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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Anwar Kurniadi
Self efficacy pembimbing klinik mampu meningkatkan sosialisasi keperawatan profesional kepada
mahasiswa keperawatan. Akan tetapi kenyataan dilapangan terbukti masih rendah dan kurang mendapat
perhatian. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh penerapan modul bimbingan klinik
efektif(MBKE) terhadap self efficacy pembimbing klinik. Metode penelitian tahap satu menggunakan
kualitatif untuk mengidentifikasi modul bimbingan klinik yang di harapkan oleh mahasiswa program
Ners. Hasil penelitiannya adalah teridentifikasi 10 tema yang dijadikan 5 dimensi. Hasil ini dilakukan
konsul pakar yang menghasilkan modul bimbingan klinik efektif (MBKE). Model ini dilengkapi buku
panduan implementasi dan modul materi pelatihan. Metode penelitian tahap kedua menggunakan disain
pre-post test with control group, digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh MBKE terhadap pengetahuan,
sikap, dan self efficacy. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling, yang menghasilkan 74
perawat (37 kelompok intervensi dan 37 kelompok kontrol). Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa
pelatihan BKE: 1) mampu meningkatan pengetahuan (p value=0,00), sikap (p value=0,00), dan self
efficacy (p value=0,00) pembimbing klinik; 2) pengaruh terbesar terhadap pengetahuan (77%).
Simpulan yaitu pelatihan MBKE mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan self efficacy pembimbing
klinik, serta pengaruh terbesar dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan (77%). Penelitian lanjutan dapat
dilakukan dengan menambah variabel yang berdampak langsung kepada mahasiswa keperawatan

Self efficacy of clinical nurse instructors (CNI?s) could improve the socialization of nursing professional
of nursing students, whereas, on the fact that their self efficacy was still low. The purpose of this study
was to know the effect of effective clinical teaching model to CNI?s self efficacy. The the first step used
qualitatif research with phenomology design, that resulted 10 themes and become 5 dimensions as
clinical teaching that was hoped by nursing student. After consulting to two nursing expert, finally it
formed effective clinical teaching module (ECTM). The second step used pre-post test with control group
design, to know the effects of ECTM by training toward knowledge, attitudes, and self efficacy. The
sampling method used consecutive sampling that included 74 CNI?s (37 intervention and 37 control).
The researh result showed that ECTM training: 1) could improve significantly(P value 0,00), the variable
knowledge, attitudes and self efficacy; 2) knowledge variable most effected (77%). The conclusion were
the ECT training significantly improved knowledge, attitudes and self efficacy of CNI?S, and knowledge
was the most effected variable. The next research conduct study with many variables that directly effect
to nursing students."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Luka Bakar merupakan suatu kondisi dimana terjadi kerusakan integritas kulit yang dapat menimbulkan nyeri pada pasien. Perawatan luka yang dilakukan dapat menyebabkan nyeri ringan sampai berat. Dampak dari nyeri adalah pelepasan adrenalin yang berdampak pada peningkatan tekanan darah. Metode : menggunakan Quasi-experimental dengan Cross Over Design. Analisa data yang digunakan untuk data numerik skala nyeri pada kelompok kontrol dan intervensi menggunakan uji T berpasangan, sedangkan untuk tekanan darah pada responden yang tidak mendapatkan terapi musik dan yang mendapatkan terapi musik saat perawatan luka menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil : secara statistik terdapat perbedaan tingkat skala nyeri yang diberikan terapi musik saat perawatan luka dengan nyeri saat perawatan luka tanpa musik dengan (p=0,001), sedangkan untuk tekanan darah tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan (p=0,057) . Simpulan : terapi musik dapat digunakan sebagai terapi penunjang saat dilakukan perawatan luka bakar.

