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Tribe, John
London: International Thomson Business Press, 1997
658.401 TRI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Collis, David J.
New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2005
658 COL c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galih Trias Farobi
"Sebuah Perusahaan dikatakan berhasil apabila perusahaan tersebut tidak hanya berhasil mengelola lingkungan pasar, tetapi juga lingkungan non-pasar (didalamnya termasuk sosial, politik, dan legal) dimana perusahaan tersebut beroperasi. Hal yang paling fundamental dalam perusahaan salah satunya adalah bagaimana perusahaan menegelola strategi politik perusahaan atau corporate political strategy (CPS). Strategi politik perusahaan terlahir dari ideologi perusahaan, yang nantinya menentukan bentuk strategi apa yang nantinya akan dibentuk perusahaan. Implikasi dari CPS adalah untuk mempengaruhi proses formulasi dan implementasi dari kebijakan dan regulasi pemerintah denagan tujuan untuk menciptakan lingkungan eksternal yang menguntungkan dengan kebijakan bisnis perusahaan."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2019
330 ASCSM 47 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Fahrul Fauzan
Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan atara strategy perusahaan Manajemen Risiko Enterprise ERM dan tingkat keuntungan perusahaan Studi ini berfokus pada perusahan perusahaan public yang terdafftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia terutama yang masuk ke dalam daftar indeks LQ45 tahun 2013 Studi ini mengevaluasi klasifikasi strategy perusahan menggunakan The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 dan jenis jenis respon atas risiko Risk response sesuai dengan COSO ERM Framework 2004 serta tingkat profitabilitas perusahaan yang mencakup Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE dan Return on Asset ROA Data dan informasi diambil dari laporan tahunan perusahaan sample tahun 2013 dan analisi data bersifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif termasuk wawancara secara mendalam dengan para ahli dan para professional di bidang strategy dan manajemen risiko Studi ini mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara strategi perusahaan ERM dan tingkat profitabilitas Namun demikian lebih spesifik terkait hubungan antara kombinasi strategi perusahaan ndash jenis risk response menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan signifikan dengan angka profitabiilitas jika pengujian dilakukan secara kuantitatif Namun secara kualitatif berdasarkan interview mendalam yang dilakukan menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan Oleh karena itu kesimpulan atas hubungan antara kombinasi tersebut dengan tingkat profitabilitas tidak konklusif Kata kunci Strategi Perusahaan Strategi Korporasi Manajemen Risiko Enterprise Risk Management ERM Tingkat keuntungan Porter rsquo s Generic Competitive Strategy pilihan strategi Srategic option respon terhadap risiko risk response.

This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods. ;This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods ;This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods ;This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods ;This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods , This study aims to examine the relationship between Corporate Strategy Enterprise Risk Management ERM and company rsquo s profitability This study focuses on publicly listed companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange IDX with companies listed in the LQ45 market index year 2013 are selected as the sample companies This study assess the sample companies rsquo classification according to The Five Generic Competitive Strategies Porter 1985 and Generic Risk Response Treatment according to COSO ERM Framework 2004 as well as companies rsquo profitability limited to ratios of Profit Margin Return on Equity ROE and Return on Asset ROA Data is taken from company rsquo s annual report year 2013 and the analysis of data includes qualitative and quantitative analysis and also supported by in depth interview with experts and professionals in Strategic and Risk Management This study indicates that there rsquo s individual relationship between Corporate Strategy ERM and profitability However study of the relationship between combined strategic options and risk response options has different result between qualitative and quantitative methods ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Keberlanjutan saat ini telah menjadi prasyarat untuk berbisnis dan integrasi keberlanjutan ke dalam strategi perusahaan menjadi faktor penunjang terciptanya nilai dan keunggulan kompetitif. Dalam memainkan peran penting untuk menunjang tujuan pembangunan keberlanjutan, pembangkit listrik energi baru dan terbarukan juga menghadapi tantangan keberlanjutan yang dapat mengurangi kontribusi mereka. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris mengenai integrasi keberlanjutan ke dalam strategi perusahaan, khususnya faktor pendorong integrasi keberlanjutan, faktor kunci keberhasilan yang menunjang integrasi dan nilai bersama yang diciptakan dari integrasi tersebut untuk menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif yang bertahan lama dan nilai bersama bagi pemangku kepentingan. Studi kasus dengan metode analisis kualitatif atas data hasil wawancara dengan eksekutif perusahaan dan data laporan keberlanjutan serta dokumen pendukung lainnya, digunakan untuk menelusuri sepuluh tahun perjalanan integrasi keberlanjutan dari sebuah perusahaan pembangkit listrik panas bumi di Indonesia. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa faktor pendorong sangat dipengaruhi oleh tipe industri dan kepatuhan pada hukum menjadi landasan melekatnya budaya dan kesadaran akan keberlanjutan pada personil perusahaan dan pemangku kepentingan. Lebih lanjut, faktor pendorong saling terkait untuk menunjang faktor pendorong utama yaitu keunggulan kompetitif dan reputasi. Keberhasilan integrasi ditunjang keberadaan sistem pengendalian manajemen yang baik dan kemampuan perusahaan dalam menyeimbangkan kepentingan pemangku kepentingan dalam menciptakan nilai bersama yang memberikan manfaat baik bagi perusahaan maupun bagi komunitas. Penelitian ini mendukung penelitian terdahulu bahwa perusahaan yang berorientasi pada kemampuan dengan fokus pada inovasi mencapai kinerja keberlanjutan yang lebih baik dalam jangka pendek maupun dalam jangka panjang. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa integrasi keberlanjutan ke dalam strategi perusahaan sangat penting untuk menciptakan keunggulan kompetitif yang bertahan lama yang dapat mendukung pertumbuhan sektor energi terbarukan terutama panas bumi. Walaupun studi kasus atas perusahaan tunggal memiliki keterbatasan, diharapkan hasil studi ini dapat memberikan wawasan praktis perjalanan integrasi keberlanjutan.

