ABSTRAKPotensi ancaman terhadap masuknya Obat dan Makanan impor tanpa izin edar (TIE), masih menunjukan tren yang sangat dominan pada temuan pengawasan dan penyidikan BPOM dan DJBC. Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi XV membawa konsekwensi pengawasan post border, yang menyertakan gap pengawasan masuknya Obat dan Makanan mengarah pada kondisi lawlessness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kerjasama BPOM dan DJBC dalam lingkup pertukaran data dan informasi intelijen yang mendukung kebijakan pengawasan post border dan merumuskan rekomendasi model collaborative/fusion
intelligence untuk memperkuat ketahanan nasional dari hakekat ancaman tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kombinasi (mix method) yaitu metode kuantitatif menggunakan kuisioner, dan kualitatif melalui studi literatur, wawancara mendalam, dan focus group discussion, yang dianalisa menggunakan Analisa SWOT, software Discourse Network Analysis, serta Alternative Future Analysis. Untuk memperkuat analisa digunakan Delphi Methods dengan menyimpulkan opini Ahli. Informan ditentukan berdasarkan kompetensi intelijen dan keterwakilan wilayah kerja dalam beberapa skema impor, serta Ahli dari
BPOM, DJBC, SKSG-UI, dan BIN. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kerjasama BPOM dan DJBC yang telah ada perlu direvitalisasi dengan melakukan integrasi fungsi intelijen dalam konteks pengawasan post border. Model collaborative intelligence dapat diterapkan dengan implementasi Siklus Analisa Intelijen Terintegrasi yang terbagi dalam tahap pengumpulan internal, analisa terintegrasi dan diseminasi terintegrasi. Efektifitas collaborative intelligence dibangun dan
dievaluasi menggunakan lima faktor pendukung: tata kelola; riset analitik tradecraft; regulasi; SDM; dan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Struktur organisasi yang disesuaikan dengan lingkungan pengawasan post border berbentuk adhocracy.
ABSTRACTThe findings of Indonesian-FDA (Indonesian-Food and Drug Authority) and DGCE (Directorate General of Customs and Excise) control and investigation showed dominance of potential threat of entry of imported Drug and Food without registration number. The XV Economic Policy Package carries consequences in post border control which includes gap in control of the entry of Drug and Food leading to a state of lawlessness. This study aims to analyse the collaborative implementation of Indonesian-FDA and DGCE in the scope of data exchange and intelligence information that supports post border control policy and formulate recommendations of collaborative/fusion intelligence models to strengthen national resilience from the nature of the threat. The research was conducted by mix method, quantitatively method using questionnaires and qualitatively through literature studies, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions, which were analysed using SWOT Analysis, Discourse Network Analysis software, and Alternative Future Analysis. Further, the Delphi Methods by concluding Expert opinion was used to strengthen the analysis. Informants were determined based on intelligence competence and work area representation in several import schemes, as well as experts from Indonesian-FDA, DGCE, SKSG-UI, and BIN. The results showed tha the existing collaboration between Indonesian-FDA and DGCE needs to be revitalized by integrating the intelligence function in the context of post border control. The collaborative intelligence model can be implemented by means of Integrated Intelligence Analysis Cycle which is divided into stages of internal collection, integrated analysis and integrated dissemination. The effectiveness of collaborative intelligence is built and evaluated using five supporting factors: governance; tradecraft analytic research; regulation; human resources; and the use
of information technology. The organizational structure that is adapted to the postborder control environment is in the form of adhocracy."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Kajian Ketahanan Nasional, 2020