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Tika Wastika
Abstrak :
Meningkatnya jumlah akseptor Implant di Kabupaten Bekasi, harus diantisipasi oleh petugas yang berkompeten dan berkualitas. Petugas pemasang Implant di Kabupaten Bekasi dilakukan oleh Dokter dan Bidan, dimana bidan sesuai dengan SK Dirjen Binkesmas DEPKES RI No:577/BM/DJ/BKK/V/1991 dibatasi kewenangannya dalam melakukan pelayanan pemasangan Implant. Hal ini sangat menarik untuk diteliti apakah kemampuan (kualitas) pemasang Implant pada dokter dan bidan berbeda?. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian Kualitas pelayanan Implant oleh Dokter dan Bidan ditiga Kecamatan di Kabupaten Bekasi. Kualitas pelayanan pemasangan Implant diukur dari komposit tiga variabel, yaitu pengetahuan peserta implant tentang implant yang berasal dari informasi petugas, kejadian komplikasi akibat pemasangan implant dan kepuasan yang dirasakan oleh peserta Implant terhadap pelayanan yang diterimanya.

Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel peserta implant diambil masing-masing 100 peserta yang dilayani dokter dan 100 peserta yang dilayani bidan Peserta implant yang diteliti adalah peserta implant yang dipasang pada periode Tahun anggaran 1991/1992.

Dari 3 variabel dasar kualitas pelayanan yang diteliti yaitu pengetahuan, kejadian komplikasi dan kepuasan yang dirasakan peserta implant, ternyata perbedaan pengetahuan dan kepuasan peserta implant yang dilayani dokter dan bidan bermakna secara statistik, perbedaan kejadian komplikasi pada peserta yang dilayani dokter dan bidan tidak bermakna secara statistik. Sedangkan perbedaan kualitas pelayanan pemasangan implant sebagai gabungan dari ketiga variabel dasarnya bermakna secara statistik.

Sehingga kesimpulan akhir adalah kualitas pelayanan pemasangan implant yang diterima peserta implant yang dilayani oleh dokter lebih baik dari kualitas pelayanan pemasangan implant yang dilayani oleh bidan.

Peneliti menyarankan agar tenaga bidan lebih meningkatkan mutu pelayanan pemasangan implant dilapangan, dengan cara pelatihan berkala dan berkesinambungan.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivanna Theresa Setijanto
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Data demografi dan survey kesehatan dunia mengemukakan bahwa 92-98% perempuan tidak ingin hamil dalam 2 tahun pertama setelah persalinan, dan 66,5% ingin menggunakan kontrasepsi dengan unmet need 40%. Kontrasepsi pascasalin yang dapat diandalkan, efektif, dan jangka panjang seperti Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahim (AKDR) sangat dibutuhkan. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi penerimaan, efektivitas dan efek samping AKDR pascaplasenta pada persalinan pervaginam di RSCM selama periode 6 bulan setelah pemakaian. Metode: Penelitian observasional dengan disain kohort prospektif. Semua subjek yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian, dilakukan pemasangan AKDR Cu T380A pascaplasenta dan dicatat hingga mencapai jumlah sampel yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian dilakukan di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta periode Agustus – Oktober 2012. Penerimaan, efektivitas dan efek samping termasuk angka ekspulsi dinilai pada kunjungan 40-42 hari pascasalin dan 6 bulan kemudian. Hasil: Jumlah total subjek 234 orang, dengan 19,2% tidak datang pada kunjungan ulang pertama dan kedua. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada karakteristik subjek yang datang maupun tidak datang pada kunjungan ulang. Pada kunjungan I, 5,1% subjek mengalami ekspulsi dan 4,5 % subjek melakukan pelepasan AKDR. Pada kunjungan II, didapatkan 7,5% ekspulsi dan 4,8% subjek melepas AKDR di luar RS. Dari keseluruhan tersebut terdapat 8,5% yang bersedia dipasang ulang. Efektivitas AKDR mencapai 100% dengan 68,9% subjek masih menyusui hingga 6 bulan. Ekspulsi total pada kunjungan I dan kunjungan II adalah 4,1% dan 0,6%, sedangkan ekspulsi parsial adalah 1% dan 6,9%. Efek samping tersering lainnya adalah keputihan (23%), nyeri haid (4-21%) dan perdarahan bercak (2-10%). Kesimpulan: Penerimaan dan efektivitas selama 6 bulan adalah 86,8% dan 100%. Efek samping ekspulsi secara kumulatif selama 6 bulan adalah 12,6%, dengan efek samping lain seperti keputihan, nyeri haid dan perdarahan bercak
