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Taajun Nisail H.
"Dalam membuat suatu kebijakan, dibutuhkan suatu bentuk perencanan yang strategis di dalam mewujudkannya. Tesis ini membahas latar belakang, proses dan juga faktor pendukung-penghambat perencanaan strategis PT. Bank Muamalat Tbk dalam mendirikan yayasan Baitulmaal Muamalat sebagai pelaksana kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk memiliki proses dan tahapan perencanaan strategis yang sesuai dengan teori perencanaan strategis di dalam Corporate Social Responsibility di dalam penelitian ini, meskipun tanpa adanya panduan khusus di dalam proses pelaksanaannya.
It is need a strategic planning in realizing a policy. This thesis discusses the background, process, and supporting and barrier factors of PT Bank Muamalat Tbk strategic planning in establishing Baitulmaal Muamalat foundation as the implementing of Corporate Social Responsibility. The result of this study is that PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk has strategic planning process and steps in Corporate Social Responsibility which is appropriate with the theory of strategic planning in this research, although without special guidance in it is process implementation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hawkins, David E.
"Many companies recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility, but seek to understand how this can be harmonized with current profitability. This new approach draws upon many contemporary examples to show how to balance short term profitability with long term sustainability."
New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006
658.408 HAW c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danang Ajianto Adhi Pratama
"Skripsi ini meneliti mengenai inisiatif Corporate Social Responsibility PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Tujuan penelitian, adalah untuk melihat inisiatif pelaksanaan CSR dan faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan CSR di PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa inisiatif pelaksanaan CSR di PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia berdasarkan visi dan misi serta kebijakan dari pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian BUMN. Selain itu faktor pelaksanaan CSR di PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, diketahui dari upaya memenuhi kewajiban serta adanya dorangan dari dalam bahwa CSR selain memberikan bantuan juga ada dukungan bisnis.

The focus of this study is to describe initiative of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia. The purpose is to decribe initiative of CSR program and influence factor during of CSR implementation program at BRI. The data were collected by literature study and means of interview. The output showed that implementation CSR at BRI based on vision and mission, and also the rules from government especially BUMN ministry of Indonesia. The implementation focussing charity and support business."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teofilus Raka Ryandito
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai implementasi program CSR revitalisasi pasar yang termasuk dalam Program Peduli Pasar oleh BRI di Pasar Serpong dengan merujuk pada  teori sistem CSR. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian post positivist yang dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui wawancara mendalam dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa CSR Peduli Pasar yang dilakukan oleh BRI tidak memberikan dampak ekonomis maupun sosial baik bagi BRI maupun pedagang Pasar Serpong. Dalam pelaksanaannya, revitalisasi yang dilakukan BRI ini tidak melibatkan pedagang pasar dari perencanaan, pengelolaan, hingga pengawasannya. Adapun dari sisi keberlanjutan, meskipun CSR yang dilakukan oleh BRI dalam perencanaan maupun pelaksanaan sudah sesuai dengan indikator tetapi tidak berkelanjutan dan bermanfaat di masa depan. Meskipun demikian, CSR revitalisasi pasar yang ada di BRI sudah sesuai dengan norma dan etika baik perusahaan maupun penerima.

This thesis will discuss about implementation of market revitalization CSR, which is included in BRI's market care program in the Serpong market, towards the theory of CSR as a system. This research is a post-positivist research which is explained descriptively. The Methods used for collecting data in this study are through in-depth interviews and secondary data.The results of this study indicate that CSR does not provide economic or social impacts for both BRI and the Serpong Market traders. In its implementation, BRI's revitalization does not involve market traders from planning, management, to supervision. As for sustainability, even though the CSR carried out by BRI is suitable  in planning and implementation , their program is not sustainable and useful in the future. Nevertheless, the market revitalization CSR at BRI is in accordance with the norms and ethics of both the company and the recipient.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ninda Pinka Heryani
"Tanggung jawab sosial di dalam sebuah perusahaan berperan untuk merealisasikan bentuk kepedulian 3P (People, Planet, dan Profit) yang dimiliki oleh sebuah bisnis. Salah satu perusahaan yang memiliki tanggung jawab sosial di dalam bisnisnya adalah PT Bank DBS (Development Bank of Singapore) yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Terlepas dari tujuan didirikannya tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan untuk memberikan dampak kepada lingkungan dan masyarakat, pertanyaan terkait bagaimana wacana pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dapat mempengaruhi keberlangsungan kegiatan bisnis PT Bank DBS Indonesia masih menjadi diskusi. Makalah ilmiah ini disusun berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengamatan pemagang untuk mengelaborasi budaya perusahaan yang berkaitan dengan program tanggung jawab sosial untuk menjaga keberlangsungan bisnisnya. Aksi nyata kontribusi DBS untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan dapat dilihat melalui hubungan resiprositas yang dibangun antara perusahaan dan masyarakat, khususnya komunitas kewirausahaan sosial untuk saling mendukung kegiatan bisnis satu sama lain. Karyawan DBS pun diberikan kesempatan untuk berkontribusi secara langsung ke masyarakat melalui program sukarelawan yang diselenggarakan oleh tim penanggung jawab sosial perusahan sepanjang tahun. Program tanggung jawab sosial perusahan bukan hanya sekedar dipandang untuk membangun citra baik, namun program-program tersebut didedikasikan sebagai sebuah bentuk ucapan terima kasih kepada masyarakat atas dukungan terhadap kegiatan bisnis DBS hingga saat ini.