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Ditemukan 39 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Shefilyn Widjaja
Abstrak :
Penuaan adalah salah satu faktor resiko signifikan untuk sejumlah penyakit tidak menular degeneratif dan sering bermanifestasi sebagai penyakit kardiovaskular, kognitif dan metabolik. Studi terbaru telah mengidentifikasi peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ co-activator α (PGC-1α) sebagai pengatur utama fungsi mitokondria, yang sering dihubungkan dengan teori penuaan. Karena keterlibatannya dalam metabolisme energy, kegagalan energy akibat puasa mungkin dapat merangsang ekspresi PGC-1α, khususnya pada organ yang aktif secara metabolic seperti hati dan jantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki manfaat anti-penuaan dari puasa dengan cara menganalisis ekspresi PGC-1α dalam sel hati kelinci yang dipuasakan. Tiga kelompok kelinci yang telah (1) diberi makan secara ad libitum; (2) dipuasakan selama 16 jam (puasa intermiten); (3) dipuasakan selama 40 jam (puasa berkepanjangan). RNA diekstraksi dari jaringan hati kelinci dari masing-masing kelompok. qRT-PCR dilakukan untuk mencari ekspresi relative gen PGC-1α sebagai biomarker anti-penuaan. Terdapat peningkatan signifikan ekspresi relative PGC-1α pada hati kelinci yang dipuasakan dibanding kelinci yang diberi makan ad libitum. Penelitian lebih lanjut yang melibatkan pemantauan kelinci diperlukan untuk mengamati sifat anti-penuaan pada kelinci yang telah dipuasakan dibandingkan kontrol untuk menyimpulkan sebesar apa efek puasa terhadap penundaan penuaan. ......Ageing is a significant risk factor for various of non-communicable diseases, often manifesting as cardiovascular, cognitive and metabolic degenerative diseases. Recent studies have identified peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ co-activator α (PGC-1α) as a major regulator of mitochondrial function, a common feature in the many theories of ageing. Due to its involvement in energy metabolism, it is theorised that energetic failures due to fasting may be able to stimulate the expression of PGC-1α. This research aims to investigate anti-ageing benefits of fasting by analysing the expression of PGC-1α in liver cells of fasted rabbits compared to rabbits fed ad libitum. Three groups of rabbits were (1) fed ad libitum; (2) subjected to intermittent (16-hour) fast; and (3) subjected to prolonged (40-hour) fast. RNA was extracted from the liver tissues of the rabbits. The relative expression of PGC-1α mRNA as a biomarker of anti-ageing was analysed by qRT-PCR. There was a significant increase in relative expression of PGC-1α in fasted rabbits than those fed ad libitum. Further research involving the monitoring of the rabbits is needed to observe for anti-ageing traits in fasted rabbits as opposed to the control to conclude the extent of the effect of fasting on delaying ageing.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marcello Mikhael Kadharusman
Abstrak :

Pendahuluan: Sebuah karakteristik penuaan adalah penurunan kepuncaan, sebuah kondisi yang disebabkan oleh proliferasi dan diferensiasi sel punca yang berlebihan. Alhasil, risiko penyakit tidak menular seperti kanker, diabetes, dan penyakit neurodegenerative, meningkat dengan usia. Salah satu terapi regeneratif untuk penyakit tersebut adalah pembatasan diet, khususnya puasa, karena penelitian telah menunjukkan manfaatnya terhadap kepuncaan lokal. Namun, hubungan pembatasan diet dengan pluripotensi masih belum jelas. Studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (Oct4), faktor transkripsi pluripotensi, bersama dengan hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (Hnf4a) memiliki peran dalam regenerasi sel punca dan diferensiasi menjadi sel hati. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kapasitas regeneratif puasa dengan cara membandingkan ekspresi Oct4 dalam sel hati kelinci puasa dengan kelinci diet ad libitum.