Background: Current world demographics and health surveys show that 92-98% of women want to delay their future pregnancy for at least 2 years after giving birth. A majority (66,5%) of these mothers require contraception of which 40% are unmet (unmet needs).The Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) can be a reliable, effective long term option to fulfill these unmet needs Objectives: To evaluate the acceptability, effctivity and side effects of Postplacental IUCD after vaginal delivery at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital after 6 months period of insertion Methods: We conducted a prospective observational cohort study, Subjects were recruited in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta at August-October 2012. Postplacental IUCD was inserted intu the subjects’ uterus until it reached the fundus. The data for acceptibility, effectivty and side effects, including the expulsion rate was obtained at 40-42 days and 6 months after delivery. Result: A total of 234 women were included in this study, with 19,2% loss of follow up. There is no significant difference on subjects’ characteristics who came and loss of follow up in this study. At the first follow up, 5,1% subjects experienced IUCD expulsion, and 4,5% had the IUCD removed by request. On the second follow up, expulsion was found in 7,5% of the subjects and 4,8% had the IUCD removed by request or outside our hospital. Eight and a half percent of those subjects were willing to receive IUCD reinsertion. The IUCD effectivity in six months follow up was 100%, with 68,9% of the subjects were still breastfeeding at 6 months after delivery. Total expulsion rate on first follow up compared to 6 months follow up was 4,1% and 0,6%, and the partial expulsion was 1% and 6,9%. The most common side effects were vaginal discharge (23%), dysmenorea (4-21%), and spotting (2-10%). Conclusion: The acceptability and effectivity of postplacental IUCD after 6 months were 86,8% and 100%. Cummulative expulsion rate after 6 months were 12,6%, and the most common other side effects were vaginal discharge, dysmenorea, and spotting
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinda Derdameisya
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi terjadinya dismenorea pada remaja perempuan usia sekolah menengah umum (SMU) di indonesia serta hubungannya dengan karakteristik menstruasi dan pengaruhnya terhadap proses belajar. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang, dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2013, bertempat di tiga sekolah menengah atas di Jakarta, yaitu SMU 6, SMU 68, dan SMU 70. Remaja perempuan di ketiga sekolah tersebut diminta mengisi kuesioner yang dibagikan terkait dengan nyeri haid. Data dari kuesioner tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan uji statistik. Hasil: Dari ketiga sekolah tersebut didapatkan 110 kuesioner yang terisi dengan lengkap. Subjek memiliki median usia 15 tahun dan sebagian besar berada di kelas 1 SMA. Proporsi dismenorea didapatkan sebesar 65,5%. Usia menarche didapatkan lebih tinggi pada subjek yang tidak menderita dismenorea (p = 0,039). Dismenorea tampak mengganggu proses belajar secara bermakna, terutama terkait kehadiran (p = 0,026), aktivitas (p = 0,049), dan konsentrasi (p < 0,001). Nilai rapor terakhir sebagai faktor keluaran tidak dipengaruhi oleh kejadian dismenorea primer pada remaja perempuan. Kesimpulan: Dismenorea mengganggu proses belajar secara bermakna sehingga diperlukan edukasi dan tatalaksana farmakologis sedini mungkin agar tidak menurunkan kualitas hidup pelajar remaja wanita.
