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Junie Suriawati
Blondo basah minyak kelapa murni merupakan produk pangan tradisional di Indonesia. Berdasarkan komposisi kimiawi dapat digunakan sebagai sumber bahan tambahan untuk produk-produk makanan olahan bergizi serta mengandung bakteri asam laktat seperti Lactobacillus sp. Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai kualitas dan karakteristik isolat bakteri asam laktat dari blondo basah minyak kelapa murni sebagai probiotik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas blondo basah minyak kelapa murni dan mendapatkan isolat bakteri asam laktat dari blondo basah minyak kelapa murni yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik. Kualitas blondo basah minyak kelapa murni terbaik dari kelapa dalam Bali dengan kandungan protein (8,45%), lemak (43,2%), asam lemak (2,75%), asam laurat (38,5%), dan berwarna putih yang diterima oleh panelis. Blondo basah minyak kelapa murni yang dihasilkan tidak memiliki aktivitas antibakteri. Diperoleh dua isolat bakteri asam laktat (KDB 3 dan KDB 5) diduga berpotensi sebagai kandidat probiotik dengan ciri-ciri: mempunyai ketahanan terhadap 0,3% garam empedu dan pH 3, menghasilkan asam, memiliki sifat hidrofobisitas, dan koagreagasi. Kedua isolat BAL di identifikasi secara molekuler dengan menggunakan 16S rDNA diduga sebagai Lactobacillus.
Virgin coconut oil wet blondo (VCO wet blondo) is a traditional food product in Indonesia. Based on the nutritional composition, it can be used as an additional source for nutritious food products and it contains lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus sp. Research on quality and characteristic of lactic acid bacteria as probiotics from VCO wet blondo was carried out. The objectives of this research were to determine the quality of VCO wet blondo and to obtain lactic acid bacteria isolates from the blondo which has potential as probiotic bacteria. VCO wet blondo with the best quality was the blondo of “kelapa dalam Bali” with protein (8.45%), lipid (43.2%), fatty acid (2.75%), lauric acid (38.5%), and white colour which was acceptable by panelists. Antibacterial activity was not detected in the wet blondo. Two lactic acid bacteria isolates (KDB 3 and KDB 5) indicated probiotic candidates, shown by: resistance to 0.3% bile salts and pH 3, acids production, hydrophobicity properties, and coaggregation. The two isolates of lactic acid bacteria were molecular identified using 16S rDNA as Lactobacillus candidates."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulaicha Mardjuki
"Mikroorganisme memerlukan nutrien untuk pertvunbuhannya. Karbon merupakan salah satu makronutrien yang penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh konsentrasi glukosa yang ditambahkan pada medium Karow modifikasi, terhadap aktivitas protease Rhizopus oligosporus UICC 116, serta mengetahui konsentrasi glukosa yang terbaik untuk menghasilkan enzim protease yang optimal. Pengujian aktivitas protease dilakukan dengan metode Nishikawa dkk. dan Pourrat dkk. Aktivitas enzim dinyatakan dengan kemampuan enzim untuk menaikkan 1 skala absorbansi pada kondisi pengujian. Rata-^rata aktivitas protease R. oligosporus UICC 116 tertinggi pada medium dengan konsentrasi glukosa 3,0% (0,6072 unit/ml) dan yang terendah pada medium dengan konsentrasi glukosa 0,0% (0,3824 unit/ml). Hasil uji analisis variansi pada a = 0,005 secara statistik menunjukkan adanya pengaruh konsentrasi glukosa terhadap aktivitas protease R, oligosporus UICC 116. Perbedaan rata-rata aktivitas protease terjadi antara konsentrasi glukosa 0,0% dengan 2,0%, 2,5%, dan 3,0%; 0,5% dengan 2,0%, 2,5%, dan 3,0%; 1,0% dengan 2,5% dan 3,0%."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zahra Haifa
"[Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan starter mikroba (Acetobacter aceti, Lactobacillus plantarum dan Saccharomyces cerevisiae) serta pemerasan pulp terhadap fermentasi dan mutu biji kakao. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 3x5 dengan dua kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan starter meningkatkan konsentrasi etanol pada saat fermentasi dan meningkatkan kadar asam asetat dan asam sitrat, tetapi menurunkan konsentrasi asam oksalat pada biji kakao. Penambahan starter disertai pemerasan pulp menghasilkan biji kakao dengan kadar asam asetat sebesar 0,47%, sedangkan biji kakao tanpa pemerasan menghasilkan kadar asam asetat 0,49%. Penambahan starter disertai pemerasan pulp menghasilkan mutu biji kakao terbaik dengan karakteristik sebagai berikut: skor nilai uji belah tertinggi (379 dari 400), mutu fisik (Golongan mutu A) serta memenuhi persyaratan mutu SNI 2008 No. 2323 tentang biji kakao dengan rasio jumlah per berat biji sebanyak 88 biji/100g; nilai pH 4,93; kadar asam asetat 0,47%, kadar lemak 34,90%, kadar air 4,47%, kadar serat kasar 3,66% dan kadar abu 4,82% dengan waktu fermentasi selama 5 hari.;The aimed of this study was to