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Dela Oktafriani Intansari
"Skripsi ini menganalisispenagihan tunggakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) atastransaksi pembiayaan murabahah berdasarkanasas kepastian hukum (Certainty). Indikator-indikator guna mengukur kesesuaian asas kepastian hukum (certainty) dalam penagihan tunggakan pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) atas transaksi pembiayaan murabahah, antara lainkepastian atas subjek penagihan pajak, objek penagihan pajak, prosedur penagihan pajak, serta jaminan hukum berupaperlindungan bagi wajib pajak.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami dan menganalisis penagihan tunggakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) atastransaksi pembiayaan murabahahmemenuhi asas kepastian hukumatau tidak. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan membaca literatur yang berdasarkan penelitian, observasi, dan wawancara.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa penagihan tunggakan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) padatransaksi pembiayaan murabahah yang timbul pada dasarnyamemenuhi asas-asaskepastian hukum, namun muncul keraguan dari pihak Direktorat Jenderal Pajak pada pelaksanaannya.

This thesis analyzes the implementation of arrears billing Value Added Tax (VAT) on murabahah transaction based on the principle of legal certainty (certainty). Indicators to measure the suitability of the principle of legal certainty (certainty) in the implementation
of value added tax arrears collection (VAT) on murabahah certainty as to the subject of tax billing, collection of objects of taxation, tax collection procedures, and legal guarantees of protection for taxpayers.
This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of descriptive research. The purpose of this research is to understand and analyze the implementation of Value Added Tax arrears collection (VAT) on murabahah satisfy the principle of legal certainty or not. Data collection techniques used by reading the literature based on research, observations, and interviews.
This study concludes that theimplementation of arrears billing Value Added Tax (VAT) on murabahah arising prior to April 2010 basically does not meet the principles of legal certainty."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imansyah Dana
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Franky S. Nelwan
"Tesis ini meneliti transaksi Murabahah. Pihak bank Syariah menganggap transaksi ini adalah jasa pembiayaan / financing. Sedangkan Ditjen Pajak menganggap transaksi ini jual-beli antara bank dengan nasabah, yang adalah obyek PPN. Tipe penelitian ini adalah yuridis normative, dengan melakukan analisa terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan, prinsipprinsip Syariah dan peraturan lainnya.
Hasil penelitian menununjukkan Murabahah merupakan bentuk jual beli menurut hukum Islam. Karena itu transaksi Murabahah masuk menjadi obyek yang dikenakan PPN. Terjadi perubahan para pihak, sehingga Murabahah tampak semata-mata hanya perjanjian pembiayaan. Pengenaan PPN adalah pada nilai tambahnya saja, dan methode tax credit membuat tidak menimbulkan pajak berganda (non kumulasi).

This thesis examined Murabahah transactions. Syariah banks consider this transaction is a financing service / financing. Meanwhile, the Directorate General of Taxation considers this transaction trading between banks and customers, which is the object of VAT. This type of research is normative juridical, to conduct the analysis of the legislation, the principles of Sharia and other regulations.
The research conclude Murabahah is a form of buying and selling according to Islamic law. Therefore Murabahah transactions entered into are subject to VAT object. Change the parties, so the Murabahah look solely financing agreements. The imposition of VAT is the only added value, and the tax credit method does not cause a double taxation (non-cumulative)."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Winardi
"Pertumbuhan yang cepat advance technology telah mendorong perubahan strategi perusahaan dalam menjalankan bisnis dari cara-cara yang bersifat konvensional menjadi secara elektronik atau dikenal dengan nama e-commerce Volume transaksi elektronik tersebut di dunia cukup besar, dan di Indonesia walaupun transaksi tersebut baru dikenal dan volume transaksinya masih relatif kecil, akan tetapi pertumbuhannya menunjukkan tingkat yang cukup tinggi.
Kondisi ini telah menciptakan beberapa kemungkinan antara lain; adanya situasi bahwa pemerintah telah kehilangan potensi penerimaan pajak (tax windfalls), kemungkinan terjadinya pemajakan berganda (double taxation), atau terjadinya kompetisi yang tidak fair antara transaksi yang dilakukan secara konvensional dan transaksi yang dilakukan secara elektronik. Bagi Indonesia fenomena ini membawa implikasi pertama, berupa peluang adanya potensi penerimaan pajak yang cukup besar, dan kedua, tantangan bagi Direktorat Jenderal Pajak untuk membuat design ketentuan perpajakan atas transaksi ecommerce dengan tetap mengacu kepada prinsip-prinsip pemungutan pajak yang adil (fairness), netral (neutrality), efisien (efrciency) dan memberikan kepastian hukum (certainty).