Objective: This study was aimed to assess the prevalence of dysmenorrhea in female teenagers of high school age in Indonesia and its relation with menstrual characteristic as well as study process. Methods: This study used cross sectional design, were conducted on November 2013 in three different high schools: SMU 6, SMU 68, and SMU 70. Female students were asked to answer given questionnaires about menstrual pain. Data were collected and further analyzed using statistical analysis. Results: Out of the three high schools, there were 110 questionnaires which were fully answered. Subjects had median age of 15 years old and most of them were in the first grade. Dismnenorrhea proportion were found 65.5%. Menarche age was found higher in subjects who didn’t suffer from dysmenorrheae (p = 0.039). Study process was disturbed by dysmenorrheae significantly, especially associated with absence (p = 0.026), activity (p = 0,049), and concentration (p < 0.001). Final report score was not affected by primary dismenorrehae in the female students. Conclusion: Dysmenorrheae disturbed study process significantly so that education and pharmacology treatment are to be given as soon as possible in order to prevent decreased quality of life of female students
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pramety Utami
Abstrak :
Hampir 50% kasus infertilitas disebabkan oleh faktor pria. Infertilitas pria dapat tidak terdeteksi dengan analisis sperma dan mempengaruhi keluaran Teknologi Reproduksi Berbantu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan metode pemeriksaan untuk meramalkan infertilitas pria. Dengan desain potong lintang dan consecutive sampling didapatkan 2 kelompok subjek, infertil (78 subjek) dan fertil (36 subjek). IFD sperma diperiksa menggunakan metode sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) dengan kit Halosperm®. Didapatkan nilai median IFD sperma kelompok infertil lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan kelompok fertil. IFD sperma juga memiliki AUC yang paling tinggi dibandngkan ketiga komponen analisis sperma (konsentrasi, motilitas, dan morfologi). IFD sperma memiliki nilai diagnostik yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan analisis sperma dengan titik potong optimal 26,1% dengan sensitivitas 80,8%, spesifisitas 86,1%, NDP 92,6%, dan NDN 67,4%. ......Almost 50% of infertility are caused by male factors. Male infertility could not be detected by conventional sperm analysis and affect the outcome of Assissted Reproductive Technology. This study aim to develop a method to predict male infertility better. Using cross-sectional design and consecutive sampling, obtained two groups of subjects, infertile (78 subjects) and fertile (36 subjects). Sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) was examined using sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) test by Halosperm® kit. Median value of sperm DFI on infertile group was significantly higher compared to fertile group. Sperm DFI also had the highest AUC compared to the three components of conventional sperm analysis (concentration, motility, and morphology). Sperm DFI had a higher diagnostic value than the sperm analysis with optimal cut-off-point of 26.1% with sensitivity of 80.8%, specificity of 86.1%, PPV of 92.6%, and NPV of 67.4%.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teuku Kharrif Indra Utama
Abstrak :
Profil Kehamilan Remaja dan Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Cara Persalinannya di Rumah Sakit Umum dr.Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh Latar belakang : Kehamilan remaja merupakan kehamilan risiko tinggi yang dapat menyebabkan masalah psikologis, luaran neonatal, dan obstetrik yang buruk. Beberapa studi menunjukkan luaran obstetri dan neonatologi yang kurang baik pada kehamilan remaja bila dibandingkan dengan kehamilan dewasa. Salah satunya angka seksio yang sesaria tinggi dibandingkan dengan perempuan dewasa. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui luaran Obstetrik buruk pada kehamilan remaja serta mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara faktor sosiodemografik dan kunjungan antenatal dengan metode persalinan pada kehamilan remaja. Metode : Analisa potong-lintang dilakukan pada persalinan dengan kehamilan remaja di RSUD Zainal Abidin, Banda Aceh, yang diambil dari rekam medis pasien pada bulan Januari 2010 sampai dengan Desember 2015. Profil kehamilan remaja, luaran buruk obstetrik, dan indikasi seksio sesaria pada subjek penelitian disajikan secara deskriptif. Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan antara metode persalinan dengan jumlah kunjungan ANC, provider ANC, klasifikasi usia Ibu, tingkat pendidikan dan jenis asuransi. Hasil : Dari 186 persalinan remaja, sebanyak 75 subjek atau 40.3 menjalani seksio sesaria. Preeklamsia, kelahiran kurang bulan, dan malpresentasi adalah 3 luaran obstetri terbanyak yang terjadi pada subjek yaitu masing-masing sebesar 14 7.5, 10 5.4, 10 5.4. Indikasi seksio sesaria terbanyak pada subjek penelitian adalah gagal induksi, ketuban pecah dini, dan persalinan sungsang, yaitu masing-masing sebesar 19 25.3, 11 14.7, dan 10 subjek 13.3. Jumlah ANC berhubungan secara bermakna dengan jenis persalinan pada kehamilan remaja OR 4.14, IK 95 1.86-9.21. Sedangkan usia ibu, penyedia jasa kunjungan antenatal, jenis asuransi, dan pendidikan terakhir tidak berhubungan dengan jenis persalinan. Kesimpulan : Angka seksio sesaria pada kehamilan remaja pada populasi di Banda Aceh tinggi. Frekuensi kunjungan antenatal yang adekuat berhubungan dengan jenis persalinan pada kehamilan remaja di Banda Aceh.
Profile of Teenage Pregnancy and Associated Factor of the Delivery Management in dr.Zainoel Abidin General Hospital Banda Aceh Background Teenage pregnancy is one of the high risk pregnancy which can cause psychologic problems and adverse outcome to mother and neonate. Some studies show that adverse obstetrical and neonatal outcomes occur more likely in teenage pregnancy than adult pregnancy. One of the bad outcome is the high rate of caesarian section in teenage pregnancy than adult pregnancy. Objective : To evaluate adverse obstetrical outcome in teenage pregnancy and to investigate whether the social factor, demographic factor, and antenatal care associate with management of delivery in teenage pregnancy. Methods : Cross sectional analysis is conducted to all medical records of teenage pregnancy from January 2010 to December 2015 in Zainal Abidin General Hospital, Banda Aceh. Descriptive analysis was conducted to teenage pregnancy profile, obstetrical adverse outcome, and caesarian section rsquo s indication. Bivariate analysis was conducted to evaluate the association between management of delivery with the amount of antenatal care, the provider of antenatal care, maternal age classification, education, and insurance. Results : From 186 teenage pregnancies, 75 pregnancies was terminated by caesarian section procedures 40,3 . Preclampsia, preterm labour, and malpresentation are the three most common obstetrical outcomes with each percentage is 14 7.5 , 10 5.4 , and 10 5.4. Indication of caesarian section procedures is 25.3 failure of induction N 19, 14.7 premature rupture of membrans N 11, and 13,3 breech presentation N 10. The amount of antenatal care visit significantly associates with teenage pregnancy OR 4.14, CI95 1.86 9.21. with The provider of antenatal care, maternal age classification, education, and insurance do not associate with management of labour. Conclusion : There is high rates of sectio cessaria procedures in teenage pregnancy in Banda Aceh. The frequency of adequate antenatal care associates with management of labour in Banda Aceh.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Kusumaningtyas
Abstrak :
TUJUAN:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas informasi infertilitas berbahasa Indonesia berbasis internetLATAR BELAKANG: Informasi mengenai infertilitas masih menjadi permasalahan yang cukup sensitif dan merupakan hal yang sangat personal bagi sebagian besar masyarakat di Indonesia akibat adanya berbagai kepercayaan dan stigma yang kelliru di masyarakat terhadap pasangan infertil. Akses terhadap informasi mengenai infertilitas pun menjadi sebuah hal yang sangat berharga. Sehingga kebenaran isi informasi merupakan sebuah hal yang sangat penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas isi informasi di internet mengenai infertilitas pada situs berbahasa Indonesia.DESAIN DAN METODE: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Melalui mesin pencari Google dengan kata kunci ldquo;infertilitas rdquo;, kemudian dipilih lima puluh teratas situs internet berbahasa indonesia. Kemudian dilakukan identifikasi dan dikelompokkan berdasarkan kategori penulis, domain dan komersialisasi. Situs kemudian dilakukan telaah mengenai kredibilitas, akurasi dan