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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ferry Joko Juliantono
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika yang berlangsung antara agen dan struktur dalam masyarakat nelayan di Desa Teluk, Labuan-Banten. Dengan menggunakan teori strukturasi Anthony Giddens dan dilengkapi dengan konsep pembangunan sosial berdasarkan struktur, kultur, dan proses, dalam melihat dinamika relasi yang ada antara agen dan stuktur dalam masyarakat nelayan. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan strategi grounded research. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di dalam masyarakat nelayan telah terjadi perubahan dalam struktur dari dominasi kelembagaan formal menjadi dominasi kelembagaan non-formal. Kemiskinan yang ada pada struktur yang lama ternyata direproduksi oleh struktur yang baru. Penelitian ini juga menemukan kelemahan dari strukturasi Giddens yang menganggap bahwa struktur dalam versi dualitas-nya, baik sebagai hasil dan sekaligus sarana (medium) praktik sosial ternyata tidak selalu bersifat enabling atau memberdayakan. Pembangunan kelautan dan perikanan, khususnya menyangkut tentang bagaimana mengatasi kemiskinan masyarakat nelayan harus melihat pentingnya dinamika relasi yang terjadi antara agen dan struktur agar perubahan yang dilakukan oleh negara, dalam hal ini Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, tidak justru melahirkan kemiskinan baru.
This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities. The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering. Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually give birth to new poverty.;This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities. The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering. Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually give birth to new poverty.;This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities. The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering. Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually give birth to new poverty., This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities. The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering. Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually give birth to new poverty.]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Yuanita Aprilandini
Abstrak :
Penelitian bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana proses reproduksi patriarki berjalan melalui penguatan identitas perempuan peranakan Arab, interseksi identitas, gender dan etnik pada perempuan peranakan Arab menghasilkan keragaman derajat oppresi, serta strategi perempuan peranakan Arab untuk melawan derajat keragaman oppresi terhadap dirinya dengan beragam latar. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan 2 kerangka teori utama, yakni teori interseksi dan identitas. Serta, menggunakan 2 konsep tambahan yakni gender interseksi dan patriarki. Penelitian desertasi ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam, observasi terlibat dan data sekunder. Informan di dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 26 orang dengan beragam karaktersitik dan kategori, yakni 17 perempuan peranakan Arab dan 9 orang laki-laki Arab. Pemilihan perempuan Arab berdasarkan keragaman umur (lintas generasi), orientasi pernikahan (endogami/eksogami), keragaman profesi, lokasi tempat tinggal (kampung Arab Condet dan Empang Bogor), serta faktor ketokohan. Kesembilan laki-laki Arab yang dijadikan informan merupakan data pelengkap sekaligus sebagai triangulasi data. Temuan penting penelitian ini adalah semakin menguatnya identitas perempuan peranakan Arab mengakibatkan reproduksi patriarki. Peran perempuan (Ummi) menjadi sentral karena fungsi perempuan tidak hanya sebatas reproduksi biologis tetapi juga reproduksi sosio-kultural. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan pemurnian darah leluhur (purityness) dari garis keturunan Alawiyyin. Kedua, Perbedaan narasi sejarah dan narasi keagamaan kelompok Alawiyyin dan Al-Irsyad disebabkan oleh faktor ideologi organisasi. Pergerakan dan ketokohan kaum perempuan Al-Irsyad yang beraliran Islam pembaharuan (modernis) lebih terlihat dibandingkan Rabithah. Berdasarkan temuan ini maka penulis menggunakan teori interseksi untuk melihat irisan antara identitas, etnisitas dan gender. Penguatan identitas kaum perempuan Arab Alawiyyin dengan penikahan sekufu (endogami) melanggengkan budaya patriarki. Bentuk reproduksi patriarki tradisional masih tetap dipertahankan dan betransformasi menjadi neopatriarki berbasis media sosial digital. Interseksi etnik dan agama menjadi double