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Rajagukguk, Danke
Abstrak :
Dalam lembaga Kejaksaan Agung Republik Indonesia, bidang Intelijen Kejaksaan memikili peran yang sangat vital dalam pengungkapan kasus yang berhubungan dengan penangan kasus tindak pidana korupsi. Berbagai masalah secara internal dan eksternal masih menjadi tantangan bagi Operasi Intelijen Yustisial dalam upaya penyelidikan yang menyangkut tindak pidana korupsi. Efektifitas operasi intelijen yustisial dalam melakukan pengumpulan bahan keterangan (Pulbaket) dalam kasus dugaan tindak pidana korupsi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Adapun faktor yang mempengaruhi efektifitas operasi intelijen kejaksaan tidak terlepas dari faktor Pengambil Keputusan (user), Kewenangan, Aktivitas/Operasi, dan Agen Intelijen. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus pada Kegiatan Operasi Intelijen Yustisial Dilingkungan badan kesbanglinmas Tahun Anggaran 2008 dan 2009 Kalimantan Barat. Keempat faktor yang menjadi landasan dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan beberapa metode dalam penelitian diantaranya metode kualitatif, wawancara, dan kepustakaan. Untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang utuh tentang akar permasalahan dalam efektifitas operasi intelijen kejaksaan maka pada penelitian ini digunakan metode analisis Tulang Ikan (Fishbone).
In Indonesian, Attorney General, Attorney Intelligence Divisions has a very vital role in the case of disclosure of the case relating for handling corruption cases. Effectiveness of judicial intelligence operations in collecting information materials (Pulbaket) in the case of alleged corruption is influenced by several factors. The factors that influence the effectiveness of intelligence operations prosecutor can not be separated from the Decision Maker (user), the Authority, Activity/Operations Intelligence Agency?s environtment Kesbanglinmas Fiscal Year of 2008 and 2009 in west Kalimantan. These four factors are the bedrock in this study used a qualitative approach, interviews, and literature. To get a full picture of the effectiveness of intelligence operations, the prosecutor in this study using the analysis of Fish Bone method(Fishbone)., In Indonesian, Attorney General, Attorney Intelligence Divisions has a very vital role in the case of disclosure of the case relating for handling corruption cases. Effectiveness of judicial intelligence operations in collecting information materials (Pulbaket) in the case of alleged corruption is influenced by several factors. The factors that influence the effectiveness of intelligence operations prosecutor can not be separated from the Decision Maker (user), the Authority, Activity/Operations Intelligence Agency’s environtment Kesbanglinmas Fiscal Year of 2008 and 2009 in west Kalimantan. These four factors are the bedrock in this study used a qualitative approach, interviews, and literature. To get a full picture of the effectiveness of intelligence operations, the prosecutor in this study using the analysis of Fish Bone method(Fishbone).]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Jukiyanto
Abstrak :
Pada penelitian ini penulis melakukan pengukuran tingkat kesadaran keamanan data privasi pengguna Facebook pada mahasiswa STSN. STSN dipilih karena STSN merupakan perguruan tinggi kedinasan yang berada dibawah koordinasi BSSN. Pengukuran yang dilakukan pada mahasiswa STSN dengan menggunakan Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis MCDA yang dikembangkan oleh Kruger dan Kearney 2006 . MCDA merupakan prototype pengukuran kesadaran keamanan informasi berdasarkan dimensi knowledge, behaviour dan attitude. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran yang dilakukan, secara umum tingkat kesadaran keamanan data privasi pada mahasiswa STSN berada pada level sedang. Kondisi tersebut disebabkan karena nilai-nilai kesadaran keamanan informasi yang telah didapatkan melalui pembinaan akademik maupun pengasuhan belum terinternalisasi secara menyeluruh pada mahasiswa STSN. Pengetahuan Knowledge mahasiswa STSN tentang keamanan data privasi dalam menggunakan Facebook, belum tentu dapat menggambarkan tingkat kesadaran mahasiswa STSN secara keseluruhan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya faktor dimensi Behaviour dan Attitude pada mahasiswa. Kondisi tingkat kesadaran keamanan data privasi pada mahasiswa STSN dapat menjadi sebuah kerentanan bagi organisasi BSSN. Hal ini dikarenakan mahasiswa STSN telah menjadi salah satu bagian dari sistem BSSN. Selain itu, kaitannya dalam pekerjaan nanti lulusan STSN akan berhubungan dengan informasi yang sifatnya sensitif maupun berklasifikasi. Hal ini dapat memicu adanya kegiatan profiling maupun social engineering yang berpengaruh terhadap ketahanan siber Indonesia. Dari hasil studi ini, merekomendasikan upaya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran keamanan data privasi pengguna Facebook pada mahasiswa STSN. Adapun upaya yang dapat dilakukan meliputi, pembinaan kesadaran keamanan informasi pada tenaga pendidikan STSN baik dosen maupun satuan pengasuhan, pemuatan materi kesadaran keamanan data privasi pada pola pembinaan yang diberikan serta internalisasi nilai-nilai kesadaran keamanan data privasi pada mahasiswa STSN.
