Indra Tri Astuti
Studi komparasi pemberian ASI dan larutan gula terhadap respons nyeri saat imunisasi pada bayi = Comparative study of Breastfeeding and orally administered sugar solution on infants in reducing pain response during immunization
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
 UI - Tesis Open
Dorce Sisfiani Sarimin
Efektivitas Paket Dukungan Keluarga (PDK) Terhadap Respon Perilaku Nyeri Bayi Yang Dilakukan Prosedur Imunisasi Di RSUP Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Manado = The Effect of Family Support Package on the Pain Response of the Infant when they are having Immunization in Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital, Manado
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
 UI - Tesis Open
Sri Intan Rahayuningsih
Efek Pemberian ASI terhadap Tingkat Nyeri dan Lama Tangisan Bayi Saat Penyuntikan Imunisasi di Kota Depok Tahun 2009 = The Effect of Breast Feeding toward Level of Pain and Long Time of Baby’s Crying When Injecting Immunization at Depok District in 2009
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
 UI - Tesis Open
Sri Intan Rahayuningsih
Efek pemberian asi terhadap tingkat nyeri dan lama tangisan bayi saat penyuntikan imunisasi di Kota Depok tahun 2009 = The effect of breast feeding toward level of pain and long time of baby's crying hhen injecting immunization at Depok District in 2009
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2009
 UI - Tesis Open
Dyah Dwi Astuti
Perbandingan antara perawatan metode kanguru dan pemberian empeng terhadap respon nyeri selama pengambilan darah vena pada bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) = Comparison between kangaroo mother care and pacifier for pain response during venous blood collection on low birth weight infants / Dyah Dwi Astuti
 UI - Tesis Membership