Metode: Kelinci dirawat dengan 3 diet yang berbeda. Kelompok pertama menjalani diet ad libitum, kedua menjalani puasa intermiten (16 jam), dan ketiga menjalani puasa berkepanjangan (40 jam). Kemudian, RNA diekstraksi dari jaringan hati dari masing-masing kelinci, dan dianalisis melalui qRT-PCR. Metode Livak digunakan untuk mengukur ekspresi relatif gen Oct4.

Hasil: Dibandingkan dengan kelinci dengan diet ad libitum, terdapat peningkatan secara tidak signifikan di ekspresi relatif gen Oct4 di hati kelinci yang melalui puasa intermiten dan penurunan secara signifikan di kelinci yang melalui puasa berkepanjangan.

Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan penurunan yang signifikan, puasa berkepanjangan mungkin menyebabkan kerusakan jaringan hati dan menurunkan kepuncaan. Penelitian lebih lanjut harus menjelaskan pengaruh ekspresi protein Oct4 terhadap regenerasi sel hati.

Introduction: A characteristic of aging is stem cell exhaustion, a condition caused by excessive proliferation and differentiation of stem cells. Consequently, the risk of non-communicable diseases, e.g. cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases, increases with age. A regenerative therapy for these pathologies is dietary restriction (DR), specifically fasting, as studies have demonstrated benefits on local stemness. However, the relationship of DR towards pluripotency remains unclear. Recent studies show that octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (Oct4), a vital pluripotent transcription factor, with hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (Hnf4a) has a role in the self-renewal of stem cell and differentiation to hepatocytes. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the regenerative ability of fasting by comparing the expression of Oct4 in liver cells of fasted rabbits with rabbits fed ad libitum.

Methods: The rabbits were conditioned into 3 different groups. The first was subjected to ad libitum diet, second to intermittent fasting (16- hours fasting), and third to prolonged fasting (40-hours fasting). Afterward, the RNA was extracted from the liver tissues of each rabbit and analyzed via real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The relative expression was calculated using the Livak method.

Results: In comparison to the ad libitum diet, there was a statistically insignificant increase in the relative expression of Oct4 in the liver of intermittent fasted rabbits, and a statistically significant decrease in prolonged fasted rabbits.

Conclusion: Prolonged fasting possibly leads to starvation-induced liver injury and decreased stemness, as seen from the decreased expression of Oct4. Future studies should highlight the effect of different expression of Oct4 proteins towards liver cell regeneration.

Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitompul, Faya Nuralda
Abstrak :
Studi tentang sel punca pluripoten di preputium adalah salah satu topik yangbelum banyak dilakukan namun sedang berkembang. Beberapa penanda sepertipenanda pluripotensi oct-4 dan penanda proliferasi ki-67 telah dilaporkankeberadaannya di preputium. Untuk menumbuhkan sel punca tersebut, teknikisolasi dan kultur yang baik perlu dilakukan. Pengertian lebih dalam mengenai selpunca di preputium dapa tmembuka kemungkinan baru dalam terapi rekonstruksikulit seperti cangkok kulit. Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk melakukan penetapanmetode awal isolasi dan kultur sel dermis dan hipodermis preputium danmengidentifikasi sel positif oct-4 dan ki-67.Dermis dan hipodermis diisolasi dan dikultur di 12-well plate dan dipindahkan ke24-well plate. Kultur diobservasi untuk identifikasi sel-sel fibroblastik. Panen seldilakukan dengan tripsinasi dan sentrifugasi. Pellet difiksasi dengan methanol dandi-mount ke preparat histologi. Preparat diproses immunositokimia denganantibodi oct-4 dan ki-67 dan diobservasi dibawah mikroskop cahaya.Pada kesimpulannya, dibutuhkan lebih banyak sel untuk analisis sel positif oct-4dan ki-67. Oleh karena itu, optimasi metode isolasi dan kultur dermis danhipodermis preputium masih diperlukan.