In the current study, the researchers measure the Facebook users 39 privacy data security awareness among STSN students. STSN was chosen because STSN is the official college under the coordination of BSSN. STSN students are the main human resources in BSSN, so when graduated later STSN students have a role in maintaining the resilience and security of Indonesian cyber. The method used in this research is mixed method with explanatory approach.The measurement was done by using Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis MCDA developed by Kruger and Kearney 2006 . MCDA is a measurement prototype for information security awareness that rests on the dimension of Knowledge, Behavior, and Attitude. Based on the measurement result, STSN students 39 level of privacy data security awareness was classified as medium level. The condition of the level of awareness of the security of privacy data on STSN students is due to the awareness of information security that has been obtained through academic guidance and care has not been completely internalized to STSN students. Knowledge of STSN students about the security of data privacy in using facebook, not necessarily can describe level of awareness of STSN student as a whole. This is due to the dimensions of Behavior and Attitude on the students. This condition may be a vulnerability for STSN graduates that will affect the role of BSSN in maintaining national defense in the cyber sector. This is because STSN students have become one part of BSSN system. In addition, the connection in the later work STSN graduates will be associated with information that is sensitive or classified. This can trigger the existence of profiling and social engginering activities that affect the resilience of Indonesian cyber. When STSN students are graduated, they will close to things whose nature is classified or restricted. This study recommended some attempts to improve Facebook users 39 privacy data security awareness among STSN students. Those attempts included Coaching of information security awareness towards STSN educators, involving the material of privacy data security awareness on the coaching pattern, and internalization of values of privacy data security awareness on STSN students.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanty Riyani
Abstrak :
Pandemi COVID-19 telah memberi dampak pada ekonomi mulai dari terhambatnya aktivitas produksi, pengurangan tenaga kerja, hingga turunnya produk domestik bruto negara. Penelitian ini secara khusus membahas dampak pada ketahanan ekonomi keluarga pekerja harian angkutan roda dua berbasis aplikasi di DKI Jakarta khususnya pemuda. Indikator yang digunakan oleh peneliti untuk menganalisis data didapatkan dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) DKI Jakarta, Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KPPPA). Pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yaitu metode kombinasi. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan melakukan survey menggunakan kuesioner pada 160 pekerja angkutan roda dua berbasis aplikasi di DKI Jakarta. Data yang didapat kemudian diolah untuk mendapatkan indeks ketahanan ekonomi keluarga pada tiga masa yaitu sebelum pandemi atau Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB), selama PSBB, dan masa PSBB transisi secara umum dan berdasarkan wilayah perkotaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan dengan penerapan PSBB indeks ketahanan ekonomi keluarga menurun sebesar 10,61% sehingga indeks berada pada kategori sangat rendah dan mulai meningkat di masa PSBB transisi sebesar 3,27%. Adapun wilayah yang paling terdampak di DKI Jakarta adalah Jakarta Pusat dan Jakarta Timur. Pemuda memiliki potensi untuk memperbaiki ketahanan ekonomi keluarga yang menurun dengan memanfaatkan momen ekspansi dan recovery pada masa krisis ekonomi. ......The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the economy. This research discusses the impact on the economic resilience of the application-based motorcycle transport workers family in DKI Jakarta, especially youth. The indicators used to analyze data were obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, DKI Jakarta Provincial Minimum Wage, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. The approach used to analyze the data is combination method. This research was started by conducting a survey using questionnaire to 160 application-based motorcycle transport workers in DKI Jakarta. The data obtained were then processed to obtain family economic resilience index in three periods, namely before the pandemic or Large-Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR), during the LSSR, and the transitional LSSR period in general and based on urban areas. The results indicate that with the application of the LSSR, the index of family economic resilience decreased by 10.61% in the very low category and began to increase during the transitional LSSR period by 3.27%. The areas most affected are Central Jakarta and East Jakarta. Youth has the potential to improve the economic resilience of the family which has declined by taking advantage of the moments of expansion and recovery during the economic crisis.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Zikri
