still incorrect. Students are motivated to seek
feedback because they want useful information and have the desire to control the
impressions of others. One of the biggest factors that inhibit students to seek
feedback from the lecturer is their fear in getting negative comments. Students
will look for feedback from people who have close relationships with them and
good credibility in the context of a private environment.
Conclusion: The absence of a common understanding of the meaning of feedback
causes the feedback-seeking and feedback-giving process on FK Unila not run
effectively. Hierarchical system of medical education, cultural factors and
lecturers’ busy schedule are some factors that hinder feedback-seeking process.
Institutions need to make a policy to raise awareness and create an atmosphere for
students and faculty members on the importance of feedback]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Green, Michael
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1995
629.832 GRE l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Octaviani
"Tesis ini membahas perancangan pengendali berbasis logika fuzzy yang digunakan untuk pengendalian suhu barrel extruder beserta simulasinya. Model dinamika proses yang dikendalikan diturunkan berdasarkan aliran energi panas yang terjadi pada setiap barrel nya.
Perancangan pengendali ini dengan menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Using Matlab. Fungsi keanggotaan yang digunakan berbentuk segitiga, dengan representasi untuk masukan pengendali terdiri dari 5 himpunan fuzzy, dan untuk keluarannya terdiri dari 6 himpunan fuzzy. Penalaran fuzzy yang digunakan pada tesis ini disusun berdasarkan Kaidah Mamdani, dengan mengacu pads 30 aturan fuzzy sesuai Fuzzy Associative Memories (FAO) yang dirancang.
Unjuk kerja dari sistem yang dikendalikan disimulasikan dengan Simulink Toolbox Using Matlab, dengan membuat rangkaian simulink dari keseluruhan sistem dan pengendalinya. Untuk analisanya dilihat unjuk kerja sistem yang dikendalikan berupa tanggapan waktu, yang dibandingkan dengan unjuk kerja yang meggunakan pengendali proporsional."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niena Sulaswati Khotimah
"PT X adalah perusahaan manufakturing di bidang otomotif dimana pekerja operasional menjadi salah satu faktor penting agar target produksi perusahaan tercapai secara efisien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari keadilan organisasi dan umpan balik pengembangan dari Supervisor terhadap keterlibatan kerja pada pekerja operasional PT X, serta program intervensi yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan kerja tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 136 pekerja operasional di PT. X dengan menggunakan 3 (tiga) kuesioner untuk pengambilan datanya, yaitu: Skala Keadilan Organisasi, Skala Umpan Balik Pengembangan Positif dan Negatif dari Supervisor; dan Skala Keterlibatan Kerja (UWES-9).
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara umpan balik pengembangan dari Supervisor terhadap keterlibatan kerja, namun tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keadilan organisasi terhadap keterlibatan kerja. Selanjutnya, peneliti memberikan intervensi pelatihan umpan balik terhadap Supervisor untuk meningkatkan umpan balik pengembangan dari Supervisor. Hasil evaluasi pembelajaran program intervensi pelatihan umpan balik terhadap Supervisor menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan yang signifikan pada Supervisor yang mengikuti pelatihan. Akan tetapi evaluasi pelatihan setelah 6 bulan menyatakan bahwa tidak terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan terhadap keterlibatan kerja pekerja.
PT X is an automotive manufacturing company in which operational workers are one of important element to ensure that the production target planning could be reached efficiently. The aim of this research is to find out the impact of organizational justice and supervisor developmental feedback on work engagement on the operational workers at PT X and the intervension program needed to increase the work engagement. The research is conducted to 136 operational workers at PT. X using 3 (three) quisionnaires: Organizational Justice Scale, Positive and Negative Supervisor Developmental Feedback and Utrect Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9).
The result showed a significant corellation of supervisor developmental feedback to work engagement, however there is no significant correlation of organizational justice to work engagement. Further, researcher conduct the supervisor training feedback intervension program to increase supervisor developmental feedback. The evaluation of the supervisor training feedback intervension program showed significant increase on the supervisor’s knowledge of feedback. However the training evaluation after 6 month of intervension program showed no significant impact on the worker’s work engagement."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Rizka
"Latar belakang: Chief resident merupakan bagian penting dalam proses pendidikan di program studi pendidikan dokter spesialis (PPDS). Salah satu kompetensi chief resident adalah membimbing residen juniornya, namun kompetensi ini jarang diajarkan secara formal. Telah dilakukan program pelatihan Resident as Teacher dengan durasi 5 jam untuk 20 chief resident di PPDS Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi efek pelatihan tersebut terhadap kemampuan membimbing chief resident.dengan menggunakan metode Kirkpatrick tingkat 1 hingga 3.