The study on pluripotent stem cell in prepuce is one of the topic on stem cell that is not yet common but rapidly developing. Several markers such as Oct 4 for pluripotency and ki 67 for proliferation have been reported in prepuce. To generate these stem cells, careful isolation and cell culture are performed. Better understanding of stem cells in prepuce can open more possibilities in skin regeneration and skin reconstruction treatment such as skin graft. This research aims to perform initial establishment method for isolation and culture of prepuce skin rsquo s dermis and hypodermis and to identify oct 4 and ki 67 positive cells from the culture derived cells.The dermis and hypodermis of prepuce were isolated and cultured in 12 well plate for 7 days and transferred into 24 well plate. The culture was observed for fibroblastic like cells. The cells were harvested using trypsinization and centrifugation. The pellets were fixated on methanol to be mounted on histological slides. Immunocytochemistry using oct 4 and ki 67 antibody were performed on the samples. The samples were observed under light microscope.Fibroblastic like cells were found in one of the culture on the 7th day. Dermis culture has more pellet of harvested cells compared to hypodermis culture. Histological slides examination revealed few number of cells and debris can be found. Oct 4 positive cells were found in dermis sample and there were no ki 67 positive cells.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Supraja Dwiyono
Abstrak :
Doksorubisin merupakan salah satu antikanker golongan antrasiklin yang efektif, untuk keganasan di darah. Akan tetapi, seperti antikanker konvensional pada umumnya, penggunaan doksorubisin dapat menyebabkan berbagai efek samping pada organ lain, misalnya pada testis sehingga penggunaannya di klinis menjadi terbatas. Hal ini disebabkan karena mekanisme antikanker doksorubisin dapat juga menimbulkan toksisitas pada testis. Peningkatan stress oksidatif adalah salah satu mekanisme dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada organ tersebut. Mangiferin sebagai zat antioksidan alami, terkandung dalam Mangifera Indica L. diperkirakan dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi toksisitas testis. Namun sampai saat ini, belum ada penelitian yang mengeksplor efek proteksi mangiferin terhadap kerusakan oksidatif testis yang diinduksi doksorubisin. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus jantan Sprague Dawley, yang dibagi menjadi empat kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari enam ekor tikus. Tikus pada kelompok kontrol negatif diberikan doksorubisin secara intraperitoneal (dosis total 15 mg/kgBB) dan kelompok normal diberikan NaCl 0,9%. Mangiferin (dosis 30 dan 60 mg/kg BB) diberikan oral selama tujuh minggu. Setelah, tujuh minggu tikus dimatikan dan testis dikumpulkan untuk analisis parameter stress oksidatif biokimia kadar MDA (malonedyaldehide), aktivitas SOD (Superoxide Dysmutase), perubahan histologi dan apoptosis kaspase-9 dan kaspase-12. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian doksorubisin selama dua minggu dapat meningkatkan kadar MDA, menyebabkan kerusakan sel spermatogenik, sel Sertoli dan penciutan diameter tubulus seminiferus testis, peningkatan ekspresi kaspase-9 di sisi luminal yang diberikan doksorubisin. Pemberian mangiferin dosis 30 dan 60 mg/kg BB selama tujuh minggu dapat mengurangi kerusakan sel spermatogenik dan sel Sertoli tubulus seminiferus testis, penurunan kadar MDA dan penurunan ekspresi kaspase-9 pada kelompok perlakuan diberikan doksorubisin dan mangiferin. Perbaikan parameterparameter ini mengindikasikan bahwa mangiferin mempunyai efek proteksi terhadap kerusakan sel spematogenik dan sel sertoli tubulus seminiferus testis tikus yang diberikan doksorubisin.