Burns is a condition where the skin has damage and cause pain in patients. Wound care can cause unpleasant or painful feelings of pain intensity from mild to severe. The impact of pain is the release of adrenaline which can result in increased blood pressure. Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental with cross over design. Pain scale using the Numeric Pain Scale measuring tool, whereas blood pressure using spignomanometer. To compare the pain scale before being given music therapy and after given music therapy using paired t test analysis, for blood pressure using Chi square analysis. Results: Musical therapy gave a significant effect related to patient’s pain scale during wound care (p=0.001), while it has insignificant effect on blood pressure (p = 0,057). Conclusions: Musical therapy could be use as an adjuvant therapy when wound care is applied on burn patient."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rumahorbo, Hotma
"Prediabetes merupakan prakondisi Diabetes dengan risiko absolut DMT2 sebesar 2 10 kali Diabetes merupakan faktor risiko penyakit Jantung dan Stroke yang merupakan penyebab utama kematian di Indonesia Diabetes dapat dicegah dengan memperbaiki pola makan dan pola latihan fisik penyandang Prediabetes Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh model pemberdayaan yang dapat memperbaiki pola makan dan pola latihan fisik sebagai upaya mengendalikan glukosa darah penyandang Prediabetes Pengembangan model segitiga kerjasama SESAMA dilakukan dengan studi fenomenologi dan divalidasi Efektivitasnya dengan quasi experiment with control group design "selama 16 minggu Jumlah sampel penelitian adalah 151 penyandang Prediabetes Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan AKG sebesar 25 186 risiko pola latihan fisik sebesar 29 kali dan kadar glukosa darah menurun sebesar 5 734 mg Dl Direkomendasikan kepada pihak terkait agar model ldquo SESAMA "dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu model pencegahan diabetes di masyarakat.

Prediabetes constitutes a diabetic precondition with absolutely relative risk 2 10 times Diabetes is the risk factor of heart disease and stroke as the main cause of death in Indonesia Early handling of Prediabetes is important that take cares in the form of lifestyle shift especially improving eating and physical exercise pattern The aim of study was to develop empowerment model in improving eating and physical exercise pattern of prediabetes patients in order to control blood glucose level By Fenomenology study the empowerment model of segitiga kerjasama SESAMA have been developed The "SESAMA" model is validated in improving eating and physical exercise pattern as well as controlling blood glucose level of Prediabetes patients using quasi experiment with control group design The validation model conducted for 16 week period with 151 subjects The result of this study showed that the model could decreased AKG in amount of 25 186 risk of physical exercises pattern 29 times and decreasing of blood glucose level in amount of 5 734 mg Dl This study recommended to related parties so that the model "SESAMA" could be implemented in preventing diabetes patients in community."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kelana Kusuma Dharma
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengembangkan intervensi model adaptasi paska stroke serta mengidentifikasi efektifitasnya terhadap perilaku adaptasi dan kualitas hidup pasien paska stroke. Penelitian ini secara keseluruhan dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Tahap satu yaitu pengembangan model intervensi yang diawali dengan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif tentang pengalaman pasien beradaptasi paska stroke. Model intervensi kemudian dikembangkan dengan cara mengintegrasikan tema hasil penelitian kualitatif, studi literatur, dan konsultasi pakar. Tahap kedua yaitu uji coba intervensi model untuk menentukan efektifitasnya terhadap respon adaptasi dan kualitas hidup pasien paska stroke. Penelitian tahap dua merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen menggunakan desain post test control group. Metode sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian tahap dua yaitu consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 65 orang (32 orang kelompok intervensi dan 33 orang kelompok kontrol). Pembagian sampel ke dalam kelompok intervensi dan kontrol dilakukan dengan matching rumah sakit. Hasil penelitian tahap satu teridentifikasi 9 tema yang dinyatakan partisipan dan dihasilkan intervensi model adaptasi paska stroke (IMAPS) beserta perangkatnya meliputi buku panduan intervensi model, modul untuk perawat pelaksana, dan booklet untuk pasien dan keluarga. Hasil penelitian tahap dua membuktikan adanya perbedaan respon adaptasi fisiologis, adaptasi psikososial, dan kualitas hidup yang bermakna antara pengukuran 3 bulan dengan 4 bulan sesudah intervensi diantara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian yaitu intervensi model adaptasi paska stroke efektif meningkatkan respon adaptasi fisiologis, adaptasi psikososial dan kualitas hidup paska stroke.;