kemudahan navigasi sesuai dengan kriteria pada definisi operasional.HASIL: Kredibilitas konten tentang infertilitas pada studi ini didapatkan sebagian besar situs yang dilakukan survei memiliki nilai skor kredibilitas yang memadai dengan rentang skor kredibilitas 60 hingga 80 pada 68 situs.Akurasi konten tentang infertilitas pada studi ini didapatkan sebagian besar situs memiliki skor akurasi yang baik yaitu sebanyak 12 situs atau 24 dengan skor 60 hingga 80 dan 22 situs atau 44 dengan nilai skor di atas 80 .Kemudahan navigasi pada situs internet berbahasa Indonesia mengenai infertilitas, pada studi ini didapatkan sebagian besar situs memiliki navigasi yang mudah dengan skor total kemudahan navigasi diatas nilai 60 sebanyak 94 atau 47 situs.KESIMPULAN: Sebaran kualitas isi informasi mengenai infertilitas pada situs internet berbahasa Indonesia memadai dari aspek kredibilitas, akurasi dan kemudahan navigasiKata Kunci: infertilitas, internet, bahasa, kualitas, informasi
Title Internet Based Infertility Information in Bahasa Quality Survey OBJECTIVE This study aims to describe the quality of internet based infertility information in Bahasa.BACKGROUND Nowadays, the internet is part of our daily basis. According to the Internet world statistics 2007 , there were 60 80 of the users browse the world wide web to obtain health information including infertility information. In Indonesia, infertility is still become a sensitive issue. Previous study showed that the usage of internet for searching infertility related problem is increasing. Although the number is increasing, but the quality is poor. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of websites providing information on infertility and its management in Bahasa.METHOD Differences between website types and affiliates were assessed for the credibility, accuracy and ease of navigation using predefined criteria. We used Google search engine with the keyword ldquo infertilitas rdquo and we assessed 50 websites in Bahasa that relates with infertility.RESULTS The content credibility for most of the sites has adequate score with range of score 60 to 80 for 68 sites. Content accuracy for most of the sites have scores more than 60, with 24 or 12 sites with scores 60 to 80 and 44 or 22 sites have scores above 80. The ease of navigation for most of the sites, 47 sites or 94 has scores more than 60.CONCLUSION The quality of internet based infertility information in Bahasa was adequate for category credibility, accuracy and ease of navigation.Keywords infertility, internet, bahasa, quality, information
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadli
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Operasi seksio sesaria merupakan faktor risiko infeksi yang berkaitan dengan morbiditas maternal psaca persalinan. Hingga saat ini, belum ada protokol tetap mengenai dosis antibiotik profilaksis sebelum prosedur seksio sesaria. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui adakah perbedaan kejadian infeksi pasca persalinan dengan penggunaan cefazoline profilaksis dosis tunggal dan multipel. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal dengan dua kelompok perlakuan: cefazoline dosis tunggal 2 gram pada 30 menit sebelum insisi dan cefazoline dosis multipel (cefazoline dosis tunggal 2 gram pada 30 menit sebelum insisi dan 1 gram pada delapan jam setelah dosis awal). Penelitian dilakukan pada wanita yang menjalani operasi seksio sesaria berencana di RS Fatmawati dan RS Anna, Jakarta pada Januari 2016 - Maret 2016. Luaran utama yang dinilai adalah infeksi selama 30 hari setelah prosedur meliputi infeksi luka operasi, infeksi saluran kemih dan endometritis berdasarkan temuan klinis. Hasil: Didapatkan 46 subjek dengan 23 subjek pada kelompok cefazoline dosis tunggal dan 23 subjek pada cefazoline dosis multipel. Didapatkan 9 dari seluruh subjek mengalami infeksi (19,6%). Tidak ditemukan perbedaan kejadian infeksi pada kedua kelompok perlakuan (Uji Fisher-exact p=1,00; risiko relatif cefazoline dosis tunggal 0,8 dengan 95% IK 0,25- 2,61). Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna dalam efikasi pemberian cefazoline dosis tunggal dan multiple. Pemberian dosis tunggal dapat dijadikan pilihan terkait efikasi dan efisiensinya
