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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Siagian, M. Odjak E.
"Penulis telah mencoba menggambarkan pandangan ekonomi yang diutarakan oleh tokoh-tokoh, terutama para pakar yang sering dianggap sebagai filsuf kaliber dunia. Di kemudian hari pandangan mereka dianut oleh kelompok atau masyarakat sebagai ideologi yang mempengaruhi gaya, cara dan sistem kehidupan ekonomi. Dua tokoh besar yang dapat mewakili aliran yang saling bertentangan yang kemudian hari mempengaruhi."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Ibrahim Badry
Era Industri 4.0 tidak diragukan lagi akan menghadirkan tingkat persaingan yang tidak seimbang karena munculnya robot sebagai pekerja. Ini, tentu saja, telah meningkatkan kekhawatiran di antara manusia. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasi situasi ini adalah dengan meningkatkan kemampuan manusia dengan bantuan teknologi (yaitu, penalaan manusia). Namun demikian, meskipun metode alternatif ini dapat diterima, metode ini juga memiliki risiko sendiri karena kerentanan umumnya menyertai manusia dalam interaksi sehari-hari mereka dengan dunia dan teknologi, dan perubahan kesadaran dapat muncul sebagai konsekuensi dari interaksi ini. Oleh karena itu, untuk meminimalkan dampaknya yang berbahaya, kerangka pertimbangan etis yang tepat harus dirumuskan dengan berfokus terutama pada interaksi antara manusia dan teknologi dalam konteks ini. Untuk tujuan ini, penulis menggunakan metode pascafenomenologi Don Ihde sebagai alat analisis untuk mengungkapkan hubungan manusia dengan teknologi secara mendalam dan untuk menentukan tingkat refleksi etis dari sudut pandang ini. Ini penting karena, dalam pendekatan etika tradisional, kami tidak menganggap hubungan ini sebagai sumber penilaian etis, dan masalah etika baru-baru ini di Industri 4.0 lebih kompleks dari industri sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa unsur-unsur pokok yang membentuk hubungan manusia dan teknologi dapat berfungsi sebagai aspek utama dari kerangka pertimbangan etis untuk penalaan manusia di era Industri 4.0.

The Industry 4.0 era will undoubtedly present an unbalanced level of competition, because of the emergence of robots as workers. This, of course, has increased concerns among humans. One way to overcome this situation is to improve human capabilities with the help of technology (i.e., human enhancement). Nevertheless, although this alternative method is acceptable, it also poses its own risks because vulnerability generally accompanies humans in their daily interactions with the world and technology, and altered consciousness can emerge as a consequence of these interactions. Therefore, in order to minimize any harmful impact, an appropriate ethical assessment framework must be formulated by primarily focusing on the interactions between humans and technology within this context. For this purpose, the authors use Don Ihde's postphenomenology method as an analytical tool for revealing the human relations with technology in-depth and for determining the level of ethical reflection from this standpoint. It is important because, in the traditional ethics approach, we do not regard this relation as a source of ethical judgement, and recent ethical problems in Industry 4.0 are more complex than the previous industry. The results show that the constituent elements of human and technological relationships can serve as the main aspects of an ethical assessment framework for human enhancement in the Industry 4.0 era."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
L.G. Saraswati Putri
"Tujuan utama dari penulisan disertasi ini adalah menunjukkan problem disekuilibrium di antara manusia dan alam. Kondisi ini terjadi dikarenakan kurangnya kepekaan manusia untuk melestarikan alam. Manusia menganggap secara dangkal keberadaan dan kekayaan alam. Sikap ini menyebabkan kerusakan berkepanjangan, hingga pada titik dimana tidak adanya lagi alam liar. Pendekatan etis terhadap problem disekuilibrium dianggap tidak lagi cukup. Harus ada langkah baru dan metode yang lebih akurat untuk mengatasi inti dari permasalahan. Fenomenologi Lingkungan menawarkan ontologi baru terhadap relasi manusia dan alam. Melalui Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty dan Martin Heidegger, fenomenologi lingkungan bertujuan untuk membangun argument yang rigoris dalam mengupayakan investigasi terhadap problem relasi manusia dan alam. Melalui perspektif Husserlian, alam bukan semata-mata perpanjangan dari kesadaran subjek. Alam memiliki kualitas dan properti yang independen dari asumsi subjek. Lebih lanjutnya, Merleau-Ponty berargumen bahwa alam lebih dari sebatas latar belakang kehidupan manusia, alam adalah bagian mendasar dari bagaimana manusia merekognisi eksistensinya. Kita hidup terinspirasi dari alam, tanpa alam kita kehilangan daya untuk membentuk makna. Menurut Heidegger manusia mendapatkan makna kehidupannya melalui keterlibatannya dengan alam. Alam memberikan kita ilustrasi tentang ruang dan waktu. Maka, keterlibatan dengan alam adalah bagian terpenting dari Dasein, yakni melalui kehidupan berdampingan dengan alam ia dapat memahami otentisitasnya. Perjalanan menuju ekuilibrium adalah tugas yang penuh tantangan, yang membutuhkan sikap dan pandangan filosofis. Fenomenologi Lingkungan memungkinkan kita untuk berpikir secara radikal problem disekuilibrium dan memulihkan relasi ontologis di antara manusia dan alam.