The purpose of this research was to develop intervention adaptation model for post-stroke (IMAPS) and identify its effectiveness on adaptation response and quality of life after stroke. This study conducted in two stages. The first stage was the development of intervention model that begins with a qualitative research using a descriptive phenomenological approach. Intervention model was then developed by integrating the results of qualitative research, literature review, and expert review. The second stage was examination the intervention model to identified its effectiveness on adaptation response and quality of life after stroke. This study was quasi-experimental research using post test control group design. The sampling method used in this study was consecutive sampling with a sample of 65 stroke patient (32 samples in intervention group and 33 samples in control group). Samples were allocated to intervention and control group by matching the hospital. The qualitative study identified nine theme stated by the participants. Qualitative themes serve as guidelines for developing intervention model. The first stage resulted in intervention model and its devices include intervention manual, module for nurses, and booklet for patients and their families. The second stage of research proves the significant difference in physiological and psychosocial adaptation response, and quality of life between measurements 3 months to 4 months after the intervention between groups. We conclude that IMAPS effectively improve the response of physiological and psychosocial adaptation, and quality of life after stroke;The purpose of this research was to develop intervention adaptation model for post-stroke (IMAPS) and identify its effectiveness on adaptation response and quality of life after stroke. This study conducted in two stages. The first stage was the development of intervention model that begins with a qualitative research using a descriptive phenomenological approach. Intervention model was then developed by integrating the results of qualitative research, literature review, and expert review. The second stage was examination the intervention model to identified its effectiveness on adaptation response and quality of life after stroke. This study was quasi-experimental research using post test control group design. The sampling method used in this study was consecutive sampling with a sample of 65 stroke patient (32 samples in intervention group and 33 samples in control group). Samples were allocated to intervention and control group by matching the hospital. The qualitative study identified nine theme stated by the participants. Qualitative themes serve as guidelines for developing intervention model. The first stage resulted in intervention model and its devices include intervention manual, module for nurses, and booklet for patients and their families. The second stage of research proves the significant difference in physiological and psychosocial adaptation response, and quality of life between measurements 3 months to 4 months after the intervention between groups. We conclude that IMAPS effectively improve the response of physiological and psychosocial adaptation, and quality of life after stroke, The purpose of this research was to develop intervention adaptation model for post-stroke (IMAPS) and identify its effectiveness on adaptation response and quality of life after stroke. This study conducted in two stages. The first stage was the development of intervention model that begins with a qualitative research using a descriptive phenomenological approach. Intervention model was then developed by integrating the results of qualitative research, literature review, and expert review. The second stage was examination the intervention model to identified its effectiveness on adaptation response and quality of life after stroke. This study was quasi-experimental research using post test control group design. The sampling method used in this study was consecutive sampling with a sample of 65 stroke patient (32 samples in intervention group and 33 samples in control group). Samples were allocated to intervention and control group by matching the hospital. The qualitative study identified nine theme stated by the participants. Qualitative themes serve as guidelines for developing intervention model. The first stage resulted in intervention model and its devices include intervention manual, module for nurses, and booklet for patients and their families. The second stage of research proves the significant difference in physiological and psychosocial adaptation response, and quality of life between measurements 3 months to 4 months after the intervention between groups. We conclude that IMAPS effectively improve the response of physiological and psychosocial adaptation, and quality of life after stroke]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tintin Sukartini
"Faktor utama penyebab kegagalan pengobatan TB paru adalah ketidakpatuhan pasien. Perawat berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien melalui proses interaksi. Berdasarkan hal ini maka perlu dikembangkan model intervensi berbasis sistem interakasi untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menghasilkan model yang dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien TB paru berbasis teori sistem interaksi King.
Penelitian melalui dua tahap penelitian yaitu, tahap I: Penelitian kualitatif dan pengembangan model peningkatan kepatuhan berbasis teori sistem interaksi King yang dihasilkan melalui penelitian kualitatif, studi literatur dan konsultasi pakar; Tahap II: Validasi model dengan desain quasy eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling dengan sample sebanyak 50 pasien. Uji statistik menggunakan uji chi square, independent t-test, Mancova dan GLM-RM.