ABSTRACT Background: Caesarean section is a risk factor for infection and it is related to maternal morbidity during puerpureal period. To date, there is consensus regarding antibiotic prophylactic protocol before caesarean section procedure. This study aimed to determine the comparative efficacy of a single dose of cefazoline prior incision versus multiple doses toward the incidence of maternal infection. Method: This was a single-blind, randomized, clinical trial with two arms of interventions: 2 gram single dose cefazoline 30 minutes prior incision versus 2 gram single dose cefazoline 30 minutes prior incision plus 8 hours apart. This study recruited women endergone elective caesarean section at Fatmawati Hospital and Anna Hospital, Jakarta during January 2016 to December 2016. The primary outcomes were surgical site infection, urinary tract infection, and endometritis based on clinical findings during 30-day of follow-up period. Result: A total of 46 subjects were recruited with 23 of them were in single dose cefazoline group whereas the other 23 subjects were in multiple dose of cefazoline group. Only 9 subjects had infection (19,6%). There was no difference in the incidence of infection between two groups (Fisher-exact test with p=1,00; relative risk of cefazoline single dose: 0.80, 95% CI :0.25-2.61) Conclusion: There's no significant difference in efficacy between single dose and multiple dose of cefazoline. Single dose of cefazoline could be a treatment option based on its efficacy and efficiency.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfiralda Sjahfirdi
Abstrak :
Javan gibbon (Hylobates moloch AUDEBERT 1797) is one of at least thirteen species of gibbons, which make up the Family Hylobatidae (Groves 2001: 289). The Javan gibbon is endemic to Java, Indonesia and now found only in fragmented forest tracts in the western and central portions of the island. As such, the conservation of this species has 'become a high priority for the government of Indonesia and the World. Habitat loss combined with illegal hunting and live capture has reduced the-Javan gibbon numbers in the wild to under 5000 individuals. Javan gibbon populations in zoos worldwide number less than 10 successful breeding pairs and live births have been extremely rare. The reasons for the low breeding success among captive Javan gibbons is not well understood but are likely to stem from a very limited knowledge of the basic reproductive biology/behavior. Expansion of genetic diversity and animal numbers in demographically isolated captive and wild populations are urgently required. Therefore, studies addressing female reproductive biology, particularly in providing data on the ovarian hormone profiles during ovarian cycle so to determine optimal mating time for assisted breeding, are a high priority. This study aims to provide a detailed knowledge of basic reproductive biology in female Javan gibbons in captivity which is vital to promote population growth in captivity. This study was carried out to : (1) deine the endocrinology of the ovarian cycle in Javan gibbon by direct measurement of estradiol and progesterone in serum samples, (2) use serum hormones profiles to detennine the ovarian cycle and to predict the fertile phase of the cycle or Optimal Mating Time (GMT), (3) characterize the changes in vaginal epithelium and genital swelling, (4) evaluate cytological changes as Maturation Index (Ml), (5) correspond the similarity pattern of MI and genital swelling during ovarian cycle related to ovarian hormone profiles, and (6) monitor the time allocated to primary daily activity by captive-housed female Javan gibbons (Hylobales moloch) during their sexual cycle that live in pair to distinguish estrous period fiom anestrous one. This study was carried out from June 2003 to December 2003 for daily activity observations at Schmutzer Primate Center, Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta and Taman Sari Zoo, Bandung, and from September 2004 to April 2005 for blood sampling at Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta and Taman Sari Zoo, Bandung. This is an exploration research that was conducted by daily observation and followed by blood sampling. Cycle status of all females was assessed daily by rating genital swelling following Czekala & Sicotte (2000: 210). Visual inspections of each gibbon sexual skin were observed daily for sign of swelling at 10 to 20 cm distance, while the animals are in caged as suggested by Heistermann et al. (1996: 845). The degree of wrinkling and the size of the labia minora will represent the primary physical features