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Ditemukan 27 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Danang Prasta Danial
Abstrak :
Nowadays, trade has become more liberalized, tariff has steadily fallen but many of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to international trade remain or even increase. Regulatory measures such as technical standards on quality offering protection for human, animal, or environment. However, the purpose sometimes blur with the interest of domestic industry. Thus it can be the impediment of trade, which can decrease welfare. Indonesia also has its own standards, the National Standards of Indonesia (SNI). One of the standards is SNI for wheat flour, which application has been mandatory by Government. The purpose of the regulation is to increase nutritious value of society, however to some extent it is intertwined with the purpose of protecting domestic industry by using SNI as technical barriers, even though it is equally imposed to both domestic and foreign producers. This thesis shows that until 2006 the application of mandatory SNI for wheat flour in Indonesia did not act as technical barriers, although this thesis shows that the application of mandatory SNI has caused an increase in production cost and transaction cost of both local and foreign wheat flour producers. The increase in domestic production cost with the raw materials approach calculates only 0.01 percent from total cost of raw material. While the effect of increase in costs for foreign producer, by using quantity of export approach, shows that countries with high export to Indonesia are not strongly affected and they keep on exporting. Increases !n transaction costs come from the certification cost, certification procedures and quality control mechanism. There is around 380% difference in certification fee between domestic and foreign producer. There are also other potential transaction costs that might incur both to domestic producers or importers such as lobbying cost, queuing cost, information cost and even bribery cost. In average, the quantity of imported wheat after the implementation (2002-2006) increased for around forty percent, although during the first two years of the application it experienced a slight decrease. However, the increase in quantity of Imported wheat flour did not very much infiuence its market share in domestic market. Data shows that the market share of imported wheat flour did not experience any increase during 2002-2006. On the other hand, the average productions of domestic industry has fncreased for around fifty percent during 2002-2006, while its market share still take a dominant position with more than eighty percent. Finally, this research show that the increase in production costs and transaction costs due to the application of mandatory SNI is not significance in influencing domestic production/ quantity of import and market share.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
T 27374
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anastasia Citra Puspita
Abstrak :
Besarnya nilai pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah, terutama dalam belanja modal, membuat proyek-proyek pengadaan menjadi sangat rentan terhadap korupsi. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dampak dari penerapan e-Procurement pada proyek-proyek pengadaan barang jasa terhadap jumlah kasus korupsi pengadaan barang jasa di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan difference-in-differences-in-differences dalam model regresi negative binomial, penelitian ini menganalisis data panel 103 kasus korupsi barang jasa di Indonesia yang telah inkracht yang ditangani oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dalam kurun waktu 2005-2017. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa penerapan e-Procurement secara signifikan berhubungan dengan penurunan jumlah kasus korupsi pengadaan barang jasa di provinsi-provinsi yang memiliki rasio belanja modal terhadap total pengadaan barang jasa yang relatif tinggi. Temuan ini memperlihatkan efek positif dari e-Procurement terhadap penurunan kasus korupsi barang dan jasa dan dengan demikian mendukung studi-studi terdahulu mengenai dampak positif dari e-Procurement dalam rangka pelaksanaan e-Governance.
The high value of procurement of government goods and services, especially in capital expenditures, makes procurement projects very vulnerable to corruption. This study identifies the impact of e-Procurement implementation on goods and services procurement projects on the number of corruption cases of public procurement in Indonesia. By using the difference-in-differences-in-differences approach in the negative binomial regression model, this study analyzes panel data on 103 corruption cases of service goods in Indonesia that have been handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the period 2005-2017. The estimation results show that the implementation of e-Procurement is significantly associated with a decrease in the number of corruption cases of procurement of goods and services in provinces which have a relatively high capital expenditure ratio for goods procurement services. This finding shows the positive effect of e-Procurement on decreasing corruption cases of goods and services and thus supports previous studies regarding the positive impact of      e-Procurement in the context of implementing e-Governance.

Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azelia Machsari Haqq
Abstrak :
Ketertarikan pemerintah pada Kemitraan Pemerintah-Swasta dipicu oleh iming-iming memperoleh fasilitas publik dengan beban yang lebih sedikit pada anggaran pemerintah. Namun, kegagalan demi kegagalan PPP di berbagai belahan dunia memperingatkan pemerintah bahwa PPP bukanlah sebuah silver bullet yang ampuh untuk semua kebutuhan infrastruktur publik. Studi tentang kegagalan PPP biasanya berfokus pada kegagalan setelah proyek telah beroperasi, padahal justru banyak proyek dibatalkan sebelum kontrak ditandatangani. Studi kasus tunggal ini mengeksplorasi lambatnya realisasi proyek PPP Waste to Energy (WTE) di Bandung Besar. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masalah biaya transaksi, baik politik dan ekonomi, menjadi hambatan utama dalam realisasi proyek. Empat masalah utama biaya transaksi dalam realisasi proyek ini yaitu masalah pengetahuan, koordinasi, risiko dan ketidakpastian, dan kepercayaan. Masalah pengetahuan terkait dengan kurangnya pengetahuan dan penalaman PPP pemerintah yang mengarah pada desain proyek yang tidak lengkap dan ketidakselarasan peraturan. Masalah koordinasi muncul karena banyak pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat yang memerlukan struktur tata kelola yang kompleks, terutama mengingat perubahan kepemimpinan politik. Masalah risiko dan ketidakpastian terkait dengan aset yang sangat spesifik dari WTE. Terakhir, kepercayaan publik pada pemerintah dan swasta rendah karena kurangnya transparansi dan dugaan konspirasi dalam proses penawaran, sedangkan fasilitas berbahaya ini terletak di dekat perumahan.
The increasing government interest in Public-Private Partnerships is triggered by the lure of obtaining public facilities with a less burden on the government budget. However, many PPP failures in various parts of the world warn the government that PPP is not a silver bullet solution for all public infrastructure needs. Studies on PPP failures usually focus on failures after the project has been in operation, whereas many projects were canceled before the contract is signed. This single case study explores the slow pace of the PPP Waste to Energy WTE projects realization in Greater Bandung. It suggests that transaction costs issues, both political and economic, play a significant role, including knowledge, coordination, risk and uncertainty, and trust problems. The knowledge problems are related to the governments lack of PPP knowledge that leads to the incomplete project design and misalignment of regulations. The coordination problems arise because many stakeholders involved that required a complex governance structure, especially in the light of political leadership changes. The risk and uncertainty problems are related to highly specific assets of WTE increases the risks of private investment because the government support and guarantee to cover the assets and the waste quality was inadequate and regulation changes regarding fees and tariffs would risk the return of the investment. Lastly, public trust in government and private was low due to the lacked transparency and alleged conspiracy in the bidding process, whereas this hazardous facility is located near area residents.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Febri Angelia Saramita
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menganalisis sejauh mana peran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dalam menunjang kinerja ekonomi kreatif yang sedang berkembang pesat di Indonesia. TIK pada sektor ekonomi kreatif tidak hanya dapat mendukung pengurangan biaya (cost reduction) atau penciptaan pendapatan (revenue generation) seperti pada business as usual, melainkan juga sebagai modal penting untuk mengintensifkan kreativitas dari sumber daya manusia yang menjadi faktor produksi utama dalam ekonomi kreatif. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis Ordinary Least Square (OLS), studi ini menganalisis data cross section yang bersumber dari Survey Khusus Ekonomi Kreatif (SKEK) oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) pada tahun 2016 dan menemukan bahwa walaupun secara umum pemanfaatan TIK berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja ekonomi kreatif, namun secara khusus hubungannya sangat bergantung pada jenis kegiatan atau subsektor dalam ekonomi kreatif. Pengaruh yang negatif terhadap pemanfatan TIK ditemukan pada subsektor desain komunikasi visual (DKV), musik, aplikasi dan games, dan seni rupa. Lebih jauh penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa pemanfaatan TIK pada usaha skala mikro berpengaruh negatif terhadap kinerjanya. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa jenis subsektor dan skala usaha adalah faktor yang menentukan peran positif TIK dalam meningkatkan kinerja usaha ekonomi kreatif. ......This research aims at analyzing to what extent the role of information and communication technology (ICT) could support the performance of the creative economy sector that is rapidly growing in Indonesia. ICT in creative economy is not only helpful in promoting cost reduction or revenue generation as in business as usual, but also in itself is important asset to intensify the creativity of human resources which is the main production factor in creative economy. Using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) analysis method, this study analyzed cross section data from the Special Survey of the Creative Economy (Survei Khusus Ekonomi Kreatif/SKEK) by Indonesian Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS) in 2016 and found that although the use of ICTs delivers a positive effect on creative economy performance in general, the correlation varies depending on the type of activities or subsector of the creative economy in particular. The negative impact of the use of ICTs on firm performance is found in the visual communication design, music, application and games, and fine art subsectors. Furthermore, this study also uncovered that the use of ICTs in micro scale businesses was associated negatively with its performance. The result indicates that the type of subsectors and the scale of the firms are the determinants of whether ICT would have a positive effect in the performance of the creative economy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Fakhruddin
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak pembangunan tol khusus tol Trans Jawa terhadap perubahan lahan pertanian dan lahan terbangun. Pengolahan dan analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan difference-in-defference untuk melihat dampak sebelum dan sesudah adanya pembangunan jalan tol. Penelitian ini menggunakan batas administrasi kabupaten / kota sebagai unit analisis serta 92 kabupaten atau kota yang menjadi fokus dari penelitian ini. Pemilihan kabupaten / kota ini berdasarkan pada kabupaten / kota yang dilewati tol serta yang berdampingan dengan kabupaten / kota yang dilewati tol. Hasil dari pengolahan data serta analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada pengurangan luas lahan pertanian sebanyak 24% dan penambahan luas lahan terbangun sebanyak 7% jika dibandingkan dengan kabupaten / kota yang tidak dilewati tol. Jika dilihat dari segi kebijakan, pembangunan tol Trans Jawa dapat dikatakan berdampak buruk terhadap sektor pertanian. Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan cita – cita presiden Joko Widodo yang menginginkan pembangunan dari pelosok negeri serta distribusi barang termasuk hasil pertanian semakin cepat guna menyejahterakan masyarakat yang di dalamnya termasuk para petani.   ......This study aims to see the impact of the special toll road construction of the Trans Java toll road on changes in agricultural land and built-up land. The data processing and analysis in this study uses a difference-in-difference approach to see the impact before and after the construction of the toll road. This study uses district/city administrative boundaries as the unit of analysis and 92 districts or cities that are the focus of this research. The selection of regencies/cities is based on the regencies/cities through which the toll road passes as well as those adjacent to the regencies/cities through which the toll road passes. The results of data processing and analysis show that there is a reduction in the area of ​​agricultural land by 24% and an increase in the area of ​​built-up land by 7% when compared to districts/cities that are not passed by toll roads. From a policy perspective, the construction of the Trans Java toll road can be said to have a negative impact on the agricultural sector. This is not in accordance with the ideals of President Joko Widodo who wants development from remote parts of the country and the distribution of goods including agricultural products to be faster in order to improve the welfare of the community, including farmers.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jefri Adriansyah
Abstrak :
Di Indonesia, program reforma agraria telah diselenggarakan sejak tahun 1960 melalui Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria. Meski demikian, gerakan reforma agraria terlihat semakin masif sejak 2015 setelah pemerintah mengeluarkan program pendaftaran tanah sistematis lengkap. Studi ini mengkaji pengaruh perubahan status kepemilikan tanah terhadap produktivitas rumah tangga usaha tani padi di Indonesia, meskipun pengamatan terkait hak atas tanah dilakukan sebelum adanya program reforma agraria secara masif pada tahun 2015. Menggunakan metode two periode difference-in-differences (DID), penelitian ini menganalisis status kepemilikan tanah 686 rumah tangga usaha tani padi dalam survei longitudinal IFLS gelombang keempat (2007) dan kelima (2014). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dalam produktivitas usaha tani padi akibat perubahan status kepemilikan lahan dari weak land ownership menjadi strong land ownership atau legal pada rumah tangga petani padi di Indonesia. Setidaknya ada empat alasan yang diindikasikan menjadi penjelasan, pertama, kurang berkembangnya pasar tenaga kerja pertanian di Indonesia; kedua, pasar kredit usaha tani padi rendah; ketiga, lambatnya mekanisasi pertanian padi di Indonesia; dan keempat, transferabilitas aset tanah. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah setidaknya perlu meningkatkan aksesibilitas kredit formal dan mengintervensi langsung faktor produksi pertanian dengan memberikan hibah dan subsidi berupa bibit padi berkualitas, mekanisasi alat pertanian, dan perbaikan sarana irigasi. ......In Indonesia, the agrarian reform program has been organized since 1960 through Basic Agrarian Law Act. Nonetheless, agrarian reform movement looks more massive since 2015 after the government issue a complete systematic land registration program. This study examines the effect of changes in land ownership status on household productivity of rice farming in Indonesia, although the observations regarding land titling were held prior to the existence of the massive program of agrarian reform in 2015. Using the two-period difference-difference (DiD), this study analyzed the land ownership status of 686 rice farming households in the IFLS longitudinal survey in the fourth (2007) and fifth (2014) waves. The results show that there is no significant difference in the productivity of rice farming due to changes in land ownership status from weak land ownerhisp to strong or legal land ownership in rice farming households in Indonesia. There are at least four reasons that are indicated to be explanations, first, the underdeveloped agricultural labor market in Indonesia; second, the credit market for rice farming is low; third, the slow mechanization of paddy farming in Indonesia; and fourth, transferability of land assets. Therefore, the government at least needs to increase the accessibility of formal credit access and intervene directly in agricultural production factors by providing grants and subsidies in the form of quality rice seeds, agricultural mechanization tools, and improving irrigation facilities.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisinis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Ruth Agustina
Abstrak :
Kajian ini mencoba melihat dampak dari peningkatan kualitas permukiman kumuh terhadap penurunan kejadian banjir dan bencana tanah di tingkat desa di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan perbedaan-dalam-perbedaan (DID) pada model regresi logit, penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh kebijakan dana desa di 24.343 desa di Indonesia selama periode 2006-2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah diterapkannya kebijakan dana desa, peluang terjadinya bencana pada kelompok perlakuan yaitu desa yang memiliki tingkat permukiman kumuh yang relatif tinggi adalah 0,761 kali lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol yaitu desa yang memiliki tingkat permukiman yang relatif rendah. tingkat permukiman kumuh dengan tingkat signifikansi 1%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan dan atau peningkatan kualitas infrastruktur di perdesaan kumuh berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan kejadian bencana.
This study tries to see the impact of improving the quality of slum settlements on reducing the incidence of floods and land disasters at the village level in Indonesia. Using the difference-in-difference (DID) approach in the logit regression model, this study analyzes the effect of village fund policies in 24,343 villages in Indonesia during the 2006-2018 period. The results showed that after the implementation of the village fund policy, the chances of a disaster occurring in the treatment group, namely villages that had relatively high slum settlement rates, were 0.761 times lower than the control group, namely villages that had relatively low settlement rates. slum settlement level with a significance level of 1%. This shows that the development and or improvement of infrastructure quality in slum villages has a significant effect on reducing the incidence of disasters.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naibaho, Maria Patricya
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat sejauh mana hipotesis grease the wheels dapat menjelaskan fenomena suap di Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat miskin untuk dapat mengakses pelayanan publik seperti administrasi publik, kepolisian, kesehatan, dan pendidikan. Studi ini menggunakan analisis data cross-section yang didapatkan dari survei nasional tentang Tren Persepsi Publik mengenai Korupsi tahun 2018 yang dilakukan oleh Lembaga Survey Indoensia (LSI). Suvei nasional tersebut memiliki 3,670 responden yang tersebar di 34 provinsi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa bahwa hipotesis grease the wheels hanya ditemukan di sektor kesehatan, menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik pelayanan publik turut menentukan kecenderungan masyarakat miskin untuk melakukan suap saat pelayanan publik kurang baik. Hasil dari regresi logit menunjukkan kelompok masyarakat miskin secara signifikan mengalami kenaikan rasio peluang untuk menyuap sebesar faktor 8,207 apabila mereka memiliki persepsi bahwa kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di daerahnya buruk dibanding jika mereka memiliki persepsi bahwa kualitas pelayanan kesehatan di daerahnya sudah baik. Hal ini memperlihatkan bahwa karakteristik layanan seperti tingkat rivalitas, biaya pelayanan alternatif, dan resiko ketika tidak mendapatkan pelayanan menjadi faktor yang menentukan perilaku suap dalam pelayanan publik.