Doxorubicin, one of the anthracycline anticancer class, is effective especially in blood malignancy. However, as in the general use of the conventional anticancer-drugs. Doxorubicin can cause various side effects in other organs, such as the testes so that its use in clinical become limited. This is because of the anticancer mechanism can cause cytotoxicity on testes. The increased oxidative stress is the main mechanism that can be the causal. Mangiferin as a natural antioxidant substance, contained in Mangifera Indica L., is expected to reduce the toxicity. The Antioxidants are expected to reduce the toxicity of the testes. But until now, no studies have explored the effects of mangiferin protection against oxidative damage induced testicular doxorubicin. This study used male Sprague Dawley rats, which were divided into four groups. Each group consisted of six mice. Rats in the negative control group was given intraperitoneal doxorubicin (total dose 15 mg/kg) and the normal group was given normal saline 0.9%. Mangiferin (doses of 30 and 60 mg/kg) was administered orally for seven weeks to the treatment gtoups (both DOX and MAG were given). After seven weeks-off, testes of mice were collected for analysis of biochemical parameters i.e. oxidative stress levels of MDA and SOD activity, histology and apoptosis of the caspase-9 and of the caspase-12. The results showed that administration of doxorubicin for two-weeks can cause damage to Sertoli, spermatogenic cells and shrinking of diameter of testicular seminiferous tubules, increasing the levels of MDA, increasing in the expression of caspase-9 on the luminal side in the treatment group was given doxorubicin. This possibility of the doxorubicin dose given is too toxic to the testes in this study. Mangiferin dose administration of 30 and 60 mg / kg for seven-weeks can reduce the damage of Sertoli and spermatogenic cells of the testicular seminiferous tubules, decrease levels of MDA, reduce Sertoli, spermatogenic cell and diameter of the testicular seminiferous tubulus damage, decrease caspase-9 expression only on luminal side of the seminiferus tubulus in the groups given both of doxorubicin and mangiferin. these parameters indicate that mangiferin, which has antioxidant?s activity, provides protective effects against oxidative damage in spematogenic and Sertoli cell testicular seminiferous tubules of mice given doxorubicin, Doxorubicin, one of the anthracycline anticancer class, is effective especially in blood malignancy. However, as in the general use of the conventional anticancer-drugs. Doxorubicin can cause various side effects in other organs, such as the testes so that its use in clinical become limited. This is because of the anticancer mechanism can cause cytotoxicity on testes. The increased oxidative stress is the main mechanism that can be the causal. Mangiferin as a natural antioxidant substance, contained in Mangifera Indica L., is expected to reduce the toxicity. The Antioxidants are expected to reduce the toxicity of the testes. But until now, no studies have explored the effects of mangiferin protection against oxidative damage induced testicular doxorubicin. This study used male Sprague Dawley rats, which were divided into four groups. Each group consisted of six mice. Rats in the negative control group was given intraperitoneal doxorubicin (total dose 15 mg/kg) and the normal group was given normal saline 0.9%. Mangiferin (doses of 30 and 60 mg/kg) was administered orally for seven weeks to the treatment gtoups (both DOX and MAG were given). After seven weeks-off, testes of mice were collected for analysis of biochemical parameters i.e. oxidative stress levels of MDA and SOD activity, histology and apoptosis of the caspase-9 and of the caspase-12. The results showed that administration of doxorubicin for two-weeks can cause damage to Sertoli, spermatogenic cells and shrinking of diameter of testicular seminiferous tubules, increasing the levels of MDA, increasing in the expression of caspase-9 on the luminal side in the treatment group was given doxorubicin. This possibility of the doxorubicin dose given is too toxic to the testes in this study. Mangiferin dose administration of 30 and 60 mg / kg for seven-weeks can reduce the damage of Sertoli and spermatogenic cells of the testicular seminiferous tubules, decrease levels of MDA, reduce Sertoli, spermatogenic cell and diameter of the testicular seminiferous tubulus damage, decrease caspase-9 expression only on luminal side of the seminiferus tubulus in the groups given both of doxorubicin and mangiferin. these parameters indicate that mangiferin, which has antioxidant’s activity, provides protective effects against oxidative damage in spematogenic and Sertoli cell testicular seminiferous tubules of mice given doxorubicin]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Twidy Tarcisia