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has a role to create the 3P (People, Planet, and Profit) concern that a business has. Companies that are known to have CSR in their business are PT Bank DBS (Development Bank of Singapore) which operates in Indonesia. Apart from the purpose of establishing CSR to have an impact on the environment and society, the question of how the implementation of CSR can affect the sustainability of PT Bank DBS Indonesia's business activities is still being discussed. This scientific paper was written based on the experience and observations of Interns at CSR to narrate the corporate culture related to social responsibility programs to maintain business continuity. The real action of DBS's contribution to sustainable development can be seen through the reciprocal relationships built between the company and the community, especially the Social Enterprise community to support each other's business activities. DBS employees are also given the opportunity to contribute directly to the community through volunteer programs managed by CSR throughout the year. Corporate social responsibility programs are not only seen to build a good image, but these programs are a form of gratitude to the community for their support for DBS' business activities all this time."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas Kemitraan Antara Pemerintah Kota Cilegon Dengan Perusahaan Di Wilayah Kota Cilegon Dalam Melaksanakan Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Melalui Lembaga Cilegon Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR). Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan informan sebanyak tujuh orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rendahnya partisipasi perusahaan yang menjadi anggota CCSR, Perwal sebagai payung hukum memiliki kelemahan terkait keberlanjutan lembaga CCSR, CCSR belum memiliki prioritas program dan basis data sendiri, serta rendahnya keterlibatan masyarakat dalam tahapan pelaksanaan program. Saran penelitian ini, agar status hukum CCSR ditingkatkan dari Peraturan Walikota (Perwal) menjadi Peraturan Daerah (Perda), lembaga CCSR perlu memaksimalkan sosialisasi, agar bertambahnya jumlah perusahaan yang menjadi anggota CCSR, CCSR perlu membuat basis data dan memiliki program prioritas sendiri, serta perlunya pelibatan masyarakat dalam seluruh tahapan program.

This thesis is a research on partnership between local government and companies in Cilegon city on the implementation of corporate social responsibility program through Cilegon Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR). The research is descriptive using qualitative approach with the informants are seven persons. The research result shows low participation of companies to be CCSR members. Mayor Law has weaknesses related with continuity of CCSR. CCSR also doesn?t have priority program and own data. Besides, there is low involvement of society in the implementation of the program. Recommendations are: the Mayor Law should be changed into Regional Law, CCSR organizations needs to do more promotion to add members, CCSR has to make its own data and priority program, and more society involvement in the program."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lely Fachrul Ilmi Wahyudi
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas corporate social responsibility untuk corporate branding, dengan analisis kasus yang digunakan Program SATU Indonesia Awards dari PT Astra International Tbk. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Informan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah beberapa penerima apresiasi SATU Indonesia Awards. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat gap antara identitas yang dikomunikasikan korporasi melalui aktivitas corporate social responsibility yang berada di dalam konteks corporate branding dengan persepsi stakeholder. Serta adanya dampak dari pelaksanaan kontinuitas program corporate social responsibility dapat menjadi sebuah katalisator untuk keterlibatan beberapa elemen sosial dalam keberlangsungan program, atau biasa disebut dengan konsep penta-helix.

This research aim to analyze the corporate social responsibility activities in the context of corporate branding, with the case analysis used is SATU Indonesia Awards program of PT Astra International Tbk. The research used qualitative approach with descriptive design. Informants involved in this research are several recipients of awards. The research indicated that there was a gap between corporate identity through corporate social responsibility within the corporate branding context, and with the stakeholder perceptions. As well as the impact a form of continuity from corporate social responsibility program can be a catalyst for the involvement of some social elements in the sustainability of the program or commonly called the concept of penta helix."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Hediyanto Roehadi
"Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pemahaman konsep CSR pada manajemen dan karyawan kantor pusat UUS BNI dengan menggunakan pendekatan CSR empat aspek (aspek ekonomi, hukum dan regulasi, etika sesuai syariah dan kedermawanan) yang diperkenalkan oleh Carroll (1979).
