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Lowenthal, Mark M.
Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2003
327.1273 LOW i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lowenthal, Mark M.
Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2009
327.127 3 LOW i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tofa Apriansyah
Potensi ancaman terhadap masuknya Obat dan Makanan impor tanpa izin edar (TIE), masih menunjukan tren yang sangat dominan pada temuan pengawasan dan penyidikan BPOM dan DJBC. Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi XV membawa konsekwensi pengawasan post border, yang menyertakan gap pengawasan masuknya Obat dan Makanan mengarah pada kondisi lawlessness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kerjasama BPOM dan DJBC dalam lingkup pertukaran data dan informasi intelijen yang mendukung kebijakan pengawasan post border dan merumuskan rekomendasi model collaborative/fusion
intelligence untuk memperkuat ketahanan nasional dari hakekat ancaman tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kombinasi (mix method) yaitu metode kuantitatif menggunakan kuisioner, dan kualitatif melalui studi literatur, wawancara mendalam, dan focus group discussion, yang dianalisa menggunakan Analisa SWOT, software Discourse Network Analysis, serta Alternative Future Analysis. Untuk memperkuat analisa digunakan Delphi Methods dengan menyimpulkan opini Ahli. Informan ditentukan berdasarkan kompetensi intelijen dan keterwakilan wilayah kerja dalam beberapa skema impor, serta Ahli dari
BPOM, DJBC, SKSG-UI, dan BIN. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kerjasama BPOM dan DJBC yang telah ada perlu direvitalisasi dengan melakukan integrasi fungsi intelijen dalam konteks pengawasan post border. Model collaborative intelligence dapat diterapkan dengan implementasi Siklus Analisa Intelijen Terintegrasi yang terbagi dalam tahap pengumpulan internal, analisa terintegrasi dan diseminasi terintegrasi. Efektifitas collaborative intelligence dibangun dan
dievaluasi menggunakan lima faktor pendukung: tata kelola; riset analitik tradecraft; regulasi; SDM; dan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi. Struktur organisasi yang disesuaikan dengan lingkungan pengawasan post border berbentuk adhocracy.

The findings of Indonesian-FDA (Indonesian-Food and Drug Authority) and DGCE (Directorate General of Customs and Excise) control and investigation showed dominance of potential threat of entry of imported Drug and Food without registration number. The XV Economic Policy Package carries consequences in post border control which includes gap in control of the entry of Drug and Food leading to a state of lawlessness. This study aims to analyse the collaborative implementation of Indonesian-FDA and DGCE in the scope of data exchange and intelligence information that supports post border control policy and formulate recommendations of collaborative/fusion intelligence models to strengthen national resilience from the nature of the threat. The research was conducted by mix method, quantitatively method using questionnaires and qualitatively through literature studies, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions, which were analysed using SWOT Analysis, Discourse Network Analysis software, and Alternative Future Analysis. Further, the Delphi Methods by concluding Expert opinion was used to strengthen the analysis. Informants were determined based on intelligence competence and work area representation in several import schemes, as well as experts from Indonesian-FDA, DGCE, SKSG-UI, and BIN. The results showed tha the existing collaboration between Indonesian-FDA and DGCE needs to be revitalized by integrating the intelligence function in the context of post border control. The collaborative intelligence model can be implemented by means of Integrated Intelligence Analysis Cycle which is divided into stages of internal collection, integrated analysis and integrated dissemination. The effectiveness of collaborative intelligence is built and evaluated using five supporting factors: governance; tradecraft analytic research; regulation; human resources; and the use
of information technology. The organizational structure that is adapted to the postborder control environment is in the form of adhocracy."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Kajian Ketahanan Nasional, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.JB. Setyawan
"In time of formulating the policy, government should include intelligence to play a role in case to predict and anticipate the impact of implementation of the policy. Intelligence which has the competency of predicting and estimating situation would analyze data and information related to the purpose of policy which will be factors of triggering dispute or conflict concerning the implementation of the policy. Intelligence will identify factors that would be problem and indicate situation that should be analyzed. The process result as intelligence product would give inputs and recommendation to the user or decision maker with suggestion how to anticipate the situation that probably occur. There is intelligence will submit early warning to the user or decision maker to be anticipated. With the result of that, government as user or decision maker would decide whether the policy is fesible to be carried out or to be postponed or even to be cancelled. Because the impact of the implementation of government policy would influence the public's life burden which is in certain level would trigger the sensitivity of public that will refuse or pressure to the policy. In case of canceling of the raise of electricity base tariff or tarif dasar listrik (TDL) 2006, government has not used the intelligence to analyze the impact of the TDL policy, until the refusal became dispute and conflict during two month before government cancelled that policy."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ignafedri Maryoko
"Pembahasan mengenai topik inteiijen ekonomi dl Indonesia dan kaitannya dengan dubmgan untuk pengambilan kebijakan negara sangallab terbalaS, apalagi untuk perrnasalahan ketahanan energi. Dalam tesis ini akan membahas permasalahan seperti tersebut diatas dengan pendekatan proposisisebagai perbandingan adalah komunitas intelijen di Aroerika Serikat dengan inteiijen ekonominya, yang kemudian dijadikan model untuk komuniw intelijen ekonomi untuk Indonesia Dalam proses pengambilan kebijakan ekonomi di Indonesia seringkaii mengabaikan pentingnya dukungan analisis intelijen. Salah satu sebabnya paradigma intelijen ekonomi masihlah belum menjadi kesadaran umum, selain itu jumlah analisis inteUjen ekononri sangatlab terbatas untuk dapat dikonsumsi pengarnbil kebijakan. Narnun dengan pernbentukan komunitas intelijen ekonomi akan dapat meningkatkan k'Uantitas dan kualitas analisis intelijen elronomi untuk kebutuban informasi para pengarnbil kebijakan yang reliable, valid dan timely khususnya pengambil kebijakan dibidang energi. Tesis ini pada akhirnya menyimpuJkan bahwasanya pengambilan keputusan di bidang energi dapat semakin efektif dan berkualitas untuk: mencapai tujuan sena kepentitigan nasional apabila mendapat dukungan intelijen ekonomi yang diwadahi dalam suatu komunitas intelijen ekonomi, yang merupakan gabungan berbagai kementrian. Jembaga. BUMN, dan organisasi lain, yang khusus dikoordinasikan o!eh satu lembaga yang memiJiki spesiaiisasi dalam analisis intelijen strategis.