Sustainability becomes a pre-condition for doing business and its integration to corporate strategy levers value creation and creates sustainable competitive advantage. While playing important role in supporting sustainable development goals, renewable energy power producer also faced sustainability challenges that may impair their contribution. The paper is aimed to obtain empirical evidence on integration of sustainability into corporate strategies, in particular on the drivers of the integration, key success factor supporting the integration, and shared value created from such integration to create sustainable competitive advantage and shared value to its stakeholders. A qualitative case study, analyzing data obtained from interview and sustainability report and other documents, was used to explore ten years journey of sustainability integration of Indonesian geothermal power producer. The analysis reveals that drivers are highly influenced by industry type and legal compliance laid foundation for embedding sustainability awareness and culture to the company’s personnel and its stakeholders. Further, drivers are interrelated to support the main drivers, competitive advantage and reputation. The success of integration is supported with management control system and the company’s ability in balancing the interest of the stakeholders to create shared value that benefits both the company and society. The study supports that capability oriented company achieve a better sustainability performance both in short-term and long term. In conclusion, the study shows that integrating sustainability to strategy is crucial to create sustainable competitive advantage that would support growing the industry. Although case study results have limitation for generalization, it is hoped to provide insight for practitioners in its journey to sustainability integration."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noor Asyik
"Pemanfaatan kapasitas produksi adalah hal sangat penting dalam sistem manufaktur terutama pada sistem manufaktur tipe make to order untuk mengukur pencapaian produksi terbaiknya. Parameter pencapaian produksi terbaiknya dapat diukur pada pencapaian terhadap break event point, yaitu titik dimana biaya sama dengan pendapatannya. Tingkat pencapaian pemanfatan kapasitas produksi yang tinggi merupakan sumber keunggulan kompetitif suatu perusahaan. PT Wijaya Karya Komponen Beton adalah sebuah perusahan yang bergerak pada bidang industri beton pracetak dengan tingkat persaingan yang sangat tinggi sehingga menuntut tingkat pemanfaatan kapasitas produksinya yang tinggi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis pemanfaatan kapasitas produksi di PT Wijaya Karya Komponen beton untuk meninjau strategi perusahaan saat ini dengan tujuan memberikan usulan formulasi strategi perusahaan ke manajemen.
Metode yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini  adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan analisis statistik uji beda untuk analisis pemanfaatan kapasitas produksi, dan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif untuk tinjauan strategi perusahaan. Rentang periode penelitian ini adalah dari tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2026.  Pada analisis ditemukan bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan kapasitas produksi tahun 2016, 2017 dan prognosa tahun 2023 melebihi break event point, namun pada tahun 2024 sampai dengan tahun 2026, hasil tingkat pemanfaatan kapasitas produksinya dibawah break even point, sehingga perlu dilakukan tinjauan formulasi strategi agar kinerja tidak mengalami kerugian. Setelah dilakukan analisis VRIO dan analisis PESTEL dilanjutkan dengan analisis SWOT serta matrik TOWS maka didapatkan beberapa usulan formulasi strategi perusahaan, diantaranya adalah diversifikasi strategi unit bisnis ke bidang konstruksi, sinergi holding company, partnership dengan mitra strategis, dan penetrasi pasar.

Capacity utilization production is very important in the manufacturing system, especially in the make to order tipe manufacturing system to measure the achievement of the best production. The best production achievement parameter can be calculated from break even point achievement, namely the point where costs equal income. Achieving a high level capacity utilization production is a source of competitive advantage for a company. PT Wijaya Karya Komponen Beton is a company engaged in the precast concrete industry with a high competition level that demands a high capacity utilization level of production. In this research, an analysis of capacity utilization production at PT Wijaya Karya Komponen Beton was carried out to review the company's current strategy to provide company strategy formulation proposals to management.