Hasil didapatkan 1) Tahap I: diperoleh 12 tema kepatuhan dan model peningkatan kepatuhan berbasis teori sistem interaksi dengan 1 modul untuk pasien; 2) Tahap II: terdapat perbedaan bermakna dalam pengetahuan, self efficacy, motivasi, pencegahan penularan, kepatuhan nutrisi dan kepatuhan pengobatan.
Kesimpulan, model peningkatan kepatuhan berbasis teori sistem interaksi King terbukti efektif meningkatkan kepatuhan pasien TB paru. Rekomendasi: Model peningkatan kepatuhan berbasis teori sistem interaksi King dapat diintegrasikan dalam clinical pathway pada pasien TB paru di poli paru. Penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pengembangan model kepatuhan pada pasien TB paru yang memiliki keterbatasan sistem interpersonal dengan keluarga yaitu pada pasien yang tidak memiliki keluarga atau tinggal terpisah jauh dari keluarga.

The main factor cause the failure of Tuberculosis (TB) treatment was the patient's non-adherence. Nurses play an important role in improving patient's adherence through interaction nurse-patient. It is necessary to develop interaction model based on interaction system theory to improve patient's adherence. The purpose of the study was to develop adherence improvement model based on King's inetraction system theory.
This study was divided into 2 phase, Phase 1: qualitative study and development adherence improvement model based on King's interaction system theory resulted from qualitative study, literature review and expert consultation. Phase II: validation of the model by quasy experiment design with control group. Sampling used in the study was consecutive sampling to select 50 patients. Data were analyzed using chi square, independent t-test, Mancova and GLM-RM.
Result shows: Phase I: There were found 12 themes and adherence improvement model based on King's interaction system. Phase II: There were significant different on knowledge, self efficacy, motivation, prevention transmission, nutrition adherence and treatment adherence.
Conclusion, Adherence improvement model based on King's interaction system theory is effective on improving TB patient's adherence. Development adherence improvement model based on King's interaction system theory can be integrated into clinical pathway in TB patients. Further study on adherence improvement model with limited interpersonal system, namely patient without family and separated.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heny Suseani Pangastuti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menguji pengaruh model peningkatan kemandirian pasien stroke untuk pengelolaan faktor risiko kekambuhan terhadap pengetahuan, self-efficacy dan kemandirian. Penelitian dilakukan melalui dua tahap, yaitu tahap 1 berupa penelitian deskriptif kualititatif dan pengembangan model, serta tahap 2 berupa penelitian kuasi dengan pre-post test control design. Metode sampling yang digunakan adalah purposif sampling. Pada penelitian tahap 1, didapat 8 orang partisipan sedangkan pada tahap 2 didapat sebanyak 32 orang (kelompok kontrol) dan 35 orang (kelompok perlakuan). Pengambilan data pada tahap 1 dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam, adapun pada tahap 2, data diambil 3 kali, yaitu pre test, post test pada akhir bulan 1 dan post test pada akhir bulan 2. Analisi data dilakukan dengan metode dari Giorgi (tahap 1) serta uji Friedman dan Wilcoxon (tahap 2).
Hasil penelitian pada tahap 1 didapat 4 tema yang mendukung keberhasilan pasien mengelola faktor risiko kekambuhannya dan tersusun model peningkatan kemandirian pasien stroke. Pada tahap 2 didapat peningkatan nilai mean pada variabel pengetahuan (x2 = 31,087; p=0,000) dan kemandirian (x2 = 24,569 ; p=0,000). Tidak terjadi peningatkan mean pada variabel self-efficacy (x2 = 4, 947; p=0,84). Kesimpulan, model peningkatan kemandirian terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan pengetahuan pasien stroke. Model ini dapat direkomendasikan untuk diaplikasikan pada perawatan pasien stroke di poliklinik.

