"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efektivitas kemampuan kepala ruangan dalam melaksanakan supervisi yang dipersepsikan perawat pelaksana. Latar belakang masalah ini bersumber dari temuan masalah pada waktu peneliti melaksanakan kegiatan resindensi yang menunjukan bahwa kepala ruangan belum optimal dalam supervisi dan supervisi yang dilakukan selama ini bersifat situasional. Tempat penelitian adalah di 8 ruang rawat inap RSUD Budhi Asih Jakarta, dengan responden berjumlah 94 perawat pelaksana yang diambil secara acak dengan teknik simple random sampling (jumlah populasi 210 orang) dengan latar belakang pendidikan SPK, D3/D4 dan S1 Keperawatan. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang dibuat oleh peneliti sendiri. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Hipotesis ditetapkan untuk melihat hubungan yang positif antara variabel efektivitas kemampuan kepala ruangan dengan persepsi perawat pelaksana dan variabel confoundinglkarakteristik perawat pelaksana dengan persepsi perawat pelaksana. Uji cobs instrumen dilakukan pada perawat pelaksana di ruang rawat map RSUD Koja Jakarta Utara. Hasil uji coba kuesioner diperoleh nilai a = 0,972. Untuk menguji hubungan antara efektivitas kemampuan supervisi kepala ruangan dan persepsi perawat pelaksana digunakan Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Pada analisis bivariat digunakan regresi tinier sederhana dan untuk analisis multivariat digunakan analisis regresi linier ganda (multiple linier regression). Hasil uji bivariat korelasi Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient diperoleh basil adanya hubungan yang sempurna dan signifikan antara variabel efektivitas kemampuan supervisi kepala ruangan dengan persepsi perawat pelaksana dengan nilai F Sig.=98,384 dan memiliki Pvalue - 0,000 (p < a). Sub variabel efektivitas kemampuan supervisi kepala ruangan yang terdiri dari fungsi manajemen, kompetensi supervisi dan ketrampilan supervisi menunjukkan adanya hubungan kuat dan signifikan dengan persepsi perawat pelaksana yaitu fungsi manajemen (r = 0,881; Pvalue = 0,000), kompetensi supervisi (r = 0,887; Pvalue = 0,000) dan ketrampilan supervisi (r = 0,775; Pvalue = 0,000). Pada uji statistik multivariat diperoleh hasil koefisien determinasi (R2 = 0,848) dan menunjukkan bahwa sub variabel kompetensi supervisi merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap persepsi perawat pelaksana dengan nilai R = 0,698; Pvalue = 0,000 (p < a). Rekomendasi untuk pimpinan dan manajer keperawatan di RSUD Budhi Asih Jakarta untuk memanfaatkan hasil penelitian ini guna perbaikan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan, khususnya dengan meningkatkan supervisi keperawatan yang dilakukan oleh kepala ruangan terhadap perawat pelaksana.
The aim of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of head nurses' ability in conducting supervision which was perceived by the nurses. The background of this problem came from the situation when the researcher had some residential activity which was showed that the head nurses not yet optimal in conducted the supervision, and the supervision had been done until now was still situational supervision. Research place was in 8 inpatient ward of the Budhi Asih Hospital Jakarta, the number of the sample was 94 nurses which were taken with the random technique of simple random sampling (the number of the population was 210 people) with background education of SPK, D3/D4 and bachelor in nursing (S1). Data collecting was done using with the questionnaire which made by the researcher. Research design which was used in this research was analytic method with the cross sectional approach. Hypothesis specified to see the positive relation between effectiveness head nurses' ability variable with the nurses' perception variable and the characteristic of the nurses with the nurses' perception. The test of the instrument had been done on the nurses? inpatient ward RSUD Koja, North Jakarta. Result of the questionnaire test obtained by value of a= 0,972. The test of the relation between effectiveness head nurses' supervision ability and perception of the nurses was using Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. This research using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. Bivariate analysis used simple linear regression and for the multivariate analysis used multiple linear regressions. The result of Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient correlation bivariate test obtained from the result of the relation which was significant between effectiveness head nurses' supervision ability variable with the perception of nurses showed the strong relation and significant with value of F Sig.= 98,384 and pvalue = 0,000 ( p < a). Sub variable of the effectiveness head nurses' supervision ability including management function, supervision competency and supervision skill showed the strong relation and significant with perception nurse with of value management function ( r = 0,881; pvalue = 0,000), supervision competency (r = 0,887; pvalue = 0,000) and supervision skill ( r = 0,775; pvalue = 0,000). Statistical multivariate test obtained the result of determinant coefficient (R2 = 0,848) and indicate that supervision competency sub variable represent the most influenced factor on the nurses' perception with value ( = 0,698; pvalue = 0,000 (p < a ). Recommendation for the Dirrector and the Nursing manager of the Budhi Asih Hospital Jakarta were to exploit the result of this research to improve the quality of the nursing services, specially by improving the nursing supervision conducted by the head nurses to the nurses."