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berfokus kepada kebijakan Keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi lahirnya kebijakan pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan bagaimana dampak kebijakan ini terhadap perubahan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan proses induktif yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan objek dari hasil penelitian. Teknik wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang sedalam-dalamnya mengenai kebijakan pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial kepada 5 (lima) responden sebagai narasumber yakni Kepala Sub Direktorat alih status keimigrasian, Direktur Penyidikan dan Penindakan Keimigrasian, Kepala Seksi Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Perkawinan Campuran Indonesia, Pelaku Perkawinan campuran. Peneliti mengaplikasikan kebijakan Keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran berdasarkan teori kebijakan sebagai prinsip-prinsip yang mengatur tindakan dan diarahkan pada tujuan tertentu. Sedangkan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial didasarkan kepada teori perubahan sosial akan terus berlangsung sepanjang manusia berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi kebijakan keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial ini adalah Faktor tuntutan persamaan hak warganegara Indonesia yang menikah dengan orang asing dan Faktor diskriminasi terhadap pemberian izin tinggal bagi keluarga perkawinan campuran. Kebijakan izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran akan berdampak terhadap meningkatnya perkawinan campuran, dan Perubahan gaya hidup atau lifestyle dan juga modusmodus dengan kedok pernikahan campuran yang digunakan orang asing dengan maksud dan tujuan tertentu dengan motif bervariasi sesuai dengan tempat / daerah tinggal. Kontradiksi pasal tentang bekerja/usaha didalam undang-undang keimigrasian dengan undang-undang tenaga akan berimbas terhadap ketahanan nasional bangsa sehingga harus segera dilakukan harmonisasi. ...... This research focuses on immigration policy on granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change. This study was conducted to address the factors behind the birth of granting permanent residency policy for mixed marriages and how these policies impact on social change. This study used a qualitative research methodology to approach the inductive process which aims to describe the object of the research. Mechanical depth interviews were conducted to collect data and information about policies deepest granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change to 5 (five) of respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director over immigration status, the Director of Investigation and Immigration Enforcement, Chief Use of Foreign Workers section, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Mixed Marriage, Marriage Performers mix. Researchers apply immigration policy on granting permanent residency to marriage as a policy mix based on the theory of the principles that govern the actions and directed at a specific purpose. While the impact on social change based on the theory of social change will continue to take place throughout humans interact and socialize. From the results of the study found that the factors underlying the immigration policy on granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change is the factor demand equal rights of Indonesian citizens married to foreigners and discrimination factor against granting a residence permit for a mixed marriage families. Permanent residency policy for mixed marriages will have an impact on increasing intermarriage, and changes in lifestyle or lifestyle and also the modes under the guise of a mixed marriage with a foreigner who used a specific purpose with the motif varies according to the place / area to stay. Contradictions article about work / effort in the immigration laws by labor legislation will impact on national security of the nation and should be done immediately harmonization.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satria Adi Wicaksana
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berfokus pada perubahan kebijakan yang dibuat oleh Kepala Kantor Imigrasi dalam hal peran dari pejabat Imigrasi di Tempat Pemeriksaan Imigrasi Soekarno Hatta untuk melakukan pemeriksaan keberangkatan TKI ke luar negeri. Dalam penelitian ini akan menggambarkan analisis dan evaluasi terhadap kebijakan sesuai dengan Nota Dinas Nomor W7.FD.UM.01.01.3033 tahun 2011 yang mengatur kewenangan pejabat imigrasi menolak keberangkatan TKI tanpa kartu KTKLN hingga dilakukan perubahan kebijakan pada tahun 2013 yang tidak melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap TKI. Kemudian faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan pengamatan langsung di lapangan, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Lokasi penelitian Tempat Pemeriksaan Imigrasi di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Dalam penelitian ini, pembahasan akan dibatasi dalam hal pelaksanaan kebijakan pemberian cap keberangkatan oleh Pejabat Imigrasi bagi orang yang keluar wilayah Indonesia dan perubahan kebijakan dalam rentang waktu 2011 sampai dengan 2013 mengenai wewenang Pejabat Imigrasi memeriksa keberangkatan TKI ke luar negeri. Dari temuan hasil penelitian, bahwa dilakukan perubahan kebijakan dikarenakan dalam implementasinya bertentangan dengan Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi Imigrasi seperti yang tercantum dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 6 tahun 2011. Bahwa pemeriksaan KTKLN perlu dilakukan sebagai upaya pencegahan pengiriman TKI illegal, namun yang memiliki kewenangan penuh untuk hal tersebut adalah Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transportasi beserta jajarannya termasuk BNP2TKI. Imigrasi tidak memiliki kewenangan tersebut karena kartu KTKLN bukan merupakan jenis Dokumen Perjalanan, dan hanya sebagai dokumen persyaratan TKI formal. Meskipun dengan perubahan tersebut membuka celah terjadinya praktek Perdagangan Orang yang mempengaruhi Ketahanan Nasional negara Indonesia. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan kebijakan diambil dari Model Grindle yang mencakup isi dari kebijakan serta ruang lingkup pelaksana kebijakan. ...... This research focuses on change in policy made by the Head of Immigration Office in terms of the role of immigration officers in Immigration Checkpoint at Soekarno Hatta Airport to examine departure TKI abroad. In this study will illustrate the analysis and evaluation of policies in accordance to the Office Memorandum No. W7.FD.UM.01.01.3033 years 2011 which regulates the authority of immigration officer refusing embarkation of migrant workers had not KTKLN card untill policy changed in 2013 that eliminate immigration officer role unconducted an examination of TKI. Then the factors that influence policy change. This study used a qualitative research by descriptive design. The method used by direct observation, interviews and literature study. Location studies at Immigration Checkpoint in Soekarno-Hatta Airport. In this study, the discussion will be limited in terms of the implementation of the labeling exit mark chop issued by immigration officers to leave Indonesian for the individual concerned and policy changes within the period 2011 to 2013 about the authority of immigration officers examining the departure of TKI abroad. From the research findings, policy changes must be exist because of it could not be implemented due to the contrary between the policy itself and Main Duties and Functions of Immigration as stated in Immigration Act No. 6 of 2011. KTKLN That examination is necessary for prevention delivery of illegal workers, but the one who has the authority for those things are the Ministry of Labour and Transport and his officials including BNP2TKI. Immigration does not have the authorities because KTKLN card excluded the type of Travel Documents, it is just as formal workers required documents. Despite the changes of policy in the practice will opening the gap of Trafficking in Persons affecting Indonesia's National Resilience. Factors of policy changes taken from Grindle?s policy model which includes the contents of policy and context of implementation.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nita Dewiasti Ristanti
Abstrak :
Banyak sekali informasi terkait semakin maraknya warga asing di wilayah puncak Cisarua Bogor, yang dijadikan tempat singgah bagi para wisatawan, migran pengungsi maupun pencari suaka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan migran asing dan dampak yang ditimbulkan terhadap komposisi demografi dan perubahan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan data Cisarua dalam angka (BPS) tahun 2008 sampai dengan 2012, data imigrasi Kabupaten Bogor dan data hasil wawancara. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode Kualitatif dan analisis konten. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Perkembangan migran asing di Cisarua khusunya migran asing sirkuler mengalami kenaikan berdasarkan data pengguna VOA di Soekarno Hatta dan perpanjangan VOA di Kantor Imigrasi Bogor selama 4 (empat) tahun terakhir. Dampak adanya migran asing terhadap komposisis demografi diantaranya meningkatkan jumlah penduduk baik di desa Tugu Selatan akibat adanya pekerja pendatang dan desa Batu Layang akibat banyak migran yang menetap lama, menghasilkan banyak mata pencaharian baru (pekerjaan) sehingga menjalankan roda perekonomian masyarakat setempat, dan adanya penyimpangan terhadap status perkawinan atau yang dikenal fenomena praktek kawin kontrak. Dampak adanya migran asing terhadap perubahan sosial diantaranya dilihat dari sudut pandang lingkungan dan budaya menunjukkan adanya akulturasi terlihat nuansa arab di Cisarua, dilihat dari sudut pandang pendidikan menunjukkan adanya penguasaan bahasa oleh warga sekitar terutama bahasa arab dan inggris, dan dilihat dari sudut pandang kesehatan menunjukkan adanya kekhawatiran warga terhadap penyakit menular yang dibawa oleh migran. ...... There are so many information related to the fact that more and more foreigners come to the site of Puncak Cisarua Bogor, and make it as a place for tourists, refugees, and asylum seekers to live. The objection of the research is to recognise the development of migrant and its effect that appears to the Demography Composition and Social Change.The research done using the data of Cisarua in the number of BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik) in 2008 to 2012, the data of Immigration in Bogor Regency, and the data as the result of interview. Analysis done using the Qualitative