Dalam penelitian ini akan diungkap apakah ada perbedaan tingkat pemahaman konsep CSR di setiap level manajemen, tingkat pendidikan dan masa kerja serta probabilitas pemahaman CSR dalam keempat aspeknya yang dipengaruhi posisi manajemen, pendidikan dan masa kerja. Non parametrik Kruskall Wallis digunakan untuk mengungkapkan apakah ada perbedaan tingkat pemahaman konsep CSR di setiap level manajemen, tingkat pendidikan dan masa keija. Kemudian untuk mengetahui probabilitas pemahaman CSR dalam keempat aspeknya yang dipengaruhi posisi manajemen, pendidikan dan masa kerja digunakan model ekonometri dengan empat variabel terikat dummy atau kategorik, yang disebut Model Multinomial Logit.
Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pemahaman konsep CSR dalam aspek ekonomi pada tingkatan masa kerja, terdapat perbedaan pemahaman konsep CSR dalam aspek hukum dan regulasi pada tingkatan manajemen dan masa kerja, terdapat perbedaan pemahaman konsep CSR dalam aspek kedermawanan pada tingkatan masa kerja, semakin lama masa kerja, maka kecenderungannya akan mempunyai pemahaman CSR dalam aspek ekonomi yang lebih baik, semakin tinggi posisi atau semakin lama masa kerja, maka kecenderungannya akan mempunyai pemahaman CSR dalam aspek hukum dan regulasi yang lebih balk dan semakin lama masa kerja, maka kecenderungannya akan mempunyai pemahaman CSR dalam aspek kedermawanan yang lebih baik.

The main objective of this research is to evaluate the UUS BM management and employees' perceptions of CSR concept, using Carroll's (1979) approach, which introduced four aspects of CSR.
This research attempts to seek whether there are disparities on CSR perceptions in every position, education and working service year level. Kiuskall Wallis non-parametric is used to test whether there are disparities as stated above. Moreover, econometric model with four dependent dummy or category variables, known as Multinomial Logit Model, is used to test whether the level of position, education and working service year influence the probability of CSR perception in its four aspects.
This research's results conclude that there are perception disparities on CSR's economic aspect in different working service year, on CSR's laws and regulation aspect in different position and working service year level, on CSR's philanthropic aspect in working service year level. The longer working service year level tends to have better perception of economic aspect, while the higher position or longer working service year level tends to have better perception of laws and regulation aspect, and the longer working service year level tends to have better perception of philanthropic aspect."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
T 20764
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Evangelina
Suatu Perseroan Terbatas memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mencari profit
sebanyak-banyaknya. Namun, selain tanggung jawab tersebut ada suatu tanggung
jawab yang melampaui tanggung jawab ekonomi semata, yaitu tanggung jawab
Perseroan terhadap stakeholders-nya yang disebut sebagai Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR). Namun di Indonesia, pengaturan tentang CSR masih
banyak menuai pro dan kontra. CSR secara internasional dipahami sebagai suatu
tanggung jawab perusahaan kepada stakeholder-nya yang bersifat voluntary. Di
Indonesia, sifatnya telah bergeser menjadi mandatory yang dicerminkan melalui
wujud peraturan dan perundangan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan
melalui metode yuridis normatif yang dilakukan dengan meninjau Undang-
Undang Perseroan Terbatas, Peraturan Pemerintah, dan Peraturan Daerah tentang
CSR, ditemukan banyak pergeseran sifat CSR yang menimbulkan banyak
permasalahan pada implementasinya. Permasalahan tersebut paling banyak
ditemui pada berbagai Peraturan Daerah yang berbeda-beda pengaturannya,
misalnya pada aspek pembiayaan, penetapan sanksi yang terlalu ketat, dan lain
sebagainya. Hal ini berpotensi dapat merusak iklim investasi di Indonesia karena
tidak adanya kepastian hukum dalam mengimplementasikan CSR. Kurangnya
kesatuan pemahaman terhadap maksud, tujuan, dan prinsip dari CSR merupakan
pemicu kesalahpahaman dari implementasi CSR. Sehingga ada baiknya jika
regulator di Indonesia berpedoman pada pemahaman CSR yang diakui melalui
berbagai pedoman intrernasional seperti UN GlobalCompact, ISO 26000, dan
OECD Guidelines.

