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Renisa Aru Ariadno
Abstrak :
Dermatitis seboroik merupakan masalah kulit kronis yang ditandai gejala berupa eritema, skuama, dan papul pada kulit yang memiliki banyak kelenjar sebasea. Dermatitis seboroik ringan sering disebut ketombe. Sampai saat ini, belum ada penelitian yang menjelaskan faktor pencetus keparahan dermatitis seboroik, salah satunya depresi. Depresi adalah gangguan mood kronis yang ditandai dengan menurunnya pola hidup dan ritme biologis seseorang yang muncul akibat stress psikologis kronis. Keduanya diperkirakan memiliki korelasi meski sampai saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menunjukkan hasil bermakna. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencari korelasi antara depresi dengan keparahan dermatitis seboroik. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara cross sectional di Departemen Ilmu Kulit dan Kelamin Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta pada 2017. Keparahan dermatitis seboroik diukur dengan Seborrheic Dermatitis Area and Severity Index SDASI , sementara depresi diukur dengan kuesioner Beck Depression Inventory II BDI-II. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 82 pasien dermatitis seboroik. Uji normalitas data ditemukan tidak normal. Nilai median depresi sebesar 5 0-38 dan nilai median keparahan dermatitis seboroik sebesar 2,25 0,25-21. Hasil uji korelasi dengan Spearman menunjukkan hasil tidak signifikan dan tidak ada korelasi antara depresi dengan keparahan dermatitis seboroik P=0,249 dan r=-0,129. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ditemukan adanya korelasi antara depresi dengan keparahan dermatitis seboroik.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease with specific manifestation such as erythematous, squamous, and papules on sebaceous glands rich skin. Mild seborrheic dermatitis usually recognized as dandruff. There were no previous studies that explained causal factors that affect seborrheic dermatitis severity, including depression. Depression is one of psychiatry disorders that affects mood chronically, changed lifestyle, and disturbed biological rythme which caused by chronic psychology stress. There were no studies that explained their correlation, despise the fact that there is relationship between emotional stress and dermatology disorders especially in neuroendocrine system that affects skin tissue homeostatic. This was a cross sectional research that applied in dermatology and venereology clinic dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2017 to find correlation between depression and seborrheic dermatitis severity. Seborrheic dermatitis severity measured by Seborrheic Dermatitis Area and Severity Index SDASI , and depression measured by Beck Depression Inventory II BDI II. The subjects were 82 seborrheic dermatitis patients. Median number for depression was 5 0 38 and median number for seborrheic dermatitis was 2.25 0.25 21. Correlation trials with spearman showed no statistically significant between depression and seborrheic dermatitis severity P 0.249 and r 0.129. Conclusion, this research showed there was no correlation between depression and seborrheic dermatitis severity.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jonathan Raharjo Subekti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Infeksi human papillomavirus (HPV) pada genital laki-laki selain dapat menyebabkan kutil kelamin dan kanker penis juga meningkatkan risiko infeksi HPV pada pasangan. Walaupun saat ini telah terdapat banyak penelitian mengenai peran HPV risiko tinggi terhadap karsinogenesis serviks dan semakin jelas peran laki-laki sebagai vektor virus HPV, namun pemeriksaan HPV pada laki-laki belum rutin dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui proporsi kepositivan, variasi genotipe HPV pada suami pasien kanker serviks serta kesamaan genotipe HPV antara suami pasien kanker serviks yang HPV positif dengan pasien kanker serviks di RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode. Penelitian potong lintang. Pemilihan SP dilakukan secara berurutan (consecutive sampling). Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan kertas amplas dan dacron swab. Pada spesimen dilakukan pemeriksaan menggunakan HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Hasil. Sebanyak 47 SP dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini, dengan rerata usia 50,7+10,6 tahun. Dari analisis spesimen diidentifikasi HPV genital pada 9 (19%) SP, terdiri atas genotipe risiko rendah (3 SP) dan risiko tinggi (6 SP). Genotipe HPV yang ditemukan adalah 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, dengan tipe tersering adalah 18 dan 43. Tidak didapatkan kesamaan tipe HPV di antara pasangan HPV yang positif. Kesimpulan. Proporsi kepositivan HPV pada suami pasien kanker serviks sebesar 19% dengan tipe 18 dan 43 paling banyak didapatkan, namun tidak didapatkan kesamaan tipe HPV antara SP dengan pasien kanker serviks pasangannya.ABSTRACT
Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genital warts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despite many current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?s role as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed. The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse with HPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method. Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Sample was collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age 50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3 subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance found between the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPV genotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56. Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%, with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse.;Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genital warts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despite many current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?s role as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed. The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse with HPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method. Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Sample was collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age 50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3 subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance found between the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPV genotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56. Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%, with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse.;Background. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on male genital could cause genital warts, penile cancer, but also increase the risk of HPV infection in their spouse. Despite many current researches on role of high-risk HPV in cervix carcinogenesis and male partner?s role as HPV vector is well known, HPV examination on male is not yet routinely performed. The aim of this study is to find the positivity proportion and genotype variant of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse, and also the genotype concordance between the spouse with HPV positive and the cervical cancer patient at dr Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Method. Cross-sectional design. Subject was chosen consecutively (consecutive sampling). Sample was collected with emery paper and dacron swab. The specimen was then analyzed with HPV express matrix Kalgen®. Result. Fourty seven subject enrolled in this studi with mean age 50,7+10,6 y.o. Specimen analysis identified genital HPV on 9 (19%) subject, with low risk (3 subject) and high risk (6 subject) genotype. HPV genotypes found in this study are 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56, with 18 and 43 as the most frequent. No genotype concordance found between the cervical cancer patient?s spouse with HPV positive and their partners. HPV genotypes variation found on cervical cancer?s spouses are type 6, 18, 31, 39, 43, 53, dan 56. Conclusion. The positivity proportion of HPV on cervical cancer patient?s spouse was 19%, with genotype 18 and 43 as the most frequent with no HPV genotype concordance found between subjects and the spouse.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Suprapto
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Dermatitis seboroik (DS) merupakan kelainan inflamasi kronik pada area kulit yang kaya kelenjar sebasea. Hingga saat ini patogenesis DS terus berkembang, termasuk dikaitkan dengan kejadian sindrom metabolik. Oleh karena sindrom metabolik terjadi akibat resistensi insulin yang diperankan oleh jaringan lemak viseral, maka diduga kedua hal tersebut juga memiliki peran terhadap kejadian DS. Tujuan: mengetahui rerata HOMA-IR dan skala jaringan lemak viseral pada pasien DS, serta menilai perbedaannya dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Metode: Penelitian kasus-kontrol berpasangan ini dilakukan di Poliklinik Dermato-venereologi RSCM selama Juli-Agustus 2022. Kelompok kasus ialah pasien berusia ≥18 tahun, tidak hamil, IMT ≥18,5 kg/m2 yang terdiagnosis DS secara klinis, serta tidak memiliki penyakit imunokompromais, infeksi kronis, kanker, autoimun, atau degeneratif lainnya. Kelompok kontrol ialah pasien non-DS yang match berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, dan kategori IMT. Seluruh subjek menjalani pemeriksaan klinis, laboratorium, dan pengukuran skala lemak viseral menggunakan alat BIA TANITA® SC330. Hasil: Masing-masing kelompok DS dan kontrol berjumlah 36 subjek pada studi ini. Median(min-maks) usia kelompok DS ialah 26,5(20-45) tahun, jenis kelamin laki-laki 52,8%, dan median(min-maks) IMT sebesar 24,2(18,5-38,8) kg/m2. Median HOMA-IR ditemukan lebih tinggi pada kelompok DS dibandingkan kontrol (1,54[0,72-4,09] VS. 1,22[0,53-2,73]; p=0,031). Namun, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik untuk skala lemak viseral antara kelompok DS dengan kontrol (6,5[1-14] VS. 6,0[1-12]; p=0,149). Kesimpulan: Nilai median HOMA-IR dan skala jaringan lemak viseral pada pasien DS adalah masing-masing 1,54 (IK95% 0,72-4,09) dan 6,5 (IK95% 1-14). Nilai HOMA-IR pada pasien DS lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kontrol dan bermakna secara statistik, tetapi tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik untuk skala lemak viseral. ......Background: Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is a chronic inflammatory disorder in sebaceous gland-rich skin. Until today the pathogenesis of SD continues to develop, including investigation about the link association between SD and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a disease caused by insulin resistance in which visceral fat tissue may play important role, therefore insulin resistance and visceral fat tissue are hypothesized to influence the development of SD. Objective: To measure the HOMA-IR and visceral fat rating scale in SD patients, and to investigate the differences compared to the control group. Methods: A matched case-control study was conducted in Dermatovenereology Clinic Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital in July-August 2022. Case group was non-pregnant patients aged ≥18 years old and BMI ≥18,5 kg/m2 which were clinically diagnosed with SD, and did not have any of immunocompromise, chronic infection, cancer, autoimmune, or degenerative disease. Control group was non-SD patients that were matched according to the age, gender, and BMI categories. All the subjects assigned for clinical and laboratory examination, and visceral fat measurement using BIA TANITA® SC330. This study involved 36 subjects in each SD and control group. Median(min-max) of age in SD group was 26.5(20-45) yo, male 52.8%, and median(min-max) of BMI was 24.2(18.5-38.8) kg/m2. Median HOMA-IR was significantly higher in SD group compared to the control group (1.54[0.72-4.09] VS. 1.22[0.53-2.73]; p=0.031). However, there was no significant difference for visceral fat rating scale between SD and control group (6.5[1-14] VS. 6.0[1-12]; p=0.149). Conclusion: The median HOMA-IR and visceral fat rating scale in SD were 1.54 (95%CI 0.72-4.09) and 6.5 (95%CI 1-14). HOMA-IR in SD group is higher to the control group and statistically significant, but there is no significant difference for visceral fat rating scale.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yenny Rachmawati
Abstrak :