In Indonesia there was along absence discussion on the topic of economic intelligence and its relation with "the process of policy-making. especially for issues of energy security. As above this thesis wm discuss the problems of intelligence and energy security with the approach of research proposition, as the comparison is the United States: intelligence community with economic intelligence. which then as a model for the intelligence community for the Indonesia In economic policy-making process in Indonesia often overlook the importance of intelligence analysis support, is because the paradigm of economic intelligence is still not yetli become a national awareness, second reason was that the amount of economic intelligence analysis is still limited to policy-makers can be consumed. But with the develop of economic intelligence community will be able to increase the quantity and quality analysis of economic intelligence for the needs of policy makets a reliable, valid and timely information, especially in the energy security issues. This thesis concludes the decision making and qualified to achieve the objectives of national interests. if it had the support of economic intelligence analysis from the economic intelligence community, which is a combination of various ministries, agencies, BUMN, and other organizations,. coordinated by an agency that specializes in strategic intelligence analysis."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safira Azalia Wijayanti
"Dalam mendukung pembangunan yang merata dan berkelanjutan, perlu dilakukan strategi kebijakan yang dapat meningkatkan daya saing sektor maritim di Indonesia. Karena, pengembangan infrastruktur, tidak peduli seberapa baik peningkatannya, jika tidak diimbangi dengan penguatan komoditas utama di setiap wilayah, akan sulit untuk menyelesaikan masalah pemerataan pembangunan ini. Sistem klaster yang terintegrasi bisa menjadi solusi untuk permasalahan pemerataan pembangunan. Sistem klaster pelabuhan yang membangun interdependensi antara perusahaan yang bergerak dalam aktivitas pelabuhan yang sama sehingga menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif dapat menjadi strategi yang dapat digunakan. Namun, penerapan sistem klaster bukanlah hal yang mudah, terlebih dengan tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi dan banyaknya tahapan dalam pembuatan kebijakan. Begitupun kompleksitas dalam pembuatan kebijakan di ranah pengembangan klaster pelabuhan, kompleksitas terjadi dikarenakan oleh masing-masing aktor memiliki tujuan individu lembaganya sendiri. Dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan pun terdapat beberapa rintangan, untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan dengan baik, harus didasarki oleh bukti (evidence-based) agar pembuat kebijakan mengetahui dampak kebijakan yang ingin diterapkan.
Penelitian ini mencoba melihat bagaimana serious simulation game dapat membantu pembuat kebijakan untuk mengeksplor dan bereksperimen terhadap kebijakan yang akan dilakukan tanpa memiliki resiko dalam sistem di dunia nyata. Sehingga kebijakan yang akan diimplementasikan di dunia nyata tidak merugikan pihak manapun dan sejalan dengan tujuan negara bersama maupun tujuan masing-masing aktor. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan faktor-faktor yang dilakukan oleh responden yang membantu dalam meningkatkan GDP dan pembangunan yang merata dan berkelanjutan. Permainan ini dibangun melalui kerangka kerja Lukosch untuk merancang serious simulation game dan mengadaptasi kerangka kerja Multi Actor Game for Port Cluster, sehingga dihasilkan rancangan permainan simulasi Policy Exercise for Port Cluster.