Abstrak :
Penyembuhan luka adalah peristiwa kompleks yang meliputi kemotaksis, angiogenesis, pembelahan sel, sintesis matriks ekstraseluler, pembentukan dan remodeling jaringan parut. Angiogenesis, densitas kolagen, kontraksi luka, epitelisasi dan luas area luka adalah beberapa parameter yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai baiknya penyembuhan luka. Pemberian ADSC-CM pada penelitian terdahulu terbukti meningkatkan proses penyembuhan luka melalui mekanisme parakrin ADSC. Penelitian ini menilai efek pemberian ADSC-CM monolayer dalam inkubasi normoxia selama tiga hari terhadap angiogenesis, kontraksi luka, epitelisasi dan kualitas penyembuhan luka kulit tikus Sprague Dawley. Adanya konsentrasi growth factor seperti VEGF dan EGF dinilai melalui pemeriksaan ELISA. Efek angiogenesis, densitas kolagen, kontraksi luka, epitelisasi dan luas area luka dinilai dengan pemeriksaan histologi menggunakan pewarnaan Hematoksilin-Eosin dan Masson’s Trichome. Dua puluh sembilan tikus dibalurkan ADSC-CM pada bagian punggung (full thickness wound) dan dinilai gambaran histologinya pada hari ke-3, 7, 14, 21 dan 28.  Konsentrasi VEGF dan EGF ditemukan dalam ADSC-CM dengan 5052,698 ± 0,31 pg/mL dan 0,233 ± 0,08 pg/mL. Gambaran histologi pada parameter angiogenesis, densitas koalgen, kontraksi luka, epitelisasi dan luas area luka menunjukkan perbedaan tidak bermakna antara kelompok luka yang dibalurkan ADSC-CM dan kelompok kontrol namun secara klinis dan epidemiologis pembaluran ADSC-CM meningkatkan proses penyembuhan luka. ......Wound healing is a complex event that consist chemotaxis, angiogenesis, proliferation, synthesis of matrix extracellular, formation and remodeling scar tissue. Angiogenesis, colagen density,  wound contraction, epithelialization and wound area is a several parameter to analyze wound healing. Previous studies have shown that ADSC-CM are able to accelerate wound healing due to paracrine effect. This study investigate the effect of monolayer ADSC-CM on angiogenesis, colagen density, wound contraction, epithelialization and wound area in a rat full thickness wound. Consentration of growth factor such as EGF and VEGF were assessed with ELISA examination. Angiogenesis, colagen density, wound contraction, epithelialization and wound area were analyzed histologically with Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson’s Trichome staining. Twenty nine rats were administered topically with ADSC-CM. Histological examination was measured on day 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28.  Amount of VEGF and EGF is 5052,698 pg/mL dan 0,233 pg/mL. Histology examination angiogenesis, colagen density, wound contraction, epithelialization and wound area show there is no significant difference between ADSC-CM group and control group but meaningful difference to accelerate wound healing.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Singh, Jaspal
Abstrak :
Sampah medis berupa prepusium sangatlah mudah di peroleh di Indonesia. Sel-sel yang di dapat dari enam sampel di duga memiliki kapasitas pluripotensi dan dapat berdiferensiasi ke lini lain untuk pengobatan secara medis. Pada experiment ini, sel keratinosit di peroleh dari epidermis prepusium, sel tersebut di ambil mengunakan larutan enzymatik dispase dan tripsin masing-masing di inkubasi semalaman dengan sampel. Kemudian sel-sel tersebut di kultur dengan DMEM tinggi glukosa untuk meningkatkan jumlah sel. Setelah di kultur, sel-sel tersebut di ambil untuk pengecekan immunositokimia (ISK) Oct-4, hal ini di karenakan Oct-4 adalah penanda kapasitas pluripotensi. Sample lainnya tetap di kultur untuk eksperimen konfluensi/differensiasi spontan selama 14 hari. Riset ini telah sukses menggunakan medium kultur alternatif dan berbiaya efektif untuk menkultur keratinosit. Bahan medium tersebut yakni; DMEM tinggi glukosa, PRP 10%, heparin 1%, FBS 10%, penstrep 1%, dan fungizone 1%. Hasil dari pada ISK tersebut adalah positif parsial dengan nukleus keratinosit yang terwarnai coklat tua pada lima lapang pandang berkekuatan tinggi dari setiap sampel. Namun, analisis diferensiais spontan menggunakan alcian blue menunjukkan hasil negative dengan tidak adanya perubahan dari lini keratinosit ke kondrosit