oppression bagi kaum perempuan Alawiyyin namun menjadi social prestige bagi kaum laki-laki Arab Alawiyyin. Strategi yang dilakukan oleh kaum perempuan Arab di dalam mengubah kultur patriarki adalah melakukan protes secara frontal, semi frontal, dan moderat (negosiasi). Perempuan yang dapat melakukan ketiga bentuk strategi tersebut memiliki karakteristik perempuan Arab terdidik, menikah eksogami, serta berafiliasi dengan organisasi yang beraliran pembaharuan. ......The purpose of this study described the process of patriarchal reproduction through peranakan Arab women, how the intersection of identity, sex and ethnicity in peranakan Arab women produced on diversified level of oppression, and how they defined strategies for negotiating their culture in different fields. This study using 2 major theoretical backgorund , the theory of intersection and identity theories, and 2 additional concepts namely gender intersection and patriarchy. This research used qualitative research by collecting in-depth interview data, involved observation and secondary data. The informant in this study consists of 26 people with various characteristics : 17 person peranakan Arab women and 9 person Arab men. The selection of Arab women based on age diversity (across generations), marriage typology (endogamy / exogamy), professional backgorud, and residencial areas (Arabian Condet and Empang Bogor). Finally, The nine Arab men who were being interviewed also in order to get validity and triangulation datas. The main findings of this research that strengthening identity on peranakan Arab women produced patriarchal cultures. The role of women (ummi) is central because women's functions are not only limited to biological reproduction but also socio-cultural reproduction. This is connected to the purityness issues from the Alawiyyin family. Second, the differences in historical narratives of the Alawiyyin and Al-Irshad religious groups are influenced by organizational ideology. The women movement from Al-Irsyad women are more visible than Rabithah. Based on these findings, the authors used intersection theory to see the fields between identity, ethnicity and gender. Strengthening the identity of Alawiyyin Arab women by sekufu married (endogamy) produced patriarchal culture. Traditional patriarchy still consist but also transform into neopatriarchy on digital social media. Ethnic and religious intersection became a double oppression for Alawiyyin women but produce social prestige for Alawiyyin men. The strategy of Arab women to contesting patriarchal culture through frontal, semi-frontal protest and moderate negotiation. The Arab women who use these strategies characterized by higher educated women, married to non Arab men, and affiliated in modernist organizations.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simon Petrus Sumargo
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas hubungan Islam-Kristen dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari hubungan Islam-Kristen dimediasi oleh praktek kultural yang mengikat sebagai sedulur (saudara). Praktek kultural mempertemukan umat Islam-Kristen tanpa membedakan identitas agama sehingga membentuk integrasi kultural. Tetapi dengan menguatnya pengaruh agama beberapa praktek kultural bergeser menjadi praktek agama sehingga praktek sosial hanya melibatkan salah satu anggota komunitas agama. Gejala ini disebut paralelisme, yang dapat berkembang menjadi eksklusivisme. Secara individual agen berusaha mengatasi tantangan paralelisme dengan mengusahakan integrasi sosial, yaitu relasi saling kehadiran (co-presence) dan face-to-face. Tetapi pengaruhnya seringkali dirasa tidak cukup kuat karena belum sampai pada integrasi sistemik, yaitu hubungan timbal balik yang melibatkan kelompok. Tantangan hubungan Islam dan Kristen di masa depan semakin besar dengan kecenderungan semakin menguatnya identitas agama seiring dengan melemahnya identitas kultural jika tidak ditemukan sarana-sarana baru perjumpaan. ...... This thesis discusses the relationship Islam-Christian which is approached by qualitative descriptive-analytical design. At day-to-day life the relationship Islam-Christian is mediated by cultural practices which bond them as “sedulur” (“siblings”). Cultural practices make Islam-Christian meet together without separating religious identity so that it build cultural integration. However by increasing religious influences some of those cultural practices have been moved to become religion practices so that social practices involve only of those religious comunity members. The phenomena are called parallelism, which can be developed to exclusivism. Individually the agents have made effort to overcome these parallelism challenges by perseverance in keep-trying social integration, i.e. by practicing a co-presence and a face-to-face interaction. However, its influence is not strong enough because it has not achieved integration system, that is a mutual relationship which involves groups. The challenge of the relationship Islam-Christian in the future will be getting bigger which involves a tendency of increasing religion identity align with decreasing cultural identiy if new ways of active interaction can not be found.