investigate the effect of starter culture addition (Acetobacter aceti, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) with depulping on the fermentation and quality of cocoa beans. The experimental design of this study was conducted using a 3×5 factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with duplicate replication. The result revealed that starter addition increased ethanol concentration on the fermentation process, increased acetate acid, and citric acid concentration meanwhile oxalic acid was decreased on cocoa beans during 5 days of fermentation. Depulping caused a slight decrease in acetic acid concentration at the end of fermentation with values of 0,47%, meanwhile the sample of cocoa beans without depulping treatment had acetic acid concentration of 0,49%. Starter culture addition and depulping treatment resulted the best characteristic of cocoa beans which visualized by the largest amounts of cut test score (379 of 400), physical quality (Grade A) and completed SNI No. 2323-2008 requirements with total beans/100 g ratio of 88 beans/100g; pH values of 4,93; acetic acid concentrations of 0,47%, content of fat 15,12%, moisture 4,47%, crude fiber 3,66% and total ash 4,82% after 5 days fermentation., The aimed of this study was to investigate the effect of starter culture addition (Acetobacter aceti, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) with depulping on the fermentation and quality of cocoa beans. The experimental design of this study was conducted using a 3×5 factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with duplicate replication. The result revealed that starter addition increased ethanol concentration on the fermentation process, increased acetate acid, and citric acid concentration meanwhile oxalic acid was decreased on cocoa beans during 5 days of fermentation. Depulping caused a slight decrease in acetic acid concentration at the end of fermentation with values of 0,47%, meanwhile the sample of cocoa beans without depulping treatment had acetic acid concentration of 0,49%. Starter culture addition and depulping treatment resulted the best characteristic of cocoa beans which visualized by the largest amounts of cut test score (379 of 400), physical quality (Grade A) and completed SNI No. 2323-2008 requirements with total beans/100 g ratio of 88 beans/100g; pH values of 4,93; acetic acid concentrations of 0,47%, content of fat 15,12%, moisture 4,47%, crude fiber 3,66% and total ash 4,82% after 5 days fermentation.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Novia
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk yogurt nabati hasil fermentasi susu kacang merah menggunakan kultur backslop. Kultur backslop yang digunakan sebanyak 15% (v/v) berasal dari produk BioYogurt, inkubasi dilakukan selama 48 jam pada suhu 38° C. Analisis produk fermentasi meliputi perhitungan jumlah bakteri asam laktat, kadar protein, total asam, pH dan uji organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada akhir fermentasi jumlah bakteri asam laktat adalah 7,64 log CFU/ml, kadar protein adalah 14,89 mg/ml, kadar total asam adalah 1,6%, pH adalah 4,00 dan tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap produk adalah moderate.

The research aims to produce natural yogurt products of the fermented red bean milk by backsloping. Backslop culture from BioYogurt used as much as 15% (v/v), incubation performed for 48 hours at temperature of 38° C. Analysis fermentation products included the calculation of the lactic acid bacteria amount, protein content, total acid, pH and levels of panelist?s delight. The results showed that at the end of fermentation were, the number of lactic acid bacteria 7,64 log CFU/ml, protein content 14,89 mg/ml, total acid 1,6%, pH amount 4,00 and the degree of panelist?s delight against the product moderate."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adisty Paramitha
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi sukrosa terhadap aktivitas anti-Candida albicans dari Aspergillus flavus UICC 360. Sebanyak (1,33--2,58) x 107 CFU/ml inokulum berisi hifa dan konidia Aspergillus flavus UICC 360 dengan 1,96% (v/v), diinokulasikan ke dalam medium Czapek?s Dox Broth dengan konsentrasi sukrosa yang berbeda. Proses fermentasi dilakukan selama 7 hari pada suhu 27--30 °C. Konsentrasi sukrosa yang digunakan adalah 0 mM, 58,5 mM, 73 mM, 87,7 mM, 102,3 mM, dan 116,9 mM. Pengujian aktivitas anti-Candida albicans dilakukan dengan metode Paper Disk Assay.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan aktivitas dari masingmasing ekstrak dalam etil asetat. Ekstrak E4 (sukrosa 102,3 mM) dalam etil asetat menunjukkan aktivitas anti-Candida albicans tertinggi, sedangkan ekstrak kontrol (sukrosa 0 mM) dalam etil asetat tidak menunjukkan aktivitas anti- Candida albicans. Ekstrak E4 menghasilkan diameter zona hambat terbesar, yaitu 8,33 mm, setara dengan aktivitas antibiotik nystatin pada konsentrasi 1.515,2 ppm.