The purpose of this study were to develop the Stroke self-care model for stroke recurrent risk factor management and to examine the effect of the model on on knowledge, self-efficacy and self-care for stroke recurrent risk factor management. There were two phase on this research. The first phase was phase to develop Stroke self-care model for stroke recurrent risk factors management and modules through study literature and a qualitative research. The second phasee was a quasi experiment with pre-post test control design. Eight participant were involved in the first phase, while in second phase there were 32 respondents in control group and 35 respondents in intervention group whom recruited by purposive sampling. Data in first pahse were colected using in-depth interview, and in second phase, data were collected at three points: pre test; one month and two month after intervention. Data in first phase were analyzed with Giorgi methode; and in the second phase using Friedman, and Wilcoxon test.
The results in fist phase identified four themes that contribute to success story stroke patient in a manage stroke risk factors. In second phase, data showed the significant increase of patients? knowledge mean (x2 = 31,087; p=0,000) and self-care mean (x2 = 24,569 ; p=0,000) after 1 dan 2 month after intervention. There was no incrase in patients? self-efficacy mean (x2 = 4, 947; p=0,84). In conclusion, stroke self-care model for stroke recurrent risk factor management is effective to increase stroke patients? knowledge and self-care. This research recomend that, this model can be applied in nursing care for stroke patient in outpatient clinic."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angka kejadian kanker payudara di Indonesia tertinggi diantara jenis kanker pada
wanita dengan prevalensi nyeri diperkirakan 40-89%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
mengembangkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan dengan strategi
coaching dan mengidentifikasi pengaruhnya terhadap derajat nyeri, kenyamanan, dan
kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui dua tahap,
yaitu tahap 1 berupa penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan pengembangan model, serta
tahap 2 berupa penelitian kuasi eksperimen pre-post test control group design.
Metode sampling tahap 1 digunakan purposive sampling dengan 11 partisipan. Tahap
2 sampel dipilih secara consecutive sampling dengan jumlah 64 responden (32 pasien
kelompok intervensi dan 32 pasien kelompok kontrol). Hasil penelitian tahap satu
teridentifikasi 12 tema dan dihasilkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan
beserta perangkatnya. Hasil penelitian tahap dua membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh
yang signifikan dari model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan dengan strategi
coaching terhadap penurunan derajat nyeri, peningkatan kenyamanan, peningkatan
status fungsional dan perbaikan status gejala pasien kanker payudara. Namun, tidak
ada pengaruh pada status kesehatan/kualitas hidup global. Rekomendasi penelitian
hendaknya perawat menerapkan model pengelolaan nyeri berbasis kenyamanan
sebagai bentuk nyata pengelolaan nyeri kanker secara holistik dalam pelayanan

Incidence of breast cancer in Indonesia is still the highest among the other type of
cancer deseases on women with the prevalence of pain estimated from 40 ? 89
per cent. The purpose of this research was to develop model of pain management
based on comfort with coaching strategy and identify its effect on pain severity,
comfort, and quality of life patient breast cancer. This study was conducted in two
stages. The first stage was descriptive qualitative research and the development of
model. The second stage was quasi-experimental research with pre - post test control
group design. The sampling method that used to stage 1 was purposive sampling
with 11 partisipants. Sampling method on stage 2 this study was consecutive
sampling with 64 breast cancer patients (32 respondents as intervention group and 32
respondents as control group). The first stage of the study resulted 12 themes and has
resulted the model of pain management based on comfort and its devices. The second
stage of research proved that there were significance effects from the model of pain
mnagement based on comfort with coaching strategy toward decreasing pain
severity, increasing comfort and functional status, and repairing symptom status for
breast cancer patients. However, there was no effect on global health status/quality of
life. This study recommends that nurse should apply the model of pain management
based on comfort as a concrete holistic cancer pain management in setting practice of
nursing care."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Hapsari Retno Agustiyowati