The study attempts to find out to what extent grease the wheels hypothesis can explain the bribery phenomena in Indonesia that has been done by the poor to access public services like public administration, police, health, and education. The study used cross-section data from a national survey of the Public Perception of the Corruption Trend 2018 conducted by Lembaga Survey Indonesia (LSI). The surveys respondents are 3,670 households spread in 34 provinces in Indonesia. The study shows that the grease the wheels hypothesis is found only in health sector, confirming that the characteristics of the public services determine the likelihood of the poor to bribe when the quality of the public service is poor. The result of logit regression shows that the odds ratio of the poor people increases by a factor of 8,207 if they have a bad perception on the quality of public service compared with the one who have a good perception of public service. This shows that the characteristics of public services, such as the level of rivalry, cost of alternative services, and the risk to be excluded from the public service are the determinants of bribery in public services.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ira Utami Agusputri
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini melihat dampak penerapan Performance Related-Pay (PRP) terhadap performa Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam menangani aduan masyarakat melalui Aplikasi Citizen Relation Management (CRM) di DKI Jakarta. Aplikasi CRM merupakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan dan dikelola oleh Jakarta Smart City (JSC) untuk mempermudah ASN menangani aduan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menganalisis data panel jumlah rasio laporan aduan selesai di 267 kelurahan selama bulan Januari 2016 hingga bulan Desember 2019. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan difference-in-differences (DID), penelitian ini menemukan bahwa secara rata-rata, setelah adanya kebijakan PRP, terjadi peningkatan tren jumlah rasio laporan selesai atau penanganan aduan di kelurahan-kelurahan rawan banjir sebesar 6,53% dengan tingkat signifikansi pada tingkat 1%. Selanjutnya, efek kebijakan PRP ditemukan positif namun lebih rendah pada saat kelurahan rawan banjir berada di dekat daerah aliran sungai dibandingkan dengan kelurahan rawan banjir yang tidak berada di dekat daerah aliran sungai. Temuan penelitian ini mendukung literatur yang menjelaskan bahwa PRP akan memotivasi pemberi layanan publik dalam meningkatkan performa mereka.

This research views the effect of Performance Related-Pay (PRP) policy towards civil servants performance on handling citizen complaints through the Citizen Relation Management (CRM) application in DKI Jakarta. CRM application developed and managed by Jakarta Smart City (JSC) for civil servants to effectively handle public complaints. This research analyzes panel data on total ratio data of complaint reports solved in 267 urban villages from January 2016 to December 2019. By using the difference-in-differences (DID) approach, the findings of this research show that after implementing the PRP policy, there was a 6,53% increase in the trend of solving the complaints in urban villages that are prone to flooding with a significance level of 1%. Furthermore, the effect of the PRP policy was shown to be lower on urban villages that are located close by the river, compared to the urban villages that are located far from the river.  The findings of this research support previous literature studies, that found PRP motivates civil servants to increase their work performance.


Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haryo Laksono
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membandingkan dampak implementasi tanda tangan elektronik di daerah dengan rata lama sekolah orang tua rendah dan tinggi dalam penerbitan akte kelahiran. Menggunakan data Susenas di Indonesia pada tahun 2010-2021 dan metode difference in difference, studi ini menemukan bahwa implementasi tanda tangan elektronik dapat meningkatkan jumlah akte kelahiran sejumlah 291 dokumen. Namun dengan membandingkan peningkatan jumlah akte kelahiran terhadap total jumlah akte kelahiran dan jumlah kelahiran, studi ini menemukan bahwa dampak implementasi tanda tangan elektronik relatif rendah, hanya sekitar 7,02% dan 3,73% dalam meningkatkan cakupan kepemilikan akte kelahiran. Studi ini juga menemukan manfaat ekonomi dimana setiap satu rupiah biaya yang dikeluarkan menghasilkan 1.029 rupiah manfaat. Sehingga tanda tangan elektronik dapat menjawab problem sulitnya akses terhadap layanan catatan sipil sebelum adanya implementasi pada daerah dengan rata lama sekolah orang rendah namun memiliki pengaruh yang relatif rendah dalam meningkatkan cakupan jumlah akte kelahiran. ......This study compares the impact of the policy on implementing electronic signatures in the issuance of birth certificates in areas with low and high means years of schooling parents. Using Indonesian Susenas data from 2010-2021 and DID methods, this study finds that implementing electronic signatures could increase the number of birth certificates of 291 documents. However, by comparing the increase in the number of birth certificates subject to the total number of birth certificates and also the number of births, this study found that the impact of implementing electronic signatures was relatively low, around 7,02% dan 3,73% in increasing the coverage of birth certificate ownership. This study also found economic benefits where every one rupiah of costs incurred generates 1,029 rupiahs in benefits. Electronic signatures can solve the difficulty of accessing civil registration services before implementation in areas with a low mean year of schooling parents but has a relatively low effect on increasing the coverage of birth certificate ownership.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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