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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Simbolon, Camelia, author
Tulisan ini membahas mengenai perlindungan pengungsi internal dalam hukum internasional. Melalui metode studi pustaka, penulis menjabarkan hak-hak apa saja yang dijamin bagi pengungsi internal, khususnya dalam instrumen panduan internasional yang bernama United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement. Penulis menganalisa praktek-praktek negara yang mengadopsi Guiding Principles dan kemungkinan bagi dokumen...
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidyar Indhira Putri, author
The principle of self-determination is one of the concepts contained in international human rights law. This principle has generally been known by many, but along with the changing times and needs, the concept of this principle more deeply examined by experts and used in various international agreements as a basic...
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhita Ashita Haruni, author
The protection against cultural heriage was relatively narrow at first, which only includes the protection of tangible cultural heritage. But along the course of time, arising from a conciousness that believes that folklore is a part of the cultural heritage, then folklore should also be eligible to obtain protection. This...
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library