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kebijakan Kembali ke Nagari di Sumatera Barat merupakan respon lokal terhadap reformasi di Indonesia setelah rezim otoritarian Soeharto (1966-1998). Kebijakan Kembali ke Nagari ini dalam aspek tertentu dapat dipandang sebagai legitimasi dan strukturisasi peran perempuan Minangkabau di ranah publik, terlepas dari dominannya laki-laki sepanjang proses perumusan kebijakan, dan penguatan adat yang membebani perempuan. Legitimasi ini secara struktural telah memperluas wilayah peran perempuan Minangkabau yang dahulunya hanya di wilayah domestik (kaum) menjadi wilayah publik (Nagari). Adat Minangkabau menetapkan bahwa perempuan mempunyai peran sentral di dalam kaumnya dengan kedudukan sebagai Bundo Kanduang. Peran sentral perempuan Minangkabau di dalam kaum tersebut dengan kembali ke nagari secara implicit juga mendapatkan penguatan kembali. Posisi penting Bundo Kanduang dalam struktur masyarakat minangkabau ini idealnya dapat menjadi modal dasar bagi perempuan Minang untuk masuk ke ranah publik. Sehubungan dengan itu Kembali ke Nagari dapat diartikan sebagai terbukanya ruang baru bagi peran dan partisipasi perempuan Minangkabau di Nagari terutama dalam bidang politik dan pemerintahan, di samping bidang-bidang lainnya seperti ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Terbukanya ruang sosial baru bagi partisipasi dan reposisi perempuan di ranah nagari (publik) dalam realitasnya tidaklah mudah untuk diisi dan dimanfaatkan oleh perempuan Nagari. Selain karena faktor-faktor internal seperti: kapasitas perempuan, tokoh-tokoh perempuan, kesadaran perempuan. organisasi perempuan, keberhasilan perempuan dalam mengakses posisi-posisi strategis di nagari juga sangat tergantung kepada kultur dan keterbukaan elit laki-laki di nagari baik niniak mamak, alim ulama maupun cadiak pandai (elit adat, elit agama, cendikiawan) yang dalam cukup banyak kasus masih bias gender. ...... The policy of returning to Nagari (Kembali ke Nagari) in West Sumatera is a responsive local policy to reform in Indonesia in post-Soeharto`s authoritarian regime (1966-1998). This policy of Kembali ke Nagari in a certain aspect can be viewed to justify and to re-structure the role of Minangkabau women in public domain vis-à-vis the dominant roles of Minangkabau men in making decisions/policies and in reinforcing cultural values to village communities. The policy of Kembali ke Nagari has extended the roles of Minangkabau women as Bundo Kanduang (the clan`s chief), to Nagari leader (Wali Nagar/ sub-district leader) and other public roles. In other words, the policy of Kembali ke Nagari is a new opportunity to Minangkabau women to participate in politics, government and economy in the local level. But it is not easy for woman to participate and reposition in public area so that the openness of structure has not been utilized by Nagari organization and success of woman in assessing the strategic position in Nagari, is also depends on the culture and openness of elite man in Nagari such as the leader of tribe, the man of religion and experts who have the gender bias perspectiveness.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Chandra Aprianto
Abstrak :
Studi ini menjelaskan upaya penataan sumber-sumber agraria yang lebih adil, atau dikenal dengan istilah reforma agraria, di wilayah perkebunan Jember, Jawa Timur tahun 1942-74. Perkebunan adalah produk dari sistem kolonialisme yang tidak saja bentuk struktur agrarianya tidak adil tapi juga cenderung eksploitatif. Inilah yang menjadi alasan dilakukan proses perubahan struktur agraria di wilayah perkebunan dari corak kolonial ke nasional. Partisipasi masyarakat perkebunan sangat penting untuk dijadikan patokan dalam penataan tersebut. Sepanjang periode disertasi ini, masyarakat perkebunan bukanlah sebagai suatu objek yang statis dan mekanis. Studi ini memanfaatkan sumber lisan, tulisan serta foto untuk melihat struktur agraria di wilayah perkebunan. Perubahan struktur agraria, dinamika sosial, politik, dan ekonomi serta sejarah perkebunan Jember dari perspektif masyarakat perkebunan menjadi fokus studi ini.
