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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nataya Fariza
Abstrak :
Membina sebuah rumah tangga memang tidak semudah membalikkan tangan, pasti selalu ada konflik yang timbul terutama masalah harta kekayaan dalam perkawinan. Apabila sebelum melangsungkan perkawinan suami isteri tidak membuat perjanjian kawin, maka harta bawaan dan harta yang diperoleh selama perkawinan menjadi harta persatuan bulat. Kemudian selama perkawinan berlangsung, terjadi sesuatu hal misal suami boros dan berkelakukan tidak baik yang mengakibatkan harta bersama akan habis, maka isteri dapat mengajukan tuntutan pemisahan harta kekayaan ke Pengadilan Negeri, karena perjanjian kawin sudah tidak dapat lagi dibuat setelah perkawinan berlangsung. Dari keadaan tersebut di atas, maka yang jadi permasalahan penelitian ini yaitu bagaimanakah akibat hukum dari pemisahan harta kekayaan yang dilakukan berdasarkan perjanjian kawin yang dibuat setelah perkawinan dan bagaimana secara yuridis pertimbangan Hakim mengenai pemisahan harta kekayaan dalam perkawinan sebagaimana ternyata dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2901 K/Pdt/2012 tanggal 9 Desember 2013. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, dimana penulis dalam meneliti mengacu pada aturanaturan hukum yang ada. Maka ditemukan jawabannya bahwa akibat hukum yang timbul sebagaimana ternyata dalam kasus yang diteliti yaitu tidak dapat diadakan pemisahan karena isteri tidak memenuhi Pasal 186 BW, sehingga objek sengketa tetap menjadi harta bersama suami dan isteri. Untuk perjanjian pisah harta yang telah dibuat dihadapan Notaris menjadi batal demi hukum karena mengandung cacat yuridis dan bertentangan dengan undang-undang. Dan Putusan Mahkamah Agung sudah tepat dan telah sesuai dengan Pasal 119 BW, karena antara suami dan isteri tersebut tetap terjadi persatuan harta bulat. Sedangkan penerapan Pasal 29 ayat (4) Undang-undang Perkawinan dalam pertimbangan Hakim dianggap kurang tepat karena tidak terjadi perubahan perjanjian kawin.
Fostering a household is not as easy as turning the hand, there is always a conflict triggered by wealth in marriage. If spouse did not make a prenuptial agreement, separation asset and any asset they acquire during the course of their marriage would be community asset. Furthermore, during the marriage takes place, if there is something happen e.g. the husband is extravagant and does not have good manner which is caused community asset would be lost, the wife could propose a claim for asset separation to District Court, because prenuptial agreement could no longer be made after marriage took place. According to that circumstances, the consent of this research is how the legal consequences of the assets separation that is performed by prenuptial agreement made after marriage and how the juridical considerations of the Judge regarding separation assets in marriage, as it turns out in the Supreme Court Verdict No. 2901 K / Pdt / 2012 dated December 9, 2013. By using a normative juridical research method, the author in researching refers to rules of existing law. Then found the answer that the legal consequences arising in this case study that the separation cannot be held because the wife does not comply with Article 186 BW, then the object of dispute remain the property of the husband and wife. And the prenuptial agreement that has been made before a Notary cancelled and void because of flawed juridical and contrary to law. And Supreme Court decisions were appropriate and in accordance with Article 119 of the BW, as between husband and wife are still having community assets. While the application of Article 29 paragraph (4) of the Law of Marriage in consideration of Judges considered less appropriate because there is no change in prenuptial agreement.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wilda Wulandari
Abstrak :
Akta wasiat ialah suatu pernyataan dari seseorang tentang apa yang dikehendaki setelah ia meninggal. Pengaturan tentang wasiat diatur dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Seseorang yang ingin membuat akta wasiat harus sehat akal budinya pada saat menyampaikan keinginan terakhirnya dihadapan Notaris sebagaimana tercantum dalam pasal 895 KUH Perdata. Pokok permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimanakah syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi bagi pewaris untuk membuat akta wasiat dihadapan notaris agar akta wasiat dapat berlaku secara sah sesuai ketentuan Undang-Undang yang berlaku dan bagaimanakah dampak akta wasiat yang dibatalkan berdasarkan putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor : 3124 K/Pdt/2013 bagi para penerima wasiat. Metode Penelitian yang dipakai adalah penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif dengan meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Dari Hasil penelitian ini, akibat tidak terpenuhi syarat cakap oleh pewaris pada waktu pembuatan akta wasiat dihadapan Notaris maka akta wasiat tersebut dapat dibatalkan dan dampaknya bagi para ahli waris adalah harta yang dihibah wasiatkan sebagaimana tertuang dalam akta wasiat kembali ke harta peninggalan pewaris.