Nama                   : Yenny Rachmawati

Program studi      : Dermatologi dan Venereologi

Judul                    : Perbandingan Efektivitas serta Keamanan antara Krim Pelembap Niasinamid 4% dan Virgin Coconut Oil 30% untuk Pencegahan Sekunder Dermatitis Tangan Akibat Kerja pada Perawat Intensive Care Unit : Uji Klinis Acak Tersamar Ganda


Latar belakang:  Dermatitis tangan akibat kerja (DTAK) sering terjadi pada perawat Intensive Care Unit (ICU) terutama pada individu yang rentan akibat pajanan iritan berupa hand rub alcohol dan aktivitas cuci tangan berulang. Penggunaan pelembap adalah salah satu rekomendasi untuk perawatan kulit pada DTAK. Niasinamid memiliki efek antiinflamasi dan dapat memperbaiki fungsi sawar kulit. Vigin coconut oil (VCO) kaya akan kandungan lipid dan asam laurat, serta memiliki efek oklusif. Sampai saat ini belum ada panduan dan referensi jenis pelembap untuk pencegahan sekunder pada DTAK.


Tujuan: Mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas serta keamanan antara krim pelembap niasinamid 4% dan VCO 30% untuk pencegahan sekunder dermatitis tangan akibat kerja pada perawat ICU.


Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak tersamar ganda terhadap perawat ICU dengan DTAK pada bulan September hingga Oktober 2019. Pasien yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan dan bersedia mengikuti penelitian, mendapat niasinamid 4% atau VCO 30% sesuai dengan randomisasi blok. Pengolesan pelembap dilakukan dua kali sehari selama 28 hari. Perbaikan klinis dinilai dengan parameter skor Hand Eczema Scoring Index (HECSI) dan penilaian sawar kulit dinilai dengan transepidermal water loss (TEWL) serta hidrasi kulit dengan skin capasitance (SCap) pada hari ke-14 dan hari ke-28. Keamanan dinilai berdasarkan efek samping selama penelitian.