known as agrarian reform in Jember plantation area, East Java, 1942-1974. Plantation was a product of colonialism system which did not only engender unfair agrarian structures, but also tended to be exploitative. This condition became a reason for conducting process of changing of agrarian structure in plantation area, from colonial to national pattern. During the period of this dissertation, plantation societies were not a static and mechanistic object. This study uses oral, written, and photographs sources for viewing agrarian structure in plantation area. The changes of agrarian structure, the dynamics of social, politic, and economic, and the history of Jember plantation from the perspectives of plantation societies become the focus of this study.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhevy Setya Wibawa
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini membahas tentang proses terbentuknya kapital budaya melalui kegiatan eksrakurikuler di kampus. Studi yang dilakukan di Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya Jakarta, mengkaji pengalaman mahasiswa menggunakan waktu luang dengan mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Mahasiswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dapat meningkatkan kapital budaya dalam dimensi manusia dan institusional. Mengikuti kegiatan esktrakurikuler di kampus merupakan salah satu representasi aktivitas waktu luang terstruktur. Habitus mahasiswa menggunakan waktu luang dengan aktivitas waktu luang terstruktur merupakan habitus yang terbentuk melalui konstruksi budaya, melalui peran tiga agen sosialisasi yaitu keluarga, institusi pendidikan, dan kelompok teman sebaya. Temuan studi ini menunjukkan bahwa habitus mahasiswa mengisi waktu luang dengan aktivitas waktu luang terstruktur merupakan reproduksi budaya melalui keluarga dan/atau sekolah. Namun demikian, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dapat memberi peluang bagi proses produksi sosial dan dapat meningkatkan kapital sosial mahasiswa. ......This dissertation discusses the formational process of cultural capital through on campus extracurricular activities. This Studies conducted in Indonesia Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta, examined the experience of students who use their free time by participating in extracurricular activities. This study used a qualitative approach. Students who participate in the extracurricular activities can enhance the cultural capital dimensions in human and institutional dimensions. Participate in the on-campus extracurricular activities is one of representation of structured leisure time activities. Habitus of students to use free time with structured leisure time activities is habitus which is formed through construction of culture, through the role of three of socialization agents, namely families, educational institutions, and peer groups. The findings of this study suggest that the habitus of students to fill their free time with structured leisure time activities are reproduction of culture through family and/or school. However, extracurricular activities can provide opportunities for social production process and can increase the social capital of students.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nugroho Pratomo
Abstrak :
Program desa mandiri energi (DME) pada awalnya dilaksanakan sebagai sebuah program pemerintah untuk menghadapi gejolak harga minyak mentah dunia di tahun 2005, dan sekaligus mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap BBM. Berbagai sumber bahan bakar alternatif dikembangkan di berbagai daerah, termasuk salah satunya adalah minyak jarak. Program DME berbasis minyak jarak ini, berawal dari adanya kebutuhan dari PT RNI untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakar bagi pabrik-pabrik gula yang dimilikinya. Dalam perkembangannya, program ini terus berkembang di berbagai daerah. Salah satu daerah yang menjadi DME minyak jarak ini adalah Desa Tanjungharjo, Kecamatan Ngaringan, Kabupaten Grobogan, Jawa Tengah. Desa ini kemudian dicanangkan sebagai DME berbasis jarak oleh Presiden SBY, yang sekaligus menjanjikan bantuan kepada para kelompok tani untuk pengembangan tanaman jarak. Dana bantuan yang telah diberikan oleh PERTAMINA juga sudah disalurkan dan dibelikan mesin pengolah minyak jarak di Kecamatan Toro. Namun dalam perkembangannya, DME yang ada tersebut tidak berjalan sebagaimana diharapkan dan akhirnya berhenti. Kegagalan inilah yang kemudian dicoba untuk diteliti dalam penelitan ini. Khususnya terkait dengan aspek sosial yang menyebabkan kegagalan DME tersebut. Selanjutnya dengan SSM, penelitian ini mencoba melakukan rekonstruksi model pemberdayaan masyarakat yang cocok untuk pengembangan DME ke depan.
Energy independent village program (DME) was initially implemented as a government program to cope with price volatility of crude oil in 2005, and simultaneously reduce dependence on fuel. Various sources of alternative fuels developed in various areas, including the one of which is castor oil. DME program is based on castor oil, originated from the need of RNI to meet the needs of fuel for sugar mills owned. In its development, this program continues to grow in many areas. One area that became DME castor oil is Tanjungharjo Village, District Ngaringan, Grobogan, Central Java. The village was later proclaimed as DME-based distance by the President, who also promised assistance to farmers' groups for the development of Jatropha. A grant has been given by Pertamina also been distributed and bought machinery processing castor oil in the District of Toro. But in its development, the DME that is not working as expected and eventually stopped. Failure is then attempted to be studied in this research. Particularly with respect to social aspects that led to the failure of the DME. Furthermore, the SSM, this study tries to reconstruct a model of community empowerment that is suitable for the future development of DME.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widjajanti M. Santoso
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini memproblematikakan representasi perempuan Indonesia melalui sinetron dengan menggunakan perspektlf feminis sosiologi, dalam konteks situasi sosial pasca Orde Baru sebagai konteks sosiologis signifikansi booming media dalam situasi yang berbeda dari dekade sebelumnya. Proses menggunakan perspektif feminis, disertasi ini juga melihat dialog antara sosiologi sebagai ilmu arus utama dengan feminis yang dianggap partikular. Sebagai upaya menyumbang pada ruang publlk, disertasi ini juga berusaha memperlihatkan implikasi praktis sumbangan feminis terhadap kehidupan ruang publik di Indonesia.