Deed testament is a statement from someone about what was required after he died. The setting of the testament stipulated in the Civil Law Act. Someone who wants to make the deed his mind will be healthy at the time of delivering his final wish before Notary as stated in article 895 of the Civil Code. The main problem in this thesis is how the conditions that must be met for the testator to make a will before a notary deed that deed will legally be able to apply in accordance with applicable law and how the impact of the deed will be canceled by the decision of the Supreme Court Number: 3124 K / Pdt / 2013 for the recipient will. The research method used is the research literature by examining normative juridical library materials or secondary data consists of primary legal materials, secondary law and tertiary legal materials. From the results of this study, due to the requirement not met ably by the testator at the time of making a will before a Notary deed then the deed will be canceled and the implications for the heir is a treasure that dihibah wasiatkan as stated in the deed will return to inheritance heir.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Normaeni Endah Iswarni
Abstrak :
[Pengertian hibah yang diatur dalam Pasal 1666 KUH Perdata adalah perjanjian yang dilakukan oleh penghibah ketika masih hidup untuk memberikan suatu barang dengan cuma-cuma kepada penerima hibah dan tidak dapat ditarik kembali. Kata-kata “tidak dapat ditarik kembali” ini berarti pencabutan hibah baru dapat dilakukan jika penerima hibah memberi persetujuan kepada pemberi hibah. Syarat dan tata cara untuk melakukan hibah adalah harus dengan akta notaris untuk objek hibah berupa benda bergerak seperti disebutkan dalam Pasal 1682 KUH Perdata, dan dengan akta PPAT untuk tanah dan bangunan seperti yang disebutkan dalam Pasal 37 ayat (1) PP No. 24/1997. Yang akan dibicarakan dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana syarat-syarat untuk pembuatan akta hibah terutama terhadap barang tetap (tanah) serta tata cara pencabutan terhadap akta hibah otentik, dan bagaimana akibat hukum terhadap pembatalan akta hibah yang dilakukan dengan surat pernyataan pencabutan yang dibuat di bawah tangan dan diwaarmerking oleh Notaris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif yang berbentuk yuridis normatif untuk memberikan pemahaman mengenai analisis terhadap implikasi pembatalan akta hibah secara sepihak dengan surat pernyataan di bawah tangan yang diwaarmerking dan peralihan hak atas tanah yang dibuat tanpa akta PPAT. Hibah atas barang tetap (tanah) yang dibuat tanpa akta PPAT tidak menyebabkan perbuatan hukum hibahnya menjadi batal atau akta hibahnya menjadi tidak sah, karena hal ini hanya menyangkut akta hibahnya saja, sedangkan untuk pendaftaran peralihan haknya dapat dibuat kembali di hadapan PPAT yang nantinya digunakan sebagai dasar untuk peralihan hak ke Kantor Pertanahan. Akta hibah yang telah memenuhi persyaratan pembuatan akta otentik sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 1868 KUH Perdata maka pembatalannya tidak dapat dilakukan secara sepihak dengan surat pernyataan di bawah dan diwaarmerking, melainkan harus diajukan ke pengadilan umum. Dengan demikian, surat pernyataan pembatalan akta hibah yang dibuat di bawah tangan tersebut adalah tidak sah dan batal demi hukum.;The definition of grant provided for in Article 1666 of the Civil Code is an agreement made by grantor while still alive to give an item for free to grantees and irrevocable. The words "irrevocable" means repeal the new grant can be done if the grantee to give consent to the grantor. Requirements and procedures to carry out the grant is to be the object of a notarial deed for a grant in the form of moving objects as mentioned in Article 1682 Civil Code, and the PPAT deed for the land and buildings as mentioned in Article 37 paragraph (1) PP 24/1997. Which will be discussed in this thesis is how the conditions for the grant deed, especially against goods fixed (ground) as well as the procedure for revocation of the authentic grant deed, and how the legal consequences of the cancellation of the grant deed performed by a letter of revocation declaration made under the hand and waarmerkened by Notary. The method used in this study is a qualitative method in the form of normative to provide an understanding of the analysis of the implications of the cancellation of the deed of grant unilaterally by waiver under waarmerken hands and transfer of rights on land made without PPAT deed. Grants of goods fixed (ground) are made without PPAT deed does not lead to legal action grants will be canceled or deed grants become invalid, because it concerns only its grant deed alone, while for the registration of transfer of rights can be made back before PPAT that will be used as the basis for the transfer