The research aims to determine sucrose concentration effect on anti-Candida albicans activity of Aspergillus flavus UICC 360. (1.33--2.58) x 107 CFU/ml inoculum containing hyphae and conidia of Aspergillus flavus UICC 360 1.96% (v / v) was inoculated into the Czapek's Dox Broth medium with different concentrations of sucrose. The fermentation process was carried out for 7 days at 27--30 °C. Sucrose concentrations were 0 mM, 58.5 mM, 73 mM, 87.7 mM, 102.3 mM and 116.9 mM. Test for anti-Candida albicans activity was performed by Paper Disk Assay method.
The results showed that there were differences in the activity of each extract in ethyl acetate. Extracts E4 (sucrose 102.3 mM) in ethyl acetate showed the highest anti-Candida albicans activity, whereas extracts of control (sucrose 0 mM) in ethyl acetate showed no anti-Candida albicans activity. E4 extracts produced the largest zone of inhibition diameter, which was 8.33 mm, equivalent to the activity of antibiotics nystatin at 1515.2 ppm.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
John Leonardi Laisnima
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Rakhmawati
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aerma Hastuty
"Studi tentang biotransformasi asetonitril menggunakan bakteri Gram positif yang diisolasi dari sedimen sungai yang sudah tercemar limbah industri di kawasan Cibinong, Jawa Barat telah dilakukan. Sebanyak 200 isolat bakteri telah diskrining aktivitasnya dalam mendegradasi senyawa nitril, dan didapatkan 2 isolat unggulan yaitu isolat 100A dan 100D. Hasil skrining pada medium mineral yang mengandung asetonitril dengan konsentrasi 100 mM, menunjukkan indikasi kuat bahwa bakteri tersebut mampu menghasilkan enzim nitril hidratase dan amidase. Akan tetapi, kedua bakteri tersebut tidak mampu tumbuh pada media yang mengandung benzonitril. Hasil ini didukung dengan data karakterisasi secara molekuler dengan menggunakan primer spesifik, dimana isolat 100A dan 100D secara positif mengandung gen penyandi α-nitril hidratase dan amidase. Pada posisi pertama susunan asam amino dari gen penyandi α-nitril hidratase terdapat perbedaan antara isolat 100A (Methionine 1) dan 100D (Glycine 1). Hasil identifikasi berdasarkan analisis filogenetik menggunakan sekuen 16S ribosomal DNA menunjukkan bahwa kedua bakteri ini memiliki kekerabatan yang sangat dekat dengan Rhodococcus qingshengii, R. baikonurensis dan R. erythropolis. Analisis pairwise nucleotide alignment menunjukkan bakteri 100A dan 100D memiliki susunan nukleotida yang lebih mirip dengan R. qingshengii, sehingga kedua isolat bakteri tersebut diberi nama Rhodococcus aff. qingshengii 100A dan Rhodococcus aff. qingshengii 100D.

