Kerapihan jalan merupakan kerapihan dari kendaraan yang melewati suatu ruas jalan yang ditinjau, dimana kendaraan yang melewati suatu ruas jalan apabila tetap berada satu ruas lajur yang ada dan tidak melakukan pindah lajur dapat meningkatkan kinerja jalan yang ditinjau. Kendaraan yang dibatasi perpindahan lajurnya adalah kendaraan berat, dan diharapkan dari kerapihan dari kendaraan berat dapat meningkatkan kinerja jalan yang ditinjau.
Pengolahan data menggunakan simulasi mikroskopis untuk mendapatkan simulasi jalan yang diinginkan, dari simulasi ini dilakukan kalibrasi dan validasi terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan kondisi simulasi eksisting yang mirip dengan kondisi observasi ruas jalan yang ditinjau. Dari hasil kondisi eksisting yang sudah divalidasi, dilakukan simulasi model jalan desain untuk melihat apakah ada perubahan yang berpengaruh dari desain yang dilakukan oleh penulis, dari hasil tersebut akan didapatkan data-data yang dapat dibandingkan apakah dengan melakukan perubahan desain dapat meningkatkan kinerja lalu lintas dari ruas jalan yang ditinjau.
......Traffic performance on the Narogong highway has problems with the desired speed from the highway, so that road users make a decrease in speed due to the large number of heavy vehicles that pass through the Narogong highway, therefore the authors conduct a study of the impact of road tidiness on the highway Narogong to get the road speed desired by the government, this study was conducted to see whether the road design carried out by the author can provide an increase in the performance of the road being reviewed, which will be seen from the volume and speed, whether with the same volume an increase in speed can be obtained if done the neatness of the road processed by the author.Road tidiness is the tidiness of vehicles that pass a road section under review, where vehicles that pass a road section if there is still one existing lane and do not change lanes can improve the performance of the road being reviewed. Vehicles that are restricted in lane displacement are heavy vehicles, and it is hoped that the tidiness of heavy vehicles can improve the performance of the road under review. Data processing uses microscopic simulations to obtain the desired road simulation, from this simulation calibration and validation are carried out first to obtain the existing simulation conditions which are similar to the observed conditions of the road section being reviewed. From the results of the existing conditions that have been validated, a simulation of the design road model is carried out to see if there are any changes that affect the design made by the author, from these results will be obtained data that can be compared whether making changes to the design can improve traffic performance from the section the path under review."