"Pendahuluan: Kesalahan pemberian obat merupakan isu kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang melibatkan peran perawat. Perawat membutuhkan kemampuan kognitif untuk mengelola kegiatan asuhan keperawatan pasien.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kemampuan kognitif dan beban kerja perawat pelaksana dengan kesalahan pemberian obat di unit rawat inap RSUD Cengkareng Jakarta.
Desain: Deskriptif analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional terhadap 61 perawat pelaksana, dipilih dengan cosecutive sampling. Pengukuran kesalahan pemberian obat dengan observasi, beban kerja menggunakan continous observation, selama 24 jam (3 shift), sedangkan kemampuan kognitif diukur dengan Raven standard progressive matrices test.
Hasil: Ada hubungan bermakna antara kemampuan kognitif dan beban kerja dengan kesalahan pemberian obat (p=0,027;OR=0,6; p=0,018;OR=0,6). Kesalahan pemberian obat lebih banyak terjadi dalam hal waktu dan dokumentasi obat (masing-masing 30,2%).
Kesimpulan: Perawat yang memiliki kapasitas intelektual rata-rata dan beban kerja tinggi berpeluang lebih besar melakukan kesalahan pemberian obat.
Rekomendasi: Meningkatkan pemahaman perawat akan perannya dan menanamkan sikap disiplin waktu pemberian obat, yang bisa dimulai 30 menit sebelum jadwal yang tertulis pada daftar obat. Pengaturan jadwal dinas perawat mempertimbangkan kebutuhan akan pemulihan.
Introduction: The medication administration errors are one of the negative issues in the health care quality. Nurses should need a certain level of cognitive beside a condusive work load environment to secure the entire high quality patient nursing.Objective: To analyze the correlation between nurse cognitive level and work load to the medication administration error in the in-patient unit of RSUD Cengkareng-Jakarta.Methode: Analytical comparassion study with cross sectional design of 61 subjects, collected by consequtive sampling method. The measurement of medication administration error was done by disguised direct observation. The work load was measured by continous observation in 3 shift for 24 hours, while the cognitive level by Raven standard progressive matrices test.Result: A significante correlation between cognitive level and work load to the medication administration error was found (p=0.027; OR=06 and p=0.018; OR=0.6). The medication administration error occured mostly in administration's timing and documentation (each 30,2%).Conclusion: In the high work load circumstances, the nurses with an average level of cognitive had a bigger chance to make medication administration error than the nurses with an outstanding level of cognitive.Recommendations: Improved the understanding of the nurses noble roles and the nurse's discipline in medication administration. The medication administration could be start 30 minutes before the instructed time. The setting of working time table must count the need of recovery time after duty."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013