ABSTRAKTesis ini dilakukan dengan tujuan apakah faktor-faktor seperti dukungan manajemen, partisipasi manajemen, komitmen manajemen, manajemen perubahan, dan kepuasan pengguna mempengaruhi keberhasilan sebuah implementasi ERP di PT Rahayu Santosa, sebuah perusahaan karoseri bus di Indonesia. Telaah kepustakaan digunakan sebagai langkah awal untuk dijadikan dasar penelitian. Kemudian dilakukan survei dan wawancara untuk mendapatkan informasi di lapangan sebagai bentuk konfirmasi dari teori yang ditelaah. Responden adalah seluruh pengguna Acumatica ERP di PT Rahayu santosa. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan faktor kepuasan pengguna, manajemen perubahan, dan komitmen manajemen menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan implementasi ERP di PT Rahayu Santosa.
ABSTARCTThis thesis is aimed to see wheter top management support, top management participation, top management commitment, change management, and user satisfaction influencing success in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implementation in PT Rahayu Santosa, an Indonesian-based carroserrie company. This thesis is started with literature exploration to see what factors that commonly influence a success and also failure in ERP implementation. Then, survey and interview were conducted to confirm explorated literature with field reality. Survey and interview revealed that user satisfaction, change management, and top management commitment are factors which significantly influence success of ERP implementation., This thesis is aimed to see wheter top management support, top management participation, top management commitment, change management, and user satisfaction influencing success in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) implementation in PT Rahayu Santosa, an Indonesian-based carroserrie company. This thesis is started with literature exploration to see what factors that commonly influence a success and also failure in ERP implementation. Then, survey and interview were conducted to confirm explorated literature with field reality. Survey and interview revealed that user satisfaction, change management, and top management commitment are factors which significantly influence success of ERP implementation.]"