Metode: Penelitian kualitatif dengan dengan rancangan fenomenologi. Rancangan fenomenologi ini berupa deskripsi perspektif chief resident dan senior mengenai peningkatan kemampuan membimbing chief resident PPDS IPD FKUI setelah mengikuti pelatihan RaT. Sesuai dengan metode evaluasi Kirkpatrick, dilakukan evaluasi kepuasan peserta pelatihan, peningkatan pengetahuan pasca pelatihan, dan Focus Group Discussion untuk chief dan residen junior. Dilakukan pula triangulasi berupa observasi ronde chief dan observasi acara ilmiah siang serta analisis kasus negatif berupa in depth interview serta studi dokumen.
Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner kepuasan peserta pelatihan, materi pelatihan RaT bermanfaat untuk chief, praktis untuk diterapkan, sesi dalam pelatihan menarik dan instruktur dapat membawakan materi dengan baik. Hasil pre dan post test serta FGD menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan chief resident mengenai teknik microskills dan pemberian umpan balik efektif. Materi pelatihan RaT mampu laksana namun hambatan yang didtemui adalah kesulitan mencari waktu membimbing di antara beban pelayanan di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dan kesulitan memberi umpan balik positif.
Simpulan: Pelatihan RaT yang telah dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan chief resident dan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan membimbing chief resident. Sebagian besar chief resident belum dapat memberi umpan balik positif. Selain itu, waktu membimbing terbatas karena tugas pelayanan yang banyak di RSCM.
Background: Teaching junior resident and medical student is one of the responsibilities of chief resident. However, teaching skill is rarely trained formally to them. A format of Resident as Teacher (RaT) training program was developed and conducted for 20 chief residents in Internal Medicine Residency Program. The aim of this study is to evaluate the improvement of chief?s teaching skill after joining this training program, based on the first three steps of Kirkpatrick evaluation program.
Methods: Qualitative research based on phenomenology study was performed within two months after the training. Program questionnaire and pre-post test were conducted to evaluate the first (reaction) and second (learning) step of Kirkpatrick evaluation method respectively. The third step (behavior change) was evaluated by performing Focus Group Discussion for chief residents and junior residents. To increase the validity of the study, triangulation by doing indirect observation or rounds, classroom based activities and document study were done. Negative case analysis was also performed to explore further about the result of FGD.
Result: Based on the questionnaire, the participants were satisfied by the RaT program. Pre and post test evaluation and FGD show that there is improvement of knowledge about teaching and giving effective feedback. FGD results supported by observations and document study show that chiefs applied the microskills technique but had difficulty in giving positive feedback, as well as finding appropriate time for discussion within very busy schedule of junior resident in the main teaching hospital.
Conclusion: The training fulfills the need of chief resident, improves knowledge of teaching method and giving constructive feedback. However the chief residents was not used to give positive feedback to the junior residents and the busy clinical situation was identified as barrier to effective chief to junior resident learning process."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Syarifah
Permasalahan yang terjadi di PT. XXX yaitu ketidakpuasan karyawan terhadap atasan terhadap penilaian kinerjanya. Hal ini karena tidak diberikannya umpan-balik kinerja pada bawahan. Pemberian umpan-balik dapat meningkatkan kepuasan karyawan terhadap atasannya, akan tetapi pemberian umpan-balik dengan cara yang tidak tepat dapat menurunkan kepuasan terhadap atasan. Hasil dari penelitian mengenai umpan-balik, tidak semua para atasan melakukan umpan-balik pada hasil penilaian kinerja bawahan. Hal ini dikarenakan ketidaktahuan para atasan dalam melakukan umpan-balik, karena sebelumnya para atasan belum pernah diberikan pelatihan mengenai hal ini. Oleh karena itu perlu diperhatikan cara pemberian umpan-balik terutama dalam pemberian umpan-balik negatif. Hasil ini membuat perancangan intervensi pelatihan umpan-balik kinerja, sehingga para atasan dapat mengetahui pemberian dan melakukan umpan-balik kinerja.

The problems that occurred in PT. XXX ie employee dissatisfaction against the boss of the performance evaluation. This is because superior are not given feedback on the performance of subordinates. Giving feedback can improve employee satisfaction to his superiors, but giving feedback in a way that is not right can lower satisfaction with superiors. Results of research on feedback, not all employers carry out the feedback on the results of the performance assessment of subordinates. This is due to the ignorance of the supervisors in conducting feedback, because previously the boss has never been given training in this regard. Therefore, it should be noted how the provision of feedback, especially in the provision of negative feedback. These results make the design of training interventions performance feedback, so that employers can and do know giving performance feedback."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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