The medical waste of preputial skin is easily obtained in Indonesia. The cells isolated from six samples are expected to have pluripotency and able to differentiate to other lineage for medical treatment. This research uses the epidermal layer of preputial skin to obtain keratinocytes, this cells are taken using dispase and trypsin solution overnight respectively. Then, the keratinocytes are subsequently cultured using DMEM complete high glucose to increase the number of cells. The cultured cells are then taken for immunocytochemistry (ICC) of Oct-4, since it is the marker of pluripotency. The other half of cultured samples are continued for over confluency analysis for fourteen days to observe spontaneous differentiation. This research has successfully used an alternative and cost effective culture medium for keratinocytes. It consist of DMEM high glucose, PRP 10%, heparin 1%, FBS 10%, penstrep 1%, and fungizone 1%. The result of ICC is partially positive with keratinocytes nuclear being stained dark brown in five hpf from each sample. However, spontaneous differentiation analysis using alcian blue shows negative result of chondrogenic formation from keratinocytes
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audrey Clarissa
Abstrak :
Penemuan akan sel pluripoten pada kulit prepusium, yang sebelumnya dibuang, menunjukan bahwa kulit prepusium dapat dijadikan sumber untuk bank sel punca yang dapat bermanfaat bagi donor dan keluarganya. Dalam transportasi jaringan ke bank, kami ingin melihat metode yang lebih sederhana dan murah dengan menggunakan biang es dan es dibandingkan dengan nitrogen cair untuk memelihara sel-sel punca. Kulit-kulit prepusium diperoleh dari sirkumsisi masal dengan persetujuan dari para subjek dan dikirim dengan menggunakan biang es atau es. Di laboratorium, sampel kulit diproses dengan teknik histologi, pewarnaan Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE), dan Imunohistokimia (IHK) menggunakan antibodi Oct-4. Data hasil percobaan dianalisis dengan mikroskop, OptiLab?, Image Raster?, dan SPSS. Ekspresi positif dari Oct-4 dihitung dan dianalisis dengan SPSS. Rata-rata dari ekspresi positif Oct-4 adalah 2.30 pada sampel yang dikirim dengan menggunakan biang es, dan 2.38 pada es. Hasil dari percobaan kami menunjukkan tidak ditemukannya perbedaan yang berarti antara biang es dan es (nilai P adalah 0.091). Dengan demikian, biang es dan es memiliki fungsi yang sama sebagai metode transportasi dingin untuk kulit prepusium dan dapat digunakan sebagai jembatan menuju pembekuan dengan nitrogen cair
The discovery of pluripotent cells in preputial skin, a previously discarded tissue, means prepuce can become a new source of stem cell banking which can be beneficial for the donor and his family. In transporting preputial skin to the biobank, we wanted to see simpler and inexpensive cold transport methods using dry ice and ice rather than liquid nitrogen to preserve the stem cells. The preputial skins were obtained from mass circumcision with informed consent and transported into the laboratory with dry ice or ice. In the laboratory, the skin samples underwent histotechnique process, Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining, and Immunohistochemistry (IHC) with Oct-4 antibody staining. The data was analyzed using microscope, OptiLab?, Image Raster?, and SPSS. Oct-4 positive expression was counted and the data was examined with SPSS. The mean of Oct- 4 expression in samples transported with dry ice was 2.30 and ice was 2.38. Our study resulted in no significant difference between dry ice and ice (P value is 0.901) in the Oct-4 expression. Thus, dry ice and ice have equal function as cold transport method for preputial skin and can be used as a bridge towards liquid nitrogen freezing.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tampubolon, Shindi Eugene Tiurma
Abstrak :