The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive research with statistical analysis of different tests for the analysis of capacity utilization production and qualitative descriptive analysis method for review corporate strategy. The range of this research periods is from 2015 to 2026. In this analysis, it was found that the rate of capacity utilization production in 2016, 2017 and the prognosis for 2023 exceeds the break even point from 2024 until 2026, the results level  of capacity utilization production below the break even point, so it is necessary to review the formulation of the strategy so that performance does not suffer losses. After VRIO analysis and PESTEL analysis were carried out, followed by SWOT analysis and TOWS matrix, several corporate strategy formulation proposals were obtained, including diversification of business unit strategies into the construction sector, holding company synergies, partnerships with strategic partners, and market penetration."

Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Rachim Sofyan
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1991
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Nurjanna Pakaja
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keselarasan visi, misi dan nilai perusahaan tahun 2013, menganalisis hasil dari strategi perusahaan tahun 2011- 2013, dan memberikan rekomendasi strategi melalui pendekatan balanced scorecard. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Visi, misi dan nilai PT. Indosat Tbk telah mengandung unsur keselarasan. Hasil strategi PT. Indosat Tbk pada tahun 2013 adalah belum berhasil dalam melakukan efisiensi biaya, dan berhasil dalam meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan. Rekomendasi strategi yang diberikan adalah melakukan riset dan pengembangan pencegahan gangguan interkoneksi, mengembangkan sistem pencegahan serangan cyber, optimalisasi aset, melakukan efisiensi biaya operasional, dan membangun win-win relationship dengan pemasok dan distributor.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment of company?s vision, mission and value in 2013, analyze the result of company?s strategies in 2011- 2013, and give strategy recommendations through balanced scorecard approach. The methods of this research are case study, interview, and literature study methods. There is element of alignment between PT. Indosat Tbk?s vision, mission, and value. Indosat Tbk has not yet succeed in doing cost efficiency, and have succeed in raising number of customer. Strategy recommendations are doing interconnection disruption research and development, preventing cyber disruption, asset optimization, doing operational cost efficiency, and building win-win relationship with customer and distributor.;The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment of company?s vision, mission and value in 2013, analyze the result of company?s strategies in 2011- 2013, and give strategy recommendations through balanced scorecard approach. The methods of this research are case study, interview, and literature study methods. There is element of alignment between PT. Indosat Tbk?s vision, mission, and value. Indosat Tbk has not yet succeed in doing cost efficiency, and have succeed in raising number of customer. Strategy recommendations are doing interconnection disruption research and development, preventing cyber disruption, asset optimization, doing operational cost efficiency, and building win-win relationship with customer and distributor.;The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment of company?s vision, mission and value in 2013, analyze the result of company?s strategies in 2011- 2013, and give strategy recommendations through balanced scorecard approach. The methods of this research are case study, interview, and literature study methods. There is element of alignment between PT. Indosat Tbk?s vision, mission, and value. Indosat Tbk has not yet succeed in doing cost efficiency, and have succeed in raising number of customer. Strategy recommendations are doing interconnection disruption research and development, preventing cyber disruption, asset optimization, doing operational cost efficiency, and building win-win relationship with customer and distributor., The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment of company’s vision, mission and value in 2013, analyze the result of company’s strategies in 2011- 2013, and give strategy recommendations through balanced scorecard approach. The methods of this research are case study, interview, and literature study methods. There is element of alignment between PT. Indosat Tbk’s vision, mission, and value. Indosat Tbk has not yet succeed in doing cost efficiency, and have succeed in raising number of customer. Strategy recommendations are doing interconnection disruption research and development, preventing cyber disruption, asset optimization, doing operational cost efficiency, and building win-win relationship with customer and distributor.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leandra Anisah
"Studi ini bertujuan meneliti struktur modal dengan pendekatan yang mempertimbangkan aspek behavioral berupa hubungan dari strategi perusahaan vertical integration, diversification, dan internationalization terhadap keputusan struktur modal perusahaan konstruksi di Indonesia pada periode 2015 hingga 2019. Sampel terdiri dari 22 perusahaan konstruksi yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah regresi panel dengan metode estimasi random effect model. Penelitian ini menemukan terdapatnya pengaruh negatif antara vertical integration terhadap keputusan perusahaan untuk menggunakan pendanaan eksternal dari sumber liabilitas. Ditemukan kondisi bahwa semakin perusahaan melakukan vertical integration, perusahaan cenderung tidak akan menggunakan liabilitas sebagai sumber pendanaan.

This study aims to analyze capital structure decisions of construction firms through a more relatively behavioral approach. This study is done to investigate the influence of companies strategies which consists of vertical integration, diversification, and internationalization towards capital structure decisions of construction companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange within the period of 2015-2019, which consists of 22 listed companies. The regression method being used is panel regression estimated using random effect model, which finds that vertical integration has negative impact on companies decision to issue external financing by liability. This indicates that the more intense a company implements vertical integration, company prefer not to use liability as their source of financing."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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