Khansa Annafi`u Azlou, author
Pemanfaatan tepung bintang laut mahkota duri (acanthaster planci (Linnaeus 1758)) sebagai bahan substitusi protein pakan ikan mas hias (carassius auratus) = Utilization of crown of thorn starfish (acanthaster planci (Linnaeus 1758)) powder as a protein substitution in pellets for goldfish (carassius auratus)
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Marwah Nur Fadillah, author
Pemanfaatan tepung bintang laut mahkota berduri (acanthaster planci) sebagai pakan buatan untuk penambah berat dan penguat pewarnaan ikan mas koki (carassius auratus)= Utilization of crown of thorn starfish (acanthaster planci) powder as an artificial food to adder weight and amplify the pigmentation of goldfish (carassius auratus)
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Resti Permatasari, author
Analisis proksimat, uji organoleptik, dan uji fisik pakan ikan hias yang memanfaatkan tepung bintang laut mahkota duri acanthaster planci sebagai substitusi protein tepung ikan = Proximate analysis organoleptic and physical test of fish meal contained crown of thorns starfish acanthaster planci powder as fish powder protein substitution
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Imelda Krisanta Enda Savitri, author
Pemanfaatan phospholipase A2 racun duri bintang laut acanthaster planci untuk bahan antimikroba = Utilization of phospholipase A2 of the crown of thorns acanthaster planci spines venom for antimicrobial agents / Imelda Krisanta Enda Savitri
 UI - Disertasi Membership
Lischer, Kenny, author
Uji aktivitas antiviral phospolipase A2 duri bintang laut Acanthaster planci Perairan Maluku pada Human Immunodeficiency Virus = Antiviral activity test of phospolipase A2 Maluku crown of thorn starfish acanthaster planci in Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis Membership
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