"[Pendapatan dan EBITDA PT. XYZ hingga akhir tahun 2014 terus meningkat selama periode lima tahun. Tetapi kenaikan EBITDA tidak diikuti dengan kenaikan EBITDA margin perusahaan. EBITDA margin perusahaan selama periode empat tahun mengalami fluktuasi dengan nilai rata-rata 30,48% dan standar deviasi 5,99% dengan kecenderungan meningkat. Penelitian ini membahas peningkatan EBITDA margin perusahaan dengan mengoptimalkan biaya pemeliharaan dan persediaan spare part untuk meningkatkan kehandalan aset, yaitu dengan melakukan perancangan sistem Entreprise Asset Management (EAM) yang dapat diimplementasikan pada perusahaan. Dengan EAM didapatkan output sistem yang diolah menjadi informasi statistik perangkat yang diperlukan untuk menetukan strategi pemeliharaan yaitu preventive maintenance (PM), corrective maintenance (CM) dan persediaan pemeliharaan untuk
mencapai target SLA, pendapatan dan biaya. Dengan melaksanakan strategi pemeliharaan yang tepat didapatkan penurunan total biaya pemeliharaan dan peningkatan kehandalan perangkat pada PT. XYZ.;Revenue and EBITDA PT. XYZ until the end of 2014 continued to increase over a period of five years. But the increase in EBITDA is not followed by increased in EBITDA margin of the company. EBITDA margin for a period of four years has fluctuated with average value of 30.48% and standard deviation of 5.99% and increasing trend. This study discusses the increase in EBITDA margins by optimizing maintenance cost and spare parts inventory to improve assets reliability, with Entreprise Asset Management (EAM) system design can be implemented at the company. With EAM will obtained system output to processed
into statistical information necessary to determine the maintenance strategy, that is preventive maintenance (PM), corrective maintenance (CM) and maintenance spare part in according with the SLA targets, income and expenses. By carrying out appropriate maintenance strategy earned a decrease in total cost of maintenance and improvement device reliability at the PT. XYZ, Revenue and EBITDA PT. XYZ until the end of 2014 continued to increase over a
period of five years. But the increase in EBITDA is not followed by increased in
EBITDA margin of the company. EBITDA margin for a period of four years has
fluctuated with average value of 30.48% and standard deviation of 5.99% and
increasing trend. This study discusses the increase in EBITDA margins by
optimizing maintenance cost and spare parts inventory to improve assets
reliability, with Entreprise Asset Management (EAM) system design can be
implemented at the company. With EAM will obtained system output to processed
into statistical information necessary to determine the maintenance strategy, that
is preventive maintenance (PM), corrective maintenance (CM) and maintenance
spare part in according with the SLA targets, income and expenses. By carrying
out appropriate maintenance strategy earned a decrease in total cost of
maintenance and improvement device reliability at the PT. XYZ]"