Hasil analisis dengan melakukan pendekatan; pertama, terhadap ketentuan-ketentuan perpajakan atas transaksi e-commerce sesuai rekomendasi Negara-negara Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), dan kedua, mempelajari praktek pemajakan atas transaksi e-commerce pada beberapa negara, serta ketiga, menelaah ketentuan-ketentuan Undang-undang PPN Tahun 2000 beserta peraturan pelaksanaannya didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa ketentuan-ketentuan yang ada dalam UU PPN beserta peraturan pelaksanaannya sudah dapat diterapkan terhadap transaksi e-commerce, walaupun ada beberapa rumusan yang tidak secara jelas dan tegas diatur, sehingga dihawatirkan akan menimbulkan kondisi ketidak pastian (certainty) terhadap Wajib Pajak.
Dari kesimpulan di atas maka disarankan agar dilakukan penyempurnaan terhadap UU PPN Tahun 2000 beserta aturan pelaksanaannya, yaitu beberapa ketentuan perlu dirumuskan secara jelas dan tegas, antara lain pengertian mengenai jenis-jenis barang dan jasa dalam berbagai bentuknya, perlakuan PPN atas ekspor barang kena pajak tidak berwujud dan penyerahan jasa kena pajak keluar daerah pabean. Disamping itu DP sebagai otoritas pajak juga harus mengembangkan teknologi untuk memperluas aspek-aspek pelayanan dalam upaya menurunkan biaya kepatuhan Wajib Pajak, serta sistem pemungutan PPN dalam upaya menjamin efektifitas pemungutan pajak atas transaksi e-commerce."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Firmansyah
"The Voyage Transportation must be have a ship, it's mean divided of Purchased and Chartered. My description of purchasing is purchased from supplier company to build up new a ship, and charter is service provided by entrepreneur for party which is required ship with charter system. Aspect VAT to Purchasing is a new ship must pay when surrender supplier a ship company with owner. VAT to charter is a ship still must pay attention to transaction with the side of lessee charterer, that is with the side of owner of goods directly, intermediary which is not liner of national commercial, intermediary, which is liner of national commercial, or with overseas Tax payer, because to transaction each party there is treatment different of imposition of it. For that is this research to sees regulation of taxation to transaction buying and ship charter and knows why there are treatment difference of VAT between company in the voyage industry. Research approach of performed within this research applies qualitative approach. As for reason of researcher applies qualitative approach is mean to comprehends the social phenomenon to comprehend social phenomenon about transaction of buying and charter a ship in the voyage Industry . In qualitative approach of theory doesn?t become central counselor for researcher in designing research and interprets research data. But theory only be applied as assisting comparator or instrument clarifies data characteristic. From result of analysis problem about treatment between different a company trading national with company non trading national in exemption VAT, hence can be taken conclusion as follows in transaction of buying and rental services ship at sea transport industry in country has not equal. Is mean because of no definition company trading national that is clear based on regulation. So, the implication exemption to company non trading national can?t get facility from Directorate of General tax. Finally, VAT not equal for a shipping company in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desral Rosya
"Obligation Transaction Income Tax Policy Justice and Legal Certainty Principle ReviewA progressive obligation market expansion in Indonesia has made Government released Governmental Regulation Number 6 Year 2002 representing a law execution regulation. However, there have been still many issues not yet regulated resulting in confusion among taxpayers.
Income accepted or taken from obligation transactions is one of incomes on a global taxation base. Thus, its is fair that income accepted or taken from obligation transactions combined with another incomes and taxable with a progressive rate. The main problem of this thesis is how should an obligation transaction income tax be regulated to make all economic ability additions accepted or taken from obligation transaction fairly taxable.
This thesis is a descriptive analytic in type and data collection techniques used are (1) literature research including on various taxation regulations and another related documents and (2) field research using interviews with such related parties as tax administrator, tax consultant, and capital market administrator. Also, author has sent 10 (ten) questionnaires to taxpayers.