Sirkumsisi telah dianggap sebagai salah satu prosedur bedah tertua dan paling sering dilakukan. Meskipun telah banyak teknik-teknik sirkumsisi yang telah diciptakan, tidak ada mufakat dalam penentuan metode sirkumsisi yang terbaik dalam praktik, terutama dalam ketentuan perbaikan jaringan kulit. Tenascin-C TNC adalah glikoprotein ekstraselular yang terbentuk selama embriogenesis dan meningkat sewaktu penyembuhan luka, terutama dalam fase resolusi. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menganalisa penyembuhan luka akibat sirkumsisi dengan dorsal-slit method dan kauter laser melalui ekspresi Tenascin-c. Kulit khatan dari 20 partisipan laki-laki 5-12 tahun dikumpulkan dan diwarnai dengan pewarna hematoxylin-eosin untuk menentukan area insisi. Ekspresi tenascin-c diamati dengan imunohistokimia: rasio area dengan TNC positif dan batas pinggiran insisi. Hal ini diikuti dengan daftar pertanyaan pasca-operasi beserta foto-foto dari partisipan untuk menentukan status penyembuhan luka. Grup konvensional memperlihatkan ekspresi TNC yang lebih besar 57.28 47.56 dibanding grup kauterisasi 25.36 16.44 p=0.07 . Rata-rata ekspresi TNC pada subyek dengan penyembuhan luka yang normal 42.15 40.87 sedikit lebih tinggi daripada rata-rata pada subyek dengan penyembuhan luka yang tertunda 38.83 33.40 p=0.872 . Tidak ada korelasi yang signifikan antara ekspresi tenascin-c dengan proses penyembuhan luka. Dari data yang terkumpul dapat dilihat bahwa dorsal-slit dan kauterisasi method, kedua-duanya membuahkan perbaikan jaringan kulit yang normal.
Circumcision has been noted as one of the oldest and most common surgical procedure. Even though, various techniques have been developed, there is no consensus on best practice method for circumcision in terms of skin tissue repair. Tenascin c TNC is an extracellular glycoprotein expressed during embryogenesis and markedly increased in wound healing, especially in resolution phase. In this study, the author analyzed the outcome of skin tissue repair dorsal slit and laser cauterization through expression of tenascin c. Prepuces from 20 male participants 5 12 years old were collected and stained using hematoxylin eosin staining to determine incisional area. Tenascin C expression was determined by immunohistochemistry with ratio of TNC positive area and incisional margin. Follow up investigation was done using post operative questionnaire and photographs to determine the status of wound healing. The conventional group showed greater TNC expression 57.28 47.56 than cauterization group 25.36 16.44 p 0.07 . The mean expression of TNC in normal wound healing subjects 42.15 40.87 is slightly more than the mean of delayed wound healing subjects 38.83 33.40 p 0.872 . There is no significant correlation between tenascin c expression and wound healing process. The number of subjects with normal healing after cauterization or conventional techniques is almost identical. The data presented here suggested that both dorsal slit and cauterization methods resulted in normal skin tissue repair.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Gusti Ayu Amanda Dharmaningputri
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kondiloma akuminata adalah infeksi menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Human Papilloma Virus HPV . Epitel mukosa pada kulit prepusium penis yang utuh pada lelaki tidak disunat diketahui sebagai lokasi predileksi lesi proliferatif Kondiloma akuminata. Fenomena ini dipengaruhi oleh HPV yang menyukai permukaan yang lembab. Diperlukan studi lebih lanjut mengenai kapasitas proliferasi keratinosit basal pada epitelium prepusium penis yang diduga merupakan faktor lain yang berpengaruh pada lokasi predileksi Kondiloma akuminata. Metode: Sampel kulit prepusium didapat dari 10 partisipan acara sunatan massal. Sampel melalui proses histoteknik dan diwarnai dengan pewarnaan Hematoxylin-Eosin dan immunohistokimia. Preparat diobservasi menggunakan mikroskop Olympus untuk dilakukan penghitungan manual pada keratinosit basal yang positif Ki-67. Hasil dianalisis menggunakan Microsoft Excel 2010. Hasil: Dari 10 sampel, terdapat 2 sampel dengan histologi kulit prepusium penis yang lengkap, 5 sampel yang hanya memiliki epitel mukosa dalam dan 3 sampel yang hanya memiliki epithel kutan luar. Rata-rata dari basal keratinosit yang positif Ki-67 pada epitel mukosa adalah 5.9 sel, sedangkan epitel kutan luar memiliki rata-rata 3.6 sel. Kesimpulan: Epitel mukosa bagian dalam memiliki lebih banyak keratinosit basal yang berproliferasi dibandingkan dengan sel di epitel kutan bagian luar dari kulit prepusium