Cynthia Bella Permatasari, author
Kekuatan Akta Hibah Yang Dibuat Oleh Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah Sementara Dan Baru Disahkan Oleh Pengadilan Negeri Setelah Terjadi Pembuatan Akta Penerimaan Harta Peninggalan Dan Akta Pengikatan Jual Beli Dengan Pihak Yang Berbeda (Studi Putusan Pengadila = The Legal Force Of Deed Of Grant Drawn Up By Temporary Land Deed Official And Just Been Approved By The State Court Subsequent To The Execution Of The Deed Of Acceptance Of Inheritance And Deed Of The Binding Of Sale And Purchase With Different Parties (C
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Billquis Kamil Arasy, author
Tanggung jawab notaris terhadap Akta Pengikatan Perjanjian Jual Beli yang disahkan oleh putusan pengadilan tetapi dibatalkan oleh para pihak (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Sidoarjo Nomor 354/Pdt.g/2019/Pn Sda) = The notary's responsibility for the sale and purchase agreement deed which was legalized by a court decision but canceled by the parties (study of the Sidoarjo district court decision number 354/Pdt.g/2019/Pn Sda)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Etheldreda Tikatama Ayutiar, author
Implikasi yuridis tindakan notaris yang turut serta memalsukan akta jual beli saham (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Banten Nomor 9/PID/2019/PT.BTN) = Juridical implications of notarized action that participate in falsifying the deed of sale and purchase (Case Study of The Decision of The Banten High Court Number 9/PID/2019/PT.BTN).
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Monica Kusumadevi, author
Peranan pejabat pembuat akta tanah (PPAT) terhadap pengelakan pajak jual beli tanah yang dilakukan oleh para pihak = Role of Accredited Land Deed Officer (PPAT) To The Tax Evasion In Sale And Purchase On Land Made by The Parties
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Ghaida Mastura, author
Notaris yang membuat perjanjian pengikatan jual beli dan kuasa menjual dengan objek yang sama kepada beberapa pihak (Studi Putusan Mahkamah Agung nomor 1128K/PID/2017 dan Putusan Majelis Pengawas Pusat Notaris Nomor 13/B/MPPN/VII/2019) = Notary that conducting purchase binding agreement and deed of authorization to sell on the same object for several parties (Study of supreme court's ruling No. 1128K/PID/2017 and national supervisory board of notary's ruling No. 13/B/MPPN/VII/2019).
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
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