Taxation policy of year 2002 has been inconsistent with Income Tax Law in cases of (1) deduction in final income tax (Pajak Penghasilan/PPh) on transaction value imposed only on transactions tradable and reportable to the stock exchange, has been inconsistent with global taxation and regulated no all transactions taking place in both primary market and secondary market, and guaranteed no a justice principle in tax imposition as well, (2) existence of tax exemption to certain taxpayers illustrating a chance for the taxpayers to conduct tax evasion, and (3) inexistence of premium income tax accepted or taken by taxpayers from obligation transactions.
Therefore, it is suggested to make a comprehensive and consistent policy consistent with the one obeyed by Income Tax Law by taking the following tax imposition principles into consideration: (1) tax imposition, at the time of realization and implementation of global taxation, on all economic ability additions accepted or taken by taxpayers from obligation transactions, (2) equality in taxation treatment without differentiating type, source of party accepting income from those obligation transaction, and (3) reference of regulation concerning taxation on premium income accepted or taken by taxpayer from obligation transactions.
xv + 145 + 5 tables + 2 pictures + 2 graphs + 3 appendices Bibliography: 40 books + 7 law and regulation + 5 journals/papers"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Murabahah financing in syariah banking with trading principle, make syariah bank different compared to conventional banks. The difference has caused different understanding for Tax officials, regarding the Value Added Tax. Financing service is a bank service type that is not subject to Value Added Tax, in contrast, is a bank perform sell-purchase activities, which is not a banking business, is an object of Value Added Tax, since in a trading activities, transfer of good exists from a seller to a buyer. Understanding of Tax officer on murabahah transaction is a trade, contrary to the understanding of syariah banking practitioners, who consider murabahah transaction as a financing activity.
Understanding of Tax officer regarding murabahah as a trade is based on the interpretation of Act No. 18 of 2000 regarding Value Added Tax, particularly in article 1 section 5 regarding the definition of service, article 1 section 12 regarding trading, article I section 15 regarding Taxable Entrepreneur (PKP) in the event of delivery of goods. This was confirmed by letter from the Director General of Tax No. S-10711PJ.5312003 dated 11 April 2003 and No. S-2431PJ.5312003 dated 3 October 2003.
Understanding of syariah banking practitioners on murabahah as a bank financing service is based on the interpretation of the Act number 7 of 1992. which have been amended by the Act No, 10 of 1998 regarding banking, particularly in article 1 section 13 regarding the definition of syariah principles, article 6 section m regarding bank business based on syariah principles. The understanding was confirmed by the Government Regulation number 144 of 2000 regarding Types of Goods and Services not subject to Value Added Tax, particularly article 5 section d regarding banking services, including types of services not subject to Value Added Tax, Article 8 section a regarding types of banking according to the provision of the Act no. 7 of 1992 as has been amended by the Act no. 10 of 1998. The understanding was confirmed by the Act No. 18 of 2000 regarding Value Added Tax, in article 4A verse 3 section 4 regarding banking services that are not subject to Value Added Tax.
Using method of comparison of prevailing laws, a legal analysis could be done. As a result of legal analysis, it is found that the Act of Value Added Tax and Banking contains inconsistency in regulating types of banking service. in their application by Tax officer, law may be superseded by a decision of the Directorate General of Tax, which has juridical power lower than the law.
In order to strengthen the legal analysis, a scientific analysis should be done using standard statistical method. In identifying murabahah transaction as a syariah bank financing service, AHP method is used, which is aimed to determine the priority weight as the most dominant financing. Priority determination was done on 15 experts, and 7 of them could give consistent answers. Based on the AHP analysis, it was identified that murahabah transaction is a syariah bank financing transaction, with order of the most influencing condition criteria, as follows: need, quality of goods, benefit, purchase power, and periodic payment. Factors prioritized most in murabahah transaction in order are; profit margin, goods, price, and financing terms.
Overall result of the analysis categorizes murahabah transaction as a financing transaction by syariah bank, either in legal manner, which is based on laws, or scientifically using AHP statistic method. Thus, murabahah is not a-i object of Value Added Tax despite the use of trading principles. Trading principles in murabahah is not the same as trading, which contains delivery of goods as is usually done by.
Tax collection shall be made based on law, which shall act as guidance for Tax officer is performing their duties. Any provision made shall be based on law, it shall not contrary to prevailing laws. If necessary, amendment of law shall undergo phases already established.
Analysis with AHP method relies on experts' opinion in determining weight of each predetermined hierarchical element. Selection of experts shall be appropriate and conform to their disciplines. Irrelevant and inconsistent expert will produce bias information, which may cause bias analysis."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citta Kartika
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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