Alya Nabila
Analisis yuridis dalam implementasi pertukaran informasi keuangan secara otomatis untuk mengungkap rahasia bank guna kepentingan perpajakan di Indonesia = Juridical analysis on the implementation of automatic exchange of information (AEoI) to disclose bank secrecy for taxation purposes in Indonesia
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Ilman Dhohiry
Pengecualian rahasia bank dalam rangka pertukaran informasi keuangan secara otomatis (automatic exchange of financial account information) : studi perbandingan dengan Swiss dan Singapura = The exception to bank secrecy due to automatic exchange of financial account information : comparison study to Switzerland and Singapore
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
 UI - Tesis Membership
Alvionita Mirwanthy
Analisis perbandingan dampak implementasi automatic exchange of information perpajakan terhadap rahasia bank di Indonesia, Swiss, dan Singapura = Comparative analysis of the impact in implementation of automatic exchange of information for tax matters towards bank confidential provisions in Indonesia, Switzerland, and Singapore / Alvionita Mirwanthy
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
 UI - Skripsi Membership
Yudithya Aristy Primaditta
Tinjauan yuridis penerapan automatic exchange of information in tax matters (AE0I) di Indonesia terkait dengan pembukaan rahasia bank = Legal review on the implementation of automatic exchange of information in tax matters (AE0I) in Indonesia in relation with bank secrecy
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
 UI - Tesis Membership
Sirait, Fajar Baskara
Analisis persiapan pertukaran informasi secara otomatis di Indonesia dan Singapura melalui multilateral competent authority agreement = Analysis of automatic exchange of information preparation in Indonesia and Singapore through MCAA (Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement
 UI - Tesis Membership