The prime objective of this dissertation is to point the matter of disequilibrium between human and nature. This condition is due to our lack of sensibility to preserve nature. Human beings take for granted the bountiful of nature. This attitude causes further destruction to the point of losing Nature?s wilderness. Ethical approach to the problem of disequilibrium is no longer sufficient. There must be a new and vigorous method to solve the crux of the matter. Eco-Phenomenology proposes new ontology towards human and nature. Through Edmund Husserl, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Martin Heidegger, eco-phenomenology aims to a more rigorous argument to investigate the relation between human and nature. From Husserlian perspective, nature is not merely an extension of the subject consciousness. Nature has its qualities and properties independent from the subject?s assumption. Furthermore, Merleau-Ponty argues that nature is more than just the backdrop of our lives, it is the essential part of our recognition to our existence. We live inspired through nature, in the absence of it, we would have lost our ability to constitute meaning. According to Heidegger human derived its meaning through their involvement with nature. Nature provides us with the illustration of space and time. Hence, nature is a fundamental part of Dasein, through dwelling alongside nature, Dasein is discovering its authenticity. The journey to equilibrium is an arduous task, one that requires new philosophical ways of perceiving. Eco-phenomenology enables us to think a more radical problem of disequilibrium, and that is to restore the ontological relation between human and nature."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ikbal Maulana
Teknologi bisa memiliki dampak terhadap masyarakat setara dengan pengaruh
undang-undang atau kebijakan pemerintah, karena itu keputusan teknis, menurut
Andrew Feenberg, harus masuk dalam ranah demokrasi. Yang menjadi perintang
demokratisasi teknologi adalah pandangan bahwa pengembangan teknologi
sepenuhnya mengandalkan nalar tanpa pengaruh faktor-faktor sosial, sehingga
teknologi dianggap mempengaruhi tetapi tidak dipengaruhi nilai dan budaya
masyarakat. Kajian teknologi dan pemikiran konstruktivisme sosial membuktikan
bahwa teknologi dan masyarakat memiliki hubungan saling mempengaruhi.
Feenberg berusaha memadukan esensialisme teknologis dan konstruktivisme
sosial dalam teori dua-tingkat. Namun, disertasi ini berargumen bahwa
esensialisme teknologis tidak perlu dipertahankan karena peristiwa
dekontekstualisasi yang mengambil obyek alam dari konteksnya untuk menjadi
obyek teknis tetap mempengaruhi lingkungan manusia, dan dalam reduksionisme
yang memangkas sifat-sifat yang tidak diperlukan suatu obyek teknis
menghasilkan limbah yang bisa berbahaya bagi manusia. Sebagai gantinya penulis
mengajukan teori yang menjelaskan perkembangan teknologi secara serentak
dipengaruhi oleh susbistem teknologis, ekonomi dan sosial, yang masing-masing
memiliki dualitas struktur-kepelakuan dan semua subsistem ini saling
mempengaruhi yang menyebabkan spiral perubahan teknologi, ekonomi dan

Technology may have a significant impact comparable to the impacts of
regulations or policies of a government, therefore technical decision, according to
Andrew Feenberg, should belong to the democratic sphere. The constraint to
democratization of technology is the thought that technology is fully developed
based on reason, without experiencing the influence of social factors. It implies
that technology is influencing but not being influence by society. The field of
technology studies and social constructivism prove that technology and society
are constituting each other. Feenberg has reconciled technological essensialism
and social constructivism in his two-level theory. But, the dissertaion argues that
we should not keep technological essentialism because the moment of
decontextualization, which takes object from its natural context, influences the
environment, and the moment of reductionism, which strips technically useless
qualities of technical object, disposes wastes that may be harmful to human
beings. Therefore the dissertation suggest an alternative theory that explains that
the development of technology is simultaneously influenced by technological,
economic and social subsystems each of which has the duality of structure-agent
and all subsystems are influencing each other which in turn cause the spiral of the
development of technology, economy and society;Technology may have a significant impact comparable to the impacts of
regulations or policies of a government, therefore technical decision, according to
Andrew Feenberg, should belong to the democratic sphere. The constraint to
democratization of technology is the thought that technology is fully developed
based on reason, without experiencing the influence of social factors. It implies
that technology is influencing but not being influence by society. The field of
technology studies and social constructivism prove that technology and society
are constituting each other. Feenberg has reconciled technological essensialism
and social constructivism in his two-level theory. But, the dissertaion argues that
we should not keep technological essentialism because the moment of
decontextualization, which takes object from its natural context, influences the
environment, and the moment of reductionism, which strips technically useless
qualities of technical object, disposes wastes that may be harmful to human
beings. Therefore the dissertation suggest an alternative theory that explains that
the development of technology is simultaneously influenced by technological,
economic and social subsystems each of which has the duality of structure-agent
and all subsystems are influencing each other which in turn cause the spiral of the
development of technology, economy and society, Technology may have a significant impact comparable to the impacts of
regulations or policies of a government, therefore technical decision, according to
Andrew Feenberg, should belong to the democratic sphere. The constraint to
democratization of technology is the thought that technology is fully developed
based on reason, without experiencing the influence of social factors. It implies
that technology is influencing but not being influence by society. The field of
technology studies and social constructivism prove that technology and society
are constituting each other. Feenberg has reconciled technological essensialism
and social constructivism in his two-level theory. But, the dissertaion argues that
we should not keep technological essentialism because the moment of
decontextualization, which takes object from its natural context, influences the
environment, and the moment of reductionism, which strips technically useless
qualities of technical object, disposes wastes that may be harmful to human
beings. Therefore the dissertation suggest an alternative theory that explains that
the development of technology is simultaneously influenced by technological,
economic and social subsystems each of which has the duality of structure-agent
and all subsystems are influencing each other which in turn cause the spiral of the
development of technology, economy and society]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library