After the tumbling down of the New Order, the situation concerning the media in Indonesia is getting freer. The eradication of the Department of Information and the lesser control by the military is used by the media to secure freedom of the press by the legislature and regulation. The media afterward is a booming economic activity which can be seen from the increasing numbers of media whether print, audio or audio visual. The dissertation oontextualises such situation as particular important and significant historical event, because it marks the sequence of social change.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sukirman Rahim
Abstrak :
Saat ini sedang terjadi konflik perebutan sumberdaya di kawasan hutan Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Konflik berawal dari kebijakan pemerintah pusat mengeluarkan alokasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya mineral berupa Kontrak Karya (KK) Generasi II tahun 1971 kepada PT. Tropic Endeavour Indonesia (TEI). Kemudian di perbaharui Kontrak Karya Generasi VII tahun 1998 kepada PT Gorontalo Mineral. Pada saat itu kawasan hutan masih berstatus Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone (TNBNW). Mengingat fungsi hutan Taman Nasional adalah kawasan yang menjadi penyangga ekosistem hutan seperti flora dan fauna yang endemik serta sebagai penyerap karbon. Seharusnya KK atau ijin eksplorasi tidak dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah pusat. Masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh konflik terhadap kondisi bio-fisik lingkungan, kehidupan sosial, dan kebutuhan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar, peran oknum atau lembaga yang berperan dalam konflik tersebut, rumusan penyelesaian konflik antara masyarakat lokal dengan PT. Gorontalo Mineral pada kasus pemanfaatan ruang kawasan hutan produksi terbatas, resolusi yang baik sehingga dapat diterima oleh pemerintah, masyarakat dan perusahaan, pemanfaatan ruang dan strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat lokal yang sebaiknya dilakukan di kawasan hutan produksi terbatas untuk mengurangi atau meredam konflik. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif-kualitatif pendekatan studi kasus melalui pengamatan lapangan, penelaahan dokumen, wawancara, dan diskusi kelompok. Analisis sesuai tujuan untuk memahami sikap, prilaku, pandangan masyarakat secara perorangan maupun kelompok terhadap kondisi lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sejarah masuknya perusahaan tambang pada tahun 1971, lubang hasil eksplorasi digunakan masyarakat sebagai tambang liar sehingga menyebabkan konflik perebutan kawasan aktivitas sosial meningkat, tingkat kebutuhan ekonomi masyarakat meningkat, kondisi biofisik hutan produksi terbatas terjadi kerusakan walaupun belum berpengaruh signifikan terhadap lingkungan sekitar.terbukti dengan tingginya laju erosi dan sedimentasi, pencemaran air di badan sungai. Untuk meminimalisir konflik ditawarkan beberapa solusi untuk mengakomodir semua kepentingan, dengan merubah kawasan hutan dan tampa merubah status kawasan hutan. Pemberdayaan masyarakat menggunakan model dari L. Sukardi tetapi belum memberikan hasil terhadap pengelolaan kawasan hutan yang berkelanjutan sebab masyarakat masih lebih mengedepankan pendapatan ekonomi dibandingkan rehabilitasi kerusakan lingkungan.