Method and Content analysis. The result of analysis based on both the data of the VOA user at Sukarno Hatta Air Port and the extension of VOA in Immigration Office in Bogor shows that the development of Migrant in Cisarua, especially Circulation Migrant, has increased for the last 4 years. The effect of Migrant to the Demography Composition among others are it increase the population number because there are so many newcomer of worker in Tugu selatan village and so many migrant to stay for a long time in Batu Layang village. Those create some new-living or job that run the economy of the local inhabitant, and create marital status deviation of inhabitant such as marriage contract phenomenon. The effect of Migrant to the Change of Social of culture and environment view show the acculturation among them.There is Arabian nuance in Cisarua. Viewed from the standpoint of education view there is the competent of inhabitant in using Arabic and English language as communication. Viewed from the standpoint of health there is the concerns of the inhabitant about the communicable-deseases brought by the immigrants.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmi Dwi Yuliafitri
Abstrak :
Salah satu indikator keberhasilan dari program reformasi birokrasi adalah peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik dari sebuah instansi pemerintahan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan maksud untuk menganalisis program ‘Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik’ pada reformasi birokrasi di Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga, aspek-aspek yang harus diperbaiki dan faktor yang harus ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu dengan melakukan analisis terhadap dokumen-dokumen dan literatur yang tersedia dan juga dengan wawancara yang diolah menggunakan metode triangulasi dan member-checking. Hasilnya implementasi program mikro pelayanan publik dalam rangka reformasi birokrasi pada aspek standar pelayanan walaupun Kemenpora sudah memiliki SOP, pedoman, serta standar pelayanan lainnya, hal ini masih terdapat pada unit yang menerbitkan standar tersebut, yang dalam penelitian ini adalah OKP. Pada aspek pelibatan stakeholder, terlihat bahwa Kemenpora memang sudah melibatkan pemangku kepentingan dalam menyusun berbagai kebijakan yang ada. Akan tetapi, sifat nya masih terbatas pada kalangan OKP tertentu saja. ......One indicator of the success of bureaucratic reform program is improving the quality of public services from a government agency. This study was conducted to analyze the program 'Improving the Quality of Public Services' on bureaucratic reform in the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the aspects that should be corrected and the factors that should be improved. This study used a qualitative approach to conduct an analysis of documents - documents and literature are available and also the interviews are processed using the method of triangulation and memberchecking. The results of implementation of public services micro program in the context of the bureaucratic reform at the service standard aspects even though the Ministry of Youth and Sports already has a Standard Operating Procedures, guidelines, and other service standards, it is still contained in the unit that publishes those standards which in this study is the youth organization. In the stakeholder engagement aspect, it appears that the Ministry of Youth and Sports stakeholders are already involved in formulating policies that exist. However, its nature is still limited to the particular youth organizations.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aang Kunaifi
Abstrak :
Demokratisasi di Indonesia dimulai dengan terjadinya peristiwa reformasi 1998. Generasi native democracy adalah generasi yang mengawali usia remajanya setelah meletusnya reformasi 1998. Kondisi tersebut berdampak pada terjadinya perbedaan sikap dan perilaku generasi native democracy ketika terlibat dalam gerakan mahasiswa, sehingga perlu dilakukan penyesuaian dalam pendekatan kepemimpinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pimpinan BEM UI menjalankan kepemimpinan transformasional versi Bass dalam mengorganisasikan pengikutnya yang merupakan bagian dari native democracy. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif, data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi literature. BEM UI menjalankan kepemimpinan transformasional dengan menitikberatkan pada dimensi individual consideration. Salah satu faktor utama yang membuat kepemimpinan transformasional dapat diaplikasikan karena didukung oleh keberadaan IKM UI. IKM UI dianggap mempunyai sistem keorganisasian yang mendukung bagi dilaksanakannya kepemimpinan transformasional. Selain itu, budaya organisasi juga dianggap mempunyai pengaruh bagi terlaksananya kepemimpinan tersebut. ......Democratization in Indonesia began in 1998 when the event occurs reform. Native democracy is a generation who began adulthood after the 1998 reform. These conditions have an impact on the differences in attitudes and behavior of generations of native democracy when it is involved in the student movement, so it is necessary to adjust the approach to leadership. This study aims to determine how the leadership of BEM UI practice of transformational leadership use Bass version in the followers which is part of the native democracy. Approach to research conducted with qualitative methods, the data was gathered with indepth interview and library research. BEM UI practice transformational leadership focus on individual dimension of consideration. One of the main factors that make transformational leadership can be applied because it is supported by the existence of IKM UI. IKM UI deemed to have organizational systems that support the implementation of transformational leadership. In addition, organizational culture is also deemed to have an effect on the implementation of the leadership.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuruddin Lazuardi