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model perilaku adaptasi pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis serta mengidentifikasi efektifitas model terhadap respon adaptasi fisiologi, perilaku adaptasi psikologi, pengetahuan dan sikap. Penelitian ini merupakan riset development yang dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Tahap satu mengidentifikasi masalah melalui penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif tentang pengalaman hidup pasien dengan penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis, dilanjutkan membuat solusi dengan mengembangkan model perilaku adaptasi pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis. Penelitian tahap dua quasi eksperimen dengan desain pre-test-post-test with control group untuk melihat efektifitas model pada 70 pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis 38 orang kelompok intervensi dan 32 orang kelompok kontrol . Hasil penelitian tahap satu berupa buku model dan panduan implementasi, materi pembelajaran perilaku adaptasi untuk perawat pelaksana, serta booklet perilaku adaptasi untuk pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis. Hasil penelitian tahap dua membuktikan kelompok intervensi memiliki respon adaptasi fisiologi, perilaku adaptasi psikologi, serta pengetahuan dan sikap yang lebih baik dibanding kelompok kontrol. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah model perilaku adaptasi pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis efektif terhadap respon adaptasi fisiologi, perilaku adaptasi psikologi, pengetahuan dan sikap. Saran melakukan sosialisasi model, advokasi ke unit terkait, aplikasi dalam asuhan keperawatan pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis. Kata kunci: model perilaku adaptasi, respon adaptasi fisiologi, perilaku adaptasi psikologi, penyakit ginjal kronis pre dialisis

The purpose of this study is to develop a model of adaptation behaviors for patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis and identify the effectiveness of the model towards physiological adaptation response, psychological adaptation behavior, knowledge and attitude of the patients. The study is a development research done in two stages. Stage one is identification of the issues through qualitative study according to descriptive phenomenology approach related to patients rsquo life experiences with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis, continued by the development of a model of adaptation behaviors for patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis as a solution to the issue. Stage two is a quasi experiment according to pre test post test with control group design to observe the effectiveness of the model in 70 patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis 38 subjects in the intervention group and 32 subjects in control group . The result of stage one study is a model book and implementation guideline, adaptation behaviors learning material for caregiver nurse and basic adaptation behaviors booklet for patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis. The result of stage two study proved that the intervention group has a physiological adaptation response, psychological adaptation behavior, knowledge and attitude better than the control group. In conclusion, the constructed model of adaptation behaviors for patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis is effective towards physiological adaptation response, psychological adaptation behavior, knowledge and attitude of the patients. Suggestions for model dissemination, advocacy to related units, application in nursing care in patients with chronic kidney disease pre dialysis. Keywords Model of adaptation behaviors, physiological adaptation response, psychological adaptation behavior, chronic kidney disease pre dialysis"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanjung, Dudut
Ambulasi pascaoperasi penting dilakukan untuk mempercepat pemulihan pada pasien fraktur ekstremitas bawah. Ambulasi pascaoperasi sesuai dengan waktu yang direkomendasikan dapat memberikan manfaat klinis dan mencegah komplikasi pascaoperasi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektifitas program konservasi keperawatan terhadap kemampuan ambulasi pascaoperasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu uji klinis dengan kontrol tanpa randomisasi. Program konservasi keperawatan dirancang berdasarkan Model Konseptual Levine, yang terdiri dari; manajemen energi, latihan nafas dalam, latihan kekuatan otot, latihan rentang pergerakan sendi, terapi latihan; ambulasi, pendidikan kesehatan dan pemberdayaan keluarga. Populasi dalam penelitian yaitu: fraktur pinggul, fraktur femur, fraktur tibia/ fibula, dan fraktur pergelangan kaki. Penarikan sampel secara convenience sebanyak 54 responden, 30 responden kelompok kontrol dan 24 responden kelompok intervensi. Primary outcome yang dinilai, yaitu kemampuan ambulasi; waktu ambulasi, kemampuan fungsional dan tingkat ketergantungan. Sedangkan, secondary outcome yang dinilai yaitu: tingkat kelelahan, tingkat nyeri, keyakinan diri, dan dukungan keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan program konservasi keperawatan efektif mempercepat waktu ambulasi, meningkatkan kemampuan fungsional, menurunkan tingkat ketergantungan, menurunkan tingkat kelelahan, menurunkan tingkat nyeri, dan meningkatkan keyakinan diri p