To date, there has been a conflict in the forest resources of Bone Bolango. Conflict begins with central government issuing policies about the allocation of utilization of mineral resources in the form of Contract of Work (CoW) Generation II Year 1971 towards PT. Tropic Endeavour Indonesia (TEI). An updated Generation VII Contract of Work Year 1998 was subsequently issued for PT. Gorontalo Minerals. At the time, the forest was still considered as conservation area, also known as Taman NasionalBoganiNaniWartabone (TNBNW). Given the function of the National Park forest is a buffer area of forest ecosystems, such as the endemic flora and fauna as well as a carbon sink, KK or exploration permits should not be issued by the central government. The existing conflict continued until 2010, causing changes in some parts of the TNBNW. The problem studied in this research aims to explain the history of the entry of the company, the causes and consequences of conflict between the locals with PT. Gorontalo Minerals in case of utilization of limited production forest area, the effect of conflict on the condition of the bio-physical environment, social, and economic needs of the local communities, the role of individual or institution in the conflict, the formulation of conflict resolution between the local communities with PT. Gorontalo Minerals in the case of utilizing the limited production forest area, a good resolution that is acceptable to the government, the community and the company, space utilization and local community empowerment strategies that should be done in a limited production forest areas to reduce or mitigate conflicts. The method employed in this study is descriptive qualitative through case study approach, which includes field observations, document analysis, interviews, and group discussions. Analysis of the purpose to understand the attitudes, behavior, public opinion (individually or in groups) on environmental conditions is also carried out. The findings of this study reveal that the history of the entry of mining companies in 1971 hastriggered a number of issues. These are the escalation of conflict in the social activity areas,the increasing level of economic necessity of the locals, and the destruction of the biophysical condition of the forest (though the impact on the surroundings is still insignificant) as evidenced by the high rate of erosion and sedimentation, water pollution in the river banks. To minimize the conflict,thereare some solutions which can accommodate all interests, by changing the forest area without necessarily changing its status. Community empowerment is motivated by model of L. Sukardi, but it has not provided significant impact to the sustainable forest management because the locals still tends to emphasize economic returns compared to rehabilitation of environmental damage.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdulkadir Rahardjanto
Abstrak :
Air adalah salah satu kebutuhan dasar kehidupan dan merupakan sumber daya yang perlu dipertahankan kelestariannya secara kuantitas maupun kualitas untuk kepentingan manusia dan lingkungan. Pada saat ini, belum ada pelibatan partisipasi masyarakat pada konservasi DAS hulu berbasis bioindikator sebagai upaya pengelolaan sungai secara berkelanjutan. Selain itu, belum ada model pelibatan masyarakat yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam kegiatan konservasi sungai berbasis bioindikator. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun model konservasi DAS Brantas hulu berbasis bioindikator vegetasi Riparian, Makroinvertebrata dan Odonata dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengelola lingkungan sungai sehingga terwujud pengelolaan sungai yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan vegetasi Riparian pada daerah penelitian diketemukan 61 Ordo tumbuhan, 71 familia dan 188 species. Makroinvertebrata diketemukan 11 Ordo, 15 familia, 31 genus, dan 36 species; Odonata 2 sub Ordo, 3 familia, 11 genus, dan 15 species. Ketiga bioindikator dapat dijadikan penunjuk kondisi lingkungan yang baik pada daerah penelitian. Status kesehatan sungai berdasarkan kondisi substrat dasar berstatus baik dan dapat mendukung kehidupan organisme in stream perairan. Hasil analisis The Rapid Appraisal of River Conservation (RapRiCons) pada dimensi Ekologi, Sosial, Ekonomi, Teknologi dan Etika memperlihatkan kondisi daerah penelitian yang cukup baik dan berkelanjutan. Peningkatan pengetahuan bioindikator dapat dijadikan model partisipasi masyarakat pada konservasi DAS hulu berbasis bioindikator sebagai upaya pengelolaan sungai berkelanjutan. ...... Water is one of the basic needs of life and is a resource that needs to be preserved both quantity and quality for the benefit of humans and the environment. At this time there is no involvement of community participation in the conservation of the upstream watershed based on bioindicators as a basis of sustainable river management. In addition, there is no models of community participation that can be used as a reference in the river conservation based on bioindicators. The general objective of this research is to devise pattern of conservation based on bioindicators at the Brantas upstream watershed based on Riparian vegetation, Macroinvertebrates and Odonata with community participation in managing sustainable river management. The results showed Riparian vegetation in the study area were found 61 Ordo of plants, 71 species and 188 familia. Macroinvertebrates found 11 Ordo, 15 familia, 31 genera, and 36 species; Odonata 2 sub Ordo, 3 familia, 11 genera and 15 species. These three bioindicators can be used as a guide mark environmental conditions at research area. Health river status based on sediment at streambed condition, has a good result and can support life in stream organism. The results of the analysis of environmental sustainability, The Rapid Appraisal of River Conservation (RapRiCons) depicted in five dimensions (Ecology, Social, Economy, Technology, and Ethics) showed good results and sustainable. Understanding bioindicators knowledge can be used as model of community participation in watershed conservation based on bioindicator as a sustainable river management plan.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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