of rights to the Land Office. Grant deed that has met the requirements of making authentic document as referred to in Article 1868 of the Civil Code, the cancellation can not be done unilaterally by the letter of the statement below and under waarmerken, but should be brought to public trial. Thus, a statement of cancellation of the deed grants made under the hand is invalid and void.;The definition of grant provided for in Article 1666 of the Civil Code is an agreement made by grantor while still alive to give an item for free to grantees and irrevocable. The words "irrevocable" means repeal the new grant can be done if the grantee to give consent to the grantor. Requirements and procedures to carry out the grant is to be the object of a notarial deed for a grant in the form of moving objects as mentioned in Article 1682 Civil Code, and the PPAT deed for the land and buildings as mentioned in Article 37 paragraph (1) PP 24/1997. Which will be discussed in this thesis is how the conditions for the grant deed, especially against goods fixed (ground) as well as the procedure for revocation of the authentic grant deed, and how the legal consequences of the cancellation of the grant deed performed by a letter of revocation declaration made under the hand and waarmerkened by Notary. The method used in this study is a qualitative method in the form of normative to provide an understanding of the analysis of the implications of the cancellation of the deed of grant unilaterally by waiver under waarmerken hands and transfer of rights on land made without PPAT deed. Grants of goods fixed (ground) are made without PPAT deed does not lead to legal action grants will be canceled or deed grants become invalid, because it concerns only its grant deed alone, while for the registration of transfer of rights can be made back before PPAT that will be used as the basis for the transfer of rights to the Land Office. Grant deed that has met the requirements of making authentic document as referred to in Article 1868 of the Civil Code, the cancellation can not be done unilaterally by the letter of the statement below and under waarmerken, but should be brought to public trial. Thus, a statement of cancellation of the deed grants made under the hand is invalid and void.;The definition of grant provided for in Article 1666 of the Civil Code is an agreement made by grantor while still alive to give an item for free to grantees and irrevocable. The words "irrevocable" means repeal the new grant can be done if the grantee to give consent to the grantor. Requirements and procedures to carry out the grant is to be the object of a notarial deed for a grant in the form of moving objects as mentioned in Article 1682 Civil Code, and the PPAT deed for the land and buildings as mentioned in Article 37 paragraph (1) PP 24/1997. Which will be discussed in this thesis is how the conditions for the grant deed, especially against goods fixed (ground) as well as the procedure for revocation of the authentic grant deed, and how the legal consequences of the cancellation of the grant deed performed by a letter of revocation declaration made under the hand and waarmerkened by Notary. The method used in this study is a qualitative method in the form of normative to provide an understanding of the analysis of the implications of the cancellation of the deed of grant unilaterally by waiver under waarmerken hands and transfer of rights on land made without PPAT deed. Grants of goods fixed (ground) are made without PPAT deed does not lead to legal action grants will be canceled or deed grants become invalid, because it concerns only its grant deed alone, while for the registration of transfer of rights can be made back before PPAT that will be used as the basis for the transfer of rights to the Land Office. Grant deed that has met the requirements of making authentic document as referred to in Article 1868 of the Civil Code, the cancellation can not be done unilaterally by the letter of the statement below and under waarmerken, but should be brought to public trial. Thus, a statement of cancellation of the deed grants made under the hand is invalid and void., The definition of grant provided for in Article 1666 of the Civil Code is an agreement made by grantor while still alive to give an item for free to grantees and irrevocable. The words "irrevocable" means repeal the new grant can be done if the grantee to give consent to the grantor. Requirements and procedures to carry out the grant is to be the object of a notarial deed for a grant in the form of moving objects as mentioned in Article 1682 Civil Code, and the PPAT deed for the land and buildings as mentioned in Article 37 paragraph (1) PP 24/1997. Which will be discussed in this thesis is how the conditions for the grant deed, especially against goods fixed (ground) as well as the procedure for revocation of the authentic grant deed, and how the legal consequences of the cancellation of the grant deed performed by a letter of revocation declaration made under the hand and waarmerkened by Notary. The method used in this study is a qualitative method in the form of normative to provide an understanding of the analysis of the implications of the cancellation of the deed of grant unilaterally by waiver under waarmerken hands and transfer of rights on land made without PPAT deed. Grants of goods fixed (ground) are made without PPAT deed does not lead to legal action grants will be canceled or deed grants become invalid, because it concerns only its grant deed alone, while for the registration of transfer of rights can be made back before PPAT that will be used as the basis for the transfer of rights to the Land Office. Grant deed that has met the requirements of making authentic document as referred to in Article 1868 of the Civil Code, the cancellation can not be done unilaterally by the letter of the statement below and under waarmerken, but should be brought to public trial. Thus, a statement of cancellation of the deed grants made under the hand is invalid and void.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauziah Amatul Chairanni
Abstrak :
Perjanjian perkawinan merupakan suatu persetujuan yang dibuat oleh calon suami-isteri untuk mengatur akibat-akibat yang timbul terhadap harta kekayaan perkawinan mereka. Di dalam ketentuan Pasal 147 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata dan Pasal 29 Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan hanya dapat dilakukan sebelum atau pada saat dilangsungkannya perkawinan. Perkembangan yang terjadi di masyarakat, beberapa perjanjian perkawinan pembuatannya dilakukan oleh pasangan suami-isteri sesudah perkawinan dilangsungkan dengan cara mengajukan mengajukan permohonan penetapan pemisahan harta ke Pengadilan Negeri. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif, dimana Penulis dalam meneliti mengacu pada aturan-aturan yang ada untuk kemudian menjawab permasalahan yang timbul secara deskriptif. Melalui penelitian ini Penulis menemukan jawaban bahwa pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan hanya dapat dilakukan sebelum atau pada saat dilangsungkannya perkawinan dan dalam hal pengajuan permohonan pemisahan maka unsur-unsur yang terdapat dalam Pasal 186 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata harus terpenuhi terlebih dahulu.
Prenuptial agreement is an agreement that was made by the prospective husband and wife to manage the problems that arise related to the possession of property or assets of their marriage. In the provisions of Article 147 of the Indonesian Civil Code and Article 29 of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage, making the prenuptial agreement can only be done prior to or at the time of the marriage. Developments in society, making prenuptial agreements made by the couple after the marriage took place by filing apply for the establishment of the separation of property or assets to the District Court. This study was conducted with normative juridical approach, which the author in researching refers to the rules that are answer the problems that arise later descriptively. Through this study the author found an answer that the prenuptial agreement making only can be done before or at the time of the marriage and in the case of application for separation of property, the elements contained in Article 186 Indonesian Civil Code should be fulfilled first.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Fransisca Brahmana
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai aspek hukum yang timbul dalam perkawinan campuran beda kewarganegaraan yang berakhir karena pihak yang berkewarganegaraan Indonesia meninggal dunia dalam Penetapan Nomor 218/Pdt.P/2014/PN Dps. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan mengenai perlindungan dan hak anak yang dilahirkan dan kedudukan orang tua yang hidup terlama sebagai wali bagi anaknya. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian hukum normatif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dampak hukum yang timbul dapat dilihat dari berbagai aspek antara lain tentang kewarganegaraan, kedudukan anak, harta yang diperoleh anak dalam perkawinan dan dalam kondisi anak tersebut masih berada di bawah umur. Dalam hal mengurus harta warisan si anak, dimana orang tua yang hidup terlama adalah warga negara asing, maka dilakukan perwalian. Penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa orang tua yang hidup terlama dan berwarganegara asing merupakan wali menurut undang-undang, namun perwalian dapat diberikan kepada pihak lain apabila orang tua yang yang hidup terlama tersebut memberikan persetujuannya secara tertulis.
