Marianus Mendrofa, author
Kewenangan Penghapusan Merek Atas Prakarsa Menteri Terhadap Merek Terdaftar Dan Telah Ada Putusan Pengadilan Yang Telah Berkekuatan Hukum Tetap (Studi kasus: Putusan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Nomor: 196/G/2020/PTUN-JKT) = Authority for Removal of Marks on the Initiative of the Minister against Registered Marks and There Has Been a Court Decision That Has Permanent Legal Force (Case study: Decision of the State Administrative Court Number: 196/G/2020/PTUN-JKT)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Tony Budisarwono, author
Akibat hukum terhadap putusan perceraian dari pasangan perkawinan campuran menurut Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan yang telah berkekuatan hukum tetap tetapi tidak dicatatkan di kantor catatan sipil : analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2307 K/Pdt/2007 = The legal consequence of divorce decision of a mixed marriage couple according to the code number 1 year 1974 regarding the marriage which has a permanent legal powered decision but not registered at the Departement of Population : analysis of supreme court decision number 2307 K/Pdt/2007
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tesis (Open)
Tria Ayu Norma Ardani, author
Koordinasi antara ma dengan MPPN dalam upaya penegakan sanksi terhadap notaris yang telah dijatuhi pidana yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap (studi kasus putusan MA nomor 1847 K/PID/2010) = Coordination between MA and MPPN in an attempt of enforcement sanctions against a notary who has been convicted to a criminal who has had the force of law (case study decision MA number 1847 K /PID/2010)
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Evan Richardo, author
Analisis pembatalan penguasaan tanah yang telah terdaftar dalam sertipikat hak guna bangunan (HGB) dan sertipikat hak pengelolaan (HPL) : studi kasus Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 89/PK/TUN/2008 JO. Putusan Kasasi Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 75K/TUN/2008 JO. Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Tata Usaha Negara DKI Jakarta No. 178/B/2007/PT.TUN.JKT JO. Putusan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Jakarta No. 14/G/2007/PTUN.JKT = Analysis of the cancellation of land tenure that has been registered in the right to build certificate (HGB) and right to manage certificate (HPL) : study case of the Decision of Judicial Review by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 89/PK/TUN/2008 as amended to the Decision of Cassation by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 75K/TUN/2008 as amended to the Decision of State Administrative High Court of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta Number 178/B/2007/PT.TUN.JKT as amended to the Decision of Jakarta State Administrative Court Number 14/G/2007/PTUN.JKT / Evan Richardo
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
 UI - Tesis (Membership)
Siti Mutmainah, author
Analisis yuridis proses pelaksanaan putusan PTUN yang telah berkekuatan hukum tetap : studi kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung RI No. 39/K/TUN/2012 antara PT. Radio Pelangi Lintas Nusa melawan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika = Juridical analysis of implementation process of verdict of state administration court which have had permanent law enforcement : a case study of verdict of Supreme Court RI no. 39 K/TUN/2012 between PT. Radio Pelangi Lintas Nusa versus Minister of Communication and Infrmation Technology
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
 UI - Tesis Membership
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