Study of the biotransformation of acetonitrile using Gram-positive bacteria isolated from sediment of industrial waste contaminated river in Cibinong, West Java has been carried out. A total of 200 bacterial isolates were screened for their activity in degrading nitrile compounds of which two isolates with highest activity were selected for the molecular characterization. Screening of nitrile degrading enzymes using mineral medium 100 mM acetonitrile showed that isolates 100A and 100D capable of producing α-nitrile hidratase and amidase enzymes. However, both bacteria are unable to grow on media containing benzonitrile. These results were supported by molecular characterization using specific primers, where isolates100A and 100D positively contain genes encoding α-nitrile hidratase and amidase. There was a difference at the first position of amino acid composition of the gene encoding α-nitrile hidratase between isolates 100A (Methionine1) and 100D (Glycine1). Identification based on phylogenetic analysis using 16S ribosomal DNA sequences showed that the two bacteria have a very close relationship with Rhodococcus qingshengii, R. baikonurensis and R. erythropolis. Based on the analyses using pairwise nucleotide alignment, the nucleotide sequences of strain 100A and 100D more similar to R. qingshengii, therefore, these bacteria were named Rhodococcus aff. qingshengii 100A and Rhodococcus aff. qingshengii 100D.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yani Aryati
"Flavobacterium columnare D. adalah bakteri penyebab penyakit columnaris yang menyebabkan kerugian besar pada produksi budidaya ikan seperti ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.). Vaksin adalah pendekatan pilihan untuk mengontrol masalah penyakit yang berdasar pada kekebalan (selular dan humoral). Vaksin anti F. columnare dibuat dengan inaktivasi formalin 0,2% skala invitro. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari potensi imunogenik vaksin anti Flavobacterium columnare dan menganalisis kekebalan selular dan humoral pada budidaya ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa vaksin anti Flavobacterium columnare dapat meningkatkan sintasan (survival rate) dari ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.) hingga 30% dan booster tidak memberikan pengaruh yang besar terhadap sintasan (survival rate) dan relative percent survival (RPS). Analisis kekebalan selular antara ikan lele (Clarias batrachus L.) berfluktuasi sesuai dengan antigen yang diberikan. Kekebalan humoral dari ikan lele yang dibooster lebih tinggi dibandingkan ikan lele yang tidak dibooster. Penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa vaksin anti F. columnare dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif solusi untuk mengendalikan penyakit penyakit columnaris.

Flavobacterium columnare D. is an agent of columnaris disease makes a loss in aquaculture product such as catfish (Clarias batrachus L.). Vaccine is choice approach to control the problem basic on cellular and humoral immunity. The vaccine is made by inactivation bacteria with 0,2% of formalin with invitro scale. The aims of this study to investigate immunogenic potential of anti F. columnare vaccine and to analyse cellular and humoral immune on catfish (Clarias batrachus L.). The result revealed that anti of F. columnare vaccine could increased the survival rate of catfish product up to 30% , and the booster not gave influence for survival rate and relative percent survival. Cellular immune of Clarias batrachus L. were fluntuative depend on the antigen. Humoral immune on catfish (Clarias batrachus L.) was increased by anti F. columnare vaccination with booster compared by without booster. This study indicated that anti F. columnare vaccination could be used as alternative solutions to control columnaris disease."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesia is the second world producer of palm oil after Malaysia. Beside production of the palm oil, the industry is also yields a huge of amounts of palm kernel meal (PKM or Bungkil sawit). Utilization of PKM is still limited for cosmetic industrial and margarine. Hem et al. 2008a reported that PKM fermentation was used to bioconversion of maggot larvae. The most popular insect used in this particular case is the Black Soldier (BS) fly, Hermetia illucens L (maggot) (Stratiomyidae, Diptera). Hermetia illucens L. is a non-pest tropical and warm-temperate insect that has been found useful for managing large concentrations of bio-solids as well as other by-products and wastes (O'Mara et al.1999; Choct 2001).
Many research studies on the larvae of Hermetia illucens L. have also been conducted in Southeast Asian countries and expanded in Indonesia. As previously reported, Hermetia illucens L. has been found effective in reducing the mass of solid wastes (Lim et al. 2001).Research study of Palm Kernel Meal conversion and bacterial succession by Hermetia illucens L. larvae (maggot).
The objective of this research are: to observed how to PKM conversion occured, isolation the bacteria, study bacterial succession, to observe changing of physical parameters of substrate and storage room, and analyze the proximate value. The study consists of two part: (1) to describe the process of PKM bioconversion. (2) to describe bacterial succession by Hermetia illucens L. larvae (maggot). The research was carried out at the Loka Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar; Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) Laboratory, Depok; Microbiology Laboratory -Department of Biology, FMIPA, University of Indonesia, Depok during July 2008 -- June 2009.
The study of the Palm Kernel Meal (PKM) naturally conversion of Hermetia illusens L. larvae was carried out. The substrate of PKM was added by sterilized water with the composition of 1:2 (Hem et al. 2008a). The natural conversion was done for 7 days. Sampling and isolation bacteria from PKM bioconversion was carried out every day. The isolation of bacteria was done with dilution methods by Otoguro (2006) and purification was carried out with quadrant methods by Cappucino and Sherman (2002)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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