for evaluating changes in sex skin swelling during) the menstrual cycle. Four grades of were scored: 1 - no swelling; 2 - slightly swollen; 3 - nearly full swelling; 4 - fully swollen with additional coloration; Observations and sampling were conducted 2-month period that covered one complete ovarian cycle. Blood samples and vaginal swabs were taken at intervals of 3 to 4 days for the 2-month period. All sampling were conducted while the animal was under kethamine sedation; approximately 3 ml of blood was drawn from the femoral vein per sample. Blood collection was conducted by an experienced veterinarian or veterinarian technician on staff at the respective zoo in accordance with approved animal care and use protocols. Serum was drawn oif and stored in sealed vials at -20°C prior to EIA analysis to measure estrogen and progesterone levels during the ovarian cycle. Daily observation was conducted to see how the limited area will influences their behavior including their reproductive behavior related to their hormonal regulation. Daily observations were divided into 2 (two) conditions, i.e. daily activity during esuus and during anestrus phase of the cycle. The vaginal morphology scores used to define estrus and anestrus phase. Estrous females were judged when the swelling scores were more than 1. The daily activities of 2 (two) female gibbons which were paired in each captivity were recorded base on ad-libitum method (Altmann 1974: 235). Observations were made by one observer, on an average of 5 to 6 days per week from 09:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. The Scan Sampling Method with five minutes duration for each sample point was used (Altmann 1974: 259), during visiting hours at both captivities. To measure the activity budgets, Dunbar (1988) methods was used. Activities of the animals were recorded, namely resting, moving, feeding, and grooming (in Matsumoto-Oda &. Oda 1998: 160), plus calling activity was added to be recorded, since gibbon?s calling is significantly spent during activity. Results of this study were concluded as follows: The secretion patterns of estradiol and progesterone in serum Samples gave a reliable reflection of ovarian activity in captive-housed Javan gibbon. The range concentrations in cycling females of estradiol were 47.64 to 104.35 pg/ml and of progesterone were 0.5 to 10 ng/ml. The length of ovarian cycles was found to be 29 and 38 days, with follicular phase ranged from I9 to 24 days and luteal phase ranged from 7 to I2 days. The Optimal Mating Time was lasted 3 days after the day of estradiol surge or first day that progesterone levels begin to rise. From this study, two cycling females (0wa 1 and Owa 2) from Ragunan Zoo, displayed the lengths of the ovarian cycle ranging between 29 to 38 days. Two other females which live with their partners (Ulah at Schmutzer and Donna at Taman Sari Zoo) also displayed the length of the ovarian cycle by genital swelling observation. Their ovarian cycle length ranged between 29 to 30 days (for Ulah) and 26 to 36 days (for Donna). Despite the small sample and variability among animals, the limited subject animals using in this study gave an average ovarian cycle length of 315: 4.23 days, almost similar with other higher primates and human. This study also found that genital swelling indicated correlationwith fluctuated estradiol values and could be useful as external marker to predict fertile phase of the cycle. The pattems of vaginal cytology were not consistent in all subjects during sampling period, theneafterthe patterns of comilication did not reliably reflect the physiological status ofthe animal, in contrast to many other species. Superficial cells presented throughout the cycle during sampling period corresponded with estrogen levels which never reach basal values. Cycling female gibbons that live with their partners, demonstrated that in eslxous period, female tended to spend more time on calling, moving, and grooming. The dominant time spent on daily activity was for moving, that include brachiating leading to accommodate consortship behavior. Time spent for moving shown significantly different between estrus and anestrus, while feeding was less significant because of the availability of the food in captivity. They were more active in estrous than in anesmous condition.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
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