penis. Jumlah sel yang lebih banyak berproliferasi diduga merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh pada lokasi predileksi Kondiloma akuminata. ......Background: Condyloma acuminata is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Human Papilloma Virus HPV . In uncircumcised men with intact preputial skin of penis, mucosal surface is the predilection site of proliferative lesion in Condyloma acuminata. This is explained by HPV preference towards moist surface. Further investigation is necessary to understand the capacity of basal keratinocyte of penile preputial skin epithelium to proliferate, as it is suspected as a factor contributing to the predilection site of Condyloma acuminata. Method: Preputial skin samples were obtained from 10 participants in mass circumcision event. Samples underwent histotechnique process and stained by Hematoxylin Eosin and immunohistochemistry. Microscopic slides were observed under Olympus microscope to allow manual counting of Ki 67 positive cell. The data collected was analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2010. Results: From 10 samples, there were 2 samples with complete penile preputial skin histology, 5 samples with inner mucosal epithelium only and 3 samples with outer cutaneous epithelium only. Mean of Ki 67 positive basal keratinocyte in inner mucosal epithelium was 5.9 cells, while outer cutaneous epithelium was 3.6 cells. Conclusion: Inner mucosal epithelium showed more Ki 67 positive cells compared to outer cutaneous epithelium. More actively proliferating cell in the mucosal epithelium may serves as factor influencing the predilection site of Condyloma acuminata.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diannisa Paramita Susantono
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Sirkumsisi adalah prosedur bedah untuk menghilangkan kulit prepusium. Prosedur ini melibatkan proses penyembuhan luka yang meliputi 3 fase: inflamasi, pembentukan jaringan, dan remodeling jaringan. Tenascin-c adalah protein matriks ekstraselular yang diekspresikan pada saat perlukaan, perbaikan, dan regenerasi jaringan. Tenascin-c ditemukan pada area inflamasi, terutama di tepi perlukaan. Riset ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi korelasi antara ekspresi tenascin-c pada tepi luka sirkumsisi dengan resolusi inflamasi pada penyembukan luka sirkumsisi. Metode: Sampel preputium didapatkan dari kegiatan sirkumsisi masal, kemudian sampel melalui histotechniques dan immunohistokimia spesifik untuk tenascin-c. Data juga diperoleh dari wawancara yang dilaksanakan 14 hari setelah sirkumsisi. Wawancara diikuti oleh observasi fisik untuk menentukan resolusi inflamasi pada perlukaan pasien. Hasil: 85,7 dari sampel yang tenascin-c positif mengalami resolusi inflamasi yang normal. 66,67 dari sampel yang tenascin-c negatif mengalami resolusi inflamasi yang tertunda. Kesimpulan: Ada korelasi antara ekspresi tenascin-c dan resolusi inflamasi pada perlukaan pasca sirkumsisi.
Background Circumcision is a common invasive surgical procedure to remove the preputial skin. It involves the wound healing process, consisting of 3 phases inflammation, tissue rebuilding, and tissue remodeling. Tenascin c is an extracellular matrix protein highly expressed during tissue injury, renewal, and regeneration. Tenascin c expressions are found at sites of inflammation, it especially peaks at the incision wound edges. This research aims to identify a correlation between tenascin c expressions at the circumcision incision area and the inflammation resolution of circumcision wound healing. Method Preputial skin samples were obtained from a mass circumcision event, afterwards they underwent histotechniques which includes hematoxylin eosin staining and immunohistochemistry specific for tenascin C. Data was also obtained from a follow up interview conducted 14 days after the surgical procedure. The interview was confirmed with physical observation to determine state of inflammation resolution. Results 85,7 of tenascin c positive samples exhibits normal inflammation resolution. 66,67 of tenascin c negative samples exhibit delayed inflammation resolution. Conclusion There is a correlation between tenascin c expression and inflammation resolution in post circumcision wound healing.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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