A limited liability company has a responsibility to gain profit as much as possible.
Beside the responsibility as stated before, there is another responsibility that
exceeds the economic responsibility, which is the responsibility to look after the
stakeholders of the company, known as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
However, the law of CSR in Indonesia reap many of the pros and cons. CSR is
internationally understood as a company?s responsibility to its stakeholder under a
voluntary characterized. However, the CSR?s character in Indonesia is turned into
mandatory characterized which can be found under Indonesia?s rules and
regulations. Through an analytical juridical method, this research is conducted by
reviewing Indonesian Company Law, Government Regulation, and several Local
Regulations about CSR, found a lot of shifted character on CSR that caused many
problems in the implementation. Most of the common problems are encountered
under various of Local Regulations? arrangement, for the examples on the
financing, punishments, and many other aspects. These problems may potentially
jeopardize the investment atmosphere in Indonesia because the lack of legal
certainty in implementing the CSR. The lack of the unity of the concepts, purpose
and objects, and also the basic principles of CSR became the trigger of the missed
implementation of CSR. Therefore, it will be good if Indonesian legislative board
are following the CSR concept and understandings under international guidance
such as The UN Global Compact, ISO 26000, and The OECD Guidelines."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elis Fauziyah
"The pressure from non marketing to the company getting bigger as public society and world awareness about big part of the company to human life getting higher. This pressure in later on push the development of application of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) concept as one of company's strategy to guarantee its business. The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) has been assumed to existed along time ago but the definition of its concept start in 1950 (Carol], 1999). The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) create Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) definition that has its meaning from carivative activities to the one that integrated to business. But there are some similarities which is balance between looking for the profit and concerning social activities and environment (SWA 2005; 46). The development of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) in Indonesia has been in discussion since 1995.
The purpose of this research are to know: (I) company's understanding of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) ; (2) how far CSR application has been implemented, (3) factors that influenced CSR implementation. This research is expected to catch diversity of pattern of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) that can contribute to the knowledge in mapping of Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) practice in Indonesia.
Type of research in Qualitative research method is explorative with study case research strategy. Companies that being researched are four companies with different industry background but all of them been operated in Indonesia as also the main player in each industry. Four companies that been selected are PT. NEWMONT INDONESIA in mining field, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk in agriculture business, PT PLN Jakarta and Tangerang (Persero) and KOMPAS-GRAMEDIA Group in services. Data that been collected is analized by using comparative study to see comparative to see the similarities and differencies in CSR implementation between companies.
The result of this research shown that the four companies have different pattern in understanding and maintain CSR implementation. Newmont understood CSR as a form of responsibility for having privilege to operate and develop (threatened demand). PT PLN and AAL understood as a care form to the society around the company in order to be part of the society as in the end they can support its operation (profit). Different that the three companies earlier, KKGN not really take CSR to company's profit. KKG understood CSR as a form of care that comes from moral obligation and to answer society expectation (moral).
The similarities from the four companies are they realize the importance of CSR implementation in their operation process. Generally, the companies understood the CSR concept as an effort of the company to have society support by giving them positive contribution to external stakeholder company. There is a similarity in Respondent definition in four companies, confidence in existence of take and give law.
CSR definitions in four companies in general have three propositions where CSR are:
1. Company's obligation, which can be seen from company's commitments in its policy, programs, resources allocation (funding, human resources, time and energy), organizational structure, evaluation and reporting process as a responsible manner to its operation to society.
2. To improve the welfare of society, for example through improvement in economic, education, health, infrastructure, etc.
3. To support company's operation, such as resources supply, asset protection, consumer creation, etc.
From CSR implementation side, this research concluded that (I) CSR policy still in general form of company's Code of Conduct; (2) trend to choose CSR issues that appropriate with company's competency and resources. (3) trend to use CSR in charity form; (4) put CSR in external relation function; (5) except Kompas, company use internal funding for CSR initiatives; (6) CSR evaluation and reporting tend to be internally conducted. Based on Malkasian (2004) Newmont has the higher level of commitment then the other three companies.
Factor that seem to be influencing CSR understanding and implementation are context, operational impact, and internal condition of company.
Suggestions for managerial in implementing CSR are (I) give attention on internal CSR; (2) give attention also in minimalize negative impact on operation; (3) integrating CSR with business process; (4) increasing transparency in evaluating and reporting CSR to external stakeholders.
Suggestions for next research are (1) conduct explanative study in proofing factors that influence CSR understanding and implementation; (2) deep research in the real process of CSR in the field; (3) historical study to find CSR motives; (4) deeper examination about CSR and business process and value chain management.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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