Abstract Postoperative ambulation is an essential intervention to facilitate recovery in patients with lower extremities fracture. Regular post operative ambulation may contribute to the positive clinical outcomes and prevent post operative complications. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Nursing Conservation Program towards ambulation ability in patients with lower extremities fracture. A non randomized control clinical trial design was used in this study. Nursing Conservation Program was designed based on Levine rsquo s Conceptual Model which consisted of energy management, deep breathing exercise, muscle strength exercise, range of motion exercise, exercise therapy ambulation, health education, and family empowerment. Population in this study were patients with hip, femur, tibia fibula, and ankle fracture. The samples were recruited using convenience sampling technique, yielding 54 respondents, 30 respondents were in the control group and 24 respondents were in the intervention group. Primary outcomes were included ambulation ability which consisted of time, functional ability, and dependency level. Meanwhile, secondary outcomes were assessed from the level of fatigue, pain level, self confidence, and family support. This study found that the application of Nursing Conservation Program was effective to accelerate ambulation time, enhance functional ability, reduce self dependency, fatigue and pain level, and increase self confidence p"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Prihatin Era
"Kejadian kanker payudara di Indonesia tertinggi di antara kanker lainnya pada wanita, dengan prevalensi kelelahan diperkirakan antara 25-99%. Penelitian saat ini merupakan penelitian tindakan metode campuran selama 6 minggu terhadap kelelahan pada penderita kanker payudara. Tujuan penelitian ini mengembangkan program intervensi pengelolaan diri untuk mengurangi kelelahan berbasis pemberdayaan dengan strategi telenursing dan mencari bukti pengaruhnya terhadap tingkat kelelahan, harga diri, citra tubuh, dan kualitas hidup. Tahap pertama mendeskripsikan masalah dengan metode kualitatif dengan menggali masalah kelelahan dalam persepsi penyintas. Tahap kedua tahap pengembangan intervensi dan tahap ketiga menguji keefektifan intervensi, dilakukan dalam penelitian kuasi eksperimental desain kelompok kontrol pre-posttest. Tahap pertama menghasilkan 5 tema dan tahap kedua menghasilkan intervensi keperawatan berdasarkan teori keperawatan transisi dan strategi pemberdayaan dari jauh (telenursing). Penelitian tahap ketiga membuktikan terdapat efektifitas dari intervensi pengelolaan kelelahan (IPK) terhadap penurunan tingkat kelelahan, peningkatan harga diri dan citra tubuh, dan kualitas hidup pada penderita kanker payudara. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perawat onkologi mempertimbangkan pendampingan pada penyintas menggunakan intervensi ini agar masa transisi penyintas kanker payudara mencapai kesehatan fisik dan psikologis yang sehat, mencapai kesehatan optimal setelah diagnosis kanker .

The incidence of breast cancer in Indonesia is the highest among other cancers in women, with an estimated prevalence of fatigue between 25-99%. The current study is a 6-week mixed methods action study on fatigue in breast cancer patients. The purpose of this study was to develop a self-management intervention program to reduce empowerment-based fatigue with telenursing strategies and to seek evidence of its effect on fatigue levels, self-esteem, body image, and quality of life. The first stage describes the problem with a qualitative method by exploring the problem of fatigue in the survivor's perception. The second stage is the intervention development stage and the third stage is testing the effectiveness of the intervention, carried out in a quasi-experimental study with a pre-posttest control group design. The first stage produces 5 themes and the second stage produces nursing interventions based on transitional nursing theory and telenursing strategies. The third stage of the study proved that there was an effectiveness of the fatigue management intervention (GPA) in reducing fatigue levels, increasing self-esteem and body image, and quality of life in breast cancer patients. This study recommends oncology nurses consider mentoring survivors using this intervention so that the transition period for breast cancer survivors achieves healthy physical and psychological health, achieving optimal health after cancer diagnosis."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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