This thesis discusses the legal aspects that arise in the different nationalities mixed marriage ended because of different nationality parties Indonesian citizen died in Determination No. 218 / Pdt.P / 2014 / PN Dps. This thesis aims to increase knowledge about the protection and the rights and position of children born of parents who lived the longest as regent for her son. This study is a normative legal research. The study concluded that the impact of the laws that arise can be viewed from various aspects such as citizenship, the position of the child, the child acquired the property in marriage and in the condition of the child is still under age. In terms of taking care of the child's inheritance, in which parents who live longest are foreign nationals, then the guardianship. This study suggests that older people who live the longest and foreign citizenship is a statutory guardian, but guardianship may be provided to other parties if the parents are living the longest given its written consent.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yedia Dini
Abstrak :
Perjanjian perkawinan merupakan persetujuan antara calon suami atau istri, untuk mengatur akibat perkawinan terhadap harta kekayaan mereka, yang menyimpang dari persatuan harta kekayaan. Perjanjian Perkawinan bukanlah hal yang popular dalam masyarakat, karena dalam masyarakat terdapat pemikiran bahwa suami-istri yang membuat perjanjian perkawinan dianggap tidak mencintai pasangannya sepenuh hati, karena tidak mau membagi harta yang diperolehnya. Hal ini disebabkan dengan adanya perjanjian perkawinan maka dengan sendirinya dalam perkawinan tersebut tidak terdapat harta bersama dan yang ada hanya harta pribadi masing-masing dari suami atau istri. Mengenai perjanjian perkawinan ini diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, pada Pasal 29. Permasalahan yang dikemukakan pada tesis ini adalah apakah dimungkinkan pengesahan perjanjian perkawinan setelah perkawinan berlangsung serta apakah konsekuensi dari perjanjian perkawinan terhadap pihak ketiga yang tidak didaftarkan pada pencatat perkawinan. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah tipe penelitian normatif, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi agar sebuah perjanjian perkawinan mempunyai kekuatan mengikat terhadap pihak ketiga adalah dengan cara mensahkan perjanjian perkawinan tersebut kepada pegawai pencatatan perkawinan sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 29 ayat (1) Undang-Undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Akibat hukum apabila perjanjian perkawinan tidak didaftarkan untuk suami-istri tidak mempunyai akibat hukum yang signifikan, karena perjanjian tersebut tetap mengikat kepada kedua belah pihak, sedangkan untuk pihak ketiga, apabila perjanjian perkawinan tidak didaftarkan maka akibat hukumnya perjanjian perkawinan tersebut tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang mengikat terhadap pihak ketiga.
Marital agreement is an agreement between a husband or wife, to arrange a marriage due to their property, which deviates from unity wealth. The marriage agreement is not popular in the community, because the community there is the idea that a husband and wife who made a marriage agreement is considered not wholeheartedly love their partner, because they do not want to divide the wealth obtained. This is due to the existence of the marriage covenant itself in the marriage there is no joint property and that there are only personal property of each of the husband or wife. Regarding the marriage agreement is regulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage, Article 29. The problem presented in this thesis is whether the possible ratification of the treaty of marriage after the marriage took place and whether the consequences of the marriage covenant against third parties who are not registered with the registration of marriage, the research in this thesis is the type of normative research, the study of primary legal materials and secondary law. From the results of this study concluded the requirements that must be met in order for a marriage agreement has binding force on the third party is to ratify the marital agreement to the employee registration of marriage as set out in Article 29 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage. The legal consequences if the marriage covenant are not registered to the husband and wife have no legal consequences are significant, because the agreement remains binding to both parties, while for a third party, if the marriage covenant are not registered then the legal consequences of the marriage covenant does not have binding legal force to third parties.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Regika Christy
Abstrak :
REGIKA CHRISTYProgram Studi : KenotariatanJudul : Perjanjian Kawin Pada Perkawinan Antar Negara Antara Warga Negara Indonesia Dan Warga Negara New Zeland Yang Dilakukan Di New Zeland Perjanjian Perkawinan yang dibuat oleh notaris di Indonesia terhadap perkawinan beda warga negara yaitu wanita WNI dengan seorang pria yang berkewarganegaraan New Zealand, yang tunduk pada peraturan perkawinan di New Zealand dikarenakan keduannya akan melangsungkan pernikahan di negara tersebut. Perjanjian perkawinan dibuat sebelum keduanya mengsungkan pernikahan di New Zealand, yang dibuatkan oleh Notaris di Indonesia. Dengan alasan bahwa pihak istri berkewarganegaan Indonesia dan pasangan ini akan berdomisili di New Zealand, sehingga atas hal tersebut membuat calon mempelai wanita yang berkewarganegaan Indonesia memiliki segudang pertanyaan mengenai kedudukan akta perjanjian perkawinan yang mereka buat di Indonesia oleh notaris Indonesia di New Zealand Selain ada persamaan maupun perbedaan tentang isi perjanjian perkawinan di Indonesia dan New Zealand, kedudukan terhadap harta-harta selama perkawinan terkait perjanjian kawin yang dibuat oleh Notaris di Indonesia dapat dikatakan bahwa mengenai status kepemilikan tanah WNI dalam harta bersama, berdasarkan undang-undang adalah dipersamakan haknya dengan hak atas tanah bagi pasangan WNA-nya, yakni hanya sebatas hak pakai, sedangkan hak Milik masih dapat diusahakan oleh WNI pelaku perkawinan campuran tanpa perjanjian perkawinan, tetapi dengan cara-cara ilegal. Kata Kunci :Hukum Perkawinan, Perjanjian Kawin, Warga Negara Indonesia, Warga Negara Selandia Baru.