Hasil: Didapatkan 46 SP pada masing-masing kelompok niasinamid 4% dan VCO 30%. Terdapat penurunan skor HECSI pada kedua kelompok perlakuan di hari ke-14 dan hari ke-28. Median skor HECSI  di kelompok niasinamid 4% dan VCO 30%  pada hari ke-14 yaitu 6,5 dan 6 (p 0,160), serta pada hari ke-28 yaitu 4 dan 3 (p 0,046). Pada hari ke-28, perbedaan skor HECSI kedua kelompok secara statistik bermakna, namun secara klinis tidak bermakna. Terdapat penurunan nilai TEWL pada kedua kelompok perlakuan di hari ke-14 dan hari ke-28 dibandingkan baseline, namun pada area palmar di kelompok niasinamid 4% terdapat sedikit peningkatan nilai TEWL pada hari ke-28. Terdapat peningkatan nilai SCap pada kedua kelompok perlakuan di hari ke-14 dan hari ke-28 dibandingkan baseline. Kedua pelembap dapat ditoleransi dengan baik dengan efek samping minimal.


Kesimpulan: Niasinamid dan VCO efektif memperbaiki klinis DTAK pada perawat ICU, walaupun tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara krim pelembap niasinamid 4% dengan VCO 30% untuk pencegahan sekunder dermatitis tangan akibat kerja pada perawat ICU


Kata kunci: dermatitis tangan akibat kerja, efektivitas, keamanan, pelembap, niasinamid 4%, VCO 30%




Name                 : Yenny Rachmawati

Study Program : Dermatologi dan Venereologi

Title                   : Comparison of the Effectiveness and Safety between Moisturizing Cream Containing Niacinamide 4% and Virgin Coconut Oil 30% for Secondary Prevention of Occupational Hand Dermatitis in Intensive Care Unit Nurses: a Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial


Background:  Occupational hand dermatitis (OHD) often occurs in intensive care unit (ICU) nurses, especially in individuals who are vulnerable due to irritant exposure e.g. hand rub alcohol and repeated hand washing activities. The use of moisturizer is one of the recommendations for skin care in OHD. Niacinamide which has anti-inflammatory effects and can improve the skin sawar function. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is rich in lipids and lauric acid, and has an occlusive effect. Until now there are no guidelines and reference types of moisturizers for secondary prevention in OHD.


Objective: To assess the difference of effectiveness and safety between moisturizing cream containing niacinamide 4% and VCO 30%  for secondary prevention of occupational hand dermatitis in ICU nurses


Methods: A double blind randomized controled trial was performed in ICU nurses with OHD during September–October 2019. Patients who fulfilled inclusion criteria and willing to be involved in the study were allocated to niacinamide 4% or VCO 30% based on block randomization.  Moisturizer were applied twice daily for 28 days. Measurement of Hand Eczema Scoring Index (HECSI) scores were conducted to evaluate the clinical improvement . Measurement of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were conducted to evaluate the barrier skin and skin capacitance (SCap) values were conducted to evaluate skin hydration on 14th and 28th day. Safety were assessed based on side effects during research.


Results: There were 46 subjects in each arms of intention, the niacinamide 4% arm and in the VCO 30% arm. There were a decrease in HECSI scores in both treatment groups on 14th and 28th  day. The median score of HECSI in niacinamide 4% and VCO 30% on 14th day were 6.5 and 6 (p 0.160), and on 28th day were 4 and 3 (p 0.046). On 28th day, the difference in HECSI scores of the two groups were statistically significant, but clinically not significant. There were a decrease in TEWL values in both treatment groups on 14th and  28th day compared to baseline, but there were a slight increase in TEWL values in the palmar area in the niacinamide group on 28th day. There were an increase in SCap values in both treatment groups on 14th and 28th day compared to baseline. Both moisturizers were well tolerated with minimal side effects.


Conclusion: Niacinamide 4% and VCO 30% were effective in improving clinical OHD in ICU nurses, although there were no significant difference between moisturizing cream containing niacinamide 4% and virgin coconut oil 30% for secondary prevention of occupational hand dermatitis in ICU nurses.