Abstrak :
Rangkaian konflik komunal yang terjadi pada tahun 1998 hingga 2001kemudian berlanjut menjadi aksi teror menimbulkan pertanyaan besar sejumlahkalangan Salah satunya adalah mempertanyakan apakah intelijen kepolisiangagal berperan sebagai alat negara dalam mendeteksi mengantisipasi danmemberikan infomasi penting terkait kerusuhan yang terjadi di wilayah Poso Akhirnya dalam kurun waktu lebih dari dua tahun 2005 2007 sebagian besarpelaku teror yang beroperasi di pulau Sulawesi pada umumnya dan di kota Posopada khususnya berhasil dibongkar dan diungkap intelijen Polri Pengungkapanini memunculkan pertanyaan bagaimana intelijen kepolisian berhasilmengungkap jaringan tersebut Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif Metode in depthinterview digunakan untuk pengumpulan data penelitian Informan sebagai narasumber penelitian ini merupakan anggota kepolisian yang pernah bertugas dalamoperasi kepolisian di Poso selama konflik dan teror Poso tahun 1998 2007 Informan lainya adalah pelaku teror serta tokoh masyarakat Poso Untukmenjawab pertanyaaan penelitian digunakan teknik analisa timeline fishbone danwildcard analysis Untuk menganalisa kegagalan inteljen tersebut penulis mengunakananalisa kegagalan intelijen dengan pendekatan teori Thomas Copeland Sedangkanuntuk analisa keberhasilan intelijen digunakan antithesis dari teori kegagalanThomas Copeland Dalam penelitian ini penulis akhirnya menemukan sejumlahvariabel kegagalan maupun keberhasilan intelijen Polri sesuai dengan penjelasanThomas Copeland pada sisi Kebijakan dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi AnalisisIntelijen dan Persepsi Informasi Ancaman
The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information , The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aristo Purboadji
Abstrak :
Krisis rupiah di tahun 1997-1999 adalah gejolak besar bagi ekonomi Indonesia dimana pertumbuhan ekonomi anjlok, sistem perbankan lumpuh, diikuti dengan konsekuensi sosial dan politik yang pahit. Diyakini jika otoritas moneter daan pembuat kebijakan lainnya dapat mengantisipasi krisis tersebut, segala konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan tersebut dapat dikurangi dan mungkin dihindari. Sistem pendeteksian dini untuk krisis rupiah diharapkan dapat memberi waktu para pembuat kebijakan untuk mengantisipasi datangnya krisis. Namun salah satu faktor sukses yang kritikal dalam pembentukan sistem tersebut adalah seleksi indikator. Penelitian ini menerapkan Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W)untuk sistem pendeteksian dini krisis rupiah dengan produk akhir berupa set indikator yang dianggap efektif memprediksi krisis rupiah. Dengan I&W diseleksi lima indikator, yang selanjutnya diuji keefektifannya dengan metode regresi logit, yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat tiga indikator yang dapat memprediksi krisis rupiah secara signifikan yang adalah: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank?s Foreign Asset Growth, dan 3) Inflasi.
Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided. Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection. This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank?s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation.;Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided. Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection. This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank’s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation., Currency crisis in Indonesia that took place in 1997-1999 was a major shock to the economy which plunge the growth, collapse the banking system with its bitter social and political consequences. It is acknowledged that if the monetary authority could anticipate such shock, the result would not be as devastating, it could be far lessen, and hopefully avoided. Early warning system for currency crisis is crucial for policy makers to anticipate the coming crisis with enough preparation. One of the most important factor in framing that system is indicators selection. This research apply Indication & Warning Intelligence (I&W) to early warning system of rupiah crisis with indicator set as its end product. With I&W five indicators are selected, which underwent further significance test with logistic regression method. This method results in three indicators being the most effective in predicting rupiah crisis, namely: 1) Real Effective Exchange Rate, 2) Deposit Money Bank’s Foreign Asset Growth, and 3) Inflation.]
Jakarta: Program PascaSarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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