Name REGIKA CHRISTYProgram of Study NotaryTitle Prenuptial Agreement Between Indonesian Citizen And New Zealand Citizen Which Conducted In New ZealandPrenuptial Agreement made by Indonesian public notary against a marriage of a different citizen, an Indonesian female citizen and New Zealand male citizen, subject to a marriage law in New Zealand due to her marriage will be conducted in that country. The prenup was made before the couple married in New Zealand, which was made by Indonesian public notary. For the reason that the bride of Indonesian citizen will be domiciled in Zealand, therefore causing the bride of an Indonesian citizenship has plenty of questions about the legality of their prenuptial agreement made by Indonesian public notary in New Zealand.In addition to the similarities anddifferences between the contents of the prenuptial agreement in Indonesia and New Zealand, the position of the marital property related to the prenuptial agreement made by Indonesian notary can be said that regarding the status of Indonesian citizen land ownership in marital property, according to the law, is equal to the right of land for their foreign spouse, which is the Right of Use Title Hak Pakai . While Freehold Title Hak Milik may still be cultivated by Indonesian citizen in mixed marriage without prenuptial agreement, but with ilegal means.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vidya Pradipta
Abstrak :
Adanya perbedaan antara peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, di mana anak luar kawin yang diakui sah dapat mewaris bersama golongan ahli waris lain sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 863 Kitab undang-undang Hukum Perdata, dalam hal anak luar kawin yang diakui sah mewaris bersama golongan satu berhak mewaris 1/3 bagian dari mereka yang sedianya harus mendapat seandainya mereka adalah anak sah dengan putusan hakim. Perlunya memperhatikan perbedaan konteks mengenai perkawinan yang sah dan pengakuan anak luar kawin dalam KUHPerdata dan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Permasalahan dalam penulisan ini adalah pergeseran terhadap nilai terhadap anak luar kawin yang diakui sah dalam hal mewaris bersama ahli waris lainnya dan akibat hukumnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif menggunakan data sekunder melalui studi dokumen dan wawancara secara sistematis dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa peraturan perundang-undangan dapat disimpangi dan dapat terjadi pergeseran nilai hak waris atas anak luar kawin yang diakui sah. di mana anak luar kawin yang diakui sah “dianggap sama” dengan anak sah didukung dengan nilai yang hidup dan berkembang dalam masyarakat, perkembangan di Belanda di mana Nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek sudah tidak membedakan anak luar kawin yang diakui sah dan memberikan bagian yang sama dengan anak sah, argumentum per analogiam, teori tujuan hukum yang lebih mengutamakan keadilan dan kemanfaatan dengan memperhatikan prinsip kebebasan dan prinsip persamaan atas kesempatan, teori sistem hukum yang yang tidak hanya mengacu pada substansi hukum, tetapi juga melihat kultur hukum. Akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan dari pergeseran nilai ini adalah memberikan hak dan kewajiban kepada anak luar kawin yang diakui sah sama dengan anak sah, khususnya dalam hal pewarisan ......Indicating a distinction between applicable legislation where illegitimate children that has been acknowledged officially are recognized as heirs attach themselves to other heirs class according to article 863 of the civil code law, outsiders are admitted to inheritance along with first heirs class is entitled to inherit 1/3 of those who should have been granted if they were legitimate children and verdict. It is necessary to pay attention to different contexts regarding legal marriages and recognition of illegitimate children in the Civil Code and Act Number 1 of 1974 on Marriage. The problem in this paper is the shifting value in inheritance rights to illegitimate children that has been acknowledged officially in terms of co-inheriting with other heirs and legal consequences. The research method used is juridical normative by means of secondary data by data study and interview which is systematic and qualitative. The results of the research explain that applicable legislation may be ruled out and there can be shifting value of inheritance rights to illegitimate children that has been acknowledged officially where is recognized ‘equal’ as a legitimate child supported by development of values ​​living in the community, development in Netherlands where Nieuw Burgelijk Wetboek is no longer differentiate illegitimate children that has been acknowledged officially and give equal portion of the estate with their legitimate children, argumentum per analogiam, legal objectives that prioritizes justice by observing the principle of fair equality of opportunity, the theory of the legal system which not only refers to the substance of the law, but also see the legal culture. The legal consequences of this shifting value is illegitimate children that has been acknowledged officially have equal rights and obligations with legitimate children, especially in inheritance
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library