Keywords: occupational hand dermatitis, effectiveness, safety, moisturizer, niacinamide 4%, VCO 30%

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Kusumawardhani
Abstrak :
Bedah kimia trichloroacetic acid (TCA) memiliki efek samping yang lebih banyak dibandingkan larutan bedah kimia lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efektivitas pelembap dalam mengurangi efek samping pasca-bedah kimia TCA. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak terkontrol tersamar ganda dengan metode split face yang dilakukan di Poliklinik Dermatologi dan Venereologi Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Penilaian global peneliti (PGP), penilaian subjektif pasien (PSP), pemeriksaan indeks eritema (IE), transepidermal water loss (TEWL), dan skin capacitance (SCap) dilakukan pada hari ke-0, 3, dan 7. Subjek penelitian (SP) merupakan wanita dengan diagnosis penuaan kulit (rata-rata usia 46,7 tahun). Sebanyak 27 SP dirandomisasi untuk mendapatkan krim intervensi (krim campuran ekstrak spent grain wax, argan oil, dan shea butter) atau krim vehikulum pada salah satu sisi wajah pasca-tindakan bedah kimia TCA 15%. Terdapat penurunan nilai PGP, PSP, kadar TEWL, dan IE pada kelompok intervensi pada hari ke-3 dan 7 dibandingkan dengan kelompok vehikulum, namun tidak signifikan secara statistik. Kadar SCap meningkat signifikan pada hari ke-7 pada pasien yang mendapat krim intervensi dibandingkan dengan krim vehikulum. Tidak ada efek samping obat yang dilaporkan pada penelitian ini. Krim campuran ekstrak spent grain wax, argan oil, dan sheabutter  aman digunakan dan dapat mengurangi efek samping pasca-bedah kimia TCA. ......TCA chemical peel has more side effects than other chemical peel solutions. This study aims to assess the effectiveness safety of a post-peel cream containing spent grain wax, argan oil, and shea butter in reducing TCA peel side effects. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, split face trial on women undergoing TCA 15% chemical peels. Assessment for global investigator assessment (GIA), subject self-assessment (SSA), erythema index, transepidermal water loss (TEWL), and skin capacitance (SCap) was conducted on days 0, 3, and 7. Twenty-seven patients (mean age 46.7 years) were recruited. There were significant improvements in GIA and SSA scores on both groups, but it is not different between the treatment groups. There were erythema index and TEWL improvement on days 3 and 7 compared to baseline, however, there were no differences between groups. The SCap measurement showed significant improvement in skin capacitance on both groups on day 7, but it was better improvement within intervention group. No adverse effects were reported. Cream containing spent grain wax, argan oil, and shea butter showed higher skin capacitance levels but did not significantly affect erythema index, TEWL, clinical and subjective assessments after TCA chemical peeling. 
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mufqi Handaru Priyanto
Abstrak :
Ulkus kaki diabetik (UKD) merupakan luka kronik pada pasien diabetes melitus (DM). Vitamin D dipercaya memiliki peran penting pada diferensiasi, proliferasi, pertumbuhan sel, dan modulasi sistem imunitas sehingga kadar yang optimal dibutuhkan untuk penyembuhan luka. Defisiensi vitamin D juga diduga mengganggu produksi dan sekresi insulin sehingga berkontribusi pada kronisitas UKD. Penelitian bertujuan membandingkan kadar vitamin D pada pasien DM dengan dan tanpa UKD; serta untuk mengetahui korelasi antara durasi UKD dan keparahan UKD berdasarkan skor PEDIS (perfusion, extension, depth, infection, sensation) dengan kadar vitamin D. Serum 25-hidroksivitamin D (25(OH)D) dianalisis menggunakan in-vitro chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA). Analisis statistik yang sesuai dilakukan untuk membuktikan tujuan penelitian. Perbandingan nilai median (Q1-Q3) kadar vitamin D pada pasien DM dengan dan tanpa UKD secara berurutan adalah 8,90 ng/mL (6,52-10,90) dan 16,25 ng/mL (13-19,59), serta bermakna secara statistik (p<0,001). Tidak ada korelasi antara durasi UKD dan keparahan UKD berdasarkan skor PEDIS terhadap kadar vitamin D, serta tidak bermakna secara statistik. Hasil pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kadar vitamin D pada pasien DM dengan UKD lebih rendah dibandingkan pasien tanpa UKD. Namun belum ada bukti yang cukup untuk menyimpulkan bahwa tidak ada korelasi antara durasi UKD dan keparahan UKD berdasarkan skor PEDIS terhadap kadar vitamin D. ......Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are chronic wounds in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). Vitamin D believed have important role in differentiation, proliferation, cell growth, and immune system modulation hence optimal levels are needed for wound healing. Vitamin D deficiency also thought to interfere insulin production and secretion, thereby contributing to DFU chronicity. This study aims to compare vitamin D levels in DM patients with and without DFU; and determine the correlation between DFU duration and severity by PEDIS (perfusion, extension, depth, infection, sensation) score to vitamin D levels. 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum analyzed using in-vitro chemiluminescent immunoassay. Appropriate statistical analysis was done following the study. Comparison of median values ​​(Q1-Q3) vitamin D levels in DM patients with and without DFU were 8.90 ng/mL (6.52-10.90) and 16.25 ng/mL (13-19.59) respectively, and statistically significant (p<0.001). There was no correlation between DFU duration and severity PEDIS score to vitamin D levels, and it was not statistically significant. The results of this study indicate that vitamin D levels in DM patients with DFU are lower than patients without DFU. However, there is not enough evidence to conclude that there is no correlation between DFU duration and severity by PEDIS score to vitamin D levels.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fifi Mifta Huda
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kandidosis merupakan penyakit infeksi primer atau sekunder yang disebabkan oleh jamur genus kandida terutama C. albicans pada 70-80 kasus. Penelitian yang ada melaporkan pasien rawat inap sebagai kelompok yang berisiko terjadi infeksi kandidosis kutis. Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi dan identifikasi spesies penyebab kandidosis kutis serta faktor yang berhubungan di Unit Rawat Inap RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode: Studi ini adalah penelitian potong lintang dengan desain deskriptif dan pemilihan sampel secara consecutive sampling. Hasil: Didapatkan 14 dari 96 SP dengan kandidosis kutis. Spesies penyebab kandidosis kutis adalah C. albicans 61,7 , C. non albicans 17,6 dan C. campuran 20,5 . Subjek dengan imobilisasi memiliki kemungkinan 7,93 kali untuk terjadi kandidosis kutis. Perbedaan kelembapan udara sebesar 0,4 memiliki kemungkinan 1,49 kali untuk terjadi kandidosis kutis di atasnya. Simpulan: Ditemukan proporsi kandidosis kutis adalah 35,4 . Spesies penyebab kandidosis kutis terbanyak adalah C. albicans. Faktor yang meningkatkan kandidosis kutis adalah imobilisasi dan peningkatan kelembapan udara di ruang perawatan.
Background Candidiasis is a primary or secondary infection disease caused by the Candida especially C. albicans in 70 80 of cases. Previous research reports inpatients as a group at risk of cutaneous candidiasis infection. Objective To determine the proportion of cutaneous candidiasis, identify candida species, and the related risk factors of infection in Inpatient Unit of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital. Methods This is a cross sectional research of descriptive design using consecutive sampling technique. Results The study found that 14 out of 96 SP were 35,4 is cutaneous candidiasis, which caused by C. albicans 61.7 , Candida non albicans 17.6 and mixture candida 20.5 . The probabilty cutaneous candidiasis 7.93 times increased in subjects with immobilization and the difference of level air humidity above 0.4 increased 1.49 times. Conclusion The proportion of cutaneous candidiasis is 35.4 . The most common cause of candidiasis is C. albicans. Related risk factors that probability induce cutaneous candidiasis are immobilization and increasing level of air humidity.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Mohamad Rheza
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Tinea pedis merupakan dermatofitosis pada sela jari dan telapak kaki yang disebabkan jamur dermatofita. Populasi yang berisiko tinggi mengidap tinea pedis adalah yang memakai sepatu tertutup dalam jangka waktu lama, misalnya tentara. Masih sedikit sekali penelitian yang meneliti prevalensi dan hubungannya dengan media penularan pada populasi tentara. Media penularan yang dianggap paling berperan pada tinea pedis adalah kaus kaki, karena dapat menyebabkan rekurensi dan infeksi baru pada orang lain. Terdapat berbagai faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kepositifan dermatofita pada kaus kaki di antaranya frekuensi mengganti, kebiasaan bertukar, dan cara mencuci kaus kaki. Tujuan: Membuktikan adanya hubungan antara cara penanganan kaus kaki dengan dermatofita pada kaus kaki pasien tinea pedis tentara yang tidak sedang dalam masa pendidikan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan langsung lesi kulit dengan KOH. Kaus kaki ditandai dan digunting sesuai area lesi kulit. Skuama dari lesi kulit dan potongan kaus kaki kemudian dikultur untuk menilai kepositifan dermatofita. Uji korelasi Chi-squaredigunakan untuk menilai hubungan kepositifan dermatofita dengan cara penanganan kaus kaki. Hasil: Dari 50 individu tentara yang memenuhi kriteria klinis tinea pedis di Yon Kes 1/KOSTRAD. Didapatkan 16 orang yang ditemukan hifa panjang pada pemeriksaan KOH. Usia terbanyak adalah kelompok usia 20-29 tahun dengan median 27.5 (21-50) tahun. Pada media kultur, ditemukan pertumbuhan dermatofita berupa 5 Trichophyton rubrumdan 1 Trichophyton mentagrophytesbaik pada lesi kulit maupun kaus kaki. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara frekuensi mengganti kaus kaki dengan kepositifan dermatofita (p>0.05). Semua subjek penelitian mencuci kaus kaki dengan air dan detergen dan tidak memiliki kebiasaan bertukar kaus kaki sehingga tidak bisa dianalisis hubungannya dengan kepositifan dermatofita secara statistik. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara frekuensi mengganti kaus kaki dengan kepositifan dermatofita pada kaus kaki tinea pedis tentara yang tidak sedang dalam masa pendidikan. Proporsi kepositifan dermatofita penyebab tinea pedis baik pada lesi kulit maupun kaus kaki tentara yang tidak sedang dalam masa pendidikan yaitu sebesar 37.5%. Spesies dermatofita penyebab tinea pedis baik pada lesi kulit mupun kaus kaki tentara yang tidak sedang dalam masa pendidikan yaitu T. rubrumdan T. mentagrophytes. ......Background:Tinea pedis is a dermatophytosis of the toe web and soles of the feet caused by dermatophyte fungi. Populations at high risk of developing tinea pedis are those who wear closed shoes for a long time, such as soldiers. There are still very few studies examining the prevalence and its relationship to fomites in the army population. The fomites that is considered to have the most role in tinea pedis is socks, because it can cause reinfection and new infections in other people. There are various factors that can affect the positivity of dermatophytes in socks, including the frequency of changing, changing habits, and how to wash socks. Objective:To prove the relationship between the handling of socks and dermatophytes in the socks of military tinea pedis patients who are not currently in military training. Methods:This study is a descriptive analytic study with a cross-sectional design. In this study, anamnesis, physical examination, and direct examination of skin lesions with KOH were performed. Socks are marked and cut according to the area of ​​the skin lesion. Scales from skin lesions and sock pieces were then cultured for dermatophyte positivity. Chi-square correlation test was used to assess the correlation of dermatophyte positivity with the way of handling socks. Results:Fifty individual soldiers met the clinical criteria for tinea pedis in Yon Kes 1/KOSTRAD. There were 16 people who found long hyphae on KOH examination. The highest age group was the age group of 20-29 years with a median of 27.5 (21-50) years. On culture media, dermatophyte growths were found in the form of 5 Trichophyton rubrumand 1 Trichophyton mentagrophytesboth on skin lesions and socks. There was no statistically significant relationship between the frequency of changing socks with dermatophyte positivity (p>0.05). All study subjects washed their socks with water and detergent and did not have the habit of exchanging so their relationship with dermatophyte positivity could not be analyzed statistically. Conclusion:There is no relationship between the frequency of changing socks and the positivity of dermatophytes in the socks of tinea pedis soldiers who are not in military training. The proportion of dermatophytes found in tinea pedis soldiers who were not in military training was 37.5% in both skin lesion and socks. Dermatophyte species that cause tinea pedis in soldiers who are not in military training are T. rubrumand T. mentagrophytesboth in skin lesion and socks.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Univesitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library