In supporting equitable and sustainable development, it is necessary to adopt a policy strategy to increase the competitiveness of national maritime industries, one of which is to build a maritime integrated industry cluster or port cluster at several strategic locations in Indonesia. The development of infrastructure, no matter how improving it is, if it’s not balanced with the strengthening of the main commodity in each region, it will be difficult to resolve this problem of equitable development. An integrated cluster system could be the solution to the problem of inequitable development. A port cluster system that builds interdependence between companies engaged in the same port area that is resulting in a competitive advantage can be a strategy that can be used. However, the application of a cluster system is not an easy task, especially with a high level of complexity and the many stages in the policy-making process. Likewise, the complexity in the policy-making process also occurred within the port cluster sector, complexity occurs because each actor has their individual goals or objectives. In the implementation of a policy, there are also several barriers. To implement a policy properly, it has to be based on evidence so that the policymaker knows the impact of the policy they initiate.
This research aims to see how serious simulation game can help policymaker to explore and experiment with the policy that will be carried out without having to affect and risk the real-world system. Thus, the policy that will be implemented in the real world does not harm any party and in line with the goals shared within the country and the individual goals of each actor. The findings in this research are factors that are carried out by respondents of the game that helped in increasing GDP and equitable and sustainable development. This game was built with Lukosch's framework in designing a serious simulation game for complex system and adopted the mechanics of the Multi-Actor Game for Por Cluster, hence the design of Policy Exercise for Port Cluster was made.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Namdari, Surena
"Quickly reference the answers you need to the most important clinical questions in orthopedics with Orthopedic Secrets. Fully updated throughout, this classic medical reference book covers the entire range of essential topics in orthopedics, organized by subspecialty, for rapid access to the knowledge you need for success both in practice and on board and recertification exams"
Philadelphia, PA : Elsevier Saunders, 2015
616.7 NAM o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitzpatrick, James E.
Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2007
616.5 FIT d
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harold, Elliotte Rusty
IDG Books Worldwide, 1997
005.13 HAR j
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Masitah Handayani
"Kemampuan knowledge creation untuk menghasilkan produk intelijen yang berkualitas merupakan kunci keberhasilan organisasi intelijen keamanan. Organisasi intelijen keamanan Polri (Polisi Republik Indonesia) menarik untuk dikaji, karena kemampuan knowledge creation-nya selama ini. Untuk memahami bagaimana knowledge creation terjadi di organisasi, penelitian ini mengangkat tiga masalah, yaitu: 1) bagaimana pola knowledge creation yang terjadi di dalam organisasi intelijen keamanan Polri; 2) bagaimana karakteristik knowledge creation di dalam organisasi intelijen keamanan Polri; dan 3) bagaimana dari knowledge creation di organisasi intelijen keamanan Polri.
Menggunakan model knowledge creation SECI (Socialization, tempat terjadinya kreasi pengetahuan, penelitian ini memberikan manfaat: 1) pemahaman teoritis tentang karakteristik dan pola-pola proses knowledge creation di organisasi intelijen; dan 2) pengetahuan praktis bagaimana mengelola knowledge creation di dalam organisasi intelijen bagi anggota organisasi dalam pelaksanaan tugas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode systems thinking-system dynamics untuk memahami fenomena kompleksitas dinamik melalui analisis struktur reinforcing & balancing loop.
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan: pertama, pola knowledge creation yang terjadi di dalam organisasi intelijen keamanan Polri memiliki kekhasan tersendiri, dimana proses SECI terjadi dalam pola umpan balik dan tidak membentuk pola spiral; kedua, knowledge creation organisasi ini memiliki karakteristik yang dominan pada tacit knoweldge, struktur dominan reinforcing loops, dan peran teknologi yang relatif signifikan; ketiga, karakteristik Ba pada proses knowledge creation, terutama tahap sosialisasi dan internalisasi, efektif dilakukan pada saat pelaksanaan tugas di lapangan atau justru di luar kantor.

Knowledge creation capability to produce quality intelligence is the key for successful security organization. Police security intelligence organization (Indonesian Police) is interesting to be studied, because of its knowledge creation capability so far. To understand how knowledge creation occurs in the organization, this study raised three issues, namely: 1) how the patterns of knowledge creation that occurs in the organization of the Polri security intelligence; 2) how the characteristics of knowledge creation in the Polri security intelligence organization; and 3) how the 'Ba' characteristics of the knowledge creation in Polri security intelligence organization.
Using a model of SECI knowledge creation (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization) and the concept of 'Ba' or place of the knowledge creation, this study provides the benefits: 1) a theoretical understanding of the characteristics and patterns of knowledge creation process in intelligence organization, and 2) practical knowledge of how to manage knowledge creation in the security intelligence organization for the organization members in the performance of duties by utilizing optimal support of 'Ba' organization. This study used a qualitative approach and systems thinking-system dynamics method for understanding the phenomenon of dynamics complexity by analysing the structure of reinforcing and balancing loops.
The study concluded: first, the pattern of knowledge creation that occurs in Polri security intelligence organization has its own exclusiveness, which SECI process occurs in a pattern of feedback and does not form a spiral pattern; second, knowledge creation in this organization has a dominant characteristic of the tacit knoweldge, dominant structure in reinforcing loops, and a relatively significant role of technology; third, characteristics of Ba in the process of knowledge creation, especially the socialization and internalization, effectively carried